MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 188 Star Wars Discussion

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  In this terrifying planet where natural strong acid flows, the Silver Star just quietly suspended on the strong acid ocean, motionless.

  As the saying goes, pretend to be a master without talking.

   It is almost such a state.

  After all, Lu Yu does not need to observe unknown objects thirty-five light-years away. He only needs to follow the triangle spacecraft to receive information continuously.

   But actually…

  Because of the level of civilization, the two sides actually have a very obvious difference in the concept of the length of time.

  Maybe a hundred years is already an unacceptably long time for Lu Yu.

But for members of the advanced civilizations with long lifespans, it may be just a short moment. Even the lucky star-level civilization can be patient and use the gravitational lens to observe the situation of the star system for a hundred years .

  So it doesn't seem strange that the triangular spaceship has been squatting here for a hundred or two hundred years.

   But obviously Lu Yu didn't have time to waste it here with it, but anyway, the points are more important, so he could only endure it first.

  In the living area, Lu Yu looked at the terrifying environment outside through the holographic projection.

  As a carbon-based organism, he might turn into acidified black carbon, but the environment here is still of great scientific research value for humans.

   After all, even today, human exploration of Venus has taken a big step forward. Now there is a space station in the orbit of Venus that can accommodate a hundred people, specializing in the study of the environment of Venus.

   This is just a scientific research base created by Blue Star's strong support for the remaining resources of the advance base.

   But even if such a sliver of energy is allocated, judging from the data collected by this scientific research space station, it is still quite difficult to develop Venus with the human productivity that is still leaping.

   It's easier to develop Mars than it is.

   As for the current environment where Lu Yu is docked, if he can help collect some data, or even make some attempts, it may be able to contribute to the development of Venus.

   But unfortunately, Lu Yu couldn't.

  Because the triangular spaceship is not far away, if this guy finds that the things that descended from the Silver Star are all technological creations made by the second-level civilization.

   Wouldn't it just collapse the image of a civilization that was higher than the Huanzu before?

  So this wave... just pretend to be a master without talking, silently waiting for the triangular spaceship toss and earn points for yourself.

  The uniform sea of ​​acid outside could only make Lu Yu curious for more than ten minutes. After that, he could only honestly put on the virtual reality helmet and connect to the long-awaited No. 0 base.

  It is rare to discuss topics online today that are not technology-related topics, but military-related topics.

  The threat of the unknown fleet to human beings has gradually become flatter with the continuous explosion of science and technology.

  All informed human beings seem to have sufficient confidence to meet this challenge from the universe.

  Confidence is of course a good thing, but human beings still have to make sufficient preparations, otherwise it is not confidence, but a kind of arrogance that treats one's own civilization as a child's play!

  So, starting to train officers for the interstellar war that may break out in the future is one aspect of preparation.

  Now formulating strategies is another aspect of preparation. All preparations are to meet the unknown fleet that human civilization will face!

   A circle of high-ranking elders sat on the conference table forming a round table, and Lu Yu looked very young sitting among them.

   There is no need to say any polite words at this strategic discussion meeting that may determine the future of mankind.

  In the beginning, it was a virtual image given by the military.

  A huge fleet is heading towards the solar system. There are no planet-level spaceships like the main battleships of star-level civilizations among them, but there are too many fleets, and they are continuous, like black clouds in space.

  In space, the place where meteorites fly randomly is not the most dangerous place, but the empty place is the most dangerous place.

Because there, any star has at least a thousand-year voyage, and there is nothing there. If something unexpected happens, the civilization fleet cannot get any supplies. It can only wait for the energy to run out, and then die, becoming a star. The cold cosmic stone drifts in the infinite time.

   This is just an interstellar voyage, if it is a river system voyage, it will be even more terrifying. There, you might need to travel at the speed of light for millions of years to get to an asteroid.

Therefore, a star-level civilization, or a fourth-level civilization that has just mastered the speed of light navigation, will never challenge this extreme behavior. It is more about advancing star systems one by one, and constantly obtaining materials from the arriving star systems to maintain light speed navigation. .

