MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 13 recuperate

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After moving to Ren Fengyao ’s other courtyard in the suburbs of Beijing, it was only five or six days, but Ziyin Ye felt that life had never been easier and more comfortable. Although she married Ren Fengyao for only more than two months, she I feel like I'm living a good life, and now she no longer needs to wear a mask to live, she can finally have a space of her own. Where to chase novels

This courtyard is located on the northwestern side of the suburbs of Beijing. It is built by the mountains, half an hour away from Jingjing, and the surrounding environment is very quiet. There are various trees planted in front of the courtyard. The plaque on the gate says The two powerful and powerful characters "Leaving the Wind" should have been the subject of Ren Fengyao's own thoughts.

The area away from Fengbeiyuan is not large. Compared to Ren Fengyao ’s Prime Minister ’s office in Jinjing, it ’s one in the sky and one underground. The Prime Minister ’s office is so large that it takes half a day to visit the entire Xiangfu. But this is only about the east and west across the hospital. Although I do n’t know whether the Lie Fengyao was set up by Ren Fengyao himself or was rewarded by the emperor, Ziyin Ye had to secretly admire Ren Fengyao's taste and vision. Because of the delicate layout of Liefengbeiyuan, people had to nod praise. There are no zigzag promenades or terraces in the other courtyard, but the small garden, verdant green bamboo, and various size and decoration in the house all reveal an "elegant" character.

I do n’t know if God wanted to live with her intentionally. She was destroyed again by Ren Fengyao within a few days, and that person also moved over. Why?

Haruhi looked at the gloomy face, Zi Yin Ye who had not spoken a word almost all afternoon, and said timidly: "Miss, don't be angry, anyway, your grandpa has already moved in, and you can't drive him out Go out. "

Ziyin snorted coldly at night, and Kasuga replied: "Miss, in fact, my aunt is very good, and I have never been sorry for us. Although he also moved to another hospital this time, he was cured in the west hospital, and you But in the Eastern Court, you two ca n’t meet each other anyway, it ’s really not working, you should treat him as non-existent. ”

"Okay, so why is a big living person as if he doesn't exist?" Zi Yin Ye resentfully said, "This man is really a ghost, you say he can't live well with him, why don't you come here to make fun? It's only been a few days since I'm comfortable, and then ... hmm! "

"That's no way! Who made my aunt fainted in the court again! This time, the emperor issued a strict order not to allow anyone to disturb his aunt's health, and he will never let him ask anything before he is ill, Miss Ke You also know that there is no way to meditate and recuperate in the Prime Minister ’s Palace, so my aunt is here. "

"That's what he deserves!" Ziyin Ye's complexion had improved, apparently the anger had faded, and she saw with a smile smiling at Kasuga, "I said, little girl, why do you seem to be acting for that person in the Western Hospital everywhere? Speak! It's only been two months and my elbow is turning out? Isn't it spring for the little girl?

Ziyin Ye's ridicule made Chunri's face suddenly sink: "Miss, you ..., I ..."

Seeing that Kasuga ’s face had changed a lot and there were tears in her eyes, Ziyin Ye knew she was really angry, and he got up to appease, “Oh, Kasuga, are you angry? I am making you play!”

"Miss, Kasuga has followed you since childhood. Does Miss know nothing about Kasuga's mind?" Kasuga lowered her head and could not see her expression. Ziyin Ye hurriedly stood up and pulled up Kasuga's hand, "I You know, I know, how could I not know? The four of you are all dedicated to me. Sorry, Kasuga, just now I was just joking with you, so don't get angry. "

"Miss, don't make such jokes in the future, Kasuga can't stand it." Kasuga looked up. "Kasuga's life only hopes that you can be peaceful and happy, and Kasuga is satisfied."

Ziyin Ye knows the loyalty of the girls around her, and doesn't know what to say, just sighs: "Spring day, ..."

Xun Chunri again said: "Miss, Kasuga really thinks that aunt is really good, I hope you can talk to aunt ..."

Waved to interrupt Spring Day, Ziyin Ye sat back on the chair and said, "Okay, and speak good words for him again, I understand what you are thinking, but such things as feelings are not just a matter of speaking, let alone I treat him It's nothing! He's such a fool, he's insidious! "


"Isn't it? It's said that I live alone in this other courtyard, but ... the words don't count! As soon as my forefoot moved in, his heel followed, as if I would take him something, Don't talk about credit! "

Seeing Ziyin Ye with a pouting face, Kasuga reluctantly laughed and said, "Miss, I think my aunt moved well. I have never seen you with such a vivid expression before! I remember you since When I was very young, I was very sensible, as if everything was in my mind, and my expression was the same, no joy or sorrow, as if nothing could touch your heart. Many times we are afraid that you will see through the dust and go to work as a fairy. Not only will you laugh but you will also get angry, and you really want to thank your aunt. "

This kind of remarks were told to her by Kasuga twice, Ziyin Ye could not help but 怔, did Ren Fengyao really change her? Maybe! The appearance of Ren Fengyao has brought many variables to her life that she couldn't master. She used to hold everything in her hands and let everything develop according to her own wishes. Signs of derailment, she didn't like it! She must find a way to return to the kind of life she had before, and she will let Ren Fengyao out!

"Miss, what are you thinking?"

Ziyin Ye returned to God and said, "I'm thinking about how to invite the **** of plague out."

"Miss, you, you want to drive your aunt?"

