MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 298 Do you want to bet?

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Halfway up the mountain.

Bai Yiwen and others had already discovered these three people who seemed to be out to play.

"Could it be the other party's spies?"

someone asked.

"It doesn't matter."

Bai Yiwen quickly stopped everyone in his group from acting rashly.

"This kind of person either has the ability or the means, or is just passing by. There is no such thing as a real spies."


Seeing the Fengyin three people passing Shi Shiran hundreds of feet in front of them, no one moved.

Jiao Sansheng talked and laughed: "I didn't expect the host here to be so calm, but a wink."

Originally, if those people rushed out, Jiao Sansheng waved his hand casually... It is estimated that he would be able to fly a batch of kites into the sky.

But if people didn't come out and didn't perform well, they could only be disappointed.

"We are taking a mountain road, and it's still a small road."

"After crossing these mountains and climbing to the top of the mountain, you can better watch the battlefield."

Jiao Sansheng pointed to the hill not far ahead.


"Does the genius doctor want to see from a distance? Or do you want to get closer?"

Jiao Sansheng asked.

"How to say?"

"The two armies are fighting, and it's not good to see."

After reaching the top of the mountain, Fengyin finally understood why it was called bad-looking.

Looking from the top of the mountain, I finally understood why this side is a battlefield, with mountains on three sides, and the terrain is extremely complicated.

As far as the eye can see, the middle position is a large plain.

Although it is a plain, it is not completely flat.

It seems that any place can ambush soldiers and horses.

There are countless passages hidden between the mountains and the mountains.

If you turn into any channel from the Great Plains Battlefield, you may be ambushed.

In the same way, the enemy can also suddenly rush out from any mountain road to form a surprise.

Now the smoke is rising from the kitchen, and the troops of Yan and Qi in the farthest have almost turned into black spots in the white snow, while the army of Qin is the closest.

Busy setting up camp.

Digging traps, sweeping snow, erecting fences, resisting horses, digging pits, etc., all preparations for war.

Although I can't see more, it must be the same situation on the other side.

There are similar sights on the nearby hills.

The commanding heights of their respective directions have been occupied by their own side, and thick smoke rushed into the sky, but the soldiers were lighting fires to keep them warm.

"It's too early." Jiao Sansheng smiled bitterly and said, "In the current situation, although it's already on the verge of breaking out, when it comes to... the real fight will take a while."

Fengyin did not expect that when he came to watch the war, what he really saw was that the three countries combined more than 500,000 troops, cleaning and preparing for the war.

"Why didn't you start the fight?"

Dong Xiaoyan was a little curious.

"How can a war start so easily."

Feng Yin shook his head and said, "It seems to be early."


Dong Xiaoyan said puzzledly: "The army of the Three Kingdoms has arrived, why don't they fight? I heard from those storytellers, not all the first generals will come out to fight, and then there will be generals here, and the two sides will fight for fifty or sixty rounds... ....then one side loses, taking advantage of the situation to cover up..."

"It's not the same as what I see now."

Feng Yin was speechless.

"Hanhan.... Listen less to those storytelling, read less of those, biographies in the future. Your brain is not good at all... Hey, if you read more of those, it's still good. what?"

Dong Xiaoyan said angrily, "Isn't it true?"

"Of course not!"

Fengyin sighed: "War is not as simple as a storyteller's lip service."

"There are several ways of war, but the one you said rarely happens. It can even be said that it does not."

"Then what..." Dong Xiaoyan was stunned.

"One is called, the brave who meets the narrow road wins. For example, the two armies walk from here at the same time, and suddenly they are facing each other in the march; this probability is extremely small. But once they meet, it is like this. Don't say that the brave wins when they meet by a narrow road. It is a kind of spirit. , but when you encounter you, you will die if you are not brave, and you may not die if you are brave. Because if you encounter it, you turn around and run away, and all your own people are behind you. You trample your own people and give your back to the enemy. I can't escape fast, because some of my people behind me still haven't reacted and are still running forward... understand?"

