MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 430

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The Langsha Langhai brothers and sisters in Zhenze Province were silent when they heard the news. They really wanted to get involved, but they didn't dare to go to Feng Qingran after Lang Xi's incident, for fear of being beaten. Lin Runsheng's beating is a fixed-point beating. Whoever says to be beating will be beating. He will never be beating someone else by the wrong way. Feng Qingran's beating is a kind of beating method that re-shuffles the base. . The operation of four people surrounding a base made a deep impression on them, and they will not forget it to this day.

The siblings discussed and sent some experimental results that Liu Ziche used.

Liu Ziche returned the original package.

The Capital Province saw the operation of Hai Province and Southern Province, and realized that Feng Qingran's Chiyue plan seemed to be doing something big, and they actually rejected the olive branch that Feng Qingran and the others handed over. As a politician, face is something you can don't want at any time, so he immediately called Feng Chen and wanted to talk to Feng Qingran.

Feng Chen did not dare to make his own decisions, and Xiang Feng Qingran conveyed the intention of the capital province.

Feng Qingran personally called back the capital base and asked: "Do you provide aircraft carrier formations, experimental bases and full cooperation? The other two aircraft carrier formations will also be stationed in the capital province."

Capital Base: Denied.

Feng Qingran sincerely suggests: I hope you will reconsider.

In order to show her sincerity, she also disclosed to the capital base that there is a border between the earth and the red moon at a high altitude in the capital base.

The Capital Province sent an air force formation to **** the space shuttle for exploration, but it ended up being annihilated by the crash of the alien attack.

Many people in the Capital Province said that this was a conspiracy against the Capital Province. The Southern Province and the Maritime Province have always had close relations. This time, they wanted to unite and annex the Capital Province. The capital province activated the first-level defense and fully prepared to face the enemy.

Feng Qingran: "..." If the fighter group and the space shuttle can be handled, why does she need to work hard to recruit the aircraft carrier.

The capital province must see the evidence before it is willing to believe Feng Qingran's words.

Feng Qingran loves it or not! She has two aircraft carrier formations in her hands. For her, the Capital Province is simply too many. There are not many of them. If there is one less Capital Province, it will save a lot of trouble in the future. They borrowed their way.

However, if you want to forcibly borrow a road, you have to hide it first.

However, the two aircraft carriers are still being remodeled, and all the personnel of the aircraft carrier formation are still undergoing emergency special training.

After falling, the street outside suddenly became chaotic. People screamed and cried desperately to avoid the buildings. Many urban buildings and cars were hit by falling stones, and the city suddenly turned into a purgatory.

The first thought that popped into her mind was a meteor shower and a meteor shower, and then she felt the ground shaking violently, all the tables, chairs and benches in the building were displaced, and the decorative vases rolled on the ground The floor shattered, and all the cutlery, cutlery and fork fell to the ground.

Feng Qingran hurriedly used his gray fog ability to support himself in the air, and when he looked around, he saw that all the people in the restaurant were shaken and fell to the ground, unable to get up at all. The meteorite slammed into the ground, and the building opposite was smashed several floors. The building she was in was also smashed. There were cracks in the building that could withstand the strong earthquake of the hurricane, and the red alloy building materials made an unbearable creaking sound.

The hurricane and the torrential rain came suddenly, the meteorites were still falling, the earth was plunged into a vast water curtain in the violent storm, the wind poured in from the gaps of the buildings and the broken windows, The ground swept everything in the house, people and things, and was swept up into the sky.

Feng Qingran took out her mobile phone and found out what Mo Qingqing once said on the Internet. In her remarks that were mad at Internet trolls, there was a sentence, "Guess what? Will I tell you a secret that only I have discovered, a secret that will make you suffer disaster again? "

When she saw that the mobile phone still had a signal, she quickly called Mo Qingqing.

Feng Qingran ran to Shen Yu's official residence at the fastest speed.

Feng Qingran relied on the positioning of the power wave released by Mo Qingqing, crossed several streets and rushed to Shen Yu's official residence.

The wind suddenly disappeared, the rain stopped, and no more meteorites fell from the sky.

She stopped and looked at the world supported by ghosts and vines in surprise, thinking: "Is Xiao Mo's ability so strong?" She raised her head and looked at the sky, only Seeing in the sky is very high and far away, like above the galaxy, there is a huge crack, and the crack is glowing with a faint red light, the light is dim and bright, like a nebula fog. She turned her head and looked behind her. The bustling city was soaked in stagnant water, with corpses and meteorites all over the ground. The city was almost smashed into ruins.

Mo Qingqing sneakily emerged from the ghost hand vine, looked carefully at the sky, and found Feng Qingran soaked in wetness, shouting: "Feng Qingran—" The voice was sharp, obviously also greatly frightened. After she called Feng Qingran, she raised her head to look at the sky again, with disbelief written on her face.

Feng Qingran looked at Mo Qingqing's ghost hand vine, and saw that the ghost hand vine was covered with the gray fog ability, and there were a large number of ghost hand vine fragments and meteorite fragments next to it.

When the disaster came, Mo Qingqing protected the mansion.

She raised her head and looked at the crack in the air, and occasionally she could see meteor-like meteorites streaking across the sky and falling to the ground.

Mo Qingqing received the ghost hand vine.

