MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 14 killing intent

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In Chen Zijun's memory, his father has never smiled as happily as he does today.

The last time I saw my father show a sincere smile to him was when Chen Zijun called him "Master Chen". many years ago.

The guests who came to the house called his father like this, and he was so ignorant. His father scolded him twice, but suddenly laughed.

Chen Zijun often heard his father chanting a name on weekdays, Lu Shanyan. The person a person misses the most, if they are not relatives and friends, they can only be mortal enemies.

He still remembered that more than ten years ago, near Nianguan, the snow was deep in the city. He followed behind his father and honestly did not hold his father's clothes.

The Lu family's yard was a little cold, and there were a few foreigners with green eyes sitting in the house.

Lu Shanyan doesn't look as arrogant and treacherous as his father said. Chen Zijun also touched the little face of the baby in the mistress's arms.

Before leaving, the foreigners also gave him a box of candy in a square metal box.

So Chen Zijun didn't feel much joy when he heard that Lu Shanyan died.

Of course, he often failed to understand the emotions of others, far more than this time. Those line patterns that sometimes appeared in his mind, the seemingly non-existent flow changes in all things, made him intoxicated.

"Zijun, this is the secret scroll I got from a foreigner for my father."

Chen Shoutui, who was full of alcohol, called his young son into the hall alone, and took out the two volumes of "manuscripts" that Lin Fenglong gave him from the box. A secret volume used to train high-level undead disciples, "attorneys".

This kind of good thing, Chen Shoutu naturally copied the copy overnight before presenting it to the Queen Mother.

The rest of the children did not inherit his talent in this regard, only the youngest son, who was always Mumu, had some talent instead.

Chen Zijun opened the secret scroll and opened up a whole new world.

How to classify and extract various functional components from dragon blood, and how to use Western surgical operations to transform other people's brains. How many human changes can dragon blood promote, and how many stages are these changes divided into?

He had read many books left by alchemists before, but none of them could compare to this secret scroll. The gap between them is like a stubborn stone to gold and iron.

Reading the cold, cruel, and accurate words on the dense scroll, Chen Zijun didn't feel the **** aura that rushed to his face.

He suddenly discovered that part of the wisdom of the author of the secret scroll was that he did not start from a human perspective. But from a higher place overlooking.

"Zijun, you must keep this secret scroll."

Chen Shoutui held his son's hand tightly and said a lot while drunk.

About his process of hunting the "secret party", the reward of the queen mother, about how to keep the Chen family prosperous for a thousand years...

In fact, Chen Zijun couldn't understand his father's thoughts, but he pretended to listen to his father's teaching seriously. Most of his attention was focused on the dense scroll in his hand.

Based on the technology of concocting "attorneys" on this secret scroll, he felt that he could open up the entire treasure of dragon knowledge.

But my father just wanted to use it to make soldiers for the court step by step. Human dynasties, short-lived, cowardly rulers, the prosperity and continuation of families, these things have no value at all.

Everything about human beings is a quagmire, and the more concerned you are, the deeper you sink.

A few years later, the lost father was hanged. Because of some mess.

After the Chen family disappeared, Chen Zijun became Chen Jun. For him, things became much simpler, and no one interfered with his research.

Until he found that the reserve of experimental materials was not enough.

Chen Jun went to Lu's yard later, but Lu Shanyan's family had moved away, which made him a little sad. He was unable to find useful material.


So beautiful.

Chen Jun raised his head slightly and stared at the pair of cross-shaped moon-white dragon wings.


If he can cut open his brain and find out all the secrets he hides, his research on Longwen will go forward.

If it is made into an alchemy puppet, he needs more than a dozen top-level materials...


Chen Jun slammed into the iron wall, and his deformed spine fell into the pit of steel.

"Your eyes are so disgusting. You can't see what's going on in your head, but it must be so disgusting that I spit out my breakfast."

A series of bone explosions, more than 1,600 bones entered a closed state after rapid deformation and fine-tuning, and their strength and defense were strengthened several times.

Luo Yin didn't use Yanling and Tiancong Yunjian, he had to beat this scum first.

"What about you? If you want to stab him to death, I'd be happy to help."

The three brothers of the Chen family still lowered their heads silently, their bodies tense, and stopped in front of Luo Yin.

When the three looked up, Luo Yin seemed to see three evil ghosts. Red-golden light was flowing in their pupils, the black-purple capillaries on their faces were like crawling centipedes, and their jaw muscles were about to crush the fangs that grew out of their mouths.

