MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-~ Epilogue Internet Cafe·Screening Room·0 Years

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The most mysterious urban legend in X City in the past two years is the black Internet cafe next to Shilan Middle School.

Young Internet cafe owners generally only receive regular customers. It is said that some new customers never come out again after entering.

The boss often lies on the table doing nothing on weekdays, with drooping eyebrows, and no one dares to provoke him. It is the deterrent force of his muscles is too strong.

It is said that his business also includes the small supermarket next to the Internet cafe and the newsstand directly opposite, but he only goes to the stalls when the weather is good and he sleeps well.

"Senior brother, are you done over there?"

"It's early, it's never finished."

Building a new world from scratch is a terrifying amount of engineering.

Secondly, even with the cooperation of the four first-generation species, it is still difficult to establish an order between hybrids and dragons.

Managing the flow of people and goods between the two worlds made Luo Yin relive the cirrhosis of the liver.

Many radical half-blood families are still haunted by the orders set by Lu Mingfei. But as of now, nothing can be reversed.

"The tortoise has a party tonight and will be leaving at five o'clock. Here's a chance."

That dead sister! He and Eriki play two games and will be pointed at by Genji.

Eiliyi's other brother is even more heavyweight, and her father is simply the bottom boss of Hell difficulty.

The ritual of becoming a **** solved the problem of Lu Mingfei's lifespan, and the remaining power after sacrificing the tree of life maintained his bloodline at the level of Transcendent A Grade.

But in the face of the underworld shadow emperor who is in the state of keel, he can only be held accountable.

He should have banned the blood of these emperors at that time, otherwise it wouldn't be like taking a spy war drama to invite Hui Liyi for a meal.

"Thank you, brother. Speaking of which, what did you see that day and what happened?"

At the moment when the tree of life was born, Luo Yin devoured the white king keel and disappeared when he rushed into the black light wing.

No one knows what happened to him. After a period of time, the black light wings slowly disappeared, but Luo Yin did not return.

"I don't remember at all. If it wasn't for your selfishness when you became a god, I might not be able to come back."

"People always have a little idea of ​​their own."

When Lu Mingfei threw the holy spear for the first time, he did not completely destroy the Old World Tree.

The last three pieces of soul information are also stored in the root system of the old tree. Old Tang, Fingal, and Luo Yin.

Lu Mingfei didn't know what the black light wing was, but instinctively felt that the thing behind it was very bad.

Another point of his selfishness is this Internet cafe.

Its location is excellent, next to schools, newsstands and small supermarkets.

Lulin City's heritage is not much, but it is enough to buy them. Giovanni moved in next door to his aunt's, which was his home.

The door of the warehouse in the deepest part of the Internet cafe is connected to another world and is not restricted by oracles.

Whether there is dragon blood or not, it can pass through this door, and there is no limit to the frequency of round trips.

This door is reserved for his friends. He is more or less afraid of being alone.

"The date went well."

Luo Yin gestured for refueling, and rode a bicycle to wander around this familiar city.

"Sakura-kun! Here are ten machines!"

Eriyi's excited voice came from behind the iron gate, and it was estimated that her adventure today was going well.

Lu Mingfei opened the back door of the Internet cafe, and Huiliyi, who had been in a different world for a long time, walked out of the warehouse door and sipped the iced orange soda.

Wait, he rubbed his eyes.

Two Huiliyi, three, four... Nine, ten Huiliyi, drinking ten cans of orange soda.

"Like me, they are all artificial hybrids of different batches made for the sacrifice of holy skeletons. We formed a team, temporarily called the Red-haired Witch Squad!

They are all new members of the game club. "

"I'm Eri No. 2."

"Huili No. 3 machine."


Lu Mingfei watched the ten red-haired girls in the store playing games at the same time, and silently went to the front desk to watch. It was another day of only receiving regular customers.

Wait, which one is the No. 1 unit... Is Eiliyi coming? If the invitation is wrong, it will definitely be done, right?


"Experimental artificial dragon body, start! The driver's nerve is connected!

Alchemy field 300% load, the battle begins! "

The Moniah sailed at full speed to the red dragon king who broke the river, and the storm torpedo was ready to launch.

