MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 63 [ABO] Omega Attack 6

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Jun also clicked the options on the system panel one by one, and found that except for the -99% task completion rate, there was really nothing new, and it was still the system panel that didn't even give rules.

The quest completion rate with a negative value of nearly 100 made Jun a little panic. He obtained quest points for 1 point and 1 point, but this time he deducted so many...

Even if it is deducted like this, there is not even a quest penalty, and it does not say how many quest completions are required to pass the test. This kind of smeared situation is very disturbing.

Since I don't know how many points it takes to complete the system judgment task, I can only try to brush the completion degree to a higher level.

Jun also thought about ways to add quest points while wearing a nightgown.

Since the task object is rejected, the task point will be deducted. Conversely, can the task point be added to meet the needs of the task object?

Casually tied the nightgown strap, wrapped around the neck strap, and opened the bathroom door.

As soon as he walked out, Jun also saw Fei Xiu sitting at the head of the bed with a tight dressing gown and a nervous expression, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

- No matter whether he can add quest points or not, this is the only way he can think of now. How can he not try it?

Jun Ye walked towards the head of the bed step by step, neither too fast nor too slow, but Fei Xiu's heart beat faster and he almost wanted to lift the quilt and escape from the bed.

Omega came by...

Hiss, Omega lifted the quilt...

Hiss...Omega crawled over...

…Omega bumped into him!

Fei Xiu froze into a rubber doll, watching Jun Ye turn over and kneel on either side of his legs, trying to fool him with his staring-eyed skills.

Jun also glanced at the person who was facing the enemy under his eyes with some amusing, slowly raised his hand, and landed on the belt of the other party when he suddenly stopped breathing.

Gently tugging at the end of the small strap, he asked, "Doesn't it feel uncomfortable for you to tie it so tightly? Do you need me to help you..."

Before he finished speaking, Fei Xiu had already shaken his head into a rattle.

Jun also: "..."

Rejecting the request of the task object will deduct task points.

Jun also let go of his hand silently, squinting slightly and staring at Alpha in front of him.

Fei Xiu swallowed his saliva and suggested carefully, "It's getting late, let's go to bed first? Otherwise... it's not good for your skin."

Under Omega's gaze, he racked his brains to come up with such a nonsense excuse, but Omega should be very concerned about his appearance, right?

After being in this world for several days, Jun Ye, who only looked in the mirror seriously to see the tooth marks on his neck, glanced at the face in front of him indifferently.

He has a very high degree of acceptability of appearance and body, whether it is a delicate and beautiful boy like the young master, or a silent and rough man like a little lonely, he can eat it.

As for the current subject...

"Don't worry, as long as you don't be too cruel to be seen, I don't dislike it." After saying that, Jun also comfortably leaned over and kissed Fei Xiu's lips.

Fischer froze into a rubber doll again, not recovering until Omega's lips moved away from his.

It's so embarrassing to be molested like this by an Omega.

Fei Xiu glanced at Jun Ye sadly. The other party's expression was gentle and his eyes were pampered, as if he was not the same person as the Omega who made him tattered.

Fei Xiu let go of his heart a little, and when he saw the other side kneeling on top of him defenselessly, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Maybe... Omega only **** him because he's delirious during the physiological heat? Tonight, Omega took the initiative to hint that maybe he wanted to be completely marked by him...

After finding several reasons for the other party in his heart, Fei Xiu thought more and more that it was right.

He tentatively put his hand to the waist of the person on his body, and touched Omega's slender waist, and Omega didn't resist!

Fei Xiu couldn't help being bolder.

Jun also watched with great interest Fei Xiu's actions on him, distracted, wondering if he could add points like this.

When Fei Xiu hugged him, Jun also cooperated and fell into the other's arms, obviously feeling the breathing of the person below him trembling.

Could it be that he forgot to control the strength and crushed people?

Jun also looked up to see his own expression, and was kissed.

For a while, the world was spinning, the back touched the sheets, and the top of the head was a pink hollow bed net.

The lips were bitten eagerly, the heavy breathing fell on the face, a slightly rough hand swam around the body, and the other hand fixed the top of the head and the back of the head...

