MTL - Close Combat Mage-Chapter 342 Mind Bracelet

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Just how far before the trip, a huge shadow slowly rose from the forest in front. Looking at it, Soga finally understood where the potential danger was.

A large group of tens of thousands of bi-winged angels, holding a small bow and arrow in their hands, slowly rose into the air, one by one pulling the small bows and arrows, the target was locked in Xiang Yun And Soga's body.

Although they are two-winged angels, in fact, these little guys have the same appearance as the angels, but they are too small in size. Each one has only the thickness of the arms and the height of the forearms. However, despite this, the detection in Soga Next, it's all nine order creatures.

Under the attack of tens of thousands of long-range nine-level creatures, even the holy professional, only the fate of being killed. As these little guys have small bodies, it is because of their small bodies that they can exert their power. Like Ni, her body was huge, but she couldn't use her bow and arrow to show her full strength.

Moreover, these little angels, except for one pair of wings, were all slippery. They were little boys with naked buttocks. They were flying in the air with a pair of wings flapping.

For the ninth-order creature, Soga is not afraid, but ... there must be a limit. As now, one person faces tens of thousands of ninth-order remote creatures. Even if Soga doubles again, I am afraid it will be the top. Can't live.

If it is a human archer, the 10,000 army may occupy a large area, but these little guys with small forearms can fly, emitting a three-dimensional attack formation in the air, and 10,000 little angels can completely attack two people at the same time. Launch an attack.

If you want to retreat, but you ca n’t retreat. If you want to go out, you have to go to the next month. Of course ... You can also turn around and run away, but you can run faster than you can fly!

Between thoughts, Suga did not dare to neglect, and pulled out the Suga airship directly, and jumped up with Xiang Yun at the same time. As tens of thousands of little angels set their arrows, Suga closed the warehouse cover in time.

Although the attack of Tier Nine was powerful, but ... it was not enough to damage the black-forged airship. Seeing this scene, Soga could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, looking at the little angel covering the sky, Soga gritted his teeth, Two shells exploded in an instant.

In the fierce whistling sound, all the little angels scattered and fled away, but ... the speed of the shells was too fast, and ... the little angels were too dense. The two shots went down and suddenly hit a dozen little angels. Crush them on the spot.

Originally, Soga was worried that the shells could not deal with Tier 9 creatures, but now it seems that it is not impossible to hurt. Since it can hurt, then everything is not a problem. Although there are many little angels, as long as they can kill, there will always be Kill a clean day.

While thinking, when Soga was preparing to continue firing, the next moment ... a dozen holy rays of light, the angels closer to the dozen shattered little angels raised their left hands, the light flashed, A dozen smashed little angels who were knocked just now are resurrected in the white light shining!

"I trust!" Seeing this, Soga finally realized that none of the guys in the hidden level seemed to be simple. The fire crows in the Temple of the Sun could be reborn by fire, and the little angels here could resurrect each other. , How the **** is this?

If these fire crows are closer, Soga may still be able to attack directly with the curse, but everyone knows that bows and arrows shoot farther than magic, so ... Socar's curse can't help these little guys at all , The sides can not touch.

Soga knew that it was not possible to kill these little guys, but fortunately, the reason why he came here was not to destroy them. Now Soga can only pray, the statue of Aphrodite Temple Beside, there is no guardian of enchantment.

Taking control of the Soga airship, the two stopped paying attention to the chasing angels and hurried towards the temple at full speed. At the speed of Soga airship, such a distance, they could soon arrive.

Soon after flying out, a dark cloud of smoke surged violently in front of the black mist, and straight into the sky, seeing this scene, Soga could not help cautiously.

"Uh ..." Just cautiously, in the dark mist, in a burst of evil-like tweets, thousands of winged black skulls, dressed in tattered pieces of cloth, ran off from the ground. Arise, Soma airship burst into the air.

Soga could not help but start out with a cold sweat. Only the gods of love and beauty can drive the army of the two gods at the same time. Although these gods of death are not real gods of death, their strength is already infinitely close to the Holy Order.

Soga blasted out two artillery shells fiercely. In the fierce roar, a death with black bone wings was instantly blown apart.

With the collapse of death, a gap was finally exposed in front of the airship. Soga didn't dare to neglect. He took control of the airship and instantly broke through the surrounding circle and hurried towards the temple.

I wiped the sweat on my forehead. Although the Suga airship was not afraid of such a blow, but ... if it was surrounded, it would be difficult to escape, even if it was not dead, it would be siege on the spot.

Soga turned back in horror and looked back. Under Soga's gaze, the skeleton of the shattered death that had been bombarded by the black gas gathered together again, a pair of red lights. The radiant eyes flashed again.