In the middle of the night when the rain poured down, two 18-meter-high artificial dragons opened their red-gold eyes, and the dragon scales illuminated by the firelight were full of titanium alloy texture.

The ultimate dragon-slaying weapon holds the scorching alchemy sword, jumps from the Maniah, and swings the sword towards the flaming monarch!

The enthusiastic cheers of the dwarves of the equipment department resounded in the auditorium, almost toppling the ceiling.

Both the director and the screenwriter resolutely resisted adding mechas to dragon-slaying movies. This was the result of their crying, making troubles, and hanging themselves with a piece of truth and countless bombs.

"Isn't using this kind of thing to kill us to deliver food, we are the throne of bronze."

"It's a movie, brother, just treat it as entertainment."

Norton complained unhappily, this is also bullying the Dragon King.

"The seven deadly sins, the seven deadly sins I created! How could it be stolen by humans?

Editing is not random editing! "

Luo Yin in the back seat tried his best to keep his face sullen, but did not laugh out loud.

The Dragon King, who has been reborn once, speaks with stubbornness.

"Susie, it's almost our part."

The girl picked up a piece of popcorn, threw it at Luo Yin, and stuffed it into her mouth.

The picture on the screen was given to a C-level alchemy logistics passerby, Luo.

He didn't dodge the shock wave of the Dragon King Yanling in time, and the amount of bleeding was exaggerated.

"Keep fighting..."

He handed the newly forged sword to the black long straight girl and sent it.

The five-second scene.

"Sakura, how many more films can you make in this movie?"

Uesugi Eriyi pouted, she doesn't have a role in her role.

"There are a lot of films. After filming all the stories, I will be able to appear next time."

"Wrong! The next one is the home of this king!"

Xia Mi shamelessly revealed that she peeked at the script of the second part.

After the war ended, the Black King did not return, and Yemengarde finally accepted his true self calmly:

Xia Mi is Yemengade, and Yemengade is Xia Mi.

Unlike other first-generation species, she hopes that each life of her life will be different, not just a continuation of a long life.

She hopes that she can experience a different life, know a different world, and say goodbye to her past self every time she is born.

Therefore, Yemengard lived and Behemoth died.

The old world tree completely disappeared after resurrecting the last three lives, and Xia Mi became the last life of Yemengade.

In this life, she marched towards death together with a human, and took care of the stupid Fenrir together.

When the Italian Golden Retriever on the screen hit the Dragon King with his boat, Caesar was sticking with Nono.

While sighing that the world is getting worse, he can't wait to give himself two slaps.

Caesar left the Gattuso family, and the Chen family fell apart after Chen Jun and Lu Lincheng died.

He returned all the companies, shares, real estate, securities... sports cars, custom suits, all kinds of messy lifetime memberships.

The only things he took away from Gattuso's house were Gulweger's relics, and the Harley-Davidson motorcycle that had accompanied him for more than ten years.

Caesar sold 25% of his shares in the alchemy workshop to Luo Yin at the price of 1 yuan, and kept the last 1% under Luo Yin's persuasion as a commemoration of a successful investment.

Nuonuo saved some money and a red Ferrari, and suddenly became the rich woman who took care of Caesar.

They are completing their first round-the-world trip in the new world, looking for a new home.

The three-hour-long film came to an end, the screen gradually dimmed, and the soft ending song, "Dragon Clan Epic Poem" sounded.

Quiet, gentle, a touch of loneliness. hope.

It seems like the end of a year of hard work and exhaustion, walking on the streets of the New Year.

There was light snow in the sky, neon lights flashed on the street, standing alone and looking up.

The pure piano sound is interspersed with recitations in various languages, students from the Kassel Academy.

