MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 1060 Critical strike

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Kariya, the land is disintegrating, and a large area of ​​land sinks into the deep ocean.

The witch iron stood in midair, twelve tattered slaying **** boats suspended above his head, three people from the sea supported each other, and blood continued to flow in the seven tricks.

Between the witch iron and the three corpses' avatars, a series of powerful Tao rhymes flowed around. Tiandiyuan can continue to inject into the witch iron body. After his strong cross body transformation, he becomes a life sperm and merges into the three people in the sea. Of healing injuries.

羲 Kang and other countless masters of the emperor's veins, standing in the trembling ya valley, gazing at the witch iron overhead.

Hundreds of elders, such as Xi and Zhu Zhu, were beheaded and killed, and Wu Tie's men showed mercy, leaving them with a brand of Yuanling. A faint firefly-like imprint floated in the air, screaming constantly.

In this situation, they can only reincarnate.

However, the injuries caused by Witch Iron were too severe. Even if they reincarnate, they would not be able to keep the memory of this life. Especially how dangerous are the reincarnation roads today, they are likely to get lost in reincarnation.

Or they will give birth to livestock.

Or they will turn into vegetation.

Even more, they will lose their spirits.

"Witch Iron, Witch Iron!" Wu and others were powerless to say anything else, just screaming at the name of Witch Iron continuously.

Wu Tie overlooked the violent shaking, and the sea continued to invade the Kariya, shaking his head gently.

In Kariya, there are countless warehouses with huge spaces inside.

With a finger of the witch iron hand, the yin and yang two gas cylinders of the yin and yang Taoist sprayed out, and the black and white two gas swept the entire Kariya. .

Grain, ores, rare and precious materials, heavy ordnance, elixir Dan pills ... and even various large combat gear ...

These resources hoarded by Kariya are more than tens of times more than the total resources collected by the Wu State after sweeping away so many ethnic nations in recent years.

Terrible, terrible. It is indeed one of the two holy places of the human race, and it has been centrally supported by the entire human race.

Wu Tie started the thief fiercely, not even a grain of rice was left in the storeroom. He looked at the maniac slowly and said, "You, since you have no intention to fight for the human race, you are not entitled to the resources dedicated to the human race."

"In the future, please do it for yourself ... My lord, I am too lazy to fight with you for salvation. If you want revenge, let's kill the sword!"

Wu Tie's eyes were deep, and he glanced fiercely at the center of Lugu.

Beneath that palace, thousands of miles underground, there is a ground palace. Wu Tie is now making great progress. Thousands of miles of thick rocks and sand cannot keep him away.

Hundreds of terrible breaths were awakening in that palace.

This is a group of old antiques with qualifications that are even older than those of 羲 翯, 羲 Zhu and others. They are already tired of living. They have no fun in life and can only rely on slumber to pass the time.

It is different from those old monsters in the three major protector gods of the dynasty before.

The old monsters of Qinglian Temple, Bailian Palace, and Honglian Temple have reached the end of their lives. They must rely on deep sleep to ban themselves in order to extend their time of lingering.

And these awakening old monsters in Kariya have extremely powerful vitality, just like the ancient volcanoes, they constantly emit violent life energy. They didn't ban themselves for the sake of lingering, they just lived boring, and closed their eyes for a nap.

"Tell you the old guys in this vein ... Proud to be human orthodoxy, you must do what human orthodoxy should do!"

Wu Tie sighed: "Demons are raging, countless people are in the deep waters ... After they wake up, they hope that they can do things that are beneficial to the peoples of the world. Don't be as arrogant and arrogant as the others. "

Shaking his head and waving his sleeves, the witch iron disappeared with the stupa suspended above his head.

In the underground palace of Kariya, a low, long voice sounded slowly: "Epigenetic children, how dare to teach me to wait? Scared, I don't know what it is. If you commit me Kariya, you still want to get away? How is it possible?"

The disintegrated Lugu land mass suddenly solidified, and the land mass that had sunk below the seawater rose up piece by piece.

Forced by a majestic force, the Lugu land mass returned to normal in just a few breaths. A horrible breath rose into the sky, and the chaotic Daoyun was forced to return to the sky.

"Tiandao Cave was ruined, and they died." Another old voice said coldly: "Also, so many resources have been stolen ... Just that kid, what's the origin?"

