MTL - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie-Chapter 69 As a treasure 7

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At the end of the spiral ladder, the finger suddenly fell, and Yodel even raised a feeling of loss. He helped Fufei Ming to go inside the house, while glaring at his fingertips.

This is the kind of heart-thinking person like Yodel, the most wanted and most expecting childlike emotion.

Jodel’s gaze was complicated and he looked at the confession of the poem on the armrest. He did not know that his gaze was actually mixed with some ambiguity.

He opened his mouth and felt that the entire armrest could be neatly engraved with letters. The boy must have been prepared for a long time, so he seems to be reminded of Feng Feiming who is not concerned about it.

But I don't know what the mood is, and Yodel finally did not say anything about the reminder.

Holding Fu Feiming sitting on the bed, even if he entered the bedroom of the beloved, Jedd unexpectedly could not afford any mourning.

He even turned his head to avoid the eyes of Feng Feiming, and casually chatted with Feng Feiming: "You are in a difficult situation now, but if you get it..."

"Fei Ming!" The door was opened, and the brown-haired boy came in. Behind him was a housekeeper with a cold face.

Feng Feiming did not realize that he had withdrawn from his body and opened his distance from Yodel.

Yodel also didn't notice the action of Feng Feiming, because he also focused on the teenager and looked at his eyes that reflected the figure of Feng Feiming. Somehow, there was some bitterness in his mouth. .

Is there a marriage contract between him and Shen Mingxi? I don’t know why this thought popped up in Jodel’s mind. What he brought to him was not the disgust that he used to be, but some lingering feelings of helplessness.

However, Shen Mingzhen never admitted their marriage contract, and now it is a formal statement, which invalidates the marriage contract between the two.

Yodel, who was originally happy because of the dissolution of the marriage contract, was full of bitterness.

Looking at the eyes of both of them suddenly placed on themselves, the teenager seems to finally realize the rudeness of his actions, embarrassedly bowed his head and said to Feng Feiming: "I watched Mr. Jodel support you in, so I am worried about you. What's the matter..."

"It's okay, it's a little tired." Feng Feiming waved at Shen Ming and gestured to him. What Jodel’s concern brought to Feng Feiming was the joy of conquering the strong, and the sincerity of the juvenile brought to him the warmth and ironing of the heart.

Jodel nodded in a complicated mood and then continued his conversation with Feng Feiming: "If you get the trust of the Patterson family, it should be easy to calm the turmoil within the family."

When Jodel’s words came out, Feng Feiming’s eyes flashed a trace of darkness.

Why didn't he want to get the owner's tokens? The turmoil of these days has long made this thought in the heart of Feng Feiming. However, he still did not mention to Shen Mingzhen, because with the caution of Feng Feiming, he would rather find the news to get the tokens, and he would not let the Shen Mingzhen, who is likely to stand on his opposite side, know his ideas and take action.

In addition, Feng Feiming has not yet noticed another worry in his heart. If he directly asks for Shen Ming to ask for help, the teenager knows that he is completely in control of the Patterson family. Will he be angry and disappointed?

Now Jod's words have solved all the concerns of Feng Feiming. They both asked Shen Shen for a token, and perfectly preserved the image of Feng Feiming.

Suddenly I heard that Joel mentioned this, and Shen Ming, who was listening to the two people’s conversations, stunned and subconsciously said: “Relics...I...”

Feng Feiming looked at the boy who looked at Jodel’s words with his eyes on his eyes. His twilight slowly deepened. If the boy really loved him as he showed, he would definitely be the owner. Is it true that the hands are covered?

Feng Feiming has decided that if the young man does not hesitate to give him the trust of the owner, even if he is with Jodel in the future, he will never be ill-treated.

If... think of another layer of possibilities, Feng Feiming covets the coldness in his eyes.

Even if he thought about it in his heart, Feng Feiming said in his mouth: "That is what Mingjiao left for him, I can't."

When he heard the words of Feng Feiming, Qing Yun just wanted to laugh. The token is the relic left by Shen Mingxi’s parents. Isn’t the Patterson family’s industry?

The irony in his heart overflowed, but on the surface it showed an anxious and embarrassing mixed thinking. Shen Ming opened his mouth and finally bowed his head.

The young boy who Feng Feiming has been watching, he saw that the young man’s eyes were always entangled with doubts, but there was no indication at all, and the whole heart slowly sinked.

Shen Minghao’s silence was a slap in the face of Feng Fei’s cold water. The warmth and fragmentation that he had just raised in his heart in the past two days was not left.

Feng Feiming even laughed in his heart. If he didn't want to give it, why did he pretend that he didn't know what they were saying?

Even though this result made Fei Feiming feel a little bit painful, he was not too surprised, and even a feeling of such a feeling rose in his heart.

Feng Feiming looked at Shen Mingyu deeply and deeply.

No one will give such a sincere and enthusiastic emotion without compensation, isn't it? His suspicions are correct from beginning to end.

Yodel is also observing Shen Mingxi's look. It should be said that since the boy came in, his attention has been placed on the teenager. Contrary to the thoughts of Feng Feiming, Yodel thinks that the confusion and desires in the eyes of young people are not like fakes. This kind of confusion does not seem to understand what they are saying, but rather like a hard memory and Thinking.

