MTL - Close to You-Chapter 72

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The national flag was raised early on Monday morning. Lorraine was not the tallest wave, standing in the middle, looking for Yu Han in a blue and white school uniform, but couldn't find it. He regretted coming to raise the flag a little bit, he might as well escape.

During the leader's speech, the mobile phone was shaking in his pocket. He took it out and saw that it was Yu Han, a good student, who sent him a WeChat message.

Yu Han asked him if he would make up for the class tonight, Luo Linyuan wondered if he said no earlier in the morning, he replied: "No."

Yu Han asked again: "Going to play games?"

Lorraine felt a little guilty, so he stuffed the phone in his pocket and didn't return it. After the leader finished speaking, the teams went back and dispersed. Luo Linyuan was talking to Fang Xiao, and Fang Xiao asked him, "Go to the canteen?"

The two went to the canteen together, Lorraine Yuan was in trouble with the ice cream in the refrigerator, Fang Xiao took the cream bag, small sausages and a pile of jerky, and came coolly when passing Lorraine Yuan Sentence: "Don't eat."

Lorraine Yuan opened the refrigerator and took out a cream popsicle: "Do you think ice compresses for sprains are okay?"

Fang Xiao said: "Usually ice packs are applied within 24 hours. Now two days have passed. It's better to buy medicine."

Luo Linyuan thought seriously for a while: "Go buy medicine at noon." He soon said: "No, I can't see Yu Han."

Fang Xiao asked him magically: "Why can't you see him?"

Luo Linyuan took out his mobile phone, glanced at the message, and sure enough, it was not sent, he felt that he could now touch a little of Yu Han's character: "He doesn't want me to play games with you, but I If you are disobedient, go to him now, and it will be delivered to your door by yourself."

He squeezed the ice cream and tried to get away and go to the front desk to check out, but Fang Xiao found out, the ice cream was confiscated, and a bottle of yogurt was stuffed for him.

The farther I get to Lorraine after school, the more nervous I get.

Although Lorraine Yuan was a little disappointed, it didn't matter too much, just go alone.

It's still the small building, or the short-haired sister, Jinglin showed him the printed line draft and asked him if he was satisfied with the size. If satisfied, stick it on the back and start.

The picture is about the size of a palm, and it looks like it can cover the entire shoulder blade. Lorraine nodded, there is nothing to revise, it has come, it must be done well today.

Jinglin took him inside. It was a room full of wall paintings, with lamps, a dark green bed, and a dark screen.

Lorraine Yuan took off his clothes and lay on the bed. As soon as Jinglin turned on the light, his entire back was dazzling, and there were two well-behaved pockets on his slender waist, causing Jinglin to whistle and say, "Your back is more beautiful than a woman's."

Luo Linyuan blushed and retorted: "I'm a boy."

Jinglin pulled the black mask to her face and raised her slender eyebrows: "Who said no."

She pulled the chair to the side of the bed, and pressed her fingers with medical gloves on his shoulder blades twice. The cold and unfamiliar touch made Lorraine Yuan get goosebumps. He suddenly realized how crazy this idea was. A clean person like him had to accept chemical paints pierced into his skin.


Jinglin put two needles in front of him: "This is for drawing lines, this is for sweeping color, it's all one-time use, you can see."

Luo Linyuan nodded randomly, and said shyly: "Sister, can you help me bring my clothes to cover my waist and stomach, I'm a little cold."

Jinglin smiled, pulled the school uniform jacket over him, and asked him, "Do you want to use anesthesia, but the color is not so pretty after using it."

Lorraine Yuan thought to himself, how can he be a big man, how can he be afraid of pain, although he is also a little cowardly.

Jing Lin said, "Well, I'll give you a sum first, so you can feel it."

Jinglin has been in this business for many years, her hands are very steady, and the initial pressure was very light, Lorraine did not feel much pain, so she said innocently: "It's okay, I don't think it hurts, go ahead."

It was only halfway through that he realized that drawing lines was a trivial matter, and it was torture when coloring. Those good-looking gradient colors were swept and stacked repeatedly. The skin that had been stabbed was already swollen, and the burning pain was superimposed by the coloring over and over again.

Lorraine soon burst into tears. He felt ashamed, so he couldn't open his mouth to ask for anesthesia, so he buried his face and endured the pain.

