MTL - Centennial Family, Rising From Hong Kong Island-Chapter 390

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"No way~"

Zhou Huimin shook her head: "It's enough to give birth to one Qi'er. I'm going crazy with that kid's torture. For the time being, I don't want to be born again."

"Brother Ze, I haven't filmed for almost two years."

Zhou Huimin's debut work was "Hurricane Rescue", which he worked with Wu Mengda.

After the "Terminator", this film once again set a record in Hong Kong Island's film history, completely establishing Wu Mengda's status as a superstar.

At the same time, with the role of Wu Mengda's daughter, Zhou Huimin also became popular overnight.

After that, relying on the accumulation of horror resources of Su's film industry, Zhou Huimin quickly became the 'national goddess' and the 'head of the Jade Girl Sect'.

However, two years ago, Zhou Huimin, who was popular, suddenly chose Xiying.

Because she is pregnant!

Su Shaoze did not want Zhou Huimin to continue filming because he was worried about his child's accident.

Filmmaking is also a dangerous job in this age without green screens.

Two years later, Zhou Huimin's fame inevitably slipped, but it was nothing.

The key is that Zhou Huimin is tired of staying at home, and doesn't want to continue to live the life of a rich wife with clothes and food.

Su Tianqi is almost two years old and can leave her mother, so Zhou Huimin is also preparing to come back and start doing something she likes.

"¨'It's so boring to be idle at home!" Zhou Huimin exclaimed.

Su Shaoze rubbed her hair and said softly, "No problem!"

"If you want to make a comeback, give Mengmeng a call directly and ask her to arrange some scripts tomorrow, so you can choose."

The largest film company on Hong Kong Island is its own company. Zhou Huimin will come back whenever she wants, and she can shoot whatever she wants.

Those resources that make countless actresses on Hong Kong Island envious, in Zhou Huimin's place, they are all things that are easily picked up.

What's more, Su Shaoze did not object to Zhou Huimin's comeback.

However, Zhou Huimin wanted more than this. She shook her head and said, "I don't want the company's script, I want you to write me a script, just like that [Charlie's Angels]."

"Are you okay? Brother Ze!"

Zhou Huimin said cutely, grabbing Su Shaoze's arm and shaking it gently, looking at Su Shaoze with big eyes flickering.

Recently, the Hong Kong Island film and television circle has spread all over, and Lin Qingxia will star in a Hollywood blockbuster.

Su's Pictures and Universal Pictures jointly produced and distributed worldwide.

I don't know how many Hong Kong Island actors are envious of this news, and Zhou Huimin is also jealous.

She is also Su Shaoze's woman, and she is also the righteous wife of the Su family.

When it comes to identity, age, appearance, and stature, where is she worse than Lin Qingxia?

Therefore, as her comeback after two years, Zhou Huimin never wanted to perfunctory.

And she also knows and admires Su Shaoze's talent. Since she wrote a book for Lin Qingxia herself, she can't be worse than Lin Qingxia.

"[Charlie's Angels]? Is our Xiaomin jealous?"

Su Shaoze put his arms around her shoulders and gently pinched her pretty face.

Zhou Huimin immediately said coquettishly, "Brother Ze, do you agree or not~ Long"

"Write a script for me yourself~"

Zhou Huimin hugged Su Shaoze's arm and shook, and his body twisted restlessly under the quilt. How could Su Shaoze stand this kind of attack?

"Okay, you can do whatever you want."

"Now turn off the lights and sleep."

After finishing speaking, Su Shaoze turned off the bedside lamp directly, and covered the quilt with Zhou Huimin's soft call.

Soon, Zhou Huimin's giggling laughter sounded in the room.

Chapter 658: Home Alone! Male protagonist, Rong Shao【Please ask for flowers! Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Galactic Empire State Building!

Su Shaoze was burying his head in writing, and he hadn't worked so hard for a long time.

But there was no way. Zhou Huimin's little girl was jealous because Lin Qingxia's role in "Charlie's Angels" made her think that her first movie after her comeback must be prepared for her by Su Shaoze.

She believes in Su Shaoze's talent, and at the same time enjoys the feeling of being taken care of by a man more. What she cares about is her weight in Su Shaoze's heart, and she can't compare to Lin Qingxia.

Women, sometimes they just have nothing to do.

But what about Su Shaoze?

Only her wish can be fulfilled.

After thinking about it, although Zhou Huimin was famous in his previous life, there were very few real movies.

Unlike [Shang Beach] and Zhao Yazhi, and [A Chinese Ghost Story] and Wang Zuxian, Zhou Huimin has no representative movies, and he has no choice if he wants to learn from them.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Su Shaoze finally chose a relatively well-known movie for her in later generations.

【My Sassy Girl】

This is a movie about the country of the stick, which is still twelve years away from its release now.

The initial positioning is just a low-cost love movie, with an investment of only 400,000 US dollars. The director and the two leading actors are all newcomers, and they are not well known.

But it is such a combination, and in the end, in a small country with few people and a small land, it created a movie viewing miracle of 4 million people, and the box office ranked 39th in Korean film history.

And overseas, it has created a wave of "barbaric wind" sweeping across Asia.

In island countries, on Hong Kong Island, in the Mainland, and in Southeast Asia, countless young men and women have entered the cinema and are influenced by the hero and heroine in the movie.

As a result, countless "savage girlfriends" were born.

