MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 63 Apocalypse (2)

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In Leviathan's temple, there is ice and water everywhere, which is equivalent to countless mirrors.

Among the icebergs, above the water, and under the rock top, thousands of dazzling golden spots of light flickered in the grayish-white smoke and mist in the mirror.

Star-like points of light poured into the Iceberg Temple, over the knights of doom in the sky, and toward all the living here.

The real face of the light spot is a creature with forearm length and a locust-like appearance.

They have diamond-shaped light-emitting organs on the top of their heads, their dark shells reflect metallic luster, two pairs of sharp membrane wings grow on their backs, and their tails are curved stingers like emperor scorpions.

"What the **** did Odin keep... This kind of locust should be locked up with the ghost tooth dragon viper to survive the fittest."

Caesar is now extremely grateful for the spoilers of the evolutionary faction, otherwise it is them who will face the Knights of Apocalypse and the locust swarm now.

"Golden crown, with scorpion stingers, this is the locust swarm of Abaddon.

All, prepare to fight. "

In fact, Chu Zihang was not familiar with the Book of Revelation, because the professors in the academy generally believed that it had little reference value for studying the history of the dragon race.

But the end of the apocalypse turned out to be a prophecy for today.

[Why did Odin invade the kingdom of Leviathan? How did his mobility become so strong? 】

Chu Zihang asked Xia Mi in his heart, and Xia Mi forwarded it to Lord Ye.

If Odin, who holds Kungunnir, masters the stunt of slipping the door and picking locks, wouldn't the four monarchs become fish on the chopping block?

[Ask and ask, knowing too much will only make you unhappy. 】

Killing the embryo would not have thought that Yemengade was the most numb here, from the horn to the tail.

This is different from what she knew!

Odin took over the kingdom of the Black King after his victory. But after Nidhogg died, that country of ruins became his cage.

Even with the power of the Spear of Eternity, it will not be easy to penetrate the kingdom of the Black King. Until the day of the Black King's return, Odin can completely enter the world.

The question is when is it just now? Shouldn't it be more than a year away?

Odin has already been able to release the apocalypse knights, which are similar to the bottom bosses, and her Lord Yemengarde is still an incomplete monarch, and is simply behind by more than one version.

This is afraid that before she becomes Hela, Odin has already inherited the orthodoxy of the Black King, so he can't play at all!

There must be a problem in a certain link that makes Odin's ability in the world far beyond expectations. Exactly why.

Swarms of locusts swept from low, like golden tides.

Attached to evolutionary delta-class submarines, they gnawed at the armor with zigzag mouthparts and burrowed through the cracks.

On the ice of the dark river, the clone troopers who had suffered heavy casualties from the evolution faction were drowned in a golden storm and disappeared after a brief resistance. Not even a single skeleton was left.

Hundreds of migratory locusts surrounded Anastasia, fearlessly attacking the pure white snow flames around her.

When they touched the snow flames, they were deprived of a huge amount of heat in a very short period of time, large areas of muscle tissue were necrotic, and major organs failed.

The frozen migratory locusts landed on the ice, made a crisp collision sound, and continued to struggle to crawl towards their prey. But before they touched Anastasia, they were eaten up by their fanatics.

In less than ten seconds, the locust swarm forcibly broke through the defense of Yanling Xueyan and collided with the sword in Anastasia's hand.

The black locust whose body was severed was still trying to gnaw at her scales, piercing the gap with its curved tail thorns.

Anastasia was contaminated by the blood of the black snake, and then injected a large amount of Dragon King serum, which is immune to almost most deadly toxins.

But the "toxin" these locusts store in their tail glands is actually a powerful hallucinogen. Not lethal, or even cause significant damage.

The fake memory in her head began to run wild, flashing at a frantic speed, splicing randomly.

She heard the calls of her sisters, the loud gunshots, blood and fire running behind her, platinum Easter eggs by her hand.

Snow Flame!

She shook off the few locusts that attacked on her back, but the hallucination did not disappear.

From the music box came a graceful soprano, who danced among the golden stars.


Anastasia smashed her eardrums and fluttered towards the hatch of the submarine.

But the locust swarm has captured her. The last princess fell to the ice, drowned in a deadly hallucination, and died in a golden storm.

The remnants of the Evolution faction launched the heavily damaged submarine and began to dive to evacuate.

The locust swarms covered every inch of the submarine's surface, radiating a scorching sun-like glow underwater as the submarine sank.

Soon after, the locust swarms that devoured their lives burst out of the water. The ghostly black submarine sank to the bottom and became part of the ship's graveyard here.

The fed locust swarms regrouped, and a golden wave swarmed the Nautilus.

"Below Grade A, all withdraw to the boat! Withdraw!"

Chu Zihang shouted and ordered. Compared to the bite force of these locusts, the thickest combat uniform of the executive department is nothing but the hardness of wafer cookies.

"What weapons do the Gattuso family have? Take them all out now!"

