MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 46 Mengshuai Joins the Army 2 [2 in 1]

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The Mongolian side was silent, with a calm face, no sadness or joy, and no joy of being promoted at all.

Everyone praised themselves so embarrassingly—the person being praised didn’t respond, so what’s the point of my boasting?

This guy's character is really awesome.

So many officers are praising you, but you, a subordinate, are silent. Could it be that you are drifting away?

But the military camp is a special existence. Even if you feel dissatisfied in your heart, their record is real and there is no fake.

As long as this is not questioned, that's enough.


Everyone else is gone.

"Master Captain, why didn't you just say something politely? Wouldn't it be good to have more friendship?"

"Just a few words, can you let me disarm and return to the fields early to live?"

When all the subordinates heard this, they were all speechless for a long time.

This guy is really a brain bump, why is he so focused on going home to live his life?

After three consecutive battles, the Mongolian side had a big change of troops, with a full rotation of more than 4,000 people.

The subordinate general began to arrange for the Mongolian side to go out on missions alone, leading his subordinates to form an independent army and fight alone.

This falls in the eyes of discerning people to judge: this is clearly cultivating the Mongolian side's ability to serve as a general, and it is targeted.

And the Mongolian side really lived up to the cultivation. In the second half of the year, they led their soldiers and horses to attack Baishui City unexpectedly, tearing a hole in General Zhao Li Po's iron wall defense.

This is a feat that no number of good generals of the Qin Dynasty could do or establish!

And within Baishui City, it is already within the Great Zhao Iron Wall, breaking through this line of defense, the road ahead is bright and smooth, without any obstacles.

What's more, after opening this gap, the road behind Baishui City, which must pass through for grain and grass, is also exposed to the eyes.

As long as it is cut off, the soldiers and horses of Da Zhao will be extremely dangerous, and the entire army will be wiped out at every turn.

Seeing such a shocking change, Li Po, the number one member of the Zhao army who is known for his stability, made his debut early and mobilized tens of thousands of Zhao troops to surround Baishui City like crazy, and launched a fierce attack, vowing to take back this land. Crucial hub.

But Qin Guo took the opportunity to send troops to set up a decisive battle.

As the army of the main force of the Qin Dynasty came under pressure, Zhao Jun was attacked by the enemy.

Li Po made a decisive decision, quickly gathered his troops and retreated, still maintaining the siege of Baishui City, and reduced the originally huge range of troops to half.

Set up a hedgehog formation on the outside, always defending the surprise attack.

On the other side, although it seems that they have given up attacking Baishui City, in fact, Baishui City is still under heavy siege and suppressed.

It is still steady and steady, and it is still not chaotic.

Even if you give up the national territory, you must maintain the integrity of the army and complete combat power. It really does not lose the reputation of the first person in the Zhao army. It is very stable and stable!

If it is a fierce battle, it will be a fierce battle for a whole day and night.

Fei Xinyu desperately attacked like crazy, and made several attempts to penetrate, but was repelled by Li Po at all costs.

But just when the battle situation fell into a stalemate, accidents happened suddenly.

But the heavily besieged Mongolian side led all the remaining 6,000 soldiers and horses out of Baishui City against the trend.

This time, it was tantamount to opening a Monkey King borrowing a plantain fan—a ruckus broke out in Princess Iron Fan's stomach.

The Feixin language department on the periphery attacked violently, combined with the core counterattack force of the Mongolian department, the internal and external attacks have established.

Even though Li Po was one of the most powerful military gods in the world, he was as stable as he was, but he was thrown into a panic by Mongolia's completely desperate suicide counterattack, and the morale of the army was shaken.

Although Zhao Jun's team only rioted for a moment, the outcome was already doomed.

Fei Xinyu seized the opportunity and roared: "All the lines are on!"

"decisive battle!"

Zhao Jun was thus defeated!

This is also Li Po's first defeat in his life since he led the army.

But Li Po is just Li Po. Relying on his invincible prestige, he forcibly held back the team.

Abandoning the army of 150,000 in the same way, and bringing most of the troops back to Baishui safely!

after the war.

