MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 895 That's called scumbag

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Knowing nothing about Iron Son's disdain, looking at the silent Karius, Kant stretched out his hand with a faint smile on his face, and his tone became gentle.

"That's how it is."

If you want to make a friend, ask him to do you a favor.

"I also hope to end this wrong war and make what should be done on the right track. This needs your help, Grand Speaker Kalios, you know, this is not a personal grudge."

If you want an ally, let you both share ideals.

"It's to fight against the Star Palace, so that countless creatures in the mortal world will not be trampled and slaughtered by those destroyers, and that today's sad things will not be repeated... We are like-minded and have the same goal."

If you want a steadfast, unwavering supporter...

"I wish you could call me comrade."

—Then you don't even need to make him like you.

"Even if I know that I made you angry, that I divided your country, that I trampled on your dignity, even if I know that your opinion of me is extremely bad, I will still not change my mind."

Just need to be thick-skinned and unreasonable.

"But I still hope that you can put aside your personal grievances, carefully examine my words, understand my difficulties, forgive my compulsion, and become a partner and friend who fights side by side with me."

Can be encouraged.

"Griffin has thousands of faults, but one thing is right. In the current situation, the parliamentary system cannot make the country make the right decisions. Proper centralization is necessary. He has cleared the obstacles for you, if you will. , we will also help you, and take this opportunity to change some systems and reduce the voices of opposition."

can be forced.

"But I have to sincerely remind you that the reason why I am humble and patient with you is not because of fear, but because of respect for you. I believe that only patriots who have experienced hardships and setbacks and remain steadfast are worthy to rule this country. , but you are not the only one. If you are unable to contribute to the confrontation with the Star Palace in office, Comrade Oxington can fill your gaps at any time."

can threaten.

"If you cannot give me a satisfactory answer, if our conversation does not yield a result for a better future, then I am afraid, the war will not end, but will continue. I have to remind you that today's friendly negotiation And concessions can no longer be a cold and harsh treaty tomorrow."

can be bound.

"Please be my partner, the fate of the Far Harbor and the Council is actually a community. Everything I have received from the northern counties will be used in the war against the Star Palace, which will never conflict with your goals and ideals. We I will fully support your move to revive the glory of the council, and the northern counties will also respond to your call, become your force to deter domestic factions, and become your solid backing... just like me."

Give him a legitimate, appropriate, bright motive.

"This is all to defeat the star palace, you should not doubt my motives. I don't love power and have no interest in ruling. All our perseverance, dedication and sacrifice today are for the victory tomorrow."

A step down.

"I am the tyrant who persecuted the Austrian Council and the mortal world. You are a hero who tolerates each other and should be respected by everyone. My propaganda machine will guarantee this fact."

A reason to convince yourself to compromise.

"Seriously, why should you care about short-term fame and facts, if the Star Palace wins, no one will survive, whether the council is complete or not, whether the country is honored or disgraced, everything is meaningless."

A vision for the future.

"As long as you promise me, the Austrian Law Council will not be divided. After defeating the Star Palace, I will guarantee the reunification of this country. This is the promise of the Fire Robbers."

A man's promise.

"On the day of victory, the mortal world, the people, history... I will give you the most fair evaluation. Even in the history books of the future, people will remember that the Great Speaker Carius took over the flag when the country was in turmoil and washed it. The humiliation of Griffin overcame a desperate and powerful enemy, and finally maintained the unity of the country."

Then use the above methods to make him pay a heavy price for you, take huge risks, bet a lot of chips, and agree to this harsh condition.

"So, I hereby ask you, for the future of the mortal world, for the sake of the Austrian Law Council, to agree to my conditions, even if you have to temporarily endure accusations of treason and criticism from political enemies, as well as the incomprehension of the people."

Let him know it's doing you a favor.

"Because, I need to integrate and use the war potential of the northern counties more efficiently. This is the only way to make up for the losses caused by Griffin, all for the sake of victory."

Let him know that you will remember him well too.

"I hope that you will become my comrade in this great cause. I will also support you and remember you. In the future, you will defeat the Star Palace and complete the great cause of protecting the mortal world. You will also have your share of the military medals."

It's called... an obedience test.

Kant stretched his hand a little further, with a gentle and firm smile: "Can you hold my hand?"

Then, he will succumb and become a partner with bound interests, pay more sunk costs, and the higher his dependence and loyalty on you will be. This is the first step.

"Would you do this?"

Looking at Kant's smile, looking at Kant's outstretched hand, Karius' expression changed, he gritted his teeth, his eyes flashed, and he raised his hand slowly and heavily.

- He will.

Kant's hand suddenly stretched out again and grabbed Kalios's hand with a sonorous voice.

"You will!"

Kalios's hand was held, and he shivered suddenly, showing a complicated look.

"Thank you."

Kant pulled hard, staggering the Great Speaker, and then suddenly gave him a hug.

"The world will thank you."

Strike while the iron is hot, and pursue the victory.

"Thank you, Comrade Carius."

Say some promises and words that make him feel relieved, no money anyway.