"Rely on ..." Seeing this, Soga could not help but curse, death ... the gods of death, no one can take their lives except themselves. Although Soga's attack was fierce, it was not enough. To destroy them.

After the angel group and the group of death, Soga finally took control of the airship and rushed to the temple. Facing the gate of the tall temple, Soga opened the giant propeller without hesitation, and went towards the temple at full speed. The door rushed over.

Don't underestimate this collision. The weight of the airship itself is more than ten tons. Coupled with the crazy speed and the acceleration of gravity, its power is great, and it is definitely no less than a full blow with the Holy Power.

"Bang!" In the fierce roar, the Soga airship slammed into an enchantment when it was more than ten meters away from the temple gate. Looking at the pink enchantment flashing in front of him, Soga could not help With a bitter smile, sure enough ... there is still a guardian of enchantment.

Turning his head and looking around, the death gods and angels quickly rushed from behind. With the experience of the Sun Temple, Soga knew that once they were allowed to come, they would probably fill the enchantment with energy, so ... Can you enter the temple? This is the only chance.

Suo Jia suddenly took control of the airship, and quickly reversed. The airship swung suddenly, straight into the sky, then turned around the airship, and rushed towards the impact location.

Along with the sprint, Soga quickly opened the cover of the warehouse and shouted to Xiang Yundao: "Hurry up, you will bombard the enchantment with all your strength, and we must open a hole drill in that enchantment before the angel and death arrive. Go in! "

After hearing Soga's words, Xiang Yun quickly understood Soga's plan. Although Sun Yun did not go to the Sun Temple, the entire process, Soga had already told Xiang Yun that he thought this was the right thing to do. For reference, now finally used.

Withdrawing the sword from behind calmly, Xiang Yun's face Shen Rushui watched the red enchantment gradually approaching. At this moment ... Both Soga and Xiang Yun knew that this enchantment was too large, covering the entire temple, so, Once severely hit, there must be a process of energy flow resupply. What they have to do now is to continuously attack the same point of the enchantment, and take advantage of the untimely supply of the enchantment to break open the enchantment and rush in. To do this, Suga and Xiang Yun must work together.

As Xiang Yun stood up, Soga pulled out the Trident of the Poseidon. Between a little, six holy spirits of ice appeared on the six empty seats of the airship, raising their hands, and the blue light flickered, full strength. Launch the Sword of Condensing Ice. As for Soga, of course, it is even more impossible to idle. After summoning the Holy Spirit of Ice, point again with your right hand, and the Sword of Consolidating Ice starts with full force.

"咚咚咚 ..." In the fierce, dull roar, the six Holy Spirits of Ice, and the frozen arrows of Soga blasted the red enchantment in succession, at the same time, the airship was moving at full speed. Hit that crazy crazy.

Looking at the enchantment that was getting closer, Xiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and finally ... When the distance between the airship and the enchantment reached the top, Xiang Yun's eyes widened suddenly, and the light shone. Yun disappeared strangely on the airship.

"Boom!" In the fierce roar, Xiang Yun instantly appeared in front of the enchantment that had suffered dozens of frozen ice swords, and the sword in his hand was chopped on the already very thin enchantment.

Although this sword is already Xiang Yun's full-bodied sword, is that enchantment an ordinary enchantment? It is under the divine power of the **** of love Aphrodite. Although it is old and covers a wide range, Its strength is definitely not something ordinary people can easily penetrate.

With all his strength, Xiang Yun's legs stepped in the void, and a ladder cloud twitched up instantly. At the same time, Soga's airship rushed over, and the moment Xiang Xiang fell, he arrived at Xiang Yun's. Underneath, loaded Xiang Yun in.

"Boom!" Finally, in the fierce roar, when the angel and the **** of death had reached ten meters before the enchantment, the Soga airship with an unimaginable impact force instantly banged on the enchantment. Jia and Xiang Yun's hearts quickly raised, success and failure, once again.

"Clicking ... clicking ... clicking ..." In the dense crackling sound, the location of the Soga airship's collision angle finally began to produce cracks. Those fine lines, the spider webs spread to the surroundings. , Distance from the boundary, just a little bit of strength.

Seeing this scene, Suo Jia gritted his teeth suddenly and turned on the giant propeller again. Instantly, two groups of golden flames were instantly ejected from the oblong giant cylinders on both sides of the airship.

"Dangyu!" Finally, under the mad push of the giant propeller, the Soga airship instantly penetrated the pink enchantment. Under the huge impetus, the airship instantly passed the enchantment and reached the gate of the temple. The two huge temple doors crashed into pieces and disappeared into the temple.

