MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7247 The only spiritual pillar

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Hearing this, Hellfire's heart shook, and the confusion of his eyes swept away instantly.

That's right.

He is now an independent individual.

No matter how he was born before, he is him!

And he is also a unique existence.

"These guys!"

Thousand Souls stared at the various types of hellfire in front of them, and his expression was extremely jealous: "These guys are really strong!

Sure enough, things really did not end so easily. If you don't knock these guys down, the consequences will be unimaginable. "

"Whoever he is, kill!"

Chen Chong sneered, stomped on his feet, and flew out, attacking the **** soil in it: "I restrain this guy, he will give it to me, and the rest, you are free!"

With Chen Chong's soft drink, Tang Yu's brothers began to take full action, attacking with these **** single energy creatures.

Hellfire stood motionless in place.

However, it is not important anymore.

Eight people, dealing with eight, this is not bad.

"Tang Yu!"

The Soul God stared at Tang Yu firmly, and said in a deep voice, "Now, what should I do?"

A series of things made him somewhat doubtful of life.

The God of Divine Soul no longer had the kind of absolute confidence before.

There is no way, now he is in the inner world of the Void God.

After knowing that he is not the pinnacle of this universe, but only survives in the inner world of others, all his arrogance vanishes.

He never thought that one day, he would be so helpless.

Tang Yu, the enemy, has actually become his only spiritual support!

"Since I shot, then you must not do it."

Tang Yu Chuanyin said in a deep voice: "The **** of nothingness will definitely appear. There is no doubt about it. So, no matter what, you have to do an important thing now, that is, to stand here quietly and concentrate fully. , The sudden appearance of the local **** of nothingness. Otherwise, we will both die!

Remember, if the **** of nothingness appears, he really wants to kill me, no matter what the price is, he must save me. If I die directly, I don't think you will survive. You should be aware of this. "

"I know."

Divine Soul God took a breath and said solemnly.

Tang Yu died.

He must die.

No matter what, now he and Tang Yu are grasshoppers on the same rope.

The attack of the Void God is unpredictable, so you must concentrate on it.


After the words fell, and with the approval of the Divine Soul God, Tang Yu had already disappeared in place.

Appeared again, already in the middle of Zhuge Shensuan and others.

"Tang Yu, you dare to come back!"

Zhou Zichuan shouted in a low voice: "Don't be too presumptuous! Do you really think that you can deal with us casually? Five Elements Heaven Formation, get up!"

"Five Elements Array?"

Tang Yu said indifferently, "You five, do you control the entire Five Elements power? You used them to deal with me with vain moves. Does it seem a bit reckless?

broken! "

Tang Yu raised his foot and stepped on the ground abruptly, and the ground burst instantly.

Together with the formations condensed by the five rays of light, at this moment, the cracks in the debut began to spread, and finally it looked like glass, directly turned into fragments!

"This guy!"

Zhuge's eyes sank.

Tang Yu's strength is far from his imagination!

From this point of view, Tang Yu's previous remarks that kept his hands may not be false.

"In that case, use all your strength!"

Zhuge Shen fortune looked at the four brothers around him and shouted loudly: "Tang Yu is indeed very strong. Don't keep your hands, let alone worry about killing him directly."

Killing Tang Yu, he felt a deep difficulty and hindrance.

It's not that he didn't want to kill, but he felt that the five of them really couldn't kill Tang Yu.

"Did you go all out?"

Tang Yu closed his eyes, opened them, looked at the sky, and smiled: "Unexpectedly, there will be such a day after all.

However, it doesn't matter. Our friendship has completely dissipated since just now. If this is the case, I will not keep my hands on the attack for a while, I hope you can survive.

If you die, blame your misfortune. "

Before he finished his words, Tang Yu's eyes condensed, murderously: "Hunyuan Taiji, get up!"

In an instant, Tang Yu's emptiness resonated, and a huge suction instantly centered on Tang Yu, and it was sucked towards Zhuge Shensuan and others in all directions!

"What a strong suction!"

Zhou Zichuan was startled, and hurriedly used his feet.

But I found that there is no place to focus on, and I can't control my body shape at all!


Xie Teng gave a low voice and kept meditating.


Tang Yu chuckled, "Do you find it useful? Come here!"

With a sip, the five of them could no longer support them, and they flew out directly, rushing toward Tang Yu's location!

"Damn it!"

Zhuge Shensuan's gaze narrowed, and he shouted: "Attack directly, don't resist. Anyway, we will be absorbed in front of him, then, our attack, he must bear it!

Even if there is an Immortal Eucharist, I don't believe it, he can attack five of us at the same time without any damage! "

The weapons used by the five of them are all special weapons.

The root is to deal with Tang Yu's Immortal Eucharist.

The weapons and moves of other people could not destroy Tang Yu's Immortal Body at all, but their special weapons had a certain probability of injuring Tang Yu.

Although the previous sword did fail, it does not mean that the others will also fail.

Drink it.

The five of them immediately took out their weapons one after another, and went all out to attack Tang Yu.

And this powerful attraction can just increase the absolute power of their moves!

With such a terrible suction, Zhuge sneered in his heart.

It was absolutely impossible for Tang Yu to stop the suction.

So, it has contributed to their attack power.

Tang Yu had to take this trick if he was puzzled!

"Zhuge, don't forget how long you stayed by my side."

Tang Yu looked at Zhuge's fluctuating eyes and smiled faintly: "You do know me very well, but likewise, I also know you very well, and even what you want and do will be in my calculations.

Do you think that my trick is actually causing trouble for myself? But, do you know why I must attract you? No, you don't know. "

Originally, Zhuge God calculated well.


As Tang Yu's voice fell, Zhuge Shensuan suddenly felt his heart.

Tang Yu's smile made him feel endless anxiety.


For a moment, Tang Yu's body instantly showed the big hands condensed by the Five Forces, and he came directly to the five people, and suddenly pinched them on their necks.

The hearts of the five were shaken, and the secret path was not good.

When they left, Tang Yu had already integrated all the energy, leaving only strength.

Now, is Tang Yu's energy moves completely restored?

Zhuge Shensuan and the other five stared at them, and instantly swung their swords, directly slashing down towards Tang Yu's energy arm.

Bang bang bang!

The sound is muffled.

The five waved the weapons in their hands, leaning less. Before all the weapons fell, they were stagnant in the air. They were caught by invisible big hands one by one, unable to move!