"Listen, everyone... From now to forever, I will never allow any secession in the Austrian Council. The northern counties will never be separated from this country, and will never be occupied and annexed by any power. Hong Kong will not send any occupying troops, just volunteer troops to help with law and order and clean up the remnants of Griffin. Far Hong Kong will not send officials, but local activists and retired troops will govern themselves to ensure that they will not be banned again. Politician conspirators like Riffin deceive."

And create an established fact in front of the public.

"Everyone can remember my words and declarations, I made an agreement with the Grand Chancellor of Kalios."

Drones equipped with cameras and cameras hovered around, and took pictures from multiple angles of Grand Chancellor Karius who shook hands with Kant and stood side by side... The other party's face was complicated.

And Kant has already instructed the younger brothers to "pass on".

"Tell the council soldiers who are covered in bruises and bruises and are controlled by the conspirators that I have made an agreement with the new Grand Chancellor, His Excellency Kalios. They can return home in a month, and they can also take a consolation money and die in this scene. Soldiers in the war will also be martyrs who died against the Star Palace, and their families will receive land and pensions, and from today, no one will force them to join the army to fight."

The soldiers who were still on the battlefield, and the prisoners who had entered the White Mist World and were waiting for registration management, heard these words and saw the group photo of Kant and the new Speaker.

They shouted long live, and praised the kindness and efforts of the Grand Chancellor of Callius.

"But I still ask you to take responsibility for your hometown and cooperate with our work, so that Griffin's remnants will not be resurrected, and the land under your feet will become as beautiful as it used to be."

If it feels like they'll be thankful to Kalius for pensions, consolation, freedom and future...

- That was so naive.

It's all my money.

Now, in the northern counties, my money is everywhere.

"I hope that during this month's observation period, you can work hard to transform, make serious progress, cooperate with each other, and work hard for freedom and tomorrow."

After all, it will take you a month to taste the blessings of Kalios today.

"Everyone—" Kant faced the camera, showing a warm and peaceful smile that made people trust and love involuntarily, "your war is over."

I am Kant.

- Be my partner.

It was only after the complicated Karius recovered from the shock and bewilderment and whispered that he wanted to be alone, Kant, who watched him leave, turned around.

Seeing the situation in the tent, he was stunned for a moment: "What?"

The elves stared blankly at him, mechanically stuffing chicken nuggets and chicken popcorn into their mouths, and two of them were still holding empty buckets and doing non-physical performances.

The dragons looked in awe, their eyes wandered back and forth on Kant and the Dragon Emperor, and the big dragon's eyes were full of doubts and incomprehensions.

The expressions of the human beings are very static, holding a hamburger and holding a cola, and their faces are full of astonishment.

When Kant looked over, someone shuddered subconsciously.

Both sides stared blankly at each other.

The next moment, Kant took a step forward, showing a ferocious expression, threatening: "Wow!"

The few elf sword saints jumped up in fright. The dragons coughed, and the sprayed dragon flame almost burned the strange-looking Sun-Guard Army on the opposite side, and also frightened several nearby holy seat mages to start subconsciously. Shield, causing a small range of elemental disturbances.

The chaos of flying dogs lasted for a minute before it stopped.

Aurora rolled his eyes: "Crazy line."

He turned to look at Delilah, and the queen subconsciously leaned back.

Kant stared and said, "What are you doing?"

Delilah whispered: "Scared."

Kant thought about it for a while before he understood, this is silly... He shook his head, reached out and grabbed a new bucket from the White Mist World and handed it over: "What are you afraid of, I won't do such a thing to you."

The queen reached out to take it, lowered her head, and seemed a little disappointed: "...Oh."

What's the matter with this guy?

Kant shook his head, just as he was about to say something, his expression suddenly changed.

He stood silent for a few seconds.

During this period, Derelia, who had lifted the lid of the family bucket, peeked at him eight times and found that something was wrong with Kant, but before she could ask her, she suddenly turned around.

He said to the commander of the Lunar Imperial Army: "Hey, the Empire guy."

The big man of the empire wiped his mouth with the napkin on the table and stood up: "Your Excellency the Duke."

"Have you reported this to the emperor today?"

"Your Majesty's request is to send back information to the imperial court every half an hour." The imperial man was also frank, "The clerk is recording and arranging the conversation you just had with Your Excellency Kalios."

"Then you can urgently add a report now - I just dug up an old story."

In the field of vision, Duke Qin's eyes became cold, making the hearts of the imperial people chill.

Kant, who said this, did not continue to speak, but was silent for a few seconds.

Then he said: "You tell the Emperor as soon as possible that during the previous confrontation between the two armies, Alex came to Griffin and the God of the Star Palace. I don't know what Phaethon gave him and the mission, but obviously Star Palace has taken on a new dog, and other people than Griffin have betrayed the mortal world."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room suddenly raised their heads and looked at the imperial men.

There was a silent and subtle pity in everyone's eyes, a look of "you are miserable".

—Like when the US Secretary of State Powell took out a tube of washing powder at the security meeting in 2003, diplomats from various countries looked at Iraq.

Everything that just happened is still in front of my eyes.