"Tiandao Cave is ruined, so we have to find a way to rebuild one, isn't it just to collect the fragments of Archaeological Archaeology? You should carry out their due responsibilities on Jingdao Island."

"The resources have been stolen, and the people of the tribe should promptly allocate resources to worship the valley. There is no room for discussion in this matter. People of the tribe, countless people, are they not so useful? Can it be expected? Going to fight the demon? "

"As for the kid who just asked Toshima to provide him with all the information, we teamed up and killed him."

"As for those alien demons ... old brothers, what's your opinion?"

Kariya was silent for a long time, and then a soft voice sounded.

"It's not yet time for decisive battle."

Then there were many echoes: "It's really not the time for the decisive battle."

"Stop urgency, use patience, and accumulate strength ... when our strength is so strong that we have an absolute advantage, we will make another thunder and kill those alien demons thoroughly ..."

"That's right, so I have accumulated countless merit in Kariya, I am the emperor's pulse, and when I reproduce the holy emperor of a human race, I have long lived forever, immortal, and truly step into the realm of the most immortal saint. Enjoy purity forever. "

"Yeah, yeah, it's extremely unwise to fight wars with those demons outside the sky."

"Isn't it? In the past, our ancestors had far more power than I did today, and haven't they been defeated by the demons outside?"

"We still have to cherish the feathers and keep our strength high."

"But that kid can't be spared."

"Of course, dare to commit me to Kariya, you must not let him go!"

Wu Tie cut through the valley and went away. He didn't do anything to madmen and others, and he couldn't do anything to madmen.

Xi, Xi Zhu, and others have been forced to reincarnate by him, and the end result is estimated to be extremely bad and extremely bad. And mad and others, no matter what they do, they are pure human race.

The Witch Iron had no choice, no reason, and gave them swords.

As for the old monsters hiding in the veins of the Emperor's Emperor ... Unless they seek death by themselves and find waves at the Witch Iron Gate, Witch Iron cannot and will not shoot swords at them.

In Wu Tie's heart, he still maintains a bottom line of "naiveness" and "trust" for "human nature."

He thought that these old antiques who were bored and boring, as the oldest group of elders in the human race, should be able to make the most sensible choices and make decisions that are in the best interest of the human race.

Even if it is purely for the benefit of Kariya?

If all the peoples in the world are slaughtered, where is there to worship Yanya, where is there to support Yanya, and where are the elite geniuses to supplement Yanya?

Therefore, Kariya will certainly not sit idly by and continue to be slaughtered, right?

The witch iron returned to Wu State with the holy sword of the human race and the four-armed soldiers. He took the three corpses and continued to patrol the battlefields of the human race.

Whenever there are tricky demons, the witch iron can now easily kill them, so the efficiency of the Wu country in sweeping battlefields and hunting grounds has once again soared, and the witch iron has consumed many humanitarian merits and soared again.

Time passed quickly for less than half a month.

No soldiers and horses in heaven.

I can't see Kariya's soldiers.

I can't see the movement of Toshima.

It seems that the entire human race has been abandoned. It seems that on the entire continent, only the growing army of the military nation is running around to destroy the demons.

Standing on the extremely high sky, and stepping on the aurora, the witch iron looked in a puzzled way towards the island.

"What are you doing?"

It was night, the moon was high, and the light of the stars was a hundred times stronger than in the past. Starlight essences poured into the world like flowing water. I do n’t know how many flowers, birds, insects, birds, and beasts. The magic power of Tao.

The essence of the stars poured down from the void, and the land of Mum was shaking slightly.

With the essence of the stars falling, and the power of chaos that cannot be measured, the Mu continent is like a huge seed that is devouring the power of chaos frantically. The edge of the continent is rapidly expanding around.

On weekdays, the immense void surrounding the mainland of Mum is dark, with no trace of chaos remaining. Except for the star-lit nights that happened once every few years, there was no chance for the mainland to expand.

But these days, the gods seem to be mad, pouring out the essence of the stars regardless of the consequences, and with it the rapid recovery and growth of the Continent.

The continent is growing and recovering.

The avenue law of the Continent is also rapidly recovering, becoming clearer and more powerful.

However, correspondingly, the ever-powerful principle of the avenue needs to be re-honed and adapted to form a perfect avenue operation system. Many alien roads have taken the opportunity to launch deeper erosion on the road system of the mainland.

Use an inexact analogy.

