MTL - Conan’s World Stand-in-v3 Chapter 30 Belmod and Karasuma Renya

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"Chrissy Wynyard or Sharon Wynyard, you can pick one."

"Okay, Miss Wynyard, the next question is age."

"I can't remember." Belmod spit out a cigarette, raised his head slightly, and seemed to be looking into the distance in the void, recalling something, but also as if he had no memory at all, just emptying his mind.

"...Although I understand that due to the confusion of time, we can't quite figure out our own age, but you should still remember a minimum date of birth, right? We also rely on this to calculate our real age." Amuro Toru He and Guan Dounan looked at each other and said to Belmod in a soft voice as much as possible.

After successfully killing Gin, the remaining leaders in the organization are not a problem, except that Belmod has long been rebellious and was treated with courtesy in Lesson N. Several major leaders, including Rum, were killed under the combined force of the "Demon Passport" and a series of stand-in messengers.

Once hostility can't be generated, no matter how strong the ability is, it's just a decoration if it can't be used. Guan Dounan, who launched the "Devil Passport", is absolutely harmless in anyone's eyes, just like air. Are you afraid of air? Will it attack the air? Of course not, but air can kill you.

After the organization was cleared, the true face of this mysterious organization gradually emerged. The so-called winery is actually a hidden part of the Karasuma Consortium, one of the major consortiums of Neon, and the boss of the organization is said to have been dead for many years. Yeah, the former head of the Karasuma Foundation.

It's just that the final boss seems to have not issued an order to the members of the organization for a long time. The actions of the organization are all directed by his son, the second person in the organization, the man codenamed Rum. He himself has been hidden in a deep mountain in Tottori Prefecture, and no one dared to disturb him.

When Guan Dounan, Amuro Toru and others were going to see the final boss of the organization, Belmod appeared and warned them not to approach the boss, otherwise there would be unbearable consequences, even for Guan Dounan, who was as harmless as the air. the same.

Out of trust in her, Lesson N temporarily stopped moving and didn't go to see the boss.

The huge winery organization was completely destroyed in just a few months, and the peripheral members they developed were all named by Guan Dounan with the ability of Xiao Hei, and no fish slipped through the net. The entire Neon, including those foreign related departments that were also invaded by the organization, underwent a large-scale purge, and many people disappeared overnight, and no one could be found again.

Except for Belmod, who was against the water, undercover agents from official departments of other countries in the organization, and the boss, Karasuma Renye, who even they didn't know how to eliminate, all members of the black organization were arrested or tortured. The location of the boss Karasuma Rianya is also strictly guarded, and it will only be dealt with when there is a way to destroy it.

However, it is not enough to leave the BOSS alone like this. Noah's Ark once predicted that if he continues to use his abilities in such an unrestricted manner, the world will probably usher in complete collapse within ten years.

Therefore, Toru Amuro and Guan Dounan began to inquire about the ultimate secret of the BOSS, and the object of the inquiry was naturally Belmod, who had a special relationship with the BOSS. Of course, this is also equivalent to an interrogation, but the attitude towards this kind of active member is not so serious.

Amuro knew that within the organization, Belmod's status was very special, and almost no one could order her to do anything, and even if Belmod messed up any plan, no one dared to pursue it. Under the investigation of the intelligence officer Amuro Toru, he found that Belmod and the organization's boss Karasuma Renye have a special relationship, and this relationship should be a blood relationship, so he has a detached status.

"Year of birth, probably... 1830. I really can't remember the month."

Belmod was silent for a moment, and threw out a year that made both of them think that they had heard it wrong.

"You mean... 1830? Isn't it 1930?" Amuro asked tentatively.

"Yes, I didn't say it wrong, and you heard it right, 1830, the year when the largest Leonid meteor shower ever recorded by human beings." Belmod didn't have any self-awareness of how far-fetched the time he was talking about was. It's totally like saying "I ate an egg this morning" attitude.

Guan Dounan did a mental calculation. He expected that Belmod's age would be amazing, but he didn't expect it to be so amazing.

Even Karasuma Lianye, the "old immortal" in the true sense, was only born in 1854 according to records. Belmod is actually more than 20 years older than him? .

"Of course, in 1880, I died." Belmod continued to drop bombshells, "after that, my son froze my body, and after he had mastered the ability to stand in for time, he My time was reversed and frozen, making me a person who did not belong to this world."

"Son? Could it be..." An Shitou had a terrifying guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to think about the possibility of such a thing.

Could it be that according to the legend circulating in the organization, Belmod and Karasuma Renye are blood relatives, and this relationship is not based on Karasuma Renye as the elder, but...

Next, Belmod tells them a chilling story.

In 1853, the U.S. fleet knocked on the neon door, and modern Westerners came to this small country for the first time, taking away money, resources and their dignity, but also brought their own citizens.

Belmod was just an ordinary American girl at that Out of curiosity, she also came to this remote country in the East, and fell in love with a neon youth named Karasuma at that time - at that time , The surname Karasuma is also one of the famous families. They got married and started a family here. A year later, they gave birth to a child named Karasuma Lianye.

Afterwards, the young man named Karasuma gradually showed his talent in business and earned a lot of money, and became the predecessor of the modern "Karasuma Foundation". The head of the Karasuma family.

However, no one could think of it. Seemingly talented and gentle, Karasuma Renye has a peculiar perverted psychology, which, in modern terms, is the Oedipus complex. Therefore, he froze his mother's body with the most advanced technology at the time, in an attempt to bring it back to life someday in the future.

Unfortunately, it is so easy to bring the dead back to life. Karasuma Lianye has been running the Karasuma Consortium since then, and has developed an underground force that specializes in finding miracles such as resurrection, rejuvenation, immortality, etc. all over the world. intelligence.

The members of this force all use alcohol as the code name, because alcohol is a poison that can numb people's nerves and destroy people's health, but if used properly, it can also become a life-saving elixir.