MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v3 Chapter 23 5 years

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"Here, the Mihua Municipal Building, Syndora from the United States and Neon's game company, the virtual reality game jointly developed is about to hold a grand first public presentation."

"Now the chairman of Syndora of Syndora has arrived at the scene."

In front of the Mihua City Hall, the voices were full of people, and the lights were flashing. Numerous reporters crowded in front of the red-carpeted City Hall building, scrambling to interview a white man in an expensive suit who got out of a limousine.

The white man's face was gloomy and his gray-white hair was meticulously combed. He completely ignored the questions of the reporters around him, walked out of the crowd and entered the city hall building.

"According to the public information disclosed to the media in advance, this game nicknamed 'cocoon' allows players to enter a capsule like a silkworm cocoon and have a conversation with a game with a voice recognition system under hypnosis, while playing in the virtual world. It can be said that it is a game that combines the essence of the most advanced technology.”

"This game provides five stages for players to play freely, but what kind of virtual world is it? After the children experience it today, they will know that it is a presentation that is completely closed to the public. The 50 selected The boys and girls below high school will become the first batch of Neon's 'cocoon' experiencers..."

"Cut, it's just a game conference, how can it be so serious."

Mouri Kogoro pouted in disdain when he heard the voice coming from the radio. The security check for this press conference was very strict. Just now at the security check gate, Kogoro Mouri's lighter and cigarette were temporarily detained, which made him very irritable when he was addicted to smoking.

"I heard that before the press conference, industrial spies have been secretly operating, so it's so serious." Conan followed behind and said, he and the three bear children of the juvenile detective team, Xiao Ai, and Maori father. The women were all invited as special guests this time. As for who invited them, it was naturally Dr. Agasa and Suzuki Sonoko.

As the chief designer of the game and the Suzuki Consortium as one of the important investors, Dr. A Li is qualified to invite a group of people to participate in this conference, but it is limited to participation.

Because this game, or everything including the game compartment, is somewhat beyond the times, it has attracted the attention of countless people around the world.

After all, according to common sense, generally new high-tech products are generally used in the military first, then in the professional political and commercial fields, and finally extended to the private sector, especially this completely virtual game machine, which is used in the military field to train special forces It is generally the primary use item.

But now this game that can achieve a complete simulation has gone directly across several steps, starting from the game that most people despise the most. How can this not let those military and political circles who have invested countless efforts in this direction with little success? , business people are hot.

Therefore, in addition to the Syndora company behind this game, there are countless hands playing the game, and the Suzuki consortium can only be regarded as an ordinary member of the investors.

"It's said that this game is said to change the entire video game industry. I'm really looking forward to it. If only I could play a game..." Mitsuhiko said excitedly, he was the one most obsessed with video games. Shi also talked about news content that I didn't know where I heard it from.

"However, although we were invited to the party, we were not qualified to play that game..." Mitsuhiko sighed as he looked at the fifty "cocoons" that were neatly arranged in the hall and had a technological appearance, "I really envy those people... Now, it's just electronic, and it's not necessarily fun, but it's just to appreciate historical events in the It's like watching TV..."

"You guys..." Conan smiled helplessly, everyone could hear the unwillingness in Mitsuhiko's tone, and this was probably not the time to tell them that he had qualified for the game test.

With the relationship between the father of the original writer of the game script, Yusaku Kudo, and the chief designer of the game program, Dr. A Li, Conan can only get one game qualification. Although he himself has no interest, he has to share it among the three bear children. Not enough either.

"In terms of virtual reality, I don't know which game is more real than the illusion created by a guy who can't see people all day." Xiao Ai said lukewarmly from behind.

"That guy, is it Senior Guan? His ability to create illusions directly in reality is no match for the game." Conan knew who Xiao Ai was talking about as soon as he heard it, his eyes were helplessly bent into a half-moon.

"Really? But I think the world we live in is not real at all, and it is even too fake. For example, five years later, we are still in the first grade of elementary school, and we have not grown up at all, and even the time of the people around us is not enough. It's like stagnation..." Xiao Ai whispered, and Conan was startled when he heard these words, and then sighed.

It has been five years since they became like this. Perhaps due to the influence of the BOSS's ability, all the people in this world seem to be locked in age. Real, but their real life.

If this goes on like this, maybe that senior Guan Dou Nanguan, who has become increasingly popular in recent years, has many fans, and is busy with various film and television appointments and business announcements, will be able to achieve that although he is only 18 years old, he has more than 20 years of acting experience. outrageous achievement.

"Didn't I say try not to mention this kind of thing? It would be bad if others heard it..." Conan reminded in a low voice, and Xiao Ai just nodded, indicating that she knew.

As this strange phenomenon of time has gradually prolonged, some unavoidable contradictions have gradually emerged. Babies under the age of one may have been born five years ago. Students who have been preparing for exams year after year but can only study for one year will never be able to obtain certain professional licenses that require a certain number of years...

Whenever ordinary people who are not stand-ins hear or realize that time is not right, they will either pass out or be directly interrupted by something. But these things happen more and more frequently as the period of confusion lengthens.

Not only that, but the records of time in some official documents and scientific research documents have also begun to be full of errors and cannot be justified. In recent years, the development of science and technology has gradually become stagnant, people cannot create new things at all, and some problems left over from history are difficult to solve.

Conan worries that in a few years, these problems will be too big for people to ignore, and even lead to the collapse of the order of all mankind.

Therefore, it is imminent to solve the organization BOSS, especially the chaos that he has influenced, but their investigation is still deadlocked. Constrained by the large organization and those perverted time stand-ins, they are completely unable to take the initiative to do anything. Guan Dounan also changed from solving the double incident everywhere to focusing on his acting career, and even went out to many countries.

Fortunately, the cooperation between Conan and the Nth class is getting closer and closer, and even got a lot of unexpected gains and assistance, at least in terms of pure "battle", Conan himself and the organization will not be too bad. go.

However, I heard that this press conference has been busy, and Guan Dounan, who has not been seen for a long time, will also appear, but it makes Conan want to meet him and have a long-lost chat.

"The grandson of the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, the son of a big boss in the financial industry, and the son of a politician in the ruling The second and third generations who are carrying the neon future are almost all here..." Maori Xiao Goro, holding a wine glass, sighed as he looked at the children who were receiving the badges for the "Cocoon" game pass not far away.

"Yeah, if someone wants to clean the future of neon here, maybe they will create a bomb that can kill everyone." Xiao Ai murmured.

"Ah? Bomb?" Kogoro Mori didn't expect this little girl to say such a thing, and was a little overwhelmed.

"Hey..." Conan reminded again with eyes on.

"Well, of course. With such a strict security check, bombs will definitely not be brought in. However, if he has super powers like the weirdo in Masked Rider, it will be different..."

"Hahaha, what superpowers are you, you are still a child."

Xiao Ai successfully lowered her level in the eyes of outsiders to the level of an ordinary elementary school student through the topic. Only Conan knew that she was insinuating herself.

Please, it's not that I want to have temporary stand-ins among people, okay?