"They will always be loyal to me and will only be loyal to me."

"You succeeded in making me hate alchemy."

Luo Yin punched through the molten steel and hit Chen Jun's chest hard.

Yanling: Heaven and Earth are the furnace, as if the melting point of the metal has been lowered, and the molten iron is far less hot than normal.

In the Yanling class records, the normal radius of the high-risk Yanling Heaven and Earth is only one meter, and at most no more than three meters.

At this moment, on the third floor of the Spring God, all objects containing metal shook violently at the same time, like an earthquake.

Under the blessing of the broken alchemy array, Chen Jun melted more than 20 tons of mixed metal at one time, and the river of metal was like a dragon guarding him.

Facing the elemental turbulence naturally caused by Luo Yin's posture as the Dragon King, the magnificent furnace only shrunk inward by more than 30%.

"This is the authority of the emperor. The core of the word spirit's confrontation is never the effect or power, but the authority to support the word spirit."

The immediately condensed metal wall sags inward, printing dozens of clear fist prints, and even the fine scales on the fist surface can be clearly seen.

Luo Yin kept changing direction like a ghost, as if dozens of people were bombarding Chen Jun's defense from all directions at the same time.

All Chen Jun's words were submerged in the rumbling metal sound, which was Luo Yin's death knell for the dark side scum.

Luo Yin found that good hearing is not always an advantage. For example, at this moment, he could still hear Chen Jun's **** theory.

"In the field of alchemy, hybrids naturally have irreparable disadvantages.

In just a few short years, what have you done in order to obtain such an advanced life form? "

"I rely on my own efforts, down-to-earth and understand!"

The system is his, and the effort of the system is his effort. For example, the value created by an employee's hard work is also a part of his life value.

Many pictures flashed in Luo Yin's mind, what he had done by himself.

Bully Deadpool and deceive the Dragon King. Squeezing labor, using alchemy to carry out 100 million pua behavior, technology monopoly...

He used Olivia as a guinea pig a long time ago, but the experiment was very successful. Olivia should have no opinion.

A few drops of boiling dragon blood gushed out from the scales on his face that were suddenly broken, and Luo Yin immediately retreated to avoid the follow-up attacks.

Chen Jun just wanted to distract him, and suddenly made a very thin blade on the metal outer wall, attacking his vital points.

Luo Yin had already brought Constantine here. The bare dragon king would definitely explode his blood pressure and stab Chen Jun with Surter.

because he was violated. Chen Jun used the spirit of words to smelt the imitation dragon body of pure metal, but the details are far less brilliant than Constantine.

Chen Jun's whole body was covered with pure black dragon scales. That kind of black is different from the black of night and coal. It hardly reflects any light, only a bottomless abyss-like darkness.

He also drank the golden dragon blood, which multiplied the power of the word spirit, and at the same time deeply transformed into a dragon.

Luo Yin guessed that Chen Jun used a weakened version of the product for his sons, and the one he just used was the full version.

Tian Congyun easily chiseled into the metal scale armor of Chen Jun's right arm, but suddenly fell into it, and the metal suddenly changed from soft to hard.

Chen Jun "swam" in the metal dragon, attacking Luo Yin's heart from behind.

The black light flashed, and Chen Jun flashed Jian Yu's slash and returned to the center of the furnace.

"He gave it to me. You take care of those idiots."

Luo Yin hesitated for a moment.

"Try not to kill."

Chen Jun looked at Luo Yin, his face covered with black scales was a bit mocking.

When he heard about Luo Yin before, he thought that this young man might be his kind. Now it seems that he has no potential to compete for the throne.

Luo Yin vibrated the dragon wings at full speed, took Tian Congyun as the front, and stabbed Chen Jun with a huge amount of kinetic energy.

The glass on the third layer was completely shattered by the shock wave, and the black sword rain tore through the mixed domain of the vortex and the blood-sucking sickle, piercing the bodies of the three Chen brothers.

Susie trusts Luo Yin's current strength, she only needs to deal with these three delirious evil spirits. She fights not to inflict permanent disability on them.

The physical rules were forcibly tampered with and distorted by Luo Yin's side. He ignored the high temperature of the molten iron, stared at Chen Jun, and made no secret of his killing intent.

Even if the doomsday brought by the Black King is solved by relying on this kind of thing, he will become a new disaster that threatens mankind.

Luo Yin slammed into dozens of tons of metal, deformed the dragon body smelted by Chen Jun, and both smashed the iron wall behind and fell to the rear of the ship.

