MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 328 The Secret of Rebirth

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Qi Jingchen would think of absorbing the godhead and divine power of the dark god, and he was also out of the way. Music

If nothing was done, Nie Yi and he would die now. If so, it would be better to fight.

This might lead the dark mist out, maybe ... he could have the power of the Dark God, and then expel that black mist out of Nie Yi's body.

As for him, he was originally a light magician. Blending dark magic is in the eyes of others ... it's not necessarily true?

Wasn't he a dark magician in his life? On the familiarity with the dark magic, no one on earth can match him.

Each **** has a divine power crystal, and the size of each divine power crystal is different. The divine power crystal left by the goddess of life is small, and the divine power crystal left by the water **** will be larger ... The next divine power crystal is the largest of all divine power crystals obtained by Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi.

An egg-sized divine power crystal was held by Qi Jingchen's injured hand, and the energy inside quickly poured into Qi Jingchen's body.

Qi Jingchen possesses a bright body, all of which is light energy. After these dark energies enter his body, they begin to offset the light energy in his body. From the wound on Qi Jingchen's hand, some black blood flows out quickly. Blend into the darkness around you.

In normal times, Qi Jingchen hated dark energy very much, and even once only touched a little bit, he became unwell and wanted to vomit, and food with dark energy was not eaten at all.

But now, he is actively touching the dark energy.

The pain that Qi Jingchen once felt in his last life felt this time, and even now he is more painful than he was in his last life.

After all, in his last life, he had never awakened the magic of light. He was bitten by zombies in the beginning. His body was more or less adaptive to dark energy, but this time it was different.

After his rebirth, Nie Yi has taken good care of him. He has hardly been contaminated with any dark energy. His body is a pure land. How can it be easy for him to pour dirt into it suddenly?

However, even if he was uncomfortable, Qi Jingchen could not bear it, and tried to absorb more energy to make himself more painful.

Funny to say, when he was just born again, he thought that it would be best to die early and live early, but now he just wants to live.

Even if he can't live, he won't make the person who tries to invade Nie Yi's body feel good!

Qi Jingchen's situation, of course, Nie Yi can feel, not only can feel, he simply feels the same.

Jing Chen ...

He wanted to let Qi Jingchen live a good life, and he didn't want Qi Jingchen to be harmed in the slightest. However, contrary to his wishes, Qi Jingchen always suffered various injuries.

The body was almost out of control, and in his mind, the black mist was desperately devouring his mental power ...

That comes from a god, the level of suppression almost makes him unable to resist ... but even if he can't resist, he will not let the other party get what he wants!

Qi Jingchen is not afraid anymore, what is he afraid of?

Nie Yi suddenly reached out his hand, shivering and shoved the remaining crystals of his own power into his mouth. By the time this was done, his hands could no longer make even the tiniest moves.

Both Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen were cut off at this moment.

The symbiotic contract links them together, their pain, and their thinking are shared.

They clenched their hands tightly, and the energy in the body shrouded in darkness was confronting each other, and now they lost consciousness.

Just then, a sigh suddenly sounded, this sigh was so light, as if not heard, but so loud, with a strong breath from ancient times.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen did not hear the sigh.

In Langzhong, they seemed to see a vast and barren land. There was no plant or animal on the land, and even the land under their feet was not so much sand as sand.

Just on such a land, a figure suddenly appeared one day.

This figure appeared on that land, staring blankly at everything around him. He seemed to understand nothing, but whenever he went, there would be vitality.

He obviously liked the feeling, he kept walking, walking slowly on this land.

Where he passed, the land became fertile, and shoots grew from the ground.

He thought that there should be a red flower here, and the bud slowly grew, and a beautiful red flower bloomed.

He thought that this should be a tree with sweet fruits, and then the buds were slowly pulled up and grew into a large tree with fruit on it.

He felt that there was water, and when the water appeared, he felt there was wind, and the wind blew.

