MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 388

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More than 800 people are floating on the sea, and the daily material consumption is huge, and the first emergency is fuel. The standby generator cannot be started without fuel, and the water purification equipment is useless without electricity. It uses natural principles such as water vapor to extract fresh water. The amount extracted in a day is not enough for a person to drink. The drinking water is almost entirely dependent on rainwater. The fuel is all reserved for the generator to supply the water purification equipment to ensure that some fresh water can be purified when there is no fresh water available for many days without rain.

There is no fuel, no fire, naturally they can't cook. Feng Qingran can directly absorb the black fog ability to eat, and Mo Qingqing can also use the ghost hand vine to eat, not to mention eating raw meat or raw seaweed, there is no pressure to eat mine. Liu Ziche and Wu Nan were accustomed to eating fresh. Their power levels were high, so they would not be infected under normal circumstances, and eating fresh was the best way to preserve the power and nutrients in the food. Sun-dried or air-dried food, the ability has long been lost, and it is difficult to satisfy even a full stomach, and it is not beneficial to improve the ability.

Dried meat or dried seaweed before serving. They refer to mutants as orcs, and the risk of infection and mutation is well known. Not only will there be rejection and death during the process of infection and mutation, but there will be inexplicably more parts that do not belong to them, and many alien beasts and parasites. Even if Liu Ziche repeatedly assured her that her deworming medicine was effective, and there was no need to worry about parasitic infection, they still did not dare to take this risk when all kinds of materials were scarce.

Feng Qingran did not force them to change the eating habits of the mother formation. After floating at sea for more than two months, they saw the island again. This island was different from what Feng Qingran and the others had encountered before. It was like a forbidden area for life, not to mention alien plants or beasts. Not even a bird could be seen. The red mist on the sea covered the whole view of the island, but within their line of sight, they saw dead and fallen trees, ravines washed away by rain, rolling hills, and rocks that Feng Qingran was familiar with. soil.

Feng Qingran stayed behind the fleet moored on the side of the island, and asked Mo Qingqing, Liu Ziche and Wu Nan to take the blue-scaled beast and the scheming bird to the island to search for people, things, and things that could be found everything to confirm where it is and whether there are still people or animals alive.

Mo Qingqing and the others took the birds and beasts to the depths of the island, while Feng Qingran arranged for people to search the coastline. Not long after they walked, they saw a badly damaged road. The road is full of mottled cracks, and many places have been washed away by rain, but the foundation is still there. The materials used for the road are very different from the rocks and soil next to it, which are very easy to identify. The two-lane highway is built with winding mountains.

There are sporadic collapsed buildings along the road and a uniquely shaped tower only a few meters high. The pagoda is mottled and full of cracks, and many places have been damaged and fallen off, but the unique shape and the tattered prayer flags floating in the air reveal its origin. Wu Nan's eyes fell on the broken tower, so nervous that he even froze his breath. She stared intently, identifying it carefully, lest she should admit she was wrong. That style, that color, that prayer flag is indeed a Tibetan pagoda.

Liu Ziche and Mo Qingqing also saw it, and an idea popped into their minds almost at the same time - they went to Tibet. After a long while, Mo Qingqing said one word: "Look." Her power perception told her that there was no living thing here. It is shrouded in red fog all year round and cannot see the sun. It is difficult for animals and plants that are used to the earth's environment to survive. Those animals and plants that appear after the disaster need soil containing power crystals to grow, and the soil here cannot provide them with what they need to grow. of nutrients. When they could not find living people or living animals or plants, they looked for their relics or digging up the ruins of buildings. Even a flyer or a street sign that can be thrown away at will can tell them where it is.

Mo Qingqing ran over quickly and carefully cleaned up the ruins of the collapsed house by the roadside. In the open space next to the ruins, they saw a car with a broken shell. The car was covered with rust marks, the roof and body were full of holes, and the seat cushions and chairs were soaked by the rain. Liu Ziche opened the storage box in front of the passenger seat. There was also some water in it, and the gloves and some sundries were soaked. The driving license and car insurance documents were packed in a sealed bag. The owner of the car should be a very meticulous person, maybe even a Virgo. Whether it is a storage box or a sealed bag, the contents are neatly placed, and the opening of the sealed bag is even more tightly sealed, even if it has been soaked in water for so many years. water. Liu Ziche carefully opened the sealed bag and took out the driving license inside. The license plate number is Sichuan A, the owner's name is like a female surname, and the address is in Chengdu. She went to the storage boxes of several cars next to her, some were stuffed directly inside, some were packed in document bags, all of them were soaked in water, and when she opened the casing of the driving license, she saw that the words inside had been smeared. , completely unrecognizable.