Feng Qingran walked into the mansion, and saw the chaos after the earthquake everywhere. Although the official residence was not hit by a meteorite, the earthquake and hurricane torrential rain also caused the official residence to be severely damaged. She walked to Mo Qingqing's side, handed the phone to Mo Qingqing, and asked, "Did you notice something vaguely?" She knew that Mo Qingqing's intuition was always accurate.

Mo Qingqing carefully looked at the content on the phone screen, then squinted at Feng Qingran, thought about it, and said, "It's not true." She squatted down and drew two pictures on the ground. He circled and said, "Look, the earth and the red moon are facing each other head-to-head, of course, it can also be understood as foot-to-foot, anyway, you can't tell up and down. This is the intersection area, we can travel freely, and so can birds. , then, the stone is also possible. In this place, it is not fixed. It is like, there is a world, which is upside down on our heads and will fall off at any time." She gestured twice with her hands, a pair of "you I understand." He looked at Feng Qingran.

Feng Qingran looked at Mo Qingqing blankly and wanted to say: I don't understand.

She didn't know besides Mo Qingqing, who else would think that the moon in the sky would fall to the earth?

What makes Feng Qing mad most is that the moon does not, but it is not the first time that the "fragments" of the red moon have fallen to the earth.

Mo Qingqing looked at her silently when she saw the wind, and continued: "After we came back, I also heard them say that the Lost Land is constantly drifting, and there is something floating in the sky and sea. It's a different way of saying it. Then... it's like... let's put it this way, the place where we entered after leaving Tibet, the climate is so chaotic, so unstable, it's not stable in the first place, and the mainland, at least Tibet is there. It's floating, maybe someday Tibet or something else will float through the intersection in a mess, the earth still has gravity, and then... it will fall all of a sudden." She was afraid that everyone would throw the red moon. It was her fault for the falling thing, so she quickly cleared it up, "I just guessed on a whim. If I say something without basis, I will be sprayed to death by the trolls on the Internet, maybe those trolls now It's me who is to blame, saying that I cursed it, so it's not that I didn't say it, and it's not that I cursed it."

Feng Qingran slapped Mo Qingqing's head with his fingers, "What are you arguing with the trolls?"

Mo Qingqing had a mean face, "Let the trolls save the world." She squatted with her chin up, not moving.

Feng Qingran pointed at Mo Qingqing and turned to look at Shen Yu, who was looking at Mo Qingqing in shock. She weakly wiped the water on her face, but her face was helpless. The matter of natural disasters is still a natural disaster that human beings know very little about. Even if someone thinks of it, who would take it seriously?

Shen Yu sighed. If we can find out the early warning early, there may be a solution. Knowing where will be smashed, you can always avoid it. Don't say that this was just Mo Qingqing's guess before. Even if Mo Qingqing patted her chest and promised, few people would believe it, and they knew too little about the Lost Land and Chiyue, so they wanted to prevent it in advance. It's almost a fool's dream.

Shen Yu said to Mo Qingqing, "Momo, thank you just now."

Mo Qingqing waved her hand and said, "No thanks, I can't watch you get smashed."

Shen Yu nodded slightly to Mo Qingqing, and asked Feng Qingran for help. After getting Feng Qingran's agreement, he quickly ordered his entourage to find Wu Nan and Wu Weixin.

The secretary-general and the prime minister came in a hurry. They were soaked all over and had a lot of bruises, but they didn't care to deal with them.

Shen Yu saw the Prime Minister and said, "You immediately preside over the disaster relief work." He also instructed the Secretary-General, "Notify several deputy commanders and the Minister of Defense to hold an emergency meeting."

Shen Yu walked quickly to the conference room, took a few steps, then turned around and pulled Mo Qingqing who was about to leave, and said, "Momo, if you have any ideas or suggestions, we will be very happy. Seriously consider implementing it. Thousands of lives, please." Her eyes were a little red, for this natural disaster and those who met.

Mo Qingqing laughed guiltily and asked her to fight and fight strange beasts. Next, please, she might as well ask a few astrologers, maybe they can figure out the blood red Where did the ghost moon come from. She said, "If I have any ideas, I'll tell you, but I'm sure I can't help you with what you're discussing. Goodbye."

She slipped out of the gate, and saw that it was broad daylight, and it was as dark as night outside, so she couldn't help but raised her head and looked at the sky again, and saw a huge tall man with no head and no tail at the top of her head. The crack, which is obviously different from the one near the capital base that can't be seen but can be felt, she scratched her bald head, thinking: New?

She didn't understand how Chiyue could compete with the earth, and it was impossible to have an intimate hug with the earth.

Mo Qingqing thought that the consequences of hugging the two planets would be terrifying, so she quickly pouted several times and said, "Crow's mouth!" She slapped her ears lightly and ran away.

Before Feng Qingran went to the conference room, she looked back at Mo Qingqing and sighed heavily. She was considering whether to hold down Mo Qingqing to study, or study astronomy or physics or something.

Mo Qingqing ran to see their aircraft carrier formation, and found that the loss was also heavy.

Minor injuries. People can hide, planes and aircraft carriers are fixed in place, there is really no way to hide. The meteorite fell from the sky, and the ground was smashed into deep pits, the plane was smashed, and the deck of the aircraft carrier was also smashed into potholes.

Mo Qingqing looked at the severely damaged ship, then looked at the sky above her head, sighed sadly, thinking: Where is the sun?

There is no sun, and snow begins to fall in the sky.

Summer, does it snow in June?

Another catastrophe that changed the world.