He was not very strong at first, and it may take a long time to make a plant, but as time went on, he became stronger and stronger. Sometimes, as long as he thought about it, the mountains and forests appeared instantly.

But he wasn't too happy, he was lonely, because even though there were living things around him, there was no one to communicate with him.

He has lived alone for so long, so long that he has forgotten what he was like at first.

He made a bird and wanted to talk to it, but the bird flew away quickly.

He made a rabbit and wanted to talk to the rabbit, but the rabbit also left.

He can do everything, but he is alone.

At this time, he accidentally encountered two groups of energy.

This world has day and night, light and darkness, and those two energies are generated from it. They are white and black, entwined and inseparable.

The two groups of energy liked him very much, followed him, and accompanied him to live with him.

At first he was full of joy, but then he became dissatisfied.

What he wants is not just two energies. What the world wants is not two energies.

One day, he took a flowing stone from himself. He divided the stone in his hand into two, divided the other half into two, and gave it to each one separately. Two **** of energy.

The two groups of energy received the stones he gave, and became two ignorant people, following him.

He finally had someone to communicate with, and he was happy to treat the two as his own children and to teach them everything they knew.

They lived together for a long time, maybe thousands of years, maybe tens of thousands of years. Later, he encountered some other energies, or it should be said that it was this world that drew on some other energies.

After light and darkness, it is the terroir.

He took out the stones from his body again, and then divided the remaining stones into more than half to give the four groups of energy.

Later, the energy of space, wood, and gold appeared ...

The stone on him was even smaller than the one that gave light and dark the two groups of energy, but he still separated them and gave the remaining three groups of energy.

The flowing stone is a godhead. Those energies wait for the godhead to become gods, and he should be regarded as the creation god?

The creator **** created the world, the gods created humanity, and the world is finally complete. This is the path that must be taken, so he created those gods and regarded them as their own children.

He just lost his godhead, but he is no longer the creator God of omnipotence.

He fell into a deep sleep, his body dissipated, and only his thoughts floated in this world.

He was not painful when he fell asleep, and it can even be said that this is what he expected. He has lived for too many years, and has no longer wanted to live.

After many years, when his scattered thoughts condensed again, when he wanted to see the world he created, he found that the whole world had changed.

On the land where he devoted a lot of his life, there are all kinds of intelligent creatures. The types of plants and animals are even more diverse. Everything seems to be vibrant ... He likes this world, but on this land, he created it with his own hands. The children set off a war, you fight for life.

He watched that all the children he created later were killed. In the end, even the two children he initially created, the two intimate energies, turned into enemies and fought.

His body had long since disappeared, and only a consciousness remained in the world, watching it all unable to stop it.

He didn't understand why this happened.

The Dark God has been seriously injured after killing many gods, and was attacked by the Light God into another world, but the Light God is also uncomfortable. He was attacked by the Dark God, his own personality broke, and he entered the other world with the Dark God. .

When the Dark God fell into that world, he brought the bodies of the gods and strong dark energy. A magical array that could be trapped by the **** of space trapped it, but could not trap the escaped dark energy. .

Many other energies are assimilated by dark energies, and the dark energies in this world become richer every day.

He did not like to see death, and had tried his best to prevent the spread of that dark energy in this world, but it was obviously of little use.

He watched the people in this world die one by one, and to the end was a person who accidentally got the fragments of the God of Light.

At this time, in Hyères, the war had swept the world.

After the war started seven or eight years ago, it never stopped. Humans and humans, humans and orcs, humans and dark creatures ... all beat you to death, like elves, and they were easily destroyed.

While the only living person in this world was quietly waiting for death, he saw the Light God come to this world and enter that enchantment.

The Dark God is completely dissipated.

The dark **** is dead, how can the light **** who is complementary to him be spared?

The gods are the pillars of Yell, and when all the gods die, Yell will naturally cease to exist.

The world he created over countless years is destined to dissipate in the following time.

The once-divided godhead returned to his hands, and his power suddenly returned. Using this energy, he set back time and made everything come back.

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