The rear half of two cars were buried when the building collapsed. After they were cleaned up, the license plates were found, and they were still Sichuan A. Liu Ziche turned to look at Wu Nan, who was staring at the items in her hand, and said, "It may be the self-driving tour team from Chengdu." She paused and said, "In most cases, the self-driving tour team will be more mature. There are tourist service spots along the route, and looking at the model is not a big off-road in the wild." If it is not a large off-road vehicle with strong off-road function, it will not run to remote places without roads, nor will it be those who do inspections or work in the wild all the year round. professional team. Those who can travel by car are young and middle-aged, and these generally have jobs, and the time is not too long, and it will not last for more than half a month. In most cases, it is about five to ten days. Driving from Chengdu, according to the seven-day round trip, there is only one Sichuan-Tibet line, and it can be initially determined which section of the route they are currently on.

Not long after, Mo Qingqing also cleaned up the things and bones under the ruins. The kitchen with all kinds of cooking utensils, as well as the numerous crushed tables and chairs and the more than 40 skeletons cleaned up from the ruins all indicate that this is a farmhouse restaurant. There are still a lot of tableware on the table with the bones. The imitation porcelain tableware is not easy to be damaged, and many have been preserved over the years. It was almost certain that they were eating when the disaster happened, and then the building collapsed in the earthquake without even running out of the restaurant. It is not far from the edge of the island, and it appears on the ground rift fault zone. It is not surprising that an earthquake of this intensity occurs.

They continued to search and found that even the traditional Tibetan watchtowers had collapsed. Most of the watchtowers are made of stone and wood, which are anti-theft and shock-proof, and now they have collapsed into ruins. Liu Ziche asked Mo Qingqing to rummage through the ruins that had better foundations. Mo Qingqing found a men's wallet on a skeleton man in a collapsed watchtower, and found his ID card from it. This is a middle-aged man in his 40s, of Tibetan nationality, whose address is Dongba Township, Zuogong County, Chamdo City, Tibet Autonomous Region. She handed her ID card to Wu Nan and said, "Look, it's Tibet." She asked Liu Ziche again, "Where is Zuogong County, Qamdo City?" The map of Tibet obtained from the capital base naturally memorized the administrative regions below Tibet clearly. Liu Ziche also traveled on the Sichuan-Tibet line when he was a university student, so he was no stranger to this place. "On the Sichuan-Tibet line," she said.

Wu Nan said: "There is a Qamdo military division in Tibet." As for the specific location of the garrison, she is not clear. They knew it was convenient to continue their search, and it didn't take long for them to find the township. The buildings on both sides of the street collapsed. Not far from the block, near the river, there was a large shelter. Vehicles, rotten tents, and various garbage and bones were blown away by the wind. Buried in the mud swept away by the torrential rain. They searched all over the island and found no living cockroaches, rats or flies, nor any living plants.

Mo Qingqing picked up a lot of rotten wood and dead trees, and let the three green-scaled beasts carry them back for firewood. On the way back, Wu Nan was very depressed. Even if this place is full of alien plants and alien beasts, she will have a little more hope. There are alien plants and alien beasts, and if humans can evolve, there is hope to survive. It is far from the land, the grass seeds suitable for land cannot be blown, and there are very few birds, not to mention the different plants. Ordinary plants and crops cannot survive, and without food, it is difficult for people to survive. Seeing that Wu Nan was in a bad mood, Mo Qingqing asked inexplicably, "You've already found Tibet, aren't you happy?"

Wu Nan said: "I'm worried that no one will survive." She told Mo Qingqing her concerns. Mo Qingqing gave Wu Nan a look of "you think too much" and said, "There is nothing to eat on the island, but there is in the sea. Your father is in the army anyway, and the physical fitness of a soldier is different from that of ordinary people, so he can deal with disasters. Their abilities are also different. They have guns and cannons, and at worst, they can go to the sea to fry fish, and they can get some fish and sea beasts. If they eat fish and sea beasts, they will be at risk of infection. If they are infected, they will mutate and mutate. There is a possibility of surviving." Wu Nan: "..." It seems reasonable. Mo Qingqing continued to comfort: "Think about your mother, who is also guarding the sea, and lives more nourishing."

Wu Nan said: "My mother has a boat and a navy." Mo Qingqing said, "Your father has guns, cannons, and soldiers." Wu Nan was happily persuaded by Mo Qingqing. The soldiers are young and middle-aged. In the case of lack of food, they have to find ways to get food. The possibility of surviving is indeed much higher than that of ordinary people. When they returned to the beach, Liu Ziche handed over the collected items to Feng Qingran.

Because she was helping Wu Nan to find her father, Mo Qingqing worked very hard and searched the ruins very carefully. Billboards, house numbers, street signs on the street, resident ID cards, if they could explain the geography She rummaged through everything about the location. Liu Ziche then drew a simple map marker based on what he found. After taking it back, he printed it against the map of Tibet, and basically delineated the original geographic location of the island. Along the way, they also drew a new chart with the supermoon as a reference coordinate, and now they have drawn this island on the new chart. Feng Qingran saw the firewood that Mo Qingqing had retrieved, and sent some people from the aircraft carrier formation to get the firewood with three green-scaled beasts, so that he could cook a few cooked meals to satisfy his cravings. When the people of the aircraft carrier formation were busy on the island, Feng Qingran asked Mo Qingqing to go into the water to check the situation. She needed to determine what was going on at the border between the island and the ocean plate, so as to calculate the current situation in Tibet. Mo Qingqing dived underwater and swam around the island, carefully checking the situation of the island before going back.