"Therefore, there is only one way to survive by rushing out of the enemy camp."

"So it's sort of a meet-and-greet win; it's actually a war situation."

Jiao Sansheng listened to Fengyin's words, smiled slightly, and did not speak.

This of course makes sense.

But it is only Fengyin's personal understanding.

Not comprehensive.

But Jiao Sansheng obviously had no intention of correcting anything.

"There is another kind of confrontation between the two countries, a dignified teacher, and an upright flag. For example, the one in front of me is all about the general's overall quality, commanding ability, logistical support, personal charm...etc."

"Such a war will end quickly unless one party's brain is broken and a wrong decision is made. Otherwise, it will always be a long-term consumption."

"Simply put, if the generals on both sides are evenly matched in any way, the fight is loss."

"Let's see who can't hold on first! Often at times like this, there are many ways of cutting grain, countermeasures, all kinds of attacks on morale, and all kinds of methods. It's not for nothing.

"Even if you only have one more day of food and grass than the other party, it is still an advantage."

"How to gather morale, how to detect the enemy, how to attack the other side, weaken the other side, step by step.... Both sides are exhausted!"

Fengyin looked at the following and said: "Although the opponent is attacking, it seems that Wu Tiejun is defending and fighting locally, which seems to have an advantage, but it is not. Because the opponent is attacked by the two countries' armies, in terms of quantity, it is more than Wu Tie has many soldiers."

"It's really not optimistic."

Jiao Sansheng made a rare comment.

Dong Xiaoyan was worried and said, "Isn't it possible to lose?"

"This kind of war... There is such a good decision to win or lose?"

Feng Yin said: "Wu Tiejun's advantage is that he has the overall situation and orders one person. There is only one voice in the whole army. The opponent's disadvantage lies in the cooperation between the two countries."

Looking at Dong Xiaoyan's bewildered little eyes full of curiosity, Feng Yin sighed.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed the girl's head, and said, "If the doorways in this place are explained to you in detail from every aspect, the pros and cons will win or lose... I guess Lao Feng will be scolded by others. Died in front of the keyboard..."

Dong Xiaoyan had no choice but to nod, put on a big smile, and said obediently, "Then I won't ask."


Feng Yin rubbed Hanhan's head.

Jiao Sansheng looked on and complained helplessly.

Are you in love?


But how swollen and fat is this posture of coaxing a girl!

Not much fun to watch.

Fengyin is also unwilling to blow the cold wind here, and is ready to go back after watching it for a while.

Dong Xiaoyan also felt boring.

"Let's go back."

"See the dark." Feng Yin thought for a while, and touched the space ring, and there were more than 20,000 pills. "

I also thought about letting go of Wu Tiejun later.

When night falls, it becomes even more spectacular.

There are barracks bonfires everywhere.

Countless soldiers are still sweating, building fortifications, all kinds of pits...

In full swing.

A few ghostly white shadows floated down from a few distant hills without any weight.

The target, Wu Tiejun's barracks.

Jiao Sansheng first noticed that, knowing that Fengyin came here, he was actually here to help Wu Tiejun, and said lightly: "When the foothold is not stable, although the army has the largest number of sober people, it is the easiest for them to perform their duties. At the time of the assassination."

"I didn't expect that Wu Tiejun, a local snake, did not arrange for a master to assassinate him, but Yan Qi and the two countries made the first move."

Jiao Sansheng said, looking at Fengyin.

"This kind of method is unavoidable. And as long as the assassination is successful, the so-called 'righteous people of the country's rivers and lakes' can be thrown at any time. There is no evidence to prove that it was the military."

"No matter which country, doing this kind of thing will always be this kind of rhetoric. The same is true of Da Qin."

Fengyin smiled noncommittally, looking at the looming white shadow in the distance, under the cover of snow and dancing fire flashes, quietly sneaked towards the Qin army barracks through light and dark.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said: "But since we are here at the right time, let's take them by the way."

Then froze.

