MTL - Counterattacking the Submissive Role!-Chapter 99 [Orcs] Mermaid Attack 9 (End)

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Jun also took the pigeon soup brought by Xiao Xiu, took a sip, and couldn't help being surprised.

Not only looks like, but also tastes exactly the same as in the previous world.

Jun also sipped the soup silently.

In the previous world, he preferred the food made by Fei Xiu more than the food made by the mechanical chef. The other party always cooks for him according to his taste, how much salt and how much water to add, and what to add to enhance the flavor of any dish, all of which have been developed through years of interaction.

Here, in fact, I really want to do a mechanical chef to make this flavor, and I can do it, but it needs to be reprogrammed further.

And you will not enter recipe programming item by item for a little appetite. What's more... He is a kitchen waste, afraid that as soon as he enters those fragmentary oil-salt ratios and material additions in his memory, the robotic chef will be useless.

After eating a bowl of pigeon soup, Jun was also reminded of the food made by his former partner. He couldn't help thinking, or... After breaking up the relationship, he should hire him to be a cook for him.

If pigeon soup can be made, will other foods in memory be far behind?

"啾," Xiao Xiu squatted in front of the water chair, looking up at the big fish who looked especially good in soup, but it was a pity that the big fish didn't let him feed it.

Xiao Xiu asked, "Does Big Fish like it?"

Jun also turned his tail and sat up straight from the water chair, put the empty soup bowl on the small table aside, looked at Xiao Xiu and said, "I'm going to hire you to be my cook, in exchange, you can offer what you want. "

The worst thing in this world is that there is no equivalent currency, but it's okay, you also feel that there is nothing that you can't afford with the system mall.

Even a monthly salary of 10,000 catties of fish is fine.

A male sea eagle who can't catch fish can't find a mate. If the other party has so many fish, even if the hairy hairstyle is unacceptable to the female bird, he can still coax the female bird with food, right?

Thinking about it this way, Jun also found that he may not be able to accept the use of "fish" as a commission, nor other similar foods.

Damn, how could he want to let the other party be his chef after breaking up? Shouldn't it be as far away as possible?

He was probably stunned by that bowl of pigeon soup.

If Xiao Xiu used the reward he gave to pursue the female bird... The more the dish cooked by the other party resembled the taste in his memory, the more he wanted to eat boiled sand sculptures.

Jun also regretted saying that he wanted the other party to be his cook as soon as possible, but seeing that Xiao Xiu had already blinked his shining eyes and looked up at him, he couldn't say anything else for a while.

See what the other person wants first.

"chirp...chirp, I think..." fish soup...

This hesitant look, at first glance, is to ask for something to challenge his ability to accept.

Jun also squinted at Xiao Xiu, his knuckled fingers caressed Xiao Xiu's head. There used to be two jabs at this position. The horned eagles have amazing aesthetics. The horned eagles are a bonus for courtship, but they no longer exist.

Xiao Xiu felt a chill on the top of his head without the long hair, so he shrank his neck cowardly, and swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

Cowardly and useless sand sculpture.

Jun also thought that if he didn't have such high requirements on his partner, and could not care whether the other party liked him or not, he also thought about marrying a female, and they might not have taken a step apart.

He is fully capable enough to force Xiaoxiu to be with him.

Xiao Xiu couldn't beat him, he was fully capable of preventing the opponent from getting close or even seeing a female bird.

He can make the other party unable to escape, he can do it with the other party whenever he wants, and he can make the other party the only one left in his life...

Jun also silently retracted his hand and gave up putting pressure on Xiao Xiu.

Such extreme approach is not his style.

Jun also remembered the golden wire bird cage he saw when he bought the "Bird's Nest", such a delicate prison, it would be too expensive to keep a sand sculpture in captivity.

"I want..." Xiao Xiu blinked, carefully observing Jun Ye's expression.

I can't see anything... Big fish has been paralyzed on Meiyu's face since he mated with him.

Xiao Xiu's eyes flickered on Jun Ye's fish tail. No matter what he is a male, the big fish said that he doesn't want the cubs born by him and the female bird.

He doesn't have a female bird he likes. He has always liked big fish, but big fish have differentiated into males...

"Jiu...I want to drink fish soup with big fish every day."

Xiao Xiu carefully reached out to hug Jun Ye's fish tail.

Jun also: "..."

The moment the tail was touched, Jun Ye's body was tense, and he couldn't resist raising his tail to pat.