Mo Qingqing emerged from the water, and Feng Qingran and the three of them rushed to her side. Feng Qingran asked, "What's the situation underwater?" She had also entered the water to check before, and the sea here was very deep, exceeding her diving depth. She dived underwater and saw only rocks. Mo Qingqing said: "I dived along the edge of the island, and all I saw were straight and steep rocks, especially like the ten thousand zhang cliffs in Fengbu, which should have been formed by earthquake tearing or collapse, and I dived for about five years. More than 100 meters away, there are still rock fragments, the sea here is very deep, and it is impossible to reach the bottom." She paused and said, "The rocks around this island seem to be torn apart by a very powerful force. ."

Feng Qingran nodded and took Mo Qingqing to the next detection equipment boat. Said to be a boat, a large kayak made of sea animal skin, more than 100 meters long, irregular oval, three or four stories high. The cabin is also made of animal skins, and a drainage ditch is built next to it. Because it is a place where equipment and instruments are placed, the construction is quite delicate. The animal skin door is not a door curtain, but is made with reference to a rolling shutter door. To use equipment to explore the seabed, Feng Qing was willing to use a generator. The fleet's detectors put down the sonar detection equipment and underwater detectors from different places, and dived for more than 3,000 meters to the end. There are a lot of rocks on the bottom outside the island, and there are mountain fragments sunk on the seabed next to it. It seems that after a big earthquake, some mountains collapsed to the seabed. This island is located on the seabed, and there is a huge crack less than a few dozen miles away from the seabed. According to the sonar detection feedback, it is like a trench, at least five or six kilometers deep.

In the depths of the seabed, a large number of traces of biological activities were found, and even huge aquatic creatures were moving rapidly. According to the layers drawn by the detection equipment, they found that the Qamdo Island, which originally belonged to Qamdo, Tibet, was on top of a mountain with a higher terrain on the seabed. At first glance, it seems that this sea suddenly appeared below Qamdo, tore the Tibetan plate into pieces, and the sea water spread up, submerging the Tibetan crustal plate, exposing only the surface part. Judging from the degree to which the torn pieces are scattered, Qamdo Island can be regarded as a broken piece. The fleet exploration team told Feng Qingran that the ocean between the United States and the United Kingdom has disappeared. Today, the United States and the United Kingdom are only separated by a trench of more than ten nautical miles. The trench is more than 10,000 meters deep. The water quality and marine life are not the original Atlantic Ocean. That trench is connected to the Atlantic Ocean, but it has its own currents, with a distinct layer of demarcation between it and the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Based on ocean currents, they speculated that the trench should be connected to another sea area. Their aircraft carrier formation just followed the ocean currents, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, got lost at sea, and came here all the way...

Liu Ziche asked Feng Qingran thoughtfully, "In addition to the collapsed or buried areas of our earth, is there no large area that suddenly disappears?" Feng Qingran said: "We Wherever they walked, no province disappeared." Although the places they walked were eroded by plants and covered with snow again, as long as they found a place name, after arriving at the capital base, they could always be sure by rummaging through the map. which province. Liu Ziche said: "Then can we understand that the original crust was broken into pieces, and these extra areas filled the original crustal gaps, and the crust was displaced at the same time during the cracking process, resulting in Some places are not where they were."

Feng Qing nodded and said, "It can be guessed like this." In fact, the European and American sides also inferred the same, but there is a lack of evidence to have this long-distance aircraft carrier formation. This speculation is good news for them. The crust has been torn apart and shifted, but it has not been destroyed and disappeared, so as long as you look for it, you can always find it. Although Qamdo Island is not big, the rainfall is not small, and there is a lot of fresh water on the island. The road was broken, and there were many landslides, making it impossible to drive, so the three members of the Greenscale Beast family were asked to transport water and wood back and forth every day. Finally, the problem of fresh water was solved in a short period of time, and everyone also ate cooked food. They rested for a few days on Qamdo Island, and continued to boil the water and set off on a wandering voyage.

They drifted at sea for about twenty days, the red mist gradually became thinner, and sailed for about a week, passing through the sea of ​​red mist. They drifted for another ten days and encountered a fishing boat.

Attracting a large number of foraging sea beasts to come.

Skilled fishermen are busy dealing with sea animals approaching and attacking boats, and trawling for seafood. Feng Qingran, a fleet with a small population but a large number of ships naturally attracted their attention. The fishermen were busy fishing and did not pay attention to them. There were no flags on the fishing boats, but the yellow people and Tibetan costumes, including the prayer flags hanging on the boats, said it all. Mo Qingqing was so excited that she shouted "Ow", "Munk, living!"