  The premise of the image simulation given by the military is that the unknown fleet is a level 4 civilization, and the purpose of their coming to the solar system is to replenish materials and fuel.

  After all, human beings were unable to make any sound to the universe before. From the perspective of this unknown fleet, which is very likely to be a fourth-level civilization, the solar system is just a star system that has not been developed by civilization.

  The simulation image of the military is progressing rapidly. The fleet of the fourth-level civilization came all the way to the solar system and suddenly discovered that the indigenous civilization is developing at a rapid speed, and intends to keep them out of the solar system.

  For the fleet that has begun to lack materials and energy, they must enter the star system to obtain nourishment, otherwise it means that they will not be able to maintain the current fleet size, and may develop to the point of abandoning members of civilization.

  The material they want to obtain is too large for human beings to accept, because for human beings who will step into a star-level civilization in the future, they also need a large amount of solar system material to ensure the foundation for civilization to take off.

   Thus, the interstellar war begins!

   It can be seen that in the military's proposal, there seems to be some dissatisfaction with the Great Space Wall project.

  After all, the first scene is the appearance of the Great Wall of Space being attacked by endless aliens.

  The 3,000 spaceships pre-built by humans became fragmented under the impact of the opponent's terrifying fleet.

   It’s not that there is a technological gap between the spacecraft made by humans and the opponent’s spacecraft. Even in the simulation, one human spacecraft can even replace five of the opponent’s spacecraft.

  Even with such a battle loss ratio, the opponent's fleet rushed up like a wave and executed the exchange tactics abruptly, annihilating the human fleet before the Great Wall of Space.

A circle of elders looked indifferently at the last human spacecraft in front of them. Because the engine was seriously damaged, the output power began to be unstable. Some parts of the engine even caught fire, causing a large-scale short circuit of energy, causing sound everywhere inside the spacecraft. fire.

   Then the severely damaged engine exploded directly, smashing all the instruments and equipment within a few hundred meters around.

The terrible explosion and dozens of secondary engines were directly burned and melted by the excessive energy load. The molten metal liquid was raging around like magma erupting from a volcano. It seemed that an earthquake had occurred inside the spaceship. Artificial gravity The equipment was damaged, some instruments lost the attraction of gravity, and began to fly around inside the spacecraft, hitting everywhere, full of flames, explosions everywhere...

   Under an explosion of this magnitude, not even a single recyclable thing will remain from the spacecraft. The mechanical structure will be completely damaged, and the metal materials made with advanced material technology will be completely restored, turning into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

  In virtual reality, the silence is terrifying.

  No one hopes that human beings will usher in such an ending.

   On the contrary, one of the elders in charge of docking the Great Space Wall project gave the military representative a hard look. He knew that this guy was clearly expressing secretly that the speed of building spaceships is too slow now.

   When facing an unknown fleet in the future, the plan of the Great Space Wall is only 3,000 warships.

   No one can be sure whether such a fleet size is sufficient.

   But this is already the limit that human productivity can achieve, unless it enters a state of preparation from now on.

   "Next simulation."

   When the Great Wall of Space in front of him was completely destroyed, and the next step was to drive straight into the Blue Star, an old man sitting on Lu Yu's left finally couldn't stand it anymore.

  With the instruction, the image in front of me suddenly changed. ,

   This time, the tactic used by the human side has changed to start a blocking battle in the Oort Nebula.

   Take the attitude of being the first to strike first, and launch an attack on the unknown fleet that has just completed deceleration.

  The star system is the birthplace of civilization, and any approaching a civilization star field rashly, or even a star field that is the origin of civilization, can be regarded as an act of invasion.

   This is the general knowledge of the universe that Lu Yu learned in the Planetary Academy.

  Based on this concept, launching a preemptive attack on an unknown fleet can never be said to be an immoral act.

  In this battle simulation, this unknown fleet seemed to be stunned by the human fleet. Not only did it fall into the trap of gravity bombs by mistake, but it was also successfully attacked by antimatter bombs one after another.

