MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 27 suppress

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The ancient and obscure syllables, the strange rhythm of the four elements surging, the hazy and magnificent brilliance when the realm was born.

Even though he had observed dozens of speech spirits and released hundreds of thousands of times, Luo Yin was still stunned by the beauty of them. It's just that compared to four years ago, what he sees at this moment is much richer.

Yanling Xueyan transformed the huge amount of air in the domain into a form between gas and liquid. It is burning ice and snow, and it is also a rushing flame.

These low-temperature substances, shaped like white flames, may have extremely high specific heat capacities and can instantly **** heat away from the contact.

Anastasia always stood in the center of the field, keeping a distance from Luo Yin with a low temperature field with a diameter of more than twelve meters.

The identity of the intruder is most likely Luo Yin of the Samaritans. He had a conflict with Chen not long ago, and the intelligence showed that Luo Yin killed Chen's most important double.

Afterwards, the Chen family did not launch a violent revenge. Perhaps considering the strength of the enemy, or Chen Jun himself encountered other troubles.

If it weren't for him, then she was facing a first-generation species, or a monster sent by several "allies".

According to the information shared internally, Luo Yin is an abnormal hybrid (doubtful) with multiple language spirits, high-level alchemy, and the first-generation species-level dragon body. This humanoid dragon king is not an enemy she can fight on her own.

Anastasia's goal is clear. Combine long-range firepower and the dragon subspecies to hold down the enemy until her legion overtakes the enemy's comrades and people in City 12.

The mixed race from the secret party often sets unnecessary rules for themselves. But they will eventually realize that those meaningless creeds are the product of weak human hearts.

Alchemy is a half blind spot for evolutionists. If Luo Yin can fall to them and make up for this defect, the history of the Secret Party will come to an end. Until then, she needs to get enough chips.

"You don't have that ability..."

Luo Yin walked on the edge of the field, moving in the gap of Xueyan, the extremely high speed made him look like a vague ghost, and the light of golden pupils filled the whole space.

Anastasia heard Luo Yin's sigh, not understanding what he was talking about. Ability... refers to the power of the four monarchs?

Luo Yin was unaware of the power that belonged to the Black King. The supreme blood in Chen Jun's hands can make a qualitative change in the speech spirit of the mixed race, and it is extremely difficult to suppress and interfere. It was just a little bit of mutilated power that was stolen artificially, but it had already broken his common sense.

According to Yermengard, the four sealed Black King skeletons have all been lost. Of course, Lord Ye's words should be believed at most 60%, and this 60% still counts her boyfriend's good reputation.

The return of the Black King must be related to the bones he left behind. This kind of thought lingers in Luo Yin's mind all the time.

If Chu Tianjiao's mission was to protect one of the bones, then remove the one from Chen Jun's hands. Who will have the remaining piece?

The Secret Party, the Doomsday faction, the "Descendants", the Gattuso family, the Henkel family, the king of the ocean and water... not enough. Moreover, it cannot be ruled out that there are more than one piece in the hands of Odin and Chen Jun, or some are left behind.

"Assuming the successful birth of the new dragon family in your mouth, do you think you will be the queen of the new world?"

Luo Yin endows the ether with thermal insulation properties, wraps his right arm tightly, and splits the icy flames that hit him.

"There will be a grand war that will burn the entire world until the throne will be decided. The world will no longer be divided among nations, nations, and beliefs. There will be only one emperor, just like Nidhogg in the age of dragons."

The enemy was wearing a mask, and Anastasia couldn't see his expression. But she could see the abyss-like sadness emanating from those golden pupils.

"Is the world just a piece of cake in your eyes, you can eat it up as long as you hold a sharp knife."

A mass of white flames burned towards Luo Yin, drowning his body. Anna could guess that the strange dark red metal on the enemy's body was a high-level alchemical item, but there was always a limit to the performance of this kind of thing.

The reflected firelight dyed Luo Yin's pupils into shining white gold, and the snow flames adhered to the surface of the ether, trying to penetrate the protection and freeze his blood.

Elements, rising.

Luo Yin turned towards the field in front of him and issued a simple command.

In the language and spirit class, students need to learn a series of extremely abstract concepts, combined with their own spiritual vision experience, to try to understand the elemental view of the dragon family.

And now, he no longer needs those concepts. He can clearly "see" the movement trajectory of the four elements, and issue simple and direct orders in spirit. Luo Yin is unable to describe elements in terms of shape, color, touch, and taste. It is a different form of perception.

Most deep-sea creatures have only a slight sense of light, and many mammals can only see black, white and gray, while humans can distinguish thousands of colors. As for dragons, they can "see" more.

The world never changes. But life can only perceive a part of it.

