MTL - Comprehensive: Joan of Arc Came To the Door, Begging Me To Go To the Holy Grail War-Chapter 312

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Jiang Shang looked at Mordred with a kindness beyond friendship.

Mordred was as pale as Jiang Shang, her little face flushed with anger.

"I'm not a "kindergarten" child! "

"I'll go by myself!"

"and also!"

"I don't care about the relationship between you and the queen mother!"

"In short!"

"Among us, we have our own opinions!"

"I am your guardian knight, there is no doubt about it."

"Although I am not good enough..."

"But as the master, you have to take responsibility!"

"You want to train me to be the strongest knight, but what about your responsibility..."

Mordred said angrily.

Her aggrieved "387" face was about to shed tears of anger.

Father is also good...

Even the queen mother...

This master brought her too many unacceptable frights!

"It's inevitable..."

"After all, you are my favorite knight!"


"When your goblin bloodline awakens, I will definitely train you well."

"Even if it surpasses your father, it's not impossible."

Jiang Shang pretended to be serious and praised the brat in front of him.


"Master! You didn't lie to me, did you!"

Mordred said excitedly, and jumped at Jiang Shang happily.

The previous indignation had already dissipated at this time.

Mordred was a child who lacked love.

The only meaning of her existence is to be a tool for her mother's revenge.

What is missing, so what will be pursued.

She longs for the approval of those she cares about.

Even if it's just false flattery, it can make her happy for a long time.


"Of course..."

"How could such a kind-hearted person like me deceive you?"

Jiang Shang pinched Mordred's soft and cute face, soothing the girl's excitement.


Everyone else at the scene, including Ilya, covered their heads in shame.

This simple rebellious knight is completely hopeless.

Jiang Shang looked at the other followers on the scene again.

"You guys pack up too..."

"After transferring the "Seal of Divine Power", it's time for us to go back. "

His eyes, intentionally or unintentionally, aimed at the ground below.

what he was referring to...

It is Uruk, which has been reduced to an "empty city".

Instead of letting the treasures left here weather and corrode over time.

It would be better...

Although Jiang Shang didn't say it clearly, his ambiguous words were already equivalent to permission.

He is not a noble person, and he is burdened with "all the evils of this world", which is the sum of human evils!


It would be a pity to miss such a good opportunity.

After ordering everyone...

Jiang Shang got up from his seat, ready to send Mordred to Morgan's palace.


Natalia, who had always been on the edge because of her mediocre strength, suddenly raised her hand.

Natalia's actions attracted the attention of many people present.

"Natalia, what do you want?"

Jiang Shang frowned suspiciously, and asked the guardian in front of him with concern.

Natalia's embarrassed expression was somewhat unnatural, as if there was something unspeakable.


"My boss, I want to meet you..."

Natalia, who is the "guardian", spoke with some reluctance.


Ilya tilted her head in confusion, and asked first in doubt.

She didn't know what the "grandma" in front of her was talking about.

Not only Illya, but even the other servants present showed puzzled expressions.

Apart from...

Jiang Shang who knows the "truth"...


"After all, can't you bear it..."

Jiang Shang muttered to himself thoughtfully, with a deep smile on his face.



One of the "restraining forces" of this planet.

It can be understood as...

To avoid the destruction of "human beings" and "the world", there exists: a super defense system!

When the factors that destroy the world are still in the seed stage!

The restraining force will start to act, at the fastest speed!

Eliminate all risk factors in a simple way!


business as usual...

Let the world continue to run on its original track.

And Alaya who is the "restraining power"!

It is a collection of "human will"!

The only meaning of her existence is to ensure that human civilization can continue!

In all known timelines, she will unconsciously guide humans to the right path.

In order to ensure that human civilization can continue forever!

As a "restraining force", her style of dealing with things tends to be extreme!

Any creature that is an enemy of "human beings", no matter what the purpose is, will be judged as an enemy!

As a "restraining force", she will guide the heroes forward and bestow miracles and hope!

It is because of the protection of "restraining power" that human beings can continue to this day!

Because the existence of "Alaya" is the collection of human consciousness!


In Jiang Shang's mind, the identity of "Alaya" emerged....

From the beginning...

He accepted the rank of "Crowned Cavalry".

And go to this era to defeat the goal of "The Second Beast: Tiamat"!

Just for: the reward of restraint!

He helped "Alaya" to solve the disaster of this era.

As an employer, it was time for her to show up and pay a handsome salary.

"When is she going to come over?"

Jiang Shang asked Natalia, before meeting this "restraining force".

He needs to make a clear bottom line, and then negotiate to get more benefits!


"The boss says..."

"When we meet, it's up to you to decide..."

"But it's better that no one else bothers..."


"You careful..."

"It's not a joke to contact her..."

Natalia wiped the sweat from her forehead, reminding her with concern.

She vaguely felt an abnormal and strange aura.

Since when has the always indifferent "restraint power" become so easy to talk about.

some of...

There must be some kind of conspiracy...


"4.3 so..."

"Then the agreed time to meet will be tonight..."

Jiang Shang smiled and agreed.

"I will tell you the truth."