MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v3 Chapter 16 Invisible enemy battle

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Even if the muzzle of the pistol is equipped with a silencer, that thing is only used to reduce the sound, after all, it cannot completely eliminate the sound. Especially in such a small and confined space, it is amplified countless times by the effect of echoes.

This shot undoubtedly came from Shi Kaobing, an internationally wanted criminal. According to this guy's usual practice, it was also aimed at Guan Dounan's right eye.

Naturally, the pistol will not turn, maybe a stand-in messenger with spear-fighting stand-in ability can do it, but the Shi Kao soldier in front of him is definitely not. Therefore, when she shot, she also used herself to appear in front of Guan Dounan as a preparatory action, so that her figure appeared clearly in Guan Dounan's eyes.

A tight-fitting, ultra-short cheongsam with a hem that only reaches the mid-thigh. Under her short gray hair were cold gray eyes, and she wore two red earrings on her left and right ears. It was Pu Siqinglan, a long-legged beauty who had acted with everyone before.

Of course, this name might also be made up, so it's better to call her Shi Kaobing.

There was no problem with Shi Kaobing's aiming skills, and there was no problem with the pistol. This shot should have hit Guan Dounan's right eye, penetrated his eyeball and brain, destroyed his nerves, and killed him.

However, a crisp sound of impact announced the failure of the Shi Kao soldiers' raid.

"It really hurts..."

Guan Dounan covered the upper half of his face, and at some point, a pair of glasses was put up on the bridge of his nose. The bullet of Shi Kaobing actually hit the lens of the glasses, and it was able to withstand a bullet fired by a close-range pistol without breaking, and the lens did not fall off the frame. Naturally, it was produced by A Li.

The reason why he was able to take out a pair of glasses suddenly was not because he had mastered the ability to stop time, but when he learned that Shi Kaobing had the habit of sniping at the right eye of others, he had already ordered them from Dr. A Li. Such a pair of glasses.

After arriving at the castle, take the opportunity to enter the house to take off the magic mirror, give Shi Kaobing the appearance of being unprotected, and then put on bulletproof glasses in the dark. ”, presenting a completely invisible effect.

Of course, even if the bulletproof glasses produced by A Li blocked the bullet, the strong impact had to be endured by himself. It also caused severe pain in Guan Dounan's nose and eye sockets, and tears almost burst out.

And Shi Kaobing was so shocked that Guan Dounan was not headshot by this bullet, so that he was stunned on the spot. Guan Dounan also stretched out his free left hand and made a pistol gesture, simulating the sound of a gun shot in his mouth.


An invisible air bullet flew out and hit the Shi Kao soldiers.

But Shi Kaobing deserves to be a super criminal with the name of an internationally wanted criminal. At the critical moment, his entire body moved quickly backwards, avoiding the attack of the air bullet. In addition to the "lethality", the air bullet with no shape or material hit the wall of the underground passage, splashing a small piece of dust.

"So fast..."

Guan Dounan frowned, and out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at his environment. It should still be in the ring-shaped sinking staircase, but Amuro Toru didn't know where to go.

"When Shi Kaobing left just now, his legs didn't seem to move. It was a feeling similar to panning or riding an escalator and leaving backwards. Comparing the two, it was more like the latter..."

"Wait, the pattern on the wall is wrong..."

While observing the surrounding environment, Guan Dounan, who was recalling Shi Kaobing's actions just now, suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Even this monotonous and boring channel seems to be exactly the same regardless of the front and back. Guan Dounan, who relied on the power of a stand-in to achieve absolute memory, also noticed a detail - the pattern on the wall next to him was different from the position he was in before he was suddenly stunned.

Although the difference is very small, it can still be seen that this is a position he has just passed by, about four or five meters away from where he originally stood.

He glanced at the watch in his hand, and the time was not much different from the time before he was stunned. It just passed by naturally, only five or six seconds passed, and it was no different from the somatosensory time.

Is it time-based ability or space-based ability? Or some other ability...


Guan Dounan pondered in his heart, but suddenly felt as if something passed by, bringing a weak wind.


Another shot rang out, but this time it came from behind him. If it weren't for Guan Dounan being a stand-in, he has a slightly higher intuition and vigilance than ordinary people. When he noticed something was wrong, he immediately turned over and crawls down. The bullet should have directly shot through the back of his head.

"Just now, she passed me directly and quickly, came behind me, and then shot? Is it the ability of the speed class?"

After Guan Dounan turned over and crawls, he immediately let Xiao Hei fire air bullets at the location where the gunfire hit, but those air bullets all hit the wall and missed the Shi Kao soldiers. leave immediately.

Guan Dounan took the time to glance at the bullet that was shot at him. Unlike the previous PPK pistol bullet, the bullet fired at him this time was a round projectile with a blue metallic luster all over it. The solid iron bullet used in firearms.

"Sword Comes"

There was also a faint smell of gunpowder smoke in the air.

"Has she realized that I also have the ability to stand in..." Guan Dounan's heart sank.


It was the feeling of something passing by at a high speed, but this time the direction was the same as last time, from the position where Shi Kaobing left the first time to the position where she appeared for the second time, UU Reading brought a breeze, which washed away the smell of gunpowder a lot.

"How is this going…"

If it is an ability like super speed, how did she manage to run from point A to point B twice in a row, but without the process of turning back in the middle? Is it the ability of the space system? Something like teleportation?

But in that case, there should be no intermediate "moving" process, and there will be no feeling of something passing by.

"Wait, this smell..."

Guan Dounan's nose moved slightly, and he whispered in his mouth, he smelled a somewhat familiar smell. It was a fragrance similar to mint. Although it was very dark and almost non-existent, it was still recognizable.

This is the smell on Amuro Toru's head, it should be some kind of mint-flavored shampoo he used. If it wasn't for Guan Dounan's ability to use his stand-in ability, even his sense of smell could be completely recalled, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

However, it would be great if it was a girl, and now it is quite perverted to recognize the smell of shampoo used by a man. Guan Dounan suddenly had such thoughts in his mind, and he didn't know why he still thought about it at this juncture where he might die at any time.

But now there is no extra time to think about how perverted this matter is. After Amuro Toru just disappeared, he actually reappeared in this situation. He still made a move in the same direction as Shi Kaobing, which was also close to teleportation. What is it...


Another breeze swept past, this time moving forward from behind him, in the opposite direction to the previous two.

There was no mint smell in the wind, but there was a hint of gunpowder smoke.

The one who passed by just now was the Shi Kao soldier, so the next attack must come from the front...?