MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-Chapter 7 Bizarre Adventures in Chicago

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Chu Zihang successfully passed the interview, but Chen Xuan gave up and chose to live a quiet life. However, there are many paths to enter the hybrid world, and no one can tell the future.

Compared with Luo Yin's second grade declaration, Chu Zihang's interview was much simpler.

Goal: Kill the servant, kill the dragon king.

Ideal department: Enter the executive department as soon as possible to kill the servant and the dragon king.

The vice-principal looked at this young man with the eyes of a lion cub and a strong desire for revenge, and once had a vision of Angers from a century ago.

Of course, the moral level of this child seems to be much higher than that of Angers...

The academy owed him an apology, it should make up for his losses, and tell him about the original mission and the results of the investigation. But the fact is that even he didn't want to get involved in the SS-class top-secret file incident.

Now the academy has to conduct a special examination on him before he is admitted. The so-called preparatory class is just a pretense, the real reason is to examine the abnormal Nibelungen events he has experienced, and to examine his dangerous bloodline according to the Abrahamic covenant.

Grasse's school board, Grasse's bloodline contract.


The news that Chu Zihang and Luo Yin got the offer from Kassel caused a lot of repercussions in Shilan.

It is natural for Chu Zihang to pass by, Luo Yin... Who is Luo Yin?

Most of the classmates and teachers sent congratulations, but they were still a little jealous in private.

After all, although Luo Yin has good looks, good grades and friendly people, he has always been a high-end self-closing stand-alone player.

Liu Baifei gave him this name originally because he hoped that he would act prudently, restrain his sharpness, keep a low profile, and don't follow his father's example. I didn't expect that the word "hidden" should be on autism...

The principal and the Academic Affairs Office proposed to write an exclusive interview article for them, but he pushed all of them to Chu Dashan.

And all kinds of anxious parents who wanted to inquire about the aristocratic schools in the United States came to bother him when they couldn't find Chu Zihang, but Luo Yin had already gone to Arkham Mental Sanatorium for vacation because of a serious mental illness (his original words).

As long as I'm rotten enough, no one can torture me.

He's been busy these days.

The old cowboy spent a few days in various good places, and was stopped at customs with dozens of bottles of good wine...

After returning to Kassel, Norma sent him the pdf textbooks of the basic courses of the alchemy department, as well as the photocopies of some parchment scrolls and bamboo slips. Flamel, the contemporary master of alchemy, is obviously quite optimistic about him.

The advantage of the Dragon language parsing system is that it can directly analyze the Dragon language model, but that thing can only make people draw pictures, and some of the knowledge in the notes is also very fragmented. The courses in the alchemy department of the academy are very systematic, which is what he needs most at the current stage.

In the past ten days, he huddled at home and studied hard, adding a lot of common sense in alchemy, such as mercury alchemy.

He has always been curious before, do high-level alchemists use welding torches to violently burn alchemy arrays on metal every day? It doesn't seem like it's any better to switch from the glass refining profession to welding...

In fact, the method is very simple. First, use modern industrial smelting technology to cast the required metal alchemy circuit at one time, and then fill it with the special metal infusion spirit of mercury.

Compared with direct hand-carving, the difficulty of mercury smelting requires much higher skills of alchemists. But at least he doesn't have to be a welder, does he...

The higher-level alchemy technology and some classic alchemy items were just mentioned, and he couldn't quite manage it at this stage.

For example, the soul-retaining nail that can block the power of the next generation of dragons, how to give the alchemy field like a wild dragon on the square-inch blade of the sword, flexible restraint, refining, and training technology...

For him, the fastest way to become stronger is to absorb the knowledge of the academy's alchemy system and realize the word spirit model analyzed by the system as soon as possible. He doesn't need to be obsessed with restoring classic alchemy works.

On May 1st, Luo Kedi had a cheeky face and asked the leader to ask for a two-day leave. The family of three lived in a lakeside B&B for two and a half days, with three people in three rooms, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing at one point.

But what should I say, see you more often when you can.

Luo Kedi, a big man, had five times more tears than his ex-wife.

Liu Baifei kept trying to give him money.

Luo Yin took out 50,000 yuan of starting capital after tuition and living expenses, which is not a small amount.

He put it on credit first, he firmly believed that he could get rich quickly, and then paid it back.