The anger and killing intent activated Luo Yin's spiritual power to the peak level, and the elemental turbulence that erupted caused violent storms on the sea level, and the low-altitude clouds became dark, with lightning flashes.

The terrifying impact of the metal furnace caused the hull to tilt, and the turbulence caused by Luo Yin instantly destroyed the power supply system of the Spring God.

It only took three or four minutes from the sound of a suspected fight from the third floor to the time when the mad dragon tore the upper hull.

All the passengers flocked to the deck, and it became clear to me that something was wrong.

Chen Jun manipulated the world into a furnace, constantly smelting and throwing new weapons.

Swords surrounded Luo Yin, they were quickly cut off by Tian Congyun, returned to the furnace, and soon flew out with a new attitude.

Under the blessing of the "Blood of the Supreme", his spiritual power is inexhaustible.

This is the illusion that power is regained too quickly. He wields violence with all his might, and his soul is constantly filled with new powers, like a perpetually moving furnace.

Luo Yin is far more familiar with the power of the dragon body than Chen Jun, and he always has the upper hand by virtue of his speed advantage.

The moonlight sword shadows flickered thousands of times, forming a galaxy under the cloudy clouds, cutting off all the swords, axes, and spears that came.

No matter how many "tentacles" Chen Jun can stretch out, Luo Yin will approach him little by little until he completely rips his ridiculous melting pot.

Luo Yin avoided Chen Jun's stabbing gun, but the stabbing gun continued to extend, piercing the bottom of the hull and destroying the engine of the Chunshen.

This is no coincidence. Chen Jun is sabotaging his ship, he cares more about the lives of those passengers than Luo Yin.

All those families, they were close to the Chen family because of his skills, his strength. These people are dead and there will be again.

"There are 1,700 people on board. Before I kill them all, why don't we talk about our cooperation first?"

Luo Yin didn't answer and continued to swing his sword.

Before meeting Chen Jun, he always thought that people like Herzog were a rare "miracle" in the history of mixed races.

He was wrong. Not only can there be someone who can match him in character, but also stronger.

Fusion spell, activated.

"You don't think that just with that bit of alchemy-treated blood, you can be compared to the Black King?"

In Chen Jun's perception, Luo Yin's spiritual realm suddenly changed from intense sunlight to the sun itself.

But what made him even more incredible was that Luo Yin's spiritual nature had changed. His "taste" suddenly became different from the filth of the mixed race, but as noble and pure as Gu Long.

No, more noble than a cologne.

"Tell me! Tell me the ritual you used, what was that?"

Luo Yin's speed increased sharply, and while the dragon body attacked at high speed, it underwent a secondary evolution on its own.

He could feel that his control over the elements was rapidly increasing, compressing the scope of Heaven and Earth to a third of the original. A large amount of metal went out of control, and the metal block that cooled to black fell into the sea water.

Chen Jun still tried to interfere with Luo Yin with the passengers on the Chunshen, but he couldn't keep up with Luo Yin's speed after the outbreak.

"What is that! That is the perfect evolutionary path! Tell me!"

Chen Jun's roar was fierce and low, but it was full of strong desire. He spared no expense, and wanted to know how Luo Yin "purified" his spirit.

"I'm responsible for sending you to see the World Tree, you can learn from it yourself."

Tian Congyun's sword speed continued to soar, from the silver-white galaxy into a vertical and horizontal waterfall of sword light.

The realm of words and spirits, where heaven and earth are furnaces, exploded and collapsed in the violent sword strike. Every time Chen Jun recovers a bit of domain, Luo Yin instantly destroys it.

He finally charged to the center of the furnace and punched Chen Jun in the face.

"Since you want to be an emperor, UU Reading must be ready to be sent to the guillotine by the people, bastard!"

Tian Congyun flashed past and slashed Chen Jun's left arm with a sword.

His ability in sword fighting is far inferior to that of Luo Yin, the "cute new dragon king".

"Blood of the Supreme" gave him an excellent dragon body comparable to the first generation, but Chen Jun did not fully develop the potential of the dragon body.

With only a minute and a half left in the fusion spell, the battle has turned into one-sided abuse.

Chen Jun had just found a little rhythm to fight, and Luo Yin destroyed the joint of his right arm with another sword.

Different from the inexhaustible power of the word spirit, Chen Jun's regeneration ability is only the average level of the first generation, and there are several new granulation sprouts growing at the broken joints.

Luo Yin did not hold back. A series of stabbing swords destroyed all of Chen Jun's organs.


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