It seems that trying hard to think of what important information is general.

Yodel even laughed at the distressed expression on the boy's face. Should the child not forget where his family's owner's tokens went?

In fact, Shen Mingzhen really forgot, so that Qing Yun is now trying to search his memory and only get some vague information.

In the end, Feng Feiming took the excuse to rest and drove both of them out.

His suspiciousness makes him not trust anyone. The same reaction of Shen Minghao is quite different in the eyes of Yodel and in the eyes of Feng Feiming. This is the reason.

Feng Feiming looked at Shen Mingxi’s gaze, and as the door he closed closed slowly, he really shouldn’t have any expectations for the person’s feelings.

Obviously there is no pay, he is like a victim, just because Shen Mingyi hesitated for a moment, he was labeled as a betrayal.

On the corridor outside the door, Shen Mingzhen stopped Jodel, and his fingers were pinched on his clothes.

Yodel looked at the teenager who took the initiative to stop himself for the first time. He smiled and said: "What?"

Ahaz stood behind the boy and looked at Jodel’s smile, and wanted to smash the face.

At the beginning, I did not hesitate to find myself and asked for the dissolution of the marriage contract. Now I am so gentle on the laughter of the teenager. Is this person a problem?

Ahaz raised a huge sense of crisis in his heart. He suddenly realized that although he was following the boy in the body of the robot, in the true sense, compared to Yodel and Fleming, Ahab Isn't it a stranger to the teenager? Isn't it?

"That...the marriage contract..." The boy's words made the smile on Yodel's face fade. He remembered that he had promised to the teenager before saying that he had to find a way to persuade his family to admit the boy's dismissal.

Now the teenager is pulling him. Is this what he wants to ask?

"My father hasn't been available for a few days, so I haven't seen him yet." With such a sentence, Jodel left without much pause.

Once again, when I went downstairs, the love poem on the stairs was once again passed to Jodel's brain with the touch of the palm, but this time his heart was surprisingly depressed.

Juvenile against Feng Feiming, can break through his own embarrassment, so warm and romantic expression of love, against his own fiance, but occasionally several conversations are to dissolve the marriage contract?

Looking at Yodel's bitter back, and looking at the closed door of Feng Feiming, Qing Yun pulled out a satirical smile.

The heartache that Shen Mingzhen had tasted, he wanted to let both of them taste it all over. This is just the beginning.

Into his room, Qingyun began to rummaging.

After Shen Mingxi’s father entrusted the token to the organization, he handed over the secret number of the pickup to Shen Minghao. He was also afraid that Shen Minghao forgot to write the secret code on the paper to keep him well.

Unfortunately, Shen Minghao really didn't care about this kind of thing. At first, I thought about storing it. As a result, I didn't know where to put it when I put it.

In fact, just in the Fengfei Ming House, watching the youngsters silence, Ahaz guessed if he had forgotten something.

Because no one knows more about teenagers, he is really not interested in the money and rights that others are eagerly awaiting. This is a token that symbolizes Paterson’s status as a master. In the eyes of Shen Mingzhen, it is estimated that there is no book of a novel master in the last century. precious.

"If you can't find it, if you want to go down and eat something, you just missed the book too seriously, and you missed lunch." Ahaz looked at the teenager who was looking around in the room and went to Wensong to ask.

Such persuasion often occurs in these days, because juveniles often immerse themselves in creation and arbitrarily refuse to eat, so Ahaz had to be as persuaded as a mother.

Although he used the juvenile as the first owner of the robot butler, he set the safety of the juvenile as the highest task. If the teenager really neglects the reminder of Ahaz again and again, Ahaz will inevitably use some "tough." "means.

As it is now, Ahaz grabbed Qingyun’s waist and smashed the teenager who had entered the gap of the bookcase into his arms, regardless of the struggle of the teenager, and took him tough.

"What are you doing? Let go!" Qingyun was shocked by the man's unpredictable action, and he did not breathe the man's bow tie.

The tightness of the bow tie does not cause any discomfort to the man in the robot body. The man easily restrained the young man's struggle, but turned the young boy in his arms, and circled his thin ankles before he bowed his head to his ear and said: "Look, the young master should eat well."

Inexplicably heard the tone from the man's flat tone, Qingyun gritted his teeth, but he quickly calmed down and watched the man sneer inside, waiting for him to know the true identity of the man, the man spent the rest of his life on the durian Let's go!

Ahaz, who has always been sensitive to certain danger signals, finally put the boy down gently under some unpredictable hunch.

Qing Yun smiled and smiled at him, and snorted, sitting at the table and preparing for dinner.

Ahaz looked at the young, self-willed and arrogant little eyes, and his heart was numb. Recently, teenagers have become more and more casual with him. Ahaz especially likes the juvenile and self-willedness of the teenager, but he is relieved and has some faint anxiety. If the teenager knows his true identity, it will still be like now. Treat him like this?

Serving Qingyun's meal, Ahaz's gaze is sweeping through the room and being chased by the teenager. In fact, even if the secret is not found, it doesn't matter if the boy wants it, the Patterson family's owner will be intact tonight. Place it on the teenager's desk.

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