Killing embryo quickly intercepted the fleeing crowd, holding Campbell with a knife, and Fujiwara Shinnosuke, whose bloodline was out of control, used Time Zero to hide far away.

"Fujiwara, if it's my request, no matter what I do with you, he will do it."

Caesar stated the fact that Fujiwara felt hopeless in a relaxed tone, and it seemed that he could not escape death no matter what.

"The activation code is, CosaNostra. The captain's palm print is required."

Chu Zihang released Campbell, and Caesar dragged the captain to the main control room of the Nautilus.

Facing the impact of the locust swarm on the ice, in addition to the elites of Chu Zihang and the Gattuso family, there was also the unhappy Uesugi Eriyi.

The girl's face was full of grievances, looking at the furious Leviathan from a distance.

Chu Zihang didn't know how to comfort her. She must be very happy when she encounters snow, right?

She probably saw herself in Xue who was once regarded as a monster, but the weak girl became an enemy in an instant.

Leviathan without hesitation tore off the disguise named "Snow", or in other words, killed the illusory personality of "Snow".

However, the broken bubble was the girl she wanted to help, perhaps her future friend.

Killing Embryo was really startled by the power that Uesugi Eri Yi burst out.

The highly compressed Jun Yan blew up dozens of locusts at one time, and Judgment blasted a half-meter-wide vacuum belt in the locust swarm.

The conquering knight riding the white Pegasus, his vertical pupils intertwined with blood and gold, slowly turned.

For the current critical situation, the unresolved grievance and anger in Eriyi's heart is beneficial to them.

The angry Huiliyi used Judgment to frantically mow the grass. Jun Yan and multiple wind-type words filled the blind spot, killed the locust swarm, and even blocked the advance of the locust in a short period of time.

There were neat and powerful footsteps behind him, Chu Zihang turned his head and saw Caesar with a complicated expression.

Cornutus, Crassus, Sedorius, Scipio the Great, Lucius, Agrippa...

They were dressed in heavy alchemy armor, armed with swords and shields, and their bodies were air-conditioned. Each of them was named after a famous Roman consul and general.

These nearly thirty powerful immortals are all the ancestors of the Gattuso family, and they are frozen and loaded on the Nautilus.

Caesar pondered, and the co-author family ancestors either entered the Senate and were frozen, or they became immortals and frozen.

So, when they worship the family cemetery every year, what are they worshiping...

"Save it. Forget it, don't save it."

Caesar handed two large boxes of bullets to Nuonuo, who was carrying a sniper rifle.

"This box of warheads is a failed product of refining the Sage's Stone, with the concept of the four elements remaining, which is used for bombing.

This box is for the Sage's Stone Slug. "

The money that the family has nowhere to put is finally spent in the right place.

Nuo Nuo, who was both tragic with her speech and physical fitness, finally got the chance to kill the Quartet with marksmanship.

Caesar watched Gattuso's ancestors rush towards the locust swarm, while loading the bullets that sealed the four elements one by one, with a complicated expression.

This moment was the time when he had the most respect for the immortals of the family in his life.

The golden tide hit the hard reef, the locust swarm was torn apart from the center, and the ferocious locust corpses fell like a big hailstone.

Everyone in the extermination did not pay all their attention to the locust swarm.

They knew very well that the real enemy was the Knights of Apocalypse who were besieging Leviathan.

【What is Yemengad doing? 】

[She is trying to close the door. "There are two more knights," she said. 】

Crying doors and closing doors again, the skills Yemengarde has mastered are really...personal.

[Only the famine has not yet appeared. The war knight holding a large sword corresponds to the fire king, and Odin failed. 】

Chu Zihang paused for a moment, then added:

[If she wants to evacuate...]

[There are no deserters in our family from generation to generation! The organization will urge Yemengard to fight to the end! 】

His face paralyzed and his eyelids twitched, worrying about Xia Mi's mental state every day.

He wanted to ask if Yemengarde could take more people with him when he decided to run away.

"That? What is that?"

In the broken iceberg mirror, a black shadow that keeps getting bigger and bigger appears.

A black sarcophagus more than ten meters high, with a reverse cross drawn in blood on the lid of the coffin.

Holy, holy, woe—

King of Kings, King of Salvation—

Black Moon, Orochi, Trinity—

Yesterday, now, forever— in the sky, in the earth, in the sea——

Eclipse, Grand Cross, Lord of Exile—

Woe to me! Seiya——

I don't know how many chanting voices overlapped in one place. The angels sang hymns, and the devil whispered curses.

The black stone coffin began to tremble, and the heavy coffin lid was moved away by a gap.

Even an idiot could see the terrifying evil nature released by that thing.

The black coffin lid moved again.

Yermengard's intuition was a wild warning. Death and conquest are already monsters that can suppress the first-generation species.

And famine is on another level. The power of famine undoubtedly comes from the egg of the Black King in Odin's hands, and he found a way to steal the power of the Black King.

Can't let that thing out, absolutely not.

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