MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 23 anger

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"Yes, haha."

Qiao Yingxuan was not annoyed by being stared at, but felt that the Gong family brother was really cute, and he let out a long whistling sound. After running well, Qiao Yingxuan slowed down his horse, stopped at a forest edge, and pulled out the side of the horse. Hanging bows and arrows to teach Gong Zhuoliang to shoot arrows.

"You put me down first, it will be very uncomfortable."

Gong Zhuoliang pushed aside the bow and arrow that Qiao Yingxuan had put into his hand, and he raised his leg and sat on his side, about to slide down to the ground, but it was Qiao Yingxuan who grabbed him quickly, which saved Gong Zhuoliang's "five-body throw" tragedy.

"The bones are going to fall apart..."

With his feet on the ground, Gong Zhuoliang realized that he couldn't exert any strength now, but he didn't want to be supported by Qiao Yingxuan, so he simply sat down on a stone nearby. Anyway, he was wearing thick clothes, so he wouldn't be afraid of catching a cold after sitting for a while.

"Zhuoliang, let's have a good time running, my brother will often take you out to play in the future."

Qiao Yingxuan put down the bow and arrow and squatted in front of Gong Zhuoliang, looked up at him with a smile, and his sincere and hearty appearance really made people unable to say anything accusatory.

"Thank you second brother Qiao, but I won't stay in Bocheng for a long time. This time I came back to visit my sister, and secondly, I have a little money in my hands. I would like to ask my brother-in-law to help me buy some family property. After this is done, I will go out to travel. already."

Gong Zhuoliang vowed to hide as far as possible from this hot-blooded young man in the future, and he often came out to play, but this time his brother might be in a hurry! But Gong Zhuoliang couldn't tell Qiao Yingxuan these words clearly, so Gong Zhuoliang was very hurt now.

"Why do you want to leave? You are so young, how can people be at ease!"

Qiao Yingxuan was surprised, the smile on his face disappeared immediately, and he continued to squat down and look at him in confusion and worry.

"Second brother Qiao wants to know something about me, how can I continue to stay in Bocheng?"

With a fake smile on his face, Gong Zhuoliang was thinking about how to let this kid lose interest and take him back. He didn't want to stay here for a minute longer.

Gong Zhuoliang wasn't really a naive boy after all, so how could he know that Qiao Yingze was worried at home, and he didn't have the heart to hunt and catch birds.

"This... Every family has a hard-to-read scripture. In fact, I really want to be able to leave the house and travel, but I can't worry about my mother and brother, and my mother won't let me go."

Hearing this, Qiao Yingxuan also sighed lightly, turned and sat on the stone next to Gong Zhuoliang, hugging his shoulders comfortingly and caressing him.


Gong Zhuoliang squinted at the claws on his shoulders, and responded lightly. He was thinking about how to ask him to take him back when he suddenly heard the sound of horses' hooves approaching, and saw a man about two The 13- or 4-year-old Ying Ting youth came over on horseback, turned over and dismounted from the horse a hundred paces away from them, then seemed to hesitate for a moment whether to approach, and finally led the horse over and saluted the two of them, calling out to them. I said to the second master and the younger uncle.

"You are the guard of the Qiao family, what's your name?"

Gong Zhuoliang took the opportunity to ask the youth and stood up, and finally opened a safe distance from Qiao Yingxuan. Hearing that the other party called him uncle, it should be the guard who followed Qiao Yingze.

When he went out, Gong Zhuoliang was still in the car wearing women's clothes, so he had never seen the appearance of the accompanying guards and servants, but he didn't expect such a prominent person.

"Little Shi Kang."

Shi Kang replied calmly and respectfully, and did not look down on the other party's youth or low background at all.

"Shi Kang, okay, um... Brother Qiao, this time I came out in a hurry. Although I know that the second brother is a good horseman, I don't know that my sister is in the inner house. I may worry more about me now, so I will go back this time. Well, after I have settled down with my sister, I will find a chance to come out and play."

Gong Zhuoliang carefully looked at the young man in front of him, gave an unexplained praise, then turned around and smiled at Qiao Yingxuan and spoke directly.

Now that there are more people who can ride horses, and obviously more reliable servants than the hot-blooded young man Qiao Yingxuan, Gong Zhuoliang doesn't need to go around with Qiao Yingxuan, and just let this Shi Kang take him back.

"It doesn't matter, I'm having a good time. You are so old, how can you still learn from a mother-in-law like a child?"

Qiao Yingxuan had just warmed up and was waiting to show off his skills in front of Gong Zhuoliang. Hearing him say that he wanted to go back, of course he was unwilling.

"Second brother Qiao is wrong. My sister is really worried about me when she treats me sincerely. Naturally, I should think more about him. How can I know that he is not feeling well and still have fun? If the second brother is unwilling to return , little brother, let Shi Kang take me back first."

Gong Zhuoliang knew that Qiao Yingxuan would be unwilling, but he was not obliged to coax this kid. If Qiao Yingxuan didn't want to be close to him anymore because of this, it would save him and Qiao Yingze a lot of trouble.

"Brother Zhuo Liang, don't be angry. It's brother who is reckless. I'll go back with you and make amends for my sister-in-law."

Qiao Yingxuan was really unhappy when he saw Gong Zhuoliang, so he quickly accepted the teasing attitude and sincerely bowed his head to apologize to him.