  The flash of the battleship explosion can be seen even on the Blue Star. During the days and nights of those interstellar wars, there are countless shining stars on the sky of the Blue Star.

  When this tactic was successful, the wreckage of the unknown fleet almost added a Kuiper belt to the solar system.

   This battle simulation seems to make people feel happy. After all, no one wants to see the terrible end that the same race will face after their own civilization is defeated.

   But this tactic went around again. If you want to carry out such a blocking battle in the Oort Nebula, but also prevent the opponent from breaking through the Great Wall of Space in one go, it means more spaceships and more weapons.

  This is an extremely realistic problem.

  War, how could there be no need for weapons?

   This time, everyone whispered and discussed.

   Sitting on Lu Yu's right was Professor Han, who asked Lu Yu's opinion in a low voice.

  It doesn't matter, I will shoot.

  Although I really want to say this, the reality is that Lu Yu has not yet found his way back to Blue Star, and he may miss this interstellar war to defend the solar system.

   Otherwise, the Silver Star can come back, and there will be no such thing as the Unknown Fleet!

  It doesn’t matter whether they pass by the solar system by chance, or they want to come here to replenish materials and energy.

  Silver Star is here, so they must sing and dance outside the solar system in the Oort Nebula!

  After discussing the second simulation for a period of time, the military's third simulation was finally released.

   This is the situation where the blocking battle of the Oort Nebula failed, but Blue Star's display of weapons far beyond civilization also brought the two sides into a stalemate.

Then the unknown fleet sent a large number of small spaceships, and the robots equipped with power systems were released. They shuttled between the large spaceships, and shipped out parts one after another. These oddly shaped, almost inexplicable parts are assembled together, and more robots start to lay lines, debug equipment, and fasten parts.

With the hard work of the robots, in the center of the fleet, a huge unknown device is rapidly taking shape. With the terrible productivity of the fourth-level civilization, it is like a snowball rolling on the snowfield, and its volume is getting bigger and bigger. .

   In just ten days, this unknown device was assembled into a volume the size of the moon.

   And then it...shows itself!

  After calculating the orbit of the solar system, it launched an attack on the sun!

  Intelligent creatures have a very special feeling for stars.

  It is like the primitive worship of the sun by human beings in the primitive era, and the creation of hungry sun gods in various civilizations due to geographical isolation.

   As far as civilization is concerned, stars are generous energy donors, and the energy they emit has given birth to the birth of life. Without stars, life would not be born at all. In fact, even if humans in this era have the current level of technology, they are actually asking for energy from the sun all the time.

  As far as alien civilizations are concerned, they don’t have any affection for the sun. From their point of view, hitting such a star system is simply unlucky. Since they can’t get supplies smoothly, it’s not difficult to understand how to destroy this star system.

   In particular, it can also cause unimaginable blows to human beings. Isn't it a perfect means of war?

   This is also the helplessness of being discovered by other civilizations in the origin star field of civilization, which means that the other party has a handle on human beings.

   And destroying a star is actually not as difficult as imagined. For a star, its stability comes from the core.

   Due to the extrusion of its own gravitational force, the density of matter in the core of the star is extremely high, and this is the region where the star reaction is the most violent and the energy production rate is the fastest. A star is like a high-rise building. The reason why it can stand majesticly is because it has a solid foundation.

   A building without a foundation will undoubtedly collapse immediately, as will a star without its core.

  The opponent's weapon is the high-frequency gravity bomb, when these bombs come to the sun at a speed that is difficult for humans to intercept.

The sudden appearance of external gravity caused the Roche phenomenon to occur on part of the star’s material. When the balance of the core was broken, the star could no longer maintain a stable structure. Its material was ejected along the direction of the gravity bomb, and the strong kinetic energy caused a new wave. The round of nuclear fusion reaction, at this moment, it created all the elements in the universe.

  Powerful and inestimable energy suddenly burst out, and the sun, which laid an irreplaceable foundation for the birth of human beings, is finished!