MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 116 I love you who love me

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After Master Chu Jing's sealing meeting, the interstellar people learned an even more shocking news - Emperor Quanke and the divine bird Phoenix are about to become Taoist partners!

"Xiao Xiu, are these clothes and accessories sent by the emperor?" Several of Feng Xiu's friends from other birds were stunned around the dazzling array of clothes and accessories in the house.

"Yes..." It's been a few days, and Feng Xiu hasn't recovered from the news that the emperor has promised to become a Taoist companion with him. Even if the emperor's people sent him a few wedding dresses to try on today, he still seems Dumbly.

Everything was so floating, as if stepping on the clouds, making him unable to touch reality.

"How on earth did you hook up with Emperor Quanke?" Feng Diao stood in front of Feng Xiu and didn't care about the other person's stunned appearance. This was a Taoist companion with the emperor, and he would have to stay for him.

"Didn't you say that you were originally just a pet of the emperor?" Feng Diao circled around Feng Xiu, and suddenly suddenly said, "Could it be that kind of pet?!"

Feng Xiu's face turned red, and finally he had a different expression, and said with a sullen face: "I'm not, don't talk nonsense! The emperor won't even let me go to bed!"

"Oh? Where is the emperor and you?" Feng Diao asked with a low smile.

"On the floor beside the bed!" Feng Xiu said quickly.

All the strange birds who were looking at the clothes and accessories turned their heads after hearing the words, with an expression like "You are actually like this".

"Oh~" Fengdiao followed suit and suddenly realized.

"It's not what you think!" Feng Xiu collapsed.

"Hahahaha." Fengdiao laughed.

Of course, he didn't think that Feng Xiu had anything with the emperor before he came to Feng's house. At that time, Feng Xiu hadn't changed shape yet.

But how did this little silly bird get the emperor to agree to be a Taoist companion with him? Really emotional?

Drop drop —

Following a few beeps, the bracelet on Feng Xiu's wrist vibrated wildly.

"Huh?" a different bird asked, "Who did you set a special reminder for?"

"Who else could it be, the emperor~" Jin Diao smiled and leaned forward. When he saw the name displayed on Fengxiu's bracelet, he was shocked: "Damn! It's really the emperor!"

All the different birds suddenly surrounded, Feng Xiu clutched his wristband and stepped back: "This is a holographic video! Aren't you going to avoid it?!"

The golden eagle made a gesture of no problem: "Understand, understand, private time between Taoists."

Feng Xiu was so anxious that he was afraid that the emperor would dislike him and make him wait too long, and he would have to stare at the birds and leave.

The golden eagle walked last, and after going out, he closed the door intimately.

Feng Xiu dodged to the door, kicked the door, and locked it again.

Lying on the door outside the house, ready to listen to the birds in the corner: "..."

"...He's not that simple Chirp anymore!"


Jun also dealt with the matters of the dao, waiting for the other side of the bracelet to be connected.

About a minute later, a blue light flashed on the bracelet, and Feng Xiu's holographic projection appeared in front of Jun Ye.

"Emperor." Feng Xiu let out a big smile. He was very nervous. This was the first time he had contacted the emperor after he got the emperor's communication number.

Jun also glanced up and down at Feng Xiu, his eyes stopped for a few seconds on the other side's pajamas printed with the fat chirp pattern, and said, "Don't you like those wedding dresses?"

"I like it very much!" After saying that, Feng Xiu walked over to the table where the wedding dresses were placed, and at a glance, he chose the most reddish and high-profile wedding dress, and he was about to lift up the hem of his pajamas and put it on.

Feng Xiu's movements suddenly stopped, and he raised his head stiffly to meet Jun Ye's eyes.

"You try it on first, and then contact you at night." Saying that, Jun also cut off the communication.

Feng Xiu's expression suddenly collapsed.

Woohoo, this is the first time the emperor has contacted him, why did he do such a stupid thing.

Jun also recalled Feng Xiu's stupid appearance, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly when he was dealing with the wedding.

Pretty stupid, but he doesn't need a smart and witty Taoist companion.

He has a lot of smart people, and his Taoist companions only need to make him amused occasionally. Moreover, the phoenix is ​​a divine bird bred by the heavens and the earth. He never needs to worry about his lifespan and can accompany him for a long time.

At night, Jun also sent a video request to Feng Xiu before going to bed.

The call was quickly connected. On the virtual screen, Feng Xiu was sitting beside the bed in a red wedding dress. The lights were dim and illusory.

"Can't wait?" Jun also carefully looked at the wedding dress on Feng Xiu's body, which fit well and matched the other party.

"I want to wear it for you to see." Feng Xiu shrank his legs back nervously. Under his robe were men's trousers. This was a complete men's wedding dress.

Feng Xiu didn't think that in such a situation, the emperor would not be able to see his gender, and it was more normal to know it long ago, so he was very at a loss.