—Go to TM’s fish soup! Is that fish soup? !

Jun also endured and withdrew his strength, only to overturn the person to the ground.

Speaking of "shooting", Jun Ye actually used a fish tail to push Xiao Xiu to the floor. There was no pain, so that Xiao Xiu couldn't distinguish whether the big fish was playing games with him or was angry.

"Jiu..." Xiao Xiu lay on the ground and turned to look at Jun Ye in confusion.

Jun also glanced at the man's body on the ground without an inch of it, raised his hand and threw a blanket over.

Xiao Xiu got his head out from under the blanket: "Big Fish Chirp?"

"You said you wanted to combine with females to lay eggs, but you said you would not treat males..." Jun Ye always sat on the water chair with his back straight, his eyes lowered, as if he was looking at Xiao Xiu on the ground. Like nothing is seen.

"啾..." Big fish's voice has always been very nice, and hearing it makes him feel at ease and joy, but this time, Xiao Xiu felt a throbbing pain.

The whole body is in pain, but no wound can be found.

"Forget it..." The more Jun also thought about it, the more irritable he felt in his heart, he looked away indifferently, and his eyes fell on the door facing the Horned Eagle Tribe.

The sun is just right, no wind or rain, which is the preferred weather for horned eagles to build their nests. Above the jungle canopy, horned eagles with gray and white feathers rose and fell. In order to mate, they need to build their own nests.

Build a large nest that can accommodate two adult horned eagles and chicks.

After a long time, Jun also said: "You don't need to be a cook anymore, you can go to build a nest."

Once the nest is built, move out from here.

It's... points.


Jun also asked Xiaoxiu to build the nest, while he ordered the housekeeping robot to clean up the guest bedroom, then turned back to the bedroom.

He and Xiaoxiu lived in the bedroom for many years.

When he first chose the decoration plan, he focused on raising the object well, so he transformed the bedroom into a "bird's nest". The round wooden bed is covered with a layer of white bird feather sheets, and the roof has a skylight. At night, you can lie on the bed with the object and look up at the stars...

Xiao Xiu definitely couldn't build the bird's nest today, he still had to live here.

Now that it was decided to split, the rooms had to be separated in advance, and they could no longer live together.

He was going to pack out a guest room, the other party moved in, or he moved in.

Jun also walked around in the bedroom, and saw the feathers falling off the carpet from the funny cat stick hanging on the wall, but he didn't see a single thing in the whole room that belonged to him alone.

It seemed he was the one who should have moved out.


There was a sound of objects falling from outside the window. The only one who dared to make such a big noise on his site was the sand sculpture that went to build a nest.

Jun also turned and slid towards the floor-to-ceiling windows.

This house has only one floor, and as soon as Jun turned around, he saw a bunch of extremely abrupt branches on the lawn outside the window.

Jun also opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and slid into the yard to look around, just in time to see a flat-headed sand sculpture flapping its wings and flying towards the nearest mountain forest.

Jun also: "..."

That guy... isn't going to build a nest in his backyard, is he?

Jun also imagined that if he still lived in this room, after the sand sculpture built the nest, he would lie down on the bed after taking a shower every night, staring at the sand sculpture outside through a floor-to-ceiling window.

No, he has to move to the front guest bedroom.

And... who allowed the sand sculpture to build the nest into his backyard? !

Are you planning to attract a female bird to lay a clutch of eggs in his backyard?

Jun also saw the flat-headed horned eagle flying over here with a few branches, and immediately flicked its tail to sweep away the dead branches on the lawn.

The backyard of the bedroom is a **** except for a small flat land several meters wide. Jun also swept away like this, and the branches rolled down the slope.

"啾—啾—" Seeing that his nest-building materials were swept away by the mermaid's tail, Xiao Xiu hurriedly flapped his wings vigorously to speed up his flight.

Xiao Xiu flapped his wings and fell, let go of the few branches he brought back, and immediately chased after those who rolled down the slope.

He finally pecked one, and the sound of rolling branches came from behind him. When he turned around, the branch he just brought back was swept down by the merman.


Xiao Xiu looked at Jun Ye who was sitting on the grass with his tail stretched out in confusion, then ran back with his short legs and put the branch in his mouth beside Jun Ye.

Jun also unceremoniously flicked his tail and patted the branch out.

The branches flew straight out.

Xiao Xiu flapped his wings and chased after him for a while, then flew up and grabbed the branch that was about to fall.