Jun also blinked, his hand slipped from the waistband of his body, and lightly buckled the sheet under him, trying to restrain himself from the urge to push back and teach the other party what a kiss was.

This was the first kiss that was completely led by Fei Xiu. Omega lay down softly, opening his mouth to let him in and out, all under his control.

This realization made Fei Xiu excited, and the offensive gradually turned from eager temptation to more impatient plunder.

Jun Ye, whose teeth were knocked numb: "..."

Relying on his strong lung function, Fei Xiu insisted on biting Jun Ye's lip for nearly ten minutes before letting go even when he forgot to take a breath.

Jun also thought that his mouth was probably swollen into a sausage, and was so angry that he wanted to pull someone down and give him a fart, when he heard a "ding--" sound, which seemed to sound from his brain.


[Add 10 mission points (the current mission completion rate: -89%), please make persistent efforts. 】


Jun Ye stretched out his hand halfway and put it down again, letting Fei Xiu, who was panting for breath, sniff him like a canine.

The other party sniffed for a long time, just when Jun also wondered if there was any smell on his body, Fei Xiu carefully untied his neckband.

Jun Ye's eyelids twitched. This morning, there was quite a bit of swelling there. The teeth marks haven't disappeared yet, so you won't want to bite again, right?

Almost at the same time as he felt the breath of the person on his body, Jun also instinctively ducked to the side.

Being bitten is a small matter, and the task point has not been brushed up yet.

Jun also gently pushed Fei Xiu, who came up again, and pretended to be weak: "Don't be like this... I'm afraid of pain..."

Fei Xiu's fingers touched the bulge on the side of Omega's neck, and his eyes were filled with a softness that was soaked in water. He touched it lovingly and said, "Don't be afraid, I won't bite, just lick..."

Jun also sucked in a breath. First, because the credibility of the other party's words was doubtful, and more because he shuddered all over the place when he was touched, and he couldn't help wanting to treat the person on him like this.

Could it be that that place is still his body's sensitive point?

Soft and hot to the touch, with a hint of watery...


[Add 2 mission points (the current mission completion rate: 87%), please make persistent efforts. 】

Jun also: "..."

This point is obviously wrong, are you sure the system didn't deduct my quest points?

Fei Xiu, like a child who found an interesting toy, worshipped Jun Ye's body inch by inch.

[Add 1 mission point...]

[Add 2 mission points...]

[Add 2 mission points...]

[Add 10 mission points...]

[Add 10 mission points (the current mission completion rate is 4%), please make persistent efforts. 】

Jun also panted heavily, raised his hand to wipe the hot sweat on his forehead, and pulled his foot back from Fei Xiu's face.

After several times, he found that as long as he catered to himself, or cooperated with um ah ah, the points determined by the system would be particularly high.

After more than an hour of tug-of-war, the task completion was finally brushed to a positive value...

Jun also hooked his lips at Fei Xiu, who persevered and leaned over to hug his leg.

I've been making you angry for so long, now it's my turn.

Want front or rear entry?

Why don't you come up with a few novelties, the task object is so hard-working to give away points, of course, you must take a good consolation...


【Notice! Host, what you are doing now is very dangerous, please stop immediately! 】


【Notice! The quest object's favorability towards you is declining! 】

Jun also raised his eyebrows, looking at the pitiful person who was sobbing with his legs in his arms, thinking that the other party couldn't bear it, his heart softened, and he couldn't help but slow down.

【Favorability 95%】

【90% favorability】

【Favorability 89.99%】

【Favorability 89.97%】

Jun also: "..."

It's not a solution to fall like this again, Xiaopoi didn't shed any tears, so let's make a quick decision.

"Ah! Woohoo..." Fei Xiu exclaimed with the momentum, and then all was suppressed into a weeping whimper.

His body swayed like a lonely boat in the wind and waves, looking extremely pitiful.

But the person who imposed the wind and waves was so ruthless, he didn't mean to slow down at all, the showers were coming.

【90% favorability】

【100% favorability】

【Favorability 120%】

【Favorability 520%…】


[Task point -100, current task completion rate: -96%, please make persistent efforts from the host...]