[Producer: Paramount Pictures Cassel Pictures Samaria Media]

【Dragon Clan·Dawn of Fire】

【Co-directors: Steven S**berg, Lee *, Christopher *Lan, James Carron*…】

[Screenwriter: Anonymous]


Chu Zihang as Chu Zihang

Caesar as Caesar Gattuso

Han Li as Constantine

Ronald Down as Norton (Memories)

Lu Mingfei as Lu Mingfei


Susie as Susie


Luo Yin as Luo Yin]

[Special Effects: DoubleNegative, Walter Alheim Studios]

【Soundtrack: Ennio *Ricone, Sakamoto *ichi, Hans *Mo...】

[This film uses motion capture and expression capture technology, and is shot through post-compositing, and the plot is purely fictional]

In the middle of the bulletin table, a blurry color picture is often inserted coldly.

Black Dragon.

Deadpool Legion.

Ice Sea Copper Pillar.

Keel Cross.

Dragon ruins in ancient Rome.

High Tianyuan.

Avalon Island.



The piano dropped the last note, the screen went dark, and the lights in the auditorium lit up.

People stayed on the seats and couldn't think of leaving for a long time.

"The public version of "Origin" will be released worldwide next month. We will try to make it into VR later."

"Olivia said, will you lose a lot of money?"

"It's doomed to lose money when it's made.

Movies of dragons and hybrids, and this game, are all gifts we give to the world. "

The audience gradually left, Luo Yin and Susie leaned on each other's shoulders, and there was a faint scent of gardenia in their black hair.

"What did you see that day?"

If it were you, I couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"The real black king."

"A fight?"

"I can't remember, that memory was lost a lot after the resurrection. But it should have never been played.

I remember a lot of fragmentary pictures. An angel with six pairs of wings, no negative emotions, only virtues.

Giants composed of suspended metals, group-thinking creatures composed of electric currents and water bodies, piled up with the bones of the abyss. "

"After that, what are those?"

"They are the creators. I hope that I will become their messenger and guide a new civilization."

"You refused."

"I said they had ancestors, but they said they had no ancestors."

Susie couldn't help laughing.

"I said that the world is very good now, we don't need them, and what life desires is free will.

They denied it. "

"What's the reason?"

Luo Yin shook his head, the memories behind were just broken images.

Finally, the Black King left.

"I only remember a few bits and pieces.

Jiangnan, there is no ending, there is no end. "

"what is that?"

"Who knows."

Luo Yin shrugged and hugged Susie.

"I know very well that this moment is real."


Countless cameras are aimed at an abandoned Internet cafe, and the real-time images are transmitted to the whole world, to the moon, Mars, and outside the solar system.

Tens of billions of people in the earth and the stars watched the demolition of this old Internet cafe at the same time.

According to common sense, such an ancient building should have been demolished long ago.

In the 23rd century, it is difficult for humans to understand why they have to pay for old electronic equipment in a special storefront.

When the earth's natural resources are about to be exhausted, human beings step into the stars, and the original homeland begins a century-long natural restoration plan.

When they looked back again, they found this tenacious Internet cafe.

"Let's follow in the footsteps of the exploration team and enter this mysterious Internet cafe."

In the 2010s, with the release of related movies, games and other works of art, the world set off a craze about dragons.

More than a century later, discussions and speculations about that craze are still endless. Although there is no real evidence, countless chuunibial diseases still firmly believe that the dragon clan really exists.

"This Internet cafe fits the description of Nibelungen in "Dragon".

We found abnormal areas with unstable physical parameters in its warehouse, and the material of the warehouse has anti-physical properties. "

Lu Mingfei's Internet cafe was finally successfully demolished after being a nail household for more than half a century.

Only the last iron gate remained, standing alone among the rubble.

There is a note on the iron door: This door is reserved for our friends.

Open the door.


The tree of life supports its sky.

Endless forests, mountains, oceans, snowfields. All kinds of creatures flowing with dragon blood live and multiply freely in the meantime.

The expedition team and reporters raised their heads and saw a towering floating city.

They stepped into the shadows of the city and naturally floated to the sky.

"Welcome to the first alchemy floating city, its name is Chaoge."

An illusory bright blue girl appeared in front of people.

When entering Chaoge City, all electronic equipment returned to normal operation.

"You can call me Norma, I'm the subprogram she stayed here."

They pass through the wide streets, and the tall buildings around them are completely different from the artistic styles of the human world, perfectly blending the beauty of simplicity and modernity.

People walk into the municipal square built of white marble, surrounded by statues.