The Continent is just like a fortified fortress. He suddenly wanted to expand the city wall to make it larger, thicker and thicker.

During the expansion process, more impurities were mixed in, so it was impossible to get leaks everywhere, and cracks appeared everywhere.

The faster the growth speed of the Mu mainland, the faster the recovery of vitality, the more loopholes in the Mu mainland's own protection, the larger the loopholes.

In the Huanghuang Cave, several middle-aged women, expressionless, replayed a bamboo basket of cold meals in front of lime, and then reprimanded them coldly: "Fast food, don't Delay me waiting. "

Lime smiled slightly, picked up the cold food, and ate it bit by bit.

In the Huanghuang cave, the heaven and earth elemental energy is isolated. Even if it is a supernatural power, it will become an ordinary flesh and blood body here. If you do n’t eat anything, you will starve alive after exhausting your mana.

As Lime ate, she asked several middle-aged women: "Is there any news on the island recently? Are you proud?"

Several middle-aged women yelled in unison: "You can't speak without food, you can't speak without sleep."

Lime raised a brow lightly and ‘hehehe’ smiled.

In a secluded corner of the island, a piece of blue jade plate buried under the soil lightened slightly, and a woman in a long blue dress appeared out of nowhere on the jade plate.

She is also a lime, and the lime in the Huanghuang cave, they are one.

However, the faces of the two people are the same as those of the witch iron and his three corpses. Although they are the same, their faces and temperaments are quite different.

Gently twisted the slim waist, Lime looked at the surrounding mountains and mountains and muttered to himself: "It is time for a result ... the human race is in danger of extinction. As long as a hero is born at this moment, if the ability can turn the tide, It will certainly be supported by countless people. "

"The most beautiful thing is that there is a Witch King and Witch Iron as a lining ..."

"Destroy the demons outside the world, and then the two emperors of the clan will stand side by side. The clan of the two emperors will fight a battle, and the winners will unite the clan."

"With this war, many irrational and illogical traces in the war with the demons outside the world can be easily erased."

"Human race, the potential is endless, but there are countless shortcomings."

"Born from sorrow and death from ease, as long as Jiuer gave them enough comfort after the war, who would pursue any unreasonable things like those chaotic war years?"

"Even if there are one or two clever people ... clever people can't live long. Hee hee, as long as the clever people die, who can threaten the throne of the children?"

Gently clapping his hands, the lime sleeves waved gently.

Beginning with the blue jade plate under her feet, all of them were extremely dim, and they could not be seen clearly if they were not taken seriously by the naked eye-especially now that the starry sky is extremely dazzling, these are completely dimmed to the extreme, and they are mixed with the twilight of starlight Began to spread rapidly around.

The thin, faint gloom quickly enveloped the whole island.

Youguang invaded the large island protection array of the island, invaded many forbidden places and secret areas of the island, invaded the palaces and cabinets of various islands, and silently disintegrated the entire defense of the island.

The starry sky glowed like a flame, and the avenue of aliens became extremely wild and fierce.

Over the island, the concentration of heterogeneous avenues is rapidly increasing, and the rhyme of the Tiandi avenue in the mainland of Mum is slowly declining.

In the sleeves of lime, the spirit of countless human races flew out, and quickly filled the wilderness around her. The next moment, a huge teleportation array lighted up at her feet, and then the colorful crystal divine light replaced the blazing star light.

The martial arts, the venerable, the soulless, the faint, the blaze, the five leaders that the gods are observing the outpost now spend 90% of their blood and the avatars created by the divine power appear in the teleportation array.

Then came the boundless Protoss army.

Hundreds of protoss came out of the nest, the blood of the **** king, senior **** generals, countless low-level **** soldier servants and so on.

Of course, the greater number are those sacrifices that have been sacrificed to the gods for countless years-they are all human races, and they are either mated with the gods-媾-peace, or married to each other to reproduce their offspring.

The descendants of these human sacrifices have formed an indelible 'slave' mark in the depths of their souls.

They are more humble slaves than the soldiers and servants of the gods, and their scale is huge, billions.

They live in observation outposts, they do n’t have the suffering of God ’s robbery, they do n’t have the worry of bottlenecks, their cultivation is mostly in the Seventh Heaven and above, and there are countless half-step honors!

"Tu Guangxi Island." Lime played with the murder dagger, squinting and smiling: "Tu Guang, the old ladies, the human race is the blood of the gods, there is no power to fight back."