Jun Ye: "Well, I see"

Feng Xiu was stunned for a moment, didn't he say that he looked good? Feng Xiu's confidence in his appearance was shattered into scum in Jun Ye's plain words.

"Then... are you still satisfied?" Feng Xiu quietly pinched the cuffs.

"Satisfied," Jun also watched for a while, and added, "I am very satisfied with the clothes and you."

Feng Xiu suddenly smiled.

Silent for a while, and Feng Xiu looked at each other for a long time, Jun also reflected on himself, who seemed to have killed the topic, and said, "It's getting late, you have a good rest, you will be very tired on the day of the conclusion."

Jun has also gone through it in his mind and has been deleted and modified by him, but there is still a long list of processes, but just thinking about it makes me feel irritable.

If the master said that the rest are all important programs, then deleting it would be disrespectful to the other party, and he would skip directly to the daily part of the bird-hunting after the conclusion.

Feng Xiu secretly traced the lines of Jun Ye's face. Hearing this, he didn't know what to think, and lowered his head shyly: "I'm not afraid of being tired, as long as you can be happy..."

"Yeah." Jun didn't think there was anything wrong with Feng Xiu's actions. There were many ghosts in Tianchi who would turn ashamed when they looked at him, but it was hard for him to be happy with those complicated procedures.

Feng Xiu: "Good night?"

"Good night." Jun also.

After the communication ended, the screen disappeared, and Feng Xiu screamed and threw himself on the bed.


The emperor said good night to him! He will soon be able to sleep with the emperor!

Rolling over, Feng Xiu remembered that he was wearing a wedding dress, and hurriedly bounced off the bed.

"Fortunately not wrinkled..."


The banquet was very grand.

Zhong Dian's fairy songs reverberated, drums and music rang out in unison, and ten thousand birds came to the sky.

All the famous individuals or forces in the interstellar space were present, and one after another divine light spells descended, but Feng Xiu could only see the people around him.

There are many kinds of Dao Companions. For those who practice the Dao together, they can be called Dao Companions, and when they fall in love, they can be called Dao Companions, and those who hold ceremonies so cherishly... must be with each other forever.

Feng Xiu stepped on the carpet made of fairy flowers, like walking in a dream, only the hand that held him could make him feel real.

Jun also thought that he would not like such a complicated process, but leading people to complete the procedures, strangely, there was no impatience in his heart.

It is probably because the appearance of this person's attachment is interesting enough, and even the complicated process is not boring.


Jun also washed briefly in the bathroom and applied a surface cleaning technique to himself. When he returned to the room, he saw Feng Xiu was already lying on the bed.

Jun also stepped forward, pushed aside the bed curtain, looked at the person on the top of the bed blankly, and asked, "Tired?"

Feng Xiu shook his head, sniffed the fragrant fragrance of the flowers in the room, and sighed, "I'm finally on your bed."

Jun also remembered the behavior of Young Feng occupying his pillow and crawling on the bed in the middle of the night, his eyes fell on Feng Xiu's stomach, and his hand was also covered.

"Hmm..." Feng Xiu's legs instinctively curled up, and the gaze that was originally looking at the top of the bed also shifted to Jun Ye's face.

As if back to childhood, being pressed by the emperor and rubbing his stomach, unable to resist, and eager to stay with that hand for a while, and for a longer time...

Jun Ye frowned slightly, the satin wedding dress and Toba's touch were completely different, and the touch was far worse.


Looking at those eyes that depend on nostalgia, Jun also decided to try again, maybe removing this layer of wrapping will make the hand feel better.

Jun Ye's hand moved to Feng Xiu's neckline, they were Taoist companions, and he had the right to see the other side without a package.

Feng Xiu obeyed the whole process, his body trembled slightly, and he relaxed after being rubbed a few times by Jun also.

The corners of Jun Ye's mouth twitched slightly, and the hand feeling was much better without the wrapping.

And Jun also found that not only does the other person's stomach feel very good when rubbed, but also feels good in many places.

"Chirp..." Water mist gradually formed in Feng Xiu's eyes.

You also like him the most.

After exploring the front, of course Jun won't let go of the back, but he wants to look into each other's eyes.

Jun also didn't like to play two choose one, so he immediately lay down on Feng Xiu's side, hugged the person and made the other side lie down toward him, and his hand naturally reached Feng Xiu's back.

Best of both worlds.


After a while, Feng Xiu's hands and feet were wrapped around Jun Ye.

Jun also let him hold it. After the hand addiction was enough, he finally noticed the different hardness of Feng Xiu's body from the other soft parts, and later he remembered his duty as a Taoist companion.

It's kind of troublesome...

Since he inherited the inheritance of the ancient secret realm, his needs in this area have been very light. Just after rubbing Feng Xiu, Jun is also in a happy mood, but his body does not feel much.

"Do you know what to do?" Jun Ye stroked Feng Xiu's face and asked softly.


"Then you can do it." Jun also let go.