I took a look at Spring Day in anger, and Ziyin night said, "Hurry? Am I stupid? Or am I so capable? Everyone has moved in and here is his place, let me drive him away, I ca n’t go crazy ? "

"How does Miss plan to‘ please ’go out?”

Xun Chunri aggravated the "please" character. Looking at Ziyinye, Ziyinye held her chin lightly and said slowly: "Since he is here to nourish the sick, he will not leave if he is cured."

What Xun Chunri said to her lady was meaningless, she said, "Forget it, miss, I'll prepare dinner."

Ziyin Ye looked at the door of Spring Sunrise, and came out of the door with a grunt of spring day: "I thought the lady had thought of a good move. As a result,‘ I ’ll leave if I ’m sick ’. Is n’t that nonsense!”

Qi Chunri's whisper drew a smile from Ziyin Ye, a deep smile, and Zi Yin Ye looked out the window, and she would leave if she became ill. She just had to let him get better soon!

On the second day, accompanied by Spring Day, Ziyin Ye specially visited Ren Fengyao at the Western Court. This time Ren Fengyao only brought Leng Canxing and the book boy Mo Bai, so she was not blocked in any way. Ren Fengyao's face seemed okay, but Ziyin Ye sat back for a while and hurried out. There is really nothing to say between her and Ren Fengyao, letting her pretend to be pitiful for her uncomfortable disposition, and she is also afraid that Ren Fengyao's pair of ancient wells and waves will see through her camouflage, she always feels that Ren Fengyao There was an inexplicable smile in her eyes.

Shortly after returning to the East Yard, Ziyin Ye rolled up his sleeves into the kitchen, which surprised Kasuga. Kasuga was surprised: "Miss, you, do you want to cook? You have not been down for more than three years. I've been cooking, why today ...? "

With careless handling of the ingredients on his hands, Ziyin Ye seemed helpless: "I don't want to, but I don't want to, when the disease of the plague **** in the Western Hospital will not be dragged on until what time! If you want to make him ill You have to let him get better soon after he leaves! "

"Miss, what are you going to do ..., oh, it turns out that you went to see your aunt today to see him sick, so I said, why would you visit your aunt so kindly?"

Xun Chunri shook his head and smiled slightly, Ziyin Ye pouted his lips, and did not say anything, but he slaps the knife with his hand to the ingredients in his hand. With a smile, Kasuga said: "Miss is going to make a medicated diet for her aunt?"

With a sigh and nodding, Ziyin Ye said: "His illness is overworked, and it is necessary to slowly recuperate. When I left, I took a look at the residue of the medicine he was taking. It was nothing more than qi and blood. Medicines and medicines are good medicines, but unfortunately ... he was afraid that his body would have collapsed long ago. It was only for him to take those medicines to wait for him to get well, and the daylily was cold. So he had to start with his diet. If you start with the two-pronged approach, you can get better with this disease. "

"Auntie's disease can make the lady cook in person. Auntie is really good. Miss, you haven't done anything for a long time."

"Little girl, are you gloating?" Ziyin Ye glared at Kasuga and put the prepared medicated diet in Kasuga's hands, and said, "The ingredients here can only be used to make this soup. I told him, This is your medicated meal to help him to regulate his body, and you will be responsible for his three meals in the future. "

"Miss, don't you tell your aunt that you made it?" Kasuga said strangely.

I stretched out my hand on Spring Forehead, Ziyin Ye said, "Stupid, I'm Miss Qianjin, who doesn't touch the spring water with my fingers. How could I make medicated diet? You want me to show my stuffing!"

"Oh!" Kasuga agreed, turned around and went out, and Ziyin Ye called to her, "Care, speak carefully, don't reveal us."

Xun Chunri nodded and left, and Ziyin Yechangshu breathed a sigh of relief. The medicated diet was what she would have done in her previous life. Now she is turning those recipes out of her mind again, which not only makes her feel a lot of emotion. She had nothing but food in the past, but now she is ... her heart is high, but she is stuck in a shoal, her hands are very clever, but she can't turn things around.

The soup in the purple silver night pot is obviously suitable for Fengyao's appetite, and it is a medicated diet that can nourish the body, so now Ren Fengyao will be responsible for his three meals in Spring Day. And here Ziyin Ye immediately listed the ingredients and medicinal materials that needed to be purchased, and planned to let Ren Fengyao send someone to purchase them on the second day.

Originally, the purchase was only required to be delivered to a subordinate, and Ziyin Ye did not intend to leave the other courtyard, but when she glanced again at the person outside the woods who could not enter the gate of the other courtyard, she changed her mind.

Ziyin Ye was cast in the woods outside the courtyard on the afternoon of Ren Fengyao's move. The little stone lion was at the door. In fact, the forest outside the hospital has been weird since she first came to the other courtyard, but she did not expect that this forest was actually planted according to the formation method, and she usually did not see anything.

After Bian Renfeng moved in, the little stone lion moved a few inches to the right, and the woods became a lost array. People inside can go out but people outside can't get in. Presumably the purpose of the formation is to be afraid of people disturbing it! I don't know if it was Ren Fengyao or Leng Canxing. Fortunately, she learned a lot in her childhood, otherwise she wouldn't see the famous ones.

Ziyin Ye smiled anxiously at the person who was anxious as he could not enter outside the woods. Tomorrow she would go out in person. Some opportunities came, but she must seize them.