It is indeed the enchantment under the cloth of the **** of love. Although a gap was opened, but the pink halo flowed around, the huge breach was quickly repaired. When the **** of death and the angel arrived before the enchantment, That huge gap has been restored instantly.

For a time, tens of thousands of angels and tens of thousands of death gods with black bone wings and black rags covered the entire enchantment. Unfortunately, they could not chase before the enchantment of God.

On the other side, Soga and Xiang Yun were breathing heavily, at this moment ... they had reached the main hall inside the temple, and in front of them stood a tall idol.

That's right, this statue is the statue of Aphrodite, except for ... Aphrodite is a beautiful **** besides Eros, and there is a statue of a bare-ass child suspended in the sky around the statue. , Want to come ... that's the little love god-Cupid.

After looking around and confirming that it was safe, Soga first turned on the space guard, then opened the airship's cover and jumped out of the airship.

The statue of Aphrodite looks like a beautiful woman. As a **** of love, she does not use weapons. After careful observation for a long time, Soga only sees a pink on her right wrist. Bracelet.

The bracelet looked like a beautiful red jade. Nine pink heart-shaped gemstones were hung around the bracelet first, and the surrounding light emitted a dreamlike glow.

Soga didn't want to appreciate the beauty of Aphrodite, he reached out his hand and took off the bracelet on the statue's wrist. What was unexpected was that as soon as the bracelet left the statue's wrist, it immediately lost the pink one. The light, the whole bracelet turned like crystal, crystal clear and transparent.

For a moment, Soga brought the bracelet to his wrist. The next moment ... a silver light appeared from scratch on the surface of the bracelet, not only the body of the bracelet, but also the bracelet. The nine heart-shaped gems on the main body have also become bright silver.

Closing his eyes, Soga condensed all his spiritual power into one point, and probed the past toward the inside of the bracelet. With the exploration of the so-called mental strength of Socai, the mystery of this bracelet soon became clear.

This bracelet can take the owner of the bracelet as the center and connect many hearts together. The owner of the bracelet can summarize all kinds and transfer it to all the hearts connected to this bracelet.

In fact, this is the only artifact of God of love, and it is also one of the super top-level artifacts. God of love can use it to connect anyone's heart and instill the infinite love of God in their hearts.

To put it simply, Eros can connect the hearts of a pair of men and women and make each other have an electrocardiogram. Even, Eros can use this artifact to send each other's image into the other's mind. The surgeon will involuntarily think of the other party and remember it unforgettable. This is the so-called love. Even the dream is the shadow of the other party.

Usually the people in love will say a word-I only have you in my heart, in fact, that's what I mean. The name of this bracelet is called the heart bracelet. Its function is to connect the heart and convey information, whether it is text, language, images, or sound. Everything can be clearly transmitted. It is through this artifact that Eros manages the love in the world.

Of course, this bracelet itself can't produce love, it's just a bond of connection. What really makes men and women fall in love is the pink energy of Eros, which is a dreamlike energy that can make two People who don't know each other instantly fall in love. Whether they love each other or not is all in the hands of loving God.

But in Soga's hands, because Soga does not have the energy of love, so ... the function of this artifact becomes the function of connecting the mind and transmitting all information.

Between thoughts, Soga splits a line of spiritual power and is conveyed to a heart-shaped gem tied around the heart bracelet. Instantly, a chain of the mind stretches away instantly, connecting Xiang Yun and Soga's mind together. .

"En?" Feeling the message from Soga, Xiang Yun stood up in surprise and looked at Soga in shock. He didn't understand how Soga did it, and why he could touch his inner world!

For human beings, the most complicated thing is not the structure of the body. Some creatures that have more complex structures than the human body have the problem that picking a dragon at random is ten times more complicated than humans.

The most complicated of human beings is the thought and the inner world, but ... through this artifact, Soga easily connects the inner world of the two, which is simply a miracle.

Of course, connectivity is just connectivity, it ca n’t be controlled, and even understanding is impossible. Unless the other party is willing to release information, otherwise, this mental chain is just like a fiber, its function is connectivity, and it does not have predatory information. Ability.

However, although the inner secret cannot be plundered, Soga can feel everything he sees, hears, and smells through the eyes, ears, nose, and nose of the other.

Closing his eyes with excitement, a clear image appeared in Soga's mind. In the image, in front of a tall and beautiful statue of a goddess, an upright figure was standing there. This person was not someone else, it was Soga himself, through Xiang Yun's eyes, Soga saw her own image.

Suddenly, Soga couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, trying to let out a hint of thought. For a moment, Xiang Yun felt only in his heart that someone seemed to be talking to him, and this person was not someone else. Soga.