Because he looked at one of the figures, it seemed very familiar. This makes Feng Yin feel that he will not see the wrong person, right?

Because there are not many people I know.

But how could this person not be here?

I couldn't help but blurted out: "I'm going, I'm really a righteous man in the arena!"

Jiao Sansheng was a little bit puzzled by the two-zhang monks.

Dong Xiaoyan has already frowned: "It's actually a person from Supreme Mountain, which is really unexpected."

Her eyesight is better than that of the wind seal, and she can recognize it at a glance under the reminder of the wind seal.

But then he frowned, as if there was something he couldn't figure out, he murmured: "How can the Supreme Mountain bet?"

"Oh? Is it the Supreme Mountain of the Fifth Peak Master?"

Jiao Sansheng's Ningba personality actually asked such a gossip.

The gossip of the Supreme Mountain is already well-known.

"Well, not only the supreme mountain of the fifth peak, but the person who came here is actually the central figure in the gossip."

Windmark is also funny and smiled.


"Mo Yuantu."

"I'm going, it's actually the brother of Mo Jingkong Mo Peak Master!"


This sentence made Fengyin and Dong Xiaoyan burst into laughter at the same time.

Too narrow!

Laughing and laughing, but the moment Fengyin saw Mo Yuantu, he instantly understood one thing.

At that time, Mo Yuan came to seek revenge for his son, but he could not find any news of gentleness, so he turned to the Daqin government for help.

But it was rejected by Da Qin.

At that time, Mo Yuantu went to Yan Guo.

Then, from that time on, he collected all the information about Daqin.

At that time, no matter why he went, Wu Tiejun or Fengyin, they didn't understand why Mo Yuantu was studying these things.

Because the Supreme Mountain is already detached from the world, why is it involved in the war of the dynasties in the world?

Get involved, why?

Did you pay such conditions just for the death of your son?

At the time, everyone felt a little weird.

But now, Mo Yuantu appeared here, and the purpose was to assassinate Wu Tiejun.

It was enough to prove that Mo Yuantu at that time had already reached an agreement with Dayan!

Thinking of this, Feng Yin still didn't figure it out.

"Why does Mo Yuantu do this? Isn't it possible to be a free-spirited immortal?"

Yes, until now, Fengyin couldn't figure out why Mo Yuantu did this.

But at this moment Dong Xiaoyan already understood.

"It's nothing more than introducing the spirit of the dynasty to the school."

Dong Xiaoyan said lightly: "This is an ordinary thing for the sects outside the world. But Mo Yuantu's bet this time is obviously a bit unwise."


Fengyin did not expect that it was Dong Xiaoyan who answered this question.

I couldn't help being a little surprised: "Hanhan, you actually know this?"

"Who doesn't know about the sect people?"

Dong Xiaoyan said: "These seem mysterious and incomprehensible to secular people. But we all know that the development of a Jianghu sect has bottlenecks and limitations, and the strength of a sect is the same as that of all conventional development objects. Yes: If you don’t advance, you will retreat. It is impossible to maintain the status quo and stability all the time.”

"So after reaching the upper limit of this bottleneck restriction, if you want to grow and develop, you must use the bonus of the dynasty's luck."

A flash of light flashed in Feng Yin's mind.

I thought of a lot, such as the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, such as Shaolin Wudang, such as Cihang Jingzhai...... cough.

In an instant, there was some enlightenment in my heart.

Or, some family sayings are not completely fabricated, maybe a little exaggerated, but the prototypes must exist, right?

Dong Xiaoyan said slowly:

"For example, you will understand that some sects used to shake the rivers and lakes. However, often after a battle to set the world pattern, they suddenly declined, or the mountain gate was suddenly closed, and it will not last for a hundred years.... This is Are there too many examples?"

"Not bad." Jiao Sansheng nodded and admitted.

This kind of thing, in his long life, is really too much.

The sect died out, it rose and fell.

"That's the one who lost the bet, that is, they didn't help the winning side."

"And now, except for the two houses, all the sects are betting. Either they are watching, or they have already made a bet."