The earth, water, wind and fire rose one by one, and the movement of the elements became more violent and unstable, approaching the pure spirit. The stable carrier of spiritual elements in the real world is only the keel and the refined stone of the sage.

The only result of the rising elements is the violent turbulence, the chaos of the four elements destroying the entire field.

Luo Yin stretched out his hand to grab the large group of flames, clenched his fist tightly, and the Word Spirit Domain collapsed and shattered from one point to the surrounding.

Luo Yin showed an inconspicuous smile under the mask. He also slowly learned the method of "undoing" Yan Ling. There is more than one way to destroy the Word Spirit, and the difference lies in the cost of consumption.

The spirit of words based on the four elements can ultimately be attributed to the manipulation of the fifth element. As for the most special spiritual attribute, Word Spirit, it can only be destroyed through direct confrontation with spiritual power.

Incomprehensible, incomprehensible... Fear beyond cognition made Anastasia unable to help retreat.

She did not feel the suppression of the discipline, nor did she see the arc of light in the alchemy field, and the field of high-risk words and powerful words collapsed on its own in front of the enemy.

Of course Luo Yin can use the original world to start a confrontation with the spirit of words, but it is not necessary.

The ether flowed down his fingertips and solidified into a cross-shaped stabbing sword with a two-meter-long blade. Luo Yin walked towards Anastasia amid the scattered ice crystal dust.

"Look, you don't know the dragons that well, do you?"

Anastasia spit out extremely compressed high-pitched syllables, but the spirit of words collapsed again the moment it was formed, and the dazzling light reflected millions of tiny ice particles.

She would not have thought that when she released the spirit of words, Long Wen was growing wildly in Luo Yin's mind. Every time she released it, the words in the form of patterns became clearer in Luo Yin's mind.

Although it is far less accurate than the three-dimensional model parsed by the system, it is enough to make it easier for him to destroy the word spirit.

"Let me guess, when the King of Ocean and Water was captured by you, he must be in a bad state?"

Romanov's last princess, too late to think about how Luo Yin guessed. The poisonous blood of the Dragon King was pumped from her heart to her whole body, and her pale skin was covered with evil black blood vessels, which were then completely covered by fine, shield-shaped black scales.

The scarlet stabbing sword pierced the newly born dragon scales, pierced through the right arm she was blocking, and the metal-wrapped dragon claws firmly clasped the joints of her left arm.

time zero?

When she reacted, her body had been pierced dozens of times, and dark red and black hot blood spurted out.

The ferocious wounds on the body surface closed on their own to stop bleeding in less than 0.1 seconds, flesh and blood filled the wounds as if they were self-conscious, and the necrotic body tissue was peeled off and discharged after dehydration.

The Water King bloodline that exceeds the critical blood limit is superimposed with Yanling Cicada, which makes her regeneration ability stronger than some first-generation species.


The stabbing sword destroyed her vocal cords, but Ana waved her right arm just in time to convey the order to the subordinates who were standing by.

Before being covered by artillery fire, Luo Yin slashed horizontally with a sword, destroying her eyes, and went around behind the princess through the gap of fire.

The effect of cicadas is like a weakened eight chi, without the ability to control proliferation, and the principle of action is also different, perhaps relying on the production of special hormones and biological enzymes. This kind of word spirit that only acts on itself is more difficult to destroy.

Luo Yin twisted his body to exert force, and hundreds of closed bones split and reorganized, constructing the most perfect force-generating structure.

The big sword slashed in reverse, cutting the dragon scales and muscle fibers, but it got stuck in the cracks in the bones.

"Flesh, bones, and organs can be regenerated. What about the brain?"

The sense of danger of being fatally threatened made Anna cross her arms to block at the fastest speed. The curved bone spurs broke off in the impact, and the big sword pulled out a half-inch deep blood on her left forehead.

A kh-23 missile exploded on the snowfield, and Anastasia relied on the blast to distance herself from Luo Yin. The high temperature and shock wave at close range did not cause obvious injuries to the two of them, and the residual kinetic energy of the fragmented shrapnel after piercing the dragon scales could not cause much damage.

Hundreds of dragon subspecies surround Luo Yin from all sides, and even the smallest of them can put away nature's top predators. But neither the black snake with its upper body towering nor the dragon-blooded hound fearing death immediately launched an attack.

Enemies move faster and trajectories than their dynamic vision can capture, leaving only a scarlet arc of light visible.

Anastasia tore off the torn fur coat, and the close-fitting combat uniform was soaked and corroded with dragon blood. Natural dragon scales are far superior to conventional elastic materials, and the alchemists under her do not have the ability to create high-end alchemical items.