After May Day, Luo Yin said goodbye to her homeland and boarded a plane to Chicago. Because of poverty, I bought cheap tickets for two flights, and I was tortured for more than a day.

Counting the seven-day trip to Southeast Asia in elementary school, this is his second time abroad.

Chu Zihang chose the preparatory class in Chicago, but there is still a period of time before the school starts, and he will start a few weeks later than him.

When Luo Yin arrived at Chicago's Union Station according to the directions, she was so hungry that her chest was pressing against her back. The on-board pasta served with black pepper sauce and green olives shattered the bottom line of Chinese food lovers.

There seems to be only Subway in the station, so let's do it.

The academy informed him that he could take the cc1000 train at the station, but it did not provide a timetable, but only told him to wait patiently on the platform.

There was nothing but empty space in front of the designated platform, only two benches, and on the left sat a homeless man with a dark face and messy hair.

Things like the tramp are like wild monsters that are regularly refreshed in the train station.

Luo Yin sat down on the right, chewing a sandwich on the huge suitcase.

Seven or eight pieces of Subway wrapping paper were lying at the foot of the homeless man, and he didn't know how many days he had been here.

Seeing this young man with a big bag and a small bag, a strange light suddenly appeared in the homeless eyes.

"Which bus do you want to take?"

It turned out to be a standard Chinese.

"cc1000." Luo Yin waved the dark green ticket in his hand.

"Junior brother! I'm a Kassel student. I've been waiting for the bus here for many days..."

ha? Watching the homeless man take out a crumpled green ticket with the joy of seeing his relatives in his eyes, it was quite sudden.

[Finger von Frings]

Bloodline: A+

Attribute: Earth

Word Spirit: Bronze Throne

Word Spirit Effect: Strengthens muscles, looks like bronze, greatly enhances one's own strength. The ancient servants used the bronze body as the monarch to lift the huge frame as the throne of the dragon king.

Special Status: Nibelung Root Mark; Blast Blood Residue]

Luo Yin was shocked and took a half step back subconsciously.

Good guy, Nibelungen is like a toilet, you A-class come and go as you want.

Fingal's defeated dog-like eyes froze for a moment, he thought he was disliked by his younger brother. Your small actions hurt so much.

"Senior brother? How long have you been waiting here?"

"Three days, three full days. There is only one bus a week for non-freshmen enrollment. I don't know when this week's students will come. By the way, what level are you, Junior Brother?"


Fingal: Ah, I'm dead.

"Junior brother, stay with me here and wait to die."

"This train has something to do with the level of the students? Brother, are you?"

"Hehe, Junior Brother, everything about Cassel College is related to rank, it is the remnant of the old society of evil.

I'm a D-class, a D-class, and you're a C-class. I can only wait here to die. The train will come whenever it wants. If you are a privileged class like A-rank, you can make an appointment one day in advance. "

Luo Yin was a little shocked. How did your A+ grade blood and the savage voice of a man get to the D grade?

"Fingal, Kassel College grade 01, dragon neurology. Because repeating grades is considered a senior, he is currently a D grade, and is expected to be an E grade in the second half of the year."

No, can it be extended for three years? ? ?

"Luo Yin, level 07, alchemy department."

"Be careful, junior brother. It's easy to fail the alchemy department."

Luo Yin:......

"So Brother Fingal, if you want to go to the academy, do you have to take the cc1000 train?"

"It seems so."

"Where is the location of the college?"

"On the top of the mountain, it's about ten minutes' drive by green leather car. The exact location is not very sure."

Luo Yin was thoughtful. Is that so?

Naturally, the time that Flamel sent him could not be wrong, and there is no cc1000 train here.

He went to the window to inquire again, and found that the staff didn't even know there was this train.

This is a ghost train to Cassell College, and no one except the invited hybrids will notice it.

The answer is obvious. This is a test.

This train and the tracks on which it runs must have used a huge amount of alchemy technology, thus building a magical defense line for the academy.

The old cowboy hoped that he could find the academy directly through the knowledge of alchemy without using the train.

The actual distance may be more than ten kilometers, and his physical strength is enough to walk there, as long as he can decipher the alchemy in it.

Of course Luo Yin wouldn't wait here foolishly, he chose to accept this little challenge with good intentions.

Seeing that the newly arrived junior brother bought several ham sandwiches, the German defeated dog thought he had one of his own.