Jinglin likes to chat and distract the guests when she gets a tattoo. She asks Luo Linyuan's name, how old is she, what class she is in, why did she want to get a tattoo, and she said to Luo Linyuan: " I am most afraid that you will grit your teeth and endure it, the more you focus on it, the more painful it will be, why don't you just chat with me and spread out."

Lorraine answered, albeit slowly. Sister Jing asked him, "Anyone you like?"

She saw that Lorraine's far earlobe and the back of her neck were all red, and she didn't know if she was shy or reluctant.

Probably both. Lorraine Yuan said, "Yes."

Jinglin asked: "Is the tattoo because of her?"

Lorraine was far from denying it, Jinglin sighed: "You young people are more passionate than us."

At this time, the color of the fish scales was blue and white. Using the technique of watercolor petals, she said, "I have a younger brother in your school, maybe you know each other."

Lorraine Yuan squeezed out a deep handprint on the green leather chair: "Well... Who?"

Seeing that he was really uncomfortable, Jinglin stopped: "Let's take a break." At this time, there was a voice from the tattoo room, as if someone was coming, Jinglin laughed: "Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here. , his name is Yu Han, do you know him?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw the boy on the bed suddenly stand up and looked at her in horror: "What?! Which Yu and which Han?!"

At this moment, the door of the tattoo room was gently pushed open, and Yu Han appeared at the door with a bag: "Sister Jing, you..." He was stunned when he saw the people in the room. A bit dazed, as if he didn't understand why he saw Lorraine Yuan here.

Lorraine pulls up the school uniform and covers his naked upper body, his heart is beating fast, he thinks bad bad bad bad bad! How to do! Why is Yu Han here!

Jing Lin looked at this and looked at that: "Do you know each other?"

After Yu Han understood the current situation, his face gradually darkened, his eyes were very serious, and he was even a little angry. For the first time, Jinglin was a little surprised when she saw Yu Han so obviously angry.

Yu Han walked to Jinglin and handed her the takeaway bag: "Sister Jing, take a rest, this is my classmate, we have something to say."

Jinglin took the takeaway bag and instructed: "Okay, but be nice to my guests, don't scare people away."

When Jinglin went out, she closed the door intimately, Luo Linyuan looked at Jinglin pitifully, weakly and helplessly, wishing Jinglin could take him out together and put him in takeout Bags are fine.

Yu Han stood in front of Luo Linyuan, the light pressed his shadow on Luo Linyuan, he looked at Luo Linyuan's twinkling eyes: "Playing games? Huh?"

Lorraine didn't dare to speak, he just shrank back quietly, his feet were already on the ground, and he looked like he was going to run away at any time.

Yu Han put his hand on his naked shoulder, reached out to grab the clothes he was covering his stomach, and ordered, "Turn over."

Lorraine suddenly raised his eyes, struggled for a long time, and even looked at Yu Han pleadingly: "I don't want to."

Yu Han made a sudden movement and turned Lorraine over forcefully. The half-tattooed pattern was revealed in front of his eyes, it almost hurt his eyes and rubbed his cheeks. Heart.

Luo Linyuan's whole person is stiff, the only hope is that Yu Han doesn't know the meaning of this tattoo.

But soon, he heard Yu Han say: "Sister Jing told me that she recently took on an interesting job. The client asked her to tattoo the spring, but it was a picture of a fish breaking the ice. "

Lorraine's stiff back was slowly sent down, and he gave up on himself. He lay on the bed and buried his face between his arms. Muffled: "It's not what you think it means..."

Behind him, Yu Han asked in a suppressed voice, "What does that mean?"

Lorraine shrank himself even tighter, wishing he could disappear on the spot.

Yu Han pinched his waist and forced him to sit up and look at each other face to face, Yu Han stared into his eyes, as if he had a lot to say, filled with extremely complex emotions In the meantime, always lean out.

Luo Linyuan's eyes were red, he thought that Yu Han had clearly understood his intentions, why did he force him like this.

He held back his tears and said stubbornly: "Anyway, it doesn't mean anything, I got the tattoo blindly, don't think too much, this tattoo is not you..." You are not my spring.

He heard Yu Han sigh, he seemed very helpless and tangled, and there was a kind of inescapable, he could not escape, he admitted defeat, he seemed to feel something, and when he looked at Yu Han, he even looked a little stupid.

The next moment, Yu Han put his hands on his side, leaned forward, and kissed his lips.