"You captured a weak dragon king, extracted dragon blood and bone marrow from his body, dissected his body arbitrarily, and attempted to steal the dragon king's authority.

Over time, you think that the dragon family is just like this, that you can become a more powerful being than the black king... Do you still think so now?

The potential conflict between hybrids and humans may break out at any time, and at the same time, the ghosts of the past are about to return. Only idiots are still dreaming arrogant emperor dreams. "

Anastasia seems to be dismissive of Luo Yin's statement, he has no idea how much power the Evolutionists have accumulated in the past century. enough to turn the world upside down.

"The world will not go backwards. The Black King will die and the throne will decay. Neither the Romanov Dynasty nor the Dragon Age will return."

The scarlet light band passed through the guarding herd, pierced the "monarch" wrapped in black scales, and hit the body of the giant snake behind him.

Luo Yin pulled away the curled body of the giant snake with his left hand, pierced the snake's scales and crushed its heart, while attacking Anna all the time.

"Dragon cells also have a limit on the number of divisions. I'm very curious, are you ready for a new body after destroying your body to such an extent that it cannot be regenerated?"

"A clone with the same memory as you, inheriting your name and everything, just like you."

The moment the princess hesitated, the long sword penetrated through the gap in her skull.

"People like you don't risk their lives, they just hide behind the scenes and pull the strings behind the puppets. To be honest, I'm tired of this kind of tricks."

The airborne artillery poured firepower towards the ground, and the roar of the beast and the cold light reflected from the sharp claws and fangs were heavy and heavy, but they could not destroy the extremely dangerous dragon.

The princess whose brainstem was destroyed lost most of her balance ability, her brain regenerated while being destroyed, and she could only rely on her survival instinct for defense.

Her eyes gradually became confused, and the cognitive and memory functions of her brain were severely damaged. And Luo Yin heard an unusual sound.

The frequency is close to the sound of ultrasound, the source of the sound... is Anastasia's ears. She has a cochlear implant that picks up high-frequency sound waves in this way. The question is, does she know?

That sound wave had a unique rhythm, which reminded Luo Yin of something. Bangzi sound, not unexpected.

The princess who stopped thinking, the light of the golden pupil suddenly became several times violent, and the strong black scales grew wildly. The serum capsule buried in her heart burst open, prompting her to completely transform into a dragon-like form.

Luo Yin retreated while slashing, and bright sparks collided with the dark dragon tail and bone spurs.

Anastasia's sanity was fading, her blood turning into a viscous, corrosive liquid. In less than two minutes, she will degenerate into a next-generation Deadpool.

She is not a perfect evolutionary, and the poison of the blood of the Dragon King corrodes her body all the time. It is the special bloodline of ocean and water, plus Yan Lingchan, which constantly counteracts the toxicity.

Stimulating the dragon spirit with ultrasonic waves, and then injecting a high concentration of serum, the bloodline will inevitably get out of control. Another abandoned son... He is testing the dark side monarch, and the other party is also getting his information.

"His Royal Highness, I hope that when we meet again, you will stop using mass-produced tools."

The runaway Anastasia stepped on the ice, and the strong recurve joints allowed her to easily break the sound barrier, and the slender new bones burst out from her back. But the figure of the intruder has long disappeared.

"What about other targets?"

"Suddenly disappeared after chasing for more than 80 kilometers. Our men had nothing to lose, but no trace of them could be found."

Hundreds of kilometers away, a tall man inquired about the results of the pursuit. He tied his gray hair that was drying up behind his head, his voice was old and low, and he had an active and convincing temperament that could not be explained clearly.

"I will explain it to the Queen. You must keep an eye on Leviathan's actions, and Cassell College will soon enter his route. Remember, the twins of ocean and water are very important."

Leviathan's secrets must not be shared with other powers. As for Odin, if Cassel wanted to challenge the "gods", no one would stop them.


"I just met the princess of the Romanov family, and I'm still thinking about restoration. I haven't talked much."

Inside the Nibelungen, in the makeshift fortress, the shivering Levmira choked on the hot coffee and hurriedly stuffed two large leba.

The magic level of this kind of thing is no less than that of Chongzhen breaking a tree with a crooked neck, or Constantine XI rebuilding Eastern Rome. UU Reading

"Which princess?"

"Little princess, the one who is often impersonated."

"Is the evolutionist auction still going?"

Susie understood that Luo Yin's "didn't talk much" was roughly equivalent to "we're going to beat them up".

"Go, why don't you go. If you don't deal with these insects, there will be a big problem within the hybrid sooner or later."

Counting the time, the team of the academy should be near Greenland. After dealing with the matter here, Luo Yin wants to rush over as soon as possible.

Before that, he had to make some targeted preparations.


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