Li Po specially sent someone to ask, "Who is the general who made a surprise attack on Baishui City and charged all the troops to the death?"

Whether it is Li Po, Fei Xinyu, or Ma Daocheng who is assisting, they all understand the key to this.

In this battle, the biggest hero who decided the outcome, or the only one who succeeded, was really only one—the Mongolian side!

If it hadn't been for his surprise attack on Baishui City to break the layout, and Li Po's ability to guard the gate of Zhao State, I dare not say that he would be able to keep it for a long time, but it would not be difficult to support it for three to five years!

Although the Great Qin army is strong, but it was blocked by one country and one place for several years, not only the national strength and morale were greatly damaged, but also the space for other countries to recuperate, and the disaster was far-reaching!

Similarly, if the Mongolian side hadn't led the army to rush out during the stalemate, the battle would still have been dominated by Zhao's side.

There were no more than 6,000 remnant soldiers in Israel and Mongolia, and they were heavily besieged. They had already become scabies, and they would be wiped out in most days at most!

After such a calculation, no matter the enemy or us, everyone knows one thing, that is, under the circumstances of the Mongolian side at that time, the decision to rush out of Baishui City was correct, but how difficult it was.

Before that, the Mongolian side led 10,000 soldiers and horses, and although they successfully attacked Baishui City, they suffered a lot of losses.

And then endured the violent attack of Zhao Jun, and it was even more difficult to defend the city that had just been attacked with less than tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

That has withstood several times the crazy attack of the enemy.

This is difficult, and all generals know the difficulty.

But he held on, and he held on for a full day.

After such two wars, how can the consumption be kept small?

But in the end, when Fei Xinyu launched the general attack, when the battle was at its height, he seized this opportunity and rushed out of Baishui City to fight.

Although his actions only caused hundreds of thousands of Zhao Jun to create a little riot.

And that little commotion might cost all of them their lives!

At the same time, if this disturbance is to be effective, then Fei Xinyu must seize this opportunity and launch a decisive battle to determine the outcome.

But before the war, they had no communication.

In other words, the Mongolian side was betting by rushing out, betting with the lives of all of them, betting that Fei Xinyu could seize this opportunity.

And in the end, he won the bet!

A bet with life as the bet, created the first defeat in Li Po's life, the number one man in the Zhao army!

In the end, it succeeded, although it was a complete victory. . .

But the danger in it can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Every step is a mountain of swords, every moment is a sea of ​​fire!

Raiders stand out, climb over the cliff, and attack Baishui City by surprise, which is already an adventure of a narrow escape.

Every step is a mountain of swords, every moment is a sea of ​​fire!

Raiders stand out, climb over the cliff, and attack Baishui City by surprise, which is already an adventure of a narrow escape.

Just to create an opportunity for war: he succeeded.

Surrounded by heavy enemy troops, they defended the city for a day, delaying the time for the army to react.

It was impossible to persevere, and he did it again.

In the fierce battle, rushing out to the death and creating a chance of victory, it was him, or him, it was him, he did it!

This kind of strategy, courage, courage, and personal charm are all first-class in the world, and they deserve their names!

Maybe many people don’t understand why there is such a saying about personal charm, but those who are generals understand: Only when the coach’s personal charm is strong to a certain extent, will the soldiers under his command use their lives and work hard in desperate situations!

As long as it is weaker, it will not work!

As far as morale is concerned, you can do it, if you can’t do it, you can’t do it.

It was because of this one person that he created a series of qi mechanisms and finally forced Li Po's army back to the west of Baishui.

This is the most important strategic victory of the Qin army's invasion of the six countries this time, none of them.

You must know that Baishui is Hangu, which is the most dangerous place in Dazhao, and it is also the most important place!

This land boundary, with high mountains and steep mountains on both sides, is easy to defend and difficult to attack. With white water as a barrier, it is a strategic land at the end, like a gate, which restrains the Qin army's horse herding Zhao territory.

Such an important place, a dangerous place, was even guarded by General Li Po, the number one member of the Zhao army, known for his stability, how could it be lost?