Xiao Xiu turned around and ran back, lowered his head and put the branch in the previous position, his eyes lit up, eagerly watching Jun Ye's tail.

Jun also: "..."

"Are you a dog?" I bought so many funny cat sticks for you.

"It's Xiao Xiu-"

Xiao Xiu lowered his head and pushed the branch towards Jun Ye's tail with his beak.

"..." Jun also raised his tail and patted it heavily, smashing the branches into scum.


Xiao Xiu screamed, and Sayazi ran out and picked up a branch and came back.

Jun Ye: " play with me?"

"Big fish's tail, have a good time chirping." Xiao Xiu excitedly pushed the branch to Jun Ye's tail.

"..." Jun Ye: "How old are you?"

"The flying chirp is an adult horned eagle."

The orcs in this world are of no age, only infancy and adulthood.

Jun also expressionless: "Adult horned eagles are building nests."

Xiao Xiu squatted down beside Jun Ye's tail, looking like he was stubborn: "They haven't built a nest seriously, I saw a lot of horned eagles that just came of age chasing white birds, and I also want to play with big fish. Tail…"

Hearing this, Jun also crushed the branch next to his tail, looked at Xiao Xiu, and said with his lips hooked, "How do you want to play?"

Xiao Xiu stood up in a hurry: "Let's go pick up branches for the big fish!"

Said and ran out like a gust of wind.

Jun also: "..."

"Fuck!" Jun also got up angrily, realizing for the first time that the other party was really just a sand sculpture.

"Chirp?" When Xiao Xiu came back with a branch in his mouth, Jun also entered the bedroom.

The passageway opened by the floor-to-ceiling windows is a bit narrow. Xiao Xiu felt that if he squeezed in, he would damage the house, so he stood outside and probed into the room, "Is the big fish not playing?"

Jun also turned his back to him and said, "Go and build a nest, build it wherever you like."


Xiao Xiu was a little disappointed and ran to pick up the branches that rolled down the **** one by one.

Jun didn't leave either, turned around and sat on the chair, watching the birds outside as busy as a house.

Weave a simple bird's nest chassis out of twigs and grass stems, then ran to his artificial beach to dig a few shells and put them on the bird's nest, and then sneaked into the flower bed to harm the newly ripe strawberries...

By sunset, the "Bird's Nest" had turned into a hodgepodge.

Jun also watched Xiao Xiu adjust the decorations on the bird's nest with a serious expression, and was already certain that the other party would not be able to move out of him in the short term.


The retro alarm clock on the bedside stopped at 18:00, which is the time when the robotic chef serves dishes every day.

Xiao Xiu's ears are thirsty, knowing that it's time to go to dinner, he hurriedly leaned in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at Jun Ye and said, "Come and see, Big Fish, do you like the nest I built."

"..." Jun Ye: "Are you serious?"

"Chirp!" Xiao Xiu nodded, looking at Jun Ye nervously and expectantly.

Jun also stood up, ready to ignore the idiot and leave.

Seeing that Jun also turned around, Xiao Xiu hurriedly went into the room: "Tweet! I, I didn't catch the fish that the big fish liked today, I will work harder in the future, take a look at Tweet..."

click - click -

Xiao Xiu quickly ran to Jun Ye, and the small sliding door that was squeezed and twisted fell behind him with a "snack".

Jun also narrowed his pupils.


Xiao Xiu subconsciously spread his wings and hugged Jun Ye, Jun Ye hugged Xiao Xiu and exerted force on his hands, changing the positions of the two.

After holding one fish and one bird for a long time, Jun also looked up at the top of his head, which was covered by the wings of the horned eagle.

"啾..." Xiao Xiu opened his closed eyes and saw the broken glass fragments not far in front of him, his legs were suddenly so weak that he could barely stand.

The big fish was in front of him, and those transparent stones almost hit the big fish's tail...

Jun also pulled down the wings on his head, wrapped his arms around the horned eagle that fell softly on him, and said, "It's alright."

"It's alright..." Jun also repeated, burying his face in the thick feathers around the horned eagle's neck.


That night, Jun also took Xiao Xiu, who was clinging to his side and refused to leave, and moved into the suite he had the robot clean up early in the morning.

Jun also took Xiao Xiu into the pool to take a bath.

Xiao Xiu is more accustomed to the prototype's body. If it wasn't for something that the prototype couldn't do, or Jun also forcibly requested, he would not be transformed into a human form.