"The first consul of the New World, Luo Yin.

Term of office 2012~2020, 2028~2030.

She was impeached by Chancellor of the Exchequer Olivia Schmidt due to issues such as labor standards. After a parliamentary vote, she ended her second term early.

We will always remember his greed and his contributions. "

"Chief designer of Chaoge City alchemy project, Constantine."

"The first pure-blooded dragon consul, Yemengard."

"The great adventurer, Caesar, Chen Motong, the Red Haired Witch."

"Zero, one of the founders of the Zero Foundation."


Norma's subroutine introduces the identity of each statue to visitors a hundred years later.

"What about them? Half-bloods and dragons, where are they?"


A black phantom wearing a silver mask appeared beside Norma, reading a brief message in someone's voice.

"When you came to visit, we had already left.

Humans step into the starry sky, and we go to the depths of the spiritual world. We will eventually find the hometown of the Black King.

When we go to the wider world, the conflicts of existence and the wars that were quietly prevented have all disappeared naturally.

This world is the last gift, please be kind to him.

One day, our descendants will also come back here.

May this door never close. "

Under the world tree, human beings and countless beings look into the endless distance.


In 2012, the Siberian Evolution Sect was destroyed, and all cloned hybrids went to the New World.

In 2013, Fingal was on vacation on the coast of Cuba and met Olivia, who was fishing for a long vacation.

In 2014, Angers retired and returned to live in the UK.

He and Elizabeth Laurent opened an art gallery in London and died in the company of the daughter of an old friend.

Angers has never stepped on the door of the new world in his life, and this is the world he pursues.

All his estates are used to set up trusts, entrusting the long-term maintenance of the Kassel estate in Germany and the graves of the deceased.

The Kassel Academy stopped teaching, and after the renovation, it became a famous scenic spot open to the outside world. In the eyes of the world, the crew built a university specifically for filmmaking.

The Secret Party rebuilt Kassel in the New World, and the Night's Watch finally took over as headmaster.

Xia Mi and Chu Zihang live a peaceful life, clock in and go to get off work on time, and visit the free-throwing Fenrir every week in the new world.

They have been tired of the peaceful world until they are in their sixties. After Chu Zihang accompanied his mother on the last journey, they went to the new world.

They successfully gave birth to a daughter, Chumi, who later became the fourth principal of Kassel.

Caesar and Nono ran around the world and finally exchanged wedding rings at the highest peak in the new world.

Afterwards, they had many divorces, split and closed, but they accompany each other to the end.

Yuan Zhisheng devoted himself to the huge underworld business of the eight Sheqi families, and lived a life of a social animal with the company of Sakura.

Yuan Zhinv became a world-renowned Kabuki actress, and she starred in many movies and TV dramas, the most famous role being Ruri Kazama.

Uesugi Eriyi and the other nine Eri completed their university studies days touch nine days.

That Internet cafe is her most frequented place. Every time I get tired, I just play games or watch anime.

In 2025, Lu Mingfei announced the closure of the Internet cafe and entered the new world life, and has since become the world's No. 1 nail household.

The trio of nurses set up the Zero Foundation to protect the lonely hybrids and guide them through the door on the premise of free choice.

They built the first town in the New World where half-bloods and pure-blood dragons lived together.

Because of the existence of Vera, the Beowulf family has changed from a dragon slayer family to a communication ambassador between humans and dragons.

In 2048, Chaoge City floated into the sky.

Luo Yin never told anyone about his meeting with the Black King, including his and Susie's children.

After he resigned as a consul, and after earning money and getting bored, he sometimes taught a few classes at the Alchemy Academy in Kassel, while Susie was the academy's kendo instructor.

The column in the center of Chaoge City Municipal Plaza is the new home of the chip system, and they record a brand new history.

Alchemy has been developing at an incredible speed for decades, and he finally created a sword for Susie that surpassed Tiancongyun.

No one can unlock all the secrets in a limited life.

He didn't try to repair the old tree or find a way to keep his spirit eternal. He just lived in two worlds with Susie, and grew old together under the starry sky and the world tree.

One day, their descendants will find the hometown of the Black King.


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