Dong Xiaoyan said: "There are even some low-level sects, which have actually been used by the courts of various countries and turned into part of the power of the courts."

Fengyin frowned and said, "In that case, wouldn't the sect fall apart? It doesn't exist at all, so what are you betting on?"

"That's betting!"

Dong Xiaoyan seems to be surprised that Fengyin does not understand this: "Betting with one's own life is also a bet. That sentence is reasonable since ancient times, learn the arts of literature and martial arts, and sell it to the emperor's family."

"That's it."

"Although their gangs no longer exist, they themselves have mixed into the system. For the country, it is to differentiate and absorb, and Zhao'an is used for their own use. For the sect, it is a successful landing. After that, as long as they are not there Died in the war, basically prosperous and rich, there is no problem. But along with it, from now on, you have to abide by the rules of the system..."

"Only at the level of the Five Lakes and Six Paths can you consider this kind of plan to use the national luck to go further."

It is rare that there is something that Feng Yin does not know.

While Dong Xiaoyan despised Fengyin, she also showed off her knowledge.

It has to be said that Jiao Sansheng, a high-level demon clan, does not know this kind of argument.

Really can only watch Hanhan play.

"Generally, this kind of bet happens when several countries are at war. The winning side of the bet can get the bonus of the dynasty's luck, and it can also be recognized by the dynasty."

"If any dynasty that bet on it actually unified the mainland after the continuous war...that's true! Since then, it has become a sect of the country. After a period of time, the incense will flourish, and there will be many descendants. Form a huge force and luck, so as to reach the level of three mountains and four directions."

Feng Yin hurriedly interrupted: "It's the other way around!"

"No way!"

Dong Xiaoyan squinted and said: "At the level of Three Mountains and Four Squares, in the eyes of outsiders, there is no need to participate in the bet. But after all, they still want to go further... Then they still have to bet. But This kind of sect is usually its descendants and disciples, and they will participate first, and the senior sect, even if they know it, will consider it as ignorant."

Until the arrival of the final decisive battle.

"For example, the Supreme Mountain is now betting on the State of Yan. If the State of Yan finally wins and unifies the mainland, then the position of the Supreme Mountain will completely surpass the other two mountains in a few decades, and the development of the Supreme Mountain will only take a thousand years at most. The background can be developed to the level of the two palaces."

"By that time, there will be a battle with the Heavenly Sword Cloud Palace and the Absolute Sword Demon Palace! A battle to the death!"

"If you win, you will take your place. If you lose, you will surpass the existence of the three mountains and lower the two palaces, and become a sect that breaks the existing rules."

"What if you lose?" Feng Yin asked.

"Failed, at most the fifth peak of Supreme Mountain will be erased. But it is estimated that this is the end..."

"The use of luck is invisible but huge and mysterious."

Dong Xiaoyan frowned and said: "For example, a guy with a low cultivation base can keep jumping around, no matter how others kill him, he will become stronger step by step... This is luck. There are also some people who are born with everything in the sky, but when they encounter danger, they are the first to die...and luck. So you understand?"

Feng Yin touched his nose.

A little complicated.

The person you mentioned earlier with a low cultivation base... just report my ID number.

"They're almost in."

Feng Yin was a little anxious. UU reading

"That's why I say that."

Dong Xiaoyan paused and said: "Now it's different from usual. Usually, it doesn't involve wars and battles. It's just that the two sides are fighting secretly, and the outcome doesn't matter. So it doesn't matter. But now it seems that the two armies are facing each other. When you lose your hand, the outcome of this battle will inevitably affect the turbulence of the Three Kingdoms, and one party's national fortune must increase because of this, and one party's national fortune must be weakened because of this.

"Including Senior Jiao, if you make a move, it means that the Jiao clan has made a bet. If luck is involved, they will all enter the game."

Dong Xiaoyan said cautiously: "I will help you, and Tianjian Yungong will enter the game."

"So I let you understand and think clearly, do you want to bet or not?"


[My mind is a little confused, I stroke it]