Now that Li Po's army has retreated, this barrier has become Da Qin's!

Even though the Zhao army did not lose much in this fierce battle, the change of hands of the natural danger is also a disastrous defeat of the grand strategy.

And all of this is because of one person!

So Li Po, the commander-in-chief of the State of Zhao, came here to ask: Who is that person? But is it the seed of a famous general that Daqin has hidden for a long time?

Don't ask to understand, Li Po is unwilling, and compares his heart with his heart. Li Po asks himself that he may have such judgment ability, but this judgment and decisiveness need to be accumulated, and he can only achieve it after countless years of tempering in his military career. .

After hearing that the Mongolian side had only been in the army for a year and a half, and was just a countryman before that, he had no experience in fighting at all before that.

Li Po was speechless for a while, and after a long time, he let out a long sigh.

In this world, there really are geniuses who can learn without a teacher!

Immediately, an order was issued to strengthen the walls and clear the fields, move all the people at the border back, and even cut off the mountains and forests of the two armies, and burn them all down!

These mountains and forests, falling into the hands of the Zhao people, are natural barriers and can be used as an army of millions.

But now that it is in the hands of Qin Jun, it seems that it has become a confidant's trouble, and he must not take advantage of the other party.

With Li Yan's order, the mountain fire burned wildly for two months, which gave Zhao Jun two full months of recuperation time.

"It's so cruel!"

Fei Xinyu couldn't help secretly expressing admiration for the fire that had ignited into the sky.

Li Po gave this order without even the slightest hesitation.

This kind of decision-making power and action power, how can ordinary people have it, it is really terrifying.

"Where is the Mongolian side?"

The first thing Fei Xinyu said when he returned to the camp was to find the Mongolian side.

"Hahahaha... His grandma is such a good boy, such a good boy!"

"It's so awesome! I want to reward it well, and order the whole army to reward it! It's so **** awesome!"

"Lieutenant Meng was seriously injured and is still in a coma."

Fei Xinyu was shocked: "Seriously injured? How can I do it! Take me there quickly, I still have the medicine of a miracle doctor! Whoever dies, this son can't die!"

Before the words fell, he rushed out in a hurry.

If such a talent dies, it will be a loss to the entire Great Qin Empire.

After the Mongolian battle, Fei Xinyu almost saw another Wu Tiejun.

No, if you count personal advantages such as qualifications and backgrounds for comparison, the Mongolian side will surpass Wu Tiejun, and even surpass Wu Tiejun, an invincible marshal!

After all, Wu Tiejun is a descendant of the general family. He has been influenced by the military family since he was a child, and his own cultivation is not weak. Compared with the Mongolian side, there is a huge difference.

But what about the Mongolian side?

It's just a country man, a real country man, who has never received any training before, and he has never even had cultivation and qi movement!

So it seems that the Mongolian side is even more valuable.

Because of this, Fei Xinyu expressed the same admiration as Li Po from the bottom of his heart: In this world, there really are geniuses who can learn by themselves without a teacher!

Came to the Mongolian military camp.

What I saw were 2,100 remnants.

Everyone was seriously injured.

And, the neat relics of soldiers are placed next to them.

Some are corpses, some are mutilated limbs, and heads, and some have nothing but nameplates representing their identities.

Ten thousand elite soldiers.

Only two thousand one hundred serious injuries remained.

Fei Xinyu had a sore nose.

Hurrying in, I saw the Mongolian side lying on the bed, face like gold paper, clenched teeth, unconscious.

There are hundreds of wounds all over his body.

"Fei Shuai!"

Several soldiers knelt down: "Save our captain!"

"Your captain can't die!"

Fei Xinyu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took out a jade bottle.

There was light in the eyes of the soldiers.


This is the magic pill in Fei Shuai's hands that can bring the dead back to life according to the legend.

It is said that it was given by the wind doctor!

Now, it has been more than six years since Fengshen Doctor disappeared!

One of these magic pills is one less.

Fei Xinyu fetched water himself and gave the Mongolian medicine pill.