In particular, the ten love stories that the male protagonist summed up to the female protagonist have also become the most tear-jerking love stories of the year.

From the perspective of later generations, the male protagonist is naturally a well-deserved licking dog, but now, when women's rights have not yet risen, men's rights control social power.

The appearance of a heterogenous man like the male protagonist can make people feel fresh.

Fulfills the fantasies of girls.

Therefore, during the millennium, this film has achieved a super high box office and caused unprecedented influence throughout Asia.

Now, although it is ten years earlier, Su Shaoze believes that the effect will not be bad, especially if the production company of the film has been replaced by Su Film.

Whether it is financial ability, production ability, distribution channels, publicity ability, etc., the advantages in all aspects are many times stronger than that of the small film company in Bangzi Country.

There are many factors for the success of a movie. Except for a very few ultra-high-quality movies, the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and it can kill as a dark horse, most of them rely on the film company behind it.

And compared to the original heroine, Zhou Huimin is more beautiful and more famous. She has filmed many movies, and her acting skills are no problem.

Even in terms of personality, Zhou Huimin is no longer so soft and weak. After meeting Su Shaoze, she has completely become a big sister in school.

Her personality tends to be boyish, and her body has been nourished by Su Shaoze for a long time. From appearance to temperament, she is the most suitable heroine.


Su Shaoze wrote the dragon and snake for 20 minutes, until the office door was knocked, and the secretary Lin Mengmeng came in.


Just as Lin Mengmeng shouted, Su Shaoze raised his head and said softly, "Wait a minute, I'll finish writing it soon."

Seeing that Su Shaoze was writing something seriously, Lin Mengmeng was curious and walked to Su Shaoze's side.

"Hey, is this the script?"

Lin Mengmeng said in slight surprise, and picked up the script that Su Shaoze had already written.

Only two pages.

What Su Shaoze wrote was just an outline, not a real script, and he didn't have time to ponder too much detail.

Naturally, his ideas had to be completed by the screenwriter.

"Boss, is this your new movie? My savage girlfriend, the name is so weird!" Lin Mengmeng said curiously.

She was not surprised that Su Shaoze could write the script.

Everyone thinks that Su Shaoze is a super rich man who combines power and wealth, and the richest man in the world.

But only those around him who knew him knew that he was a very talented man.

The original scripts of Terminator, Hurricane Rescue, Shang Beach, etc. all came from after Su Shaoze.

And he also wrote a lot of songs, but they didn't use his real name.

However, with the change of Su Shaoze's status, he has less and less time to write scripts and songs.

I saw it today, Lin Mengmeng was very curious, what kind of movie story Su Shaoze could write.

"It should be as exciting as Terminator and Hurricane Rescue!" Lin Mengmeng said in her heart.

After writing the last word, Su Shaoze put down his pen: "Amin is going to make a comeback, so she insisted that I write a script for her personally."

"I thought about it all morning, and I thought of this."

"Let's take a look first~"

Su Shaoze gave Lin Mengmeng the outline. The two of them were not only a simple boss and secretary, but also had a profound negative distance handover relationship.

Therefore, their interactions are very casual, and sometimes they are completely like ordinary lovers.

"I'll see~"

Lin Mengmeng couldn't hold back her curiosity and opened the script and read it carefully.

On the subway, the heroine Lingding got drunk and threw up the old man, and Lin Mengmeng suddenly felt a different feeling.

This heroine seems a little different.

It's not like the gentleness and beauty that are common in today's movies, or the heroic and unrestrained.

Instead, it's a bit sloppy~

Then I saw the male protagonist carrying the female protagonist to the small hotel, but the boss mistook him for a satyr and called the police.

While taking a shower, the police broke in and arrested the naked male lead, Lin Mengmeng couldn't help but smile again.

"This male protagonist seems to be a little silly, but he has a very kind heart and is a little cute when he is silly." Lin Mengmeng laughed.

Then I saw the heroine calling and scolding the male protagonist, and asking them to explain clearly, but the male protagonist looked pitiful. Lin Mengmeng shook his head helplessly. Is this also the male protagonist?

"This character is too domineering. He blames others for his own mistakes, drinking and cursing, just like a little sister."

She found that the values ​​of this script seem to be somewhat different from the current society.

The personalities of men and women seem to be reversed.

The female protagonist is too domineering, but the male protagonist is like an air bag. I don't know how the reaction will be after the movie is released.

Lin Mengmeng can only say that Su Shaoze is really fond of Zhou Huimin.

Even the script written for her is such a big heroine role. If she plays it well, it will definitely shine more than the male lead.

Looking further down, even more funny plot appeared.


Lin Mengmeng couldn't help laughing happily, sitting on Su Shaoze's lap with one arm around Su Shaoze, her head almost buried in his clothes.

"Boss, how did you come up with this kind of plot?"

"Haha, it's so funny."

The heroine and the hero quarreled, and when they got angry, they kicked the wall next to them.

Unexpectedly, I don't know if the heroine is too strong and violent, or the wall is old and in disrepair, and a crack appeared.

Seeing that his girlfriend got into trouble and broke the wall of someone else's house, the timid male protagonist quickly pulled the female protagonist to hide.

Just at this time, a man walked over as if nothing had happened, but his walking posture was a little weird.

After looking around and seeing that no one was there, he opened the gate and released the water at the wall.

Huh, feel good~