Feng Xiu: "?!"

So... is the emperor the one below? !

Feng Xiu's heart trembled, but he still listened to Jun Ye's words. Supporting his weak body, he moved down.

Jun also rubbed Feng Xiu's hair, Feng Xiu looked up at him from below.

In fact, Jun also felt bitten by Feng Xiu, but Feng Xiu looked up at him from this angle, his eyes were wet, and he was suddenly swept away by a strange feeling.

Jun also tightened the hand that grabbed Feng Xiu's hair.


The night is long.

The energy shield blocks the light from the outside world, and also makes it impossible for the outside world to spy on the situation inside.

The artificial darkness alternates within the shield, and the shield will only be lifted after the emperor and the phoenix leave the main courtyard.

The personal guards guarding the main courtyard outside the shield guarded the surroundings, and some goblins occasionally cast a glance from afar.

"It's still night inside."

The little monsters sighed: "No wonder Lord Bai Che said that the emperor would never like us. For such a long time, changing to a lower cultivation base will be drained of essence."

Jun also always pays attention to the sense of proportion, but it is indeed a little bit uncontrollable when he tastes it in the beginning of the millennium.

Until Feng Xiu was unable to shrink under him, he was too tired to open his eyes, he could only snort softly, and he gradually stopped.

Sure enough, not being watched by the eyes of the other party, the interest has faded a lot.

The last time he explained it, after both of them performed a surface cleaning technique, Jun also picked Feng Xiu up from the grass.

Back in the bedroom, the mess made Jun also frown slightly, and the same cleaning technique was cast throughout the room.

Putting Feng Xiu on the clean and tidy bed, Jun also lay on it himself, and gradually fell asleep with his arms around him.



Jun was also awakened by the weak moan in his arms.

I faintly felt that the person in my arms was trembling lightly, and my mind was instantly clear, and Jun also lowered his head and looked into his arms.

"Feng... Xiu?"


The person in his arms was bloodless, his skin was covered with a layer of frost, his hands were vacantly held in front of him, his pale lips were slightly open, and a faint, inaudible chirp revealed weakness...

Properties are not fused.

Almost for a moment, Jun also figured out the whole story, and at the same time input the spiritual energy to protect the heart of the heart.

Their attributes were not fused, and Feng Xiu devoured his... and the things he explained in the opponent's body, even the surface cleaning techniques couldn't clean them.

He took out the cold-suppressing medicinal pill from the wristband space and put it into Feng Xiu's mouth. Jun also stood up with Feng Xiu in his arms, and used his spiritual energy to condense a robe on the two of them.

Moving around to change the scene, the next moment is already in the home of the Holy Hand of Healing.

The holy hand who just lay in bed and ready to sleep: "...I'm going to die."


"Junior! Cough cough... let go, you're going to die..."

Jun also abruptly opened his eyes, and looked at the Taoist companion who would be grabbed by his neck and coughed to tears. His eyes never understood to clear, and he slowly released his hand.

Feng Xiu covered his neck and gasped for breath.

The benefits of the body of a divine beast, the skin is rough and durable, Feng Xiu quickly recovered, and looked at the person watching him with grievances.

"Are you trying to strangle me so that I can change to a Taoist companion..."

"No." Jun also reached out to touch the light red mark on Feng Xiu's neck.

Feng Xiu's body froze for a moment. Seeing that the other party's eyes were clear and there was no killing intent, he gradually relaxed.

"You... have a nightmare?" Feng Xiu was a little itchy when Jun Ye's fingers touched him, and he shrank his neck and asked tentatively.

Jun didn't answer either, the aura gathered in the nails, wiped Feng Xiu's neck, and the red marks gradually disappeared.

Withdrew his hand, Jun also lay down on the bed again.

Feng Xiu quickly leaned over and put his arms around Jun Ye.

You also looked down.

Feng Xiu, who had made up the scene of being chased and killed by the enemy family, raised his head and said firmly: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Jun also reached out and stroked Fu Fengxiu's eyes that were too bright at night, and said, "Go to sleep."

Feng Xiu also rubbed his palm against Jun Ye and said again: "Don't be afraid, my Phoenix Fire is very powerful and can protect you." After speaking, he lay down and closed his eyes, hugging Jun Ye's hand from beginning to end. Didn't let go.

Jun also looked at the hand on his waist, and the image of Feng Xiu reaching out to hug him while crying flashed in his mind, and the image of the other party firmly saying to protect him, and he suddenly realized.

In fact, what he liked was not Feng Xiu's eyes, nor the way he was crying, but the emotion in his eyes when he looked at him.

Therefore, when he first saw Feng Xiu's photo, he felt that he was disabled, and when the other party actually appeared in front of him, he was still attracted by it.

Whether it's flashes of light in his eyes every time he sees him, or he endures to the extreme and only bears him with tears, it's the way the other party likes him.

This kind of feeling can probably be summed up as: I like you who like me.

(End of full text)