This kind of life-saving elixir is really not safe to hand over to others; if the personal soldier swallows it in one gulp, it will be useless to kill him.

Fei Xinyu didn't want to doubt her brother, but she wanted to be just in case.

The magic medicine is indeed the magic medicine.

After taking it, it only took a moment for the Mongolian side to wake up slowly.

The wounds all over his body began to recover quickly.

Even the severed limbs began to be connected.

His sanity has also returned to sobriety.

open one's eyes.

He asked hoarsely, "Where are the brothers?"

"Captain! Brothers are here, all are here!"

One side of the soldiers choked up and said.

Meng Fang took a breath, tried to move a bit, sat up, and said, "Thank you, Commander."

Then he staggered out and saw the nameplates all over the place outside, tears welled up in his eyes.

But he held back immediately.

He said in a low voice, "Fei Shuai, how about my brother's pension?"

"Full amount!"

Fei Xin said solemnly.

The Mongolian side shook his head slowly: "Not enough!"

"Army has military rules!"

Fei Xinyu sighed.

From her own heart, she also wants to give more. After all, this is the real hero!

But this hole can't be opened!

Once opened, it cannot convince the public.

The Mongolian side said word by word: "I don't want military merit in this battle! Please replace it with a reward!"

He raised his head and looked at Fei Xinyu: "I want money! Please help me!"

Fei Xinyu's throat suddenly choked up.


I just feel speechless.

"Lao Tzu... I assure you that there will be military merits, rewards, and money!"

Fei Xinyu made a solemn promise, gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't give me the paralysis, I will go to the military headquarters and overturn the table!"

"The general said so, and the humble officer listened to it this way. After the humble position, we will sort out the merit report."

"Then I'll go back!"

"Wait a minute, Commander, there is one thing I would like to ask for in a humble position."

"What's up?"

"A few brothers in the humble position are seriously injured, please give me a few more pills, so that the brothers can continue to serve the country!"

Fei Xinyu sighed: "You know how much of this medicine is there in total? You know how much I have in my hand now?"

"I don't know."

"These medicines... With Fengshen Doctor's disappearance, there are only a few that were given at the beginning. They have experienced nearly 500 battles involving tens of thousands of people. Seventeen of them were battles involving millions of people."

Fei Xin said heavily: "Let me ask you, how much medicine do you need for such a toss?"

The Mongolian side was disappointed.

"Let me tell you the most homely thing... If you hadn't made extraordinary achievements today, with your rank, how could a mere captain be qualified to take this kind of magic medicine?"

"It's not that I don't care about the lives of my brothers. In fact, there are only a few monks, so I can only choose to give."

Fei Xinyu patted him on the shoulder: "So, let's be content... If possible, I would like to send everyone a one, but... I can't!

Meng Fang lowered his head sadly.

"Then please give me some treasures from heaven and earth, the ones that nourish the blood and replenish the vitality of the body."

The Mongolian side made a request.

"This is easy to handle. These are the regular medicines in the army. I will send someone to deliver them later."

Fei Xinyu agreed.

Sure enough, after returning, he sent someone to send a large number of healing and nourishing medicinal materials.

The Mongolian side was alone in a room, fully launching the military's blood-burning methods, eating many natural and earthly treasures, one by one.

For a moment, the blood all over his body boiled like a tiger.

Immediately he ordered: "Bring over all the dying While speaking, more than 20 soldiers were brought over soon.

Meng Fang protruded and slashed his wrist with a knife, and a large amount of blood spurted out immediately, and his eyes were instantly red.

Instead, he poured the pouring blood into the small basin that had been prepared long ago.

"One small cup each! Drink!"


"grown ups!"

All the soldiers were taken aback.

"What are you looking at? I have medicine in my blood, and I still have the remaining effects of the elixir! I heard that at least officers of the general rank are qualified to use this elixir to save lives. Right now, it only saves my life, but it is a waste..."

Meng Fang calmly watched the blood flow into the small basin, and said: "Hurry up! Don't be a mother-in-law, drink a small cup for each person, I can still hold it. Hurry up,