The Austrian Law Council, a powerful and glorious country in the world, the cradle of mages, what a great country, after being defeated once, it was torn and bitten by the cruel lion-like Kant, and it was split in half.

The previous Grand Speaker was publicly executed, but this one was actually played like that...

And now, obviously, after Kant tasted the sweetness, he swung the big stick of "I suspect you are a mortal traitor", this time aiming at the Holy Empire.

Everyone knows his feud with the empire, and even more so that the eldest prince, Alex, forged a blood feud with the Dragon of Aurora because of his stupidity two years ago. Being mocked by the corpse whipping back and forth, so far, the eldest prince of the empire ranks second on the list of mortal fools.

Second only to Goethe Archduke Reknos.

Now, Kant said to the people of the Empire that your eldest prince, Alex, has taken refuge in the Star Palace. No matter what you think, he is deliberately taking revenge... Considering his old grudge with the empire, it is not surprising at all.

That is to say, after he cleans up the council, he will continue to engage in the empire?

Hearing this, not only the people of the empire, but also the powerhouses of various countries secretly changed.

The expression of the commander of the Imperial Guard changed several times, and said in amazement: "Your Excellency Duke, this... you are..."

"I'm talking to the emperor, do I want you to express your opinion?"

Kant said indifferently: "Thinking about the mind control that has spread to the battlefield and affected tens of thousands of elites, do you think if Phoeson gave Alex the same thing, how much would he have done in these days?"

The face of the imperial people changed wildly.

He broke free from the instinctive thought of "Kant wants to take revenge", thought for a while, and immediately realized that Kant didn't need to attack at this time.

- The biggest trophies of this war, the northern counties, let alone digested, did not eat into the mouth, a series of energy after the war was involved, and the huge gains had to be counted and obtained.

With so many things going on, how could you be in such a hurry to find trouble with the empire!

The commander quickly turned around and urged, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

Even with the other people's expressions serious - is this true?

After Kant finished speaking, he stood on the spot with a condensed expression, like a mountain rain that was about to come.

He almost deprived and received everything from Griffin. The power and memory of the Supreme Mage of the Council are vast, from the quality to the quantity, it is only seen in his life so far... Because the extracted object has no feedback and open heart, so this extraction process is quite complete.

Therefore, for a moment and a half, Kant was completely unable to absorb and integrate Griffin's legacy, whether it was the opponent's terrifying arcane cultivation, or decades of experience, memory, wisdom and experience.

Now, the spiritual body, which symbolizes all the spiritual wealth of Griffin, is pinched into a small ball, suspended in the sea of ​​​​spirits, and watched lovingly by the mark of the dragon **** and the light of Sura.

It is like a book that Kant can read at any time and absorb slowly.

From the extraction to the present, Kant has been reading Griffin's many memories and techniques. Just now, he saw Griffin's memory some time ago...Alex came to visit.

Kneel flatteringly to the God of Star Palace.

From Griffin's memory, he saw what Alex looked like for the first time.

The boiling killing intent awakened from the body is roaring, intertwined with the trembling of the soul.

He remembered an oath of his own.

As if it was just yesterday.

The hand that gradually became empty after holding it, seemed to still have a residual temperature in the palm of his hand.

Griffin's confession to death today reminded him of the past, and he had seen another soul who was not so brave before his death... This memory dragged him back to that nightmarish night.

He finally realized something clearly.

The revenge isn't over yet... so the soul can't rest in peace either.



He moved his hands subconsciously, and the memory of that night remained in his hand. He held that hand and watched him dissipate like a light spot. In the end, the touch of the palm also changed from cold to nothingness, little by little...

- become warm and powerful.

Kant bowed his head in amazement and found that his hand was being held.

Looking away, Delilah leaned over and grabbed his hand.

Her Majesty's eyes were like waves, like shining stars, and she gave him a gentle smile.

- When he turned his eyes again, he was as cold and majestic as a king.

She glanced at the twelve elves who focused on eating and drinking, seventy percent on Kant, and ninety percent on the queen.

The elves immediately stood up and spread out, the big five and three thick men pushed and pulled, driving away the strong men from all over the world who were eating here, shouting: "What are you doing here, hurry up and write a report Hey, didn't you hear that, the eldest prince of the empire, Alex, has betrayed the mortal world! Eat, eat, eat!"

Even the Dragon Emperor wisely backed away.

After the twelve strong elves drove away the light bulbs, their faces were filled with unspeakable resentment and dissatisfaction, and they still loyally circled around the tent with grim expressions.

A fly was attracted by the aroma of the food in the tent and struggled to circle in circles. When the Dharma King raised his eyes and gave him a pitiful glance, his entire body was hydrated and burst open, leaving no residue left.

In the tent, Kant slowly exhaled: "—I'm going to kill him."

"You will, he's like an ant to who you are now. You're no longer you in Huisha, and there will never be anyone like Alex who just swipes in places you can't reach. With the flick of a finger, you can hurt someone you care about and change your destiny."

Derela said softly: "There will be no such enemy, Kant, even Star Palace will be defeated by you, you no longer need to worry and fear... Let's go hack him together."


PS1: Stomach is a little uncomfortable...weird.

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