In the end, the younger brother didn't say a word, turned on the flashlight and walked towards the track. He also smiled at him, "Senior brother, I'm going first."

Fingal: What are young people thinking now? Completely incomprehensible.

Going deep into the tunnel, he really felt a faint "spirit" aura. There should be a lot of alchemy circuits encapsulated inside the wall.

After walking with a flashlight for more than an hour, the strength of the spirit gradually increased. He could feel a slight upward slope.

From the afternoon until sunset, Luo Yin finally saw the sun again.

Around the rails is a sea of ​​tall old trees. The environment in Chicago does not seem to be suitable for such a species to grow.

From here, each track is part of a huge alchemy formation. Between the sea of ​​trees, are the dilapidated sleeper rails that wind up infinitely and disappear.

The system's analysis cooldown has not ended, and it is impossible for him to use the analysis opportunity to find his way. However, the system can help him determine the approximate distribution range and effect of the Alchemy Array.

Are the senses disturbed, as expected?

Taking out a pen and paper, Luo Yin took notes as he walked, not forgetting to take pictures with his cell phone.

The rails above extend out a lot of forks.

When he came to an intersection, he took a few steps to the left at will, and the railroad track came to an end before it extended a few meters. Dead end.

Going back and changing direction is a dead end again. interesting.

He picked up a bottle of mineral water, opened the lid and fell down. The water is flowing upwards.

It reverses the sense of height and creates a little visual error. Luo Yin briefly opened the mirror pupil to collect information, made a gesture on the paper, and passed the test in a few minutes.

Soon there was another fork in the road...

These alchemy arrays are not high-end, nor lethal. However, the composition is becoming more and more complex, it is becoming more and more difficult to identify one's true situation, and the error rate of solving problems is gradually increasing.

There are already a few stars above the head, and the waves surging in the sea of ​​trees are spectacular and beautiful. If he hadn't gotten lost.

He drew dozens of pages on the manuscript paper, dragged his suitcase and walked through the labyrinth for hours, Luo Yin's face was full of haggard.

One thing to say, objective analysis, he is a little afraid of the dark... It seems that this kind of deep mountain old forest may burrow out a few big white-fronted worms at any time.

As expected of you, Master Flamel. Mass production of alchemy items using such ordinary rails can actually create such a huge labyrinth.

About three hours passed, Luo Yin sensed a mysterious silence. Not the silence of the sound, but the silence of the elements.

This is, Yan Ling. Precepts, the suppression power is very weak. He is very close.

In the middle of the night, Luo Yin walked the last part of the road in the dark and crossed the terminal station of the train.

Drilled out of the forest grass, full of exhaustion, covered in dirt and sweat.

But he still did it.

In the distance, red brick walls, old iron fences, UU reading www.uukanshu. Stately gate in gothic style. Gate of Cassel.

The entire academy is located on a super-large alchemy array, and the alchemists, relying on their powerful bloodline and alchemy skills, use discipline to forcibly suppress the flow of elements throughout the campus.

Luo Yin ran to the gate excitedly, running towards his university life.

"Who? Stop! Stop!"

A dozen red dots landed on the boy at the same time, making his body stiff.

The janitors on duty jumped out from the door and quickly surrounded Luo Yin in a well-trained formation.

Intense fatigue and the pressure of more than a dozen guns made his knees go weak and he half-knelt on the ground.

"I'm a good citizen! I'm a student, a student!"

"It's a student, why don't you take the train? Who can prove your identity?" The leading janitor was a vicious bald black man.

"Professor Manstein, Master Flamel..."

"The professor is on a business trip and is not in the service area. Flamel, who is it?"

"...By the way, Norma, Norma!" The phone was out of power.

"You were arrested for trying to break into Kassel College illegally, stay here until tomorrow morning, and explain clearly!"


At seven o'clock the next morning, Luo Yin in the gate post was awakened by the sound of the train. His hands were tied and his mind was confused.

Fingal rubbed his eyes and got out of the car with his head on his head. At the school gate, he saw the miraculous junior brother from yesterday.

He really climbed up on his own...and was **** by the janitor.

Luo Yin looked at him with three parts numbness, six parts melancholy and one part sadness.

It turned out that it was better to just wait one more night.

The clown was himself.

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Chapter 457:

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