Jun also doesn't want to force the other party to do anything now, even if it is more convenient to take a bath in a human shape, Jun also sticks to him and spends more than an hour in the bathroom.

Finally, Xiao Xiu, who was drying the feathers, was brought to bed. When Jun also turned off the lights, the moon had already climbed into the top window frame.

There are also no skylights or floor-to-ceiling windows in this room, just a small window that brings in outside light. The moonlight shines in, making people see things but not really seeing them.

Jun also did not lie down, leaning on the head of the bed in a trance. Xiao Xiu lay on Jun Ye's tail, neither making noise nor making a fuss, only covering the fish's tail with the warm feathers of his abdomen.

Jun also wanted to flash the messy bird's nest in the daytime in his mind, thinking that the only fish caught by the subject was still swallowed by water in his throat, and also recalled that when the sliding door fell, the other party's first reaction was to spread his wings to take him down. protect.

A male horned eagle who can't build a nest, can't catch fish, and don't know if the hair on his head will grow again, how can a bird survive?

Jun also closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he looked deeply at the horned eagle with his head buried in his stomach, and said, "I'll give you a chance to choose."

"Chirp?" Xiao Xiu raised his head from Jun Ye's abdominal muscles.

"First, you will go to the tribe tomorrow to learn how to build nests and hunt for food. If you can't go into the water, learn to catch birds and beasts. After you finish your studies, move out from here. No matter what you want to do in the future, I won't take care of you."


Xiao Xiu hurriedly spread his wings and hugged Jun Ye: "I shouldn't have damaged the big fish's nest, I'll go and mend the nest right now, and the big fish don't drive me away..."

Jun Ye raised his hand and pressed the head of the flat-headed Jiaodiao, pressed the other side back to his stomach, and continued: "Second, you stay with me, provided you can't like female birds, and can't be partners with female birds. My relationship with you won't change much...I may or may not do it with you."

Xiao Xiu rubbed his head against Jun Ye's palm helplessly. After confirming that Jun Ye had finished speaking, he said softly, "I don't like female birds, only big fish..."

Jun also remained silent for a while and asked, "Have you decided?"

"Tweet!" Xiao Xiu nodded, thought for a while and then asked, "What is the big fish who may or may not do it with me?"

Jun Ye: "...Love."

"Chirp?" Xiao Xiu was puzzled. He has learned this word, and what he likes very much is love, but what should love do?

Jun also held up Xiao Xiu's head, made the other party look directly at him, and said: "Mating, entanglement, entering and being entered... This is a matter of two people, I will respect you, and you can't force me."

Xiao Xiu put his head on Jun Ye's hand and thought about it, and asked carefully, "And... drink fish soup?"


"Will the big fish do it with me? When will it do it with me?" Xiao Xiu rubbed his face against Jun Ye's hand, and almost wrote the word "let's do it" on his face.

"...When you learn how to love me, I just love you enough to express it." Jun Ye's face became a little hot, and he pressed Xiao Xiu's head back to his stomach, preventing him from staring at him any longer.

Perhaps in this atmosphere, there is another sand sculpture depository, and I can't help but commit a literary act.

Jun also felt embarrassed when he recalled it, and wanted to pinch off the previous paragraph and start over.

The sand sculpture obviously won't cooperate.

Xiao Xiu tried his best to turn his head over in Jun Ye's hands, looked at Jun Ye with shining eyes, and said, "Big fish, tell me how to love you, and I will work hard to learn."

Jun Ye: "...Sleep on the sand sculpture."

Jun also lay down a little, pushed Xiao Xiu's head into his arms, and covered it with the quilt.

Xiao Xiu couldn't sleep, so he rubbed left and right under the quilt.

Then I found that Da Yu's personality seemed to be back before differentiation, no longer moody, and especially tolerant of him.

Xiao Xiu couldn't help but whispered: "Big fish, how much do you love me now?"

Jun Ye: "...It can also make you poke twice in your heart."

Xiao Xiu hurriedly turned the direction of his beak. If he accidentally poked it, the big fish would lose his love for him.

After thinking about it, I still feel uneasy. Xiao Xiu simply turned into a human figure and buried it in Jun Ye's arms again.

That way it will never be poked.

"..." Jun Ye: "Sand sculpture."

"Chirp?!" He was clearly a horned eagle!

It's just that the corners are gone...

It's uncomfortable. It's good for Big Fish to express his love for him, and a 1kg fish soup.