Qiao Yingxuan is a straightforward and frank character. He doesn't feel resentful because of Qiao Yingxuan's face-to-face lectures. Instead, he thinks his little adults' lectures are very interesting. Moreover, the two of them lived in the village. After I had a good talk with my sister-in-law, I would bring Zhuo Liang's brother out in the future.

"No, it's the rudeness of the younger brother, and the second brother Qiao is also kind... Then let's go back."

Gong Zhuoliang felt a little embarrassed by Qiao Yingxuan's direct admission of his mistake. In fact, he was really making a fuss about this matter. It was normal to joke around with other boys. Well, he can only apologize to Xiao Qiao.

"it is good."

As Qiao Yingxuan said that, he got up and climbed onto the horse's back, then stretched out his hand to Gong Zhuoliang and pulled him to sit in front of him.


Hesitating in the face of Qiao Yingxuan's invitation, Gong Zhuoliang glanced at Shi Kang, who was standing in silence, and finally caught up with Qiao Yingxuan's hand.

Gong Zhuoliang also knew that he would be unhappy when he went back to Xiao Xianggong on Qiao Yingxuan's horse, but at this time he really had no reason to disgrace Qiao Yingxuan. Besides, Qiao Yingxuan's simple apology just now made Gong Zhuoliang feel good about him. .

On the way back, Qiao Yingxuan obviously slowed down the speed of the horse, and did not run as fast as he did when he came out, and although Gong Zhuoliang remembered Qiao Yingze, he was not too pushy, so he could only worry about himself, and the name was Shi Shi. Kang's bodyguard still followed Qiao Yingxuan's horse unhurriedly, but his attention was focused on the two people in front of him, ensuring that he was in the best possible state to deal with possible emergencies.


Asking Ruo Lan to close the door, Qiao Yingze suppressed the dizziness he felt when he heard the news outside, and sat down slowly on the couch while holding the couch, then looked at Qiao Ming and Han who were kneeling on the ground with a cold face. Book.

"Back to the young master's words, just now the young lady listened to the servant's explanation of equestrianism. When she was practicing horse riding, the second young master rushed over on horseback, hugged the young lady and ran away. When everyone reacted, the people had already run away, and everyone could not catch up... Young master, it's useless to be small, it's all a small fault, don't be angry, your health is important."

Qiao Ming winked at Han Shu to tell her not to be afraid, while he walked on his knees and leaned closer to Qiao Yingze, nervously observing his pale face.

As for the vague accusations against the second master between the lines, Qiao Ming can only talk about the matter, and he can only talk about him. After all, the young lady is allowed to travel in men's clothing. If the young lady is doing something wrong, it means that the young master There was a mistake in the decision, and the young lady is the young master's treasure, so they can't say anything as servants, and the relationship between the second master and their young master has always been light, only mentioning his fault will not blame the young master.

"Ying Xuan..."

Qiao Yingze had not rested well in the past few days. In addition, his condition had not yet healed. He was so anxious just now that he was dizzy. He supported his aching head with his elbows on the table, thinking full of thoughts. All of them were Gong Zhuoliang being held by Qiao Yingxuan and galloping on a horse.

I don't know if his Zhuo Zhuo was scared?

How is the second brother's riding, will Zhuo Zhuo fall?

What if there is a living creature running out and startling the horse, the second brother will not protect Zhuo Zhuo?

Or... in fact, they are having a good time, Zhuo Zhuo prefers the character of the second brother, just like all the people in the house who like the second brother?

Or... Zhuo Zhuo has experienced that kind of wanton and free life, what should he do if he doesn't want to feel wronged and stay behind as a woman?

"Master, Master, don't do this!"

As soon as Han Shu saw Qiao Yingze's silent sullen face and clenched his hands tightly, he knew that her young master was at the top of his head again. In the past, every time the young master couldn't think of something, he would be suffocated by an intractable illness. it is good?

Young lady, come back quickly!

"Yes, young master, the second young master is highly skilled in martial arts. He is just taking the young lady for a horse ride. It will be alright."

Qiao Ming also quickly followed suit, but he was a little awkward in his own heart. In the eyes of others, the second young master was playing with the young lady's younger brother. There was no taboo, but he knew that it was actually the young lady herself. It was the uncle and the sister-in-law who were making trouble. He felt awkward and angry, not to mention the young master himself, but there was nowhere to go when there was fire, so how could the young master not be angry.

"Uncle, the lady will feel distressed when she sees you like this..."

Seeing that Han Shu and Qiao Ming were so nervous, Ruo Lan also became panicked, especially because it was her own master who was in trouble, so Ruo Lan hesitated for a while, and then followed Han Shu and the others to persuade them. Anyway, what she said was the same. To be honest, Gong Zhuoliang did tell her that the husband is for pain...

"...Okay, I'm fine, Qiao Ming, you go out and ask everyone to find them, and find them as soon as possible."

I have to say that Ruo Lan's words are more useful than the other two combined. Qiao Yingze's body trembled slightly, and after taking a deep breath, he slowly opened his mouth.

When Gong Zhuoliang wanted to show himself in men's clothing, Qiao Yingze had already thought of the worst possible outcome, but he still agreed. He felt that he should believe his little lady, and he really wanted to believe it, so...

"Yes, sir."

Both Qiao Ming and Han Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and Han Shu even cast a grateful glance at Ruo Lan. As long as the young master is willing to speak, it proves that he did not get into a dead end, and the matter would not be so serious.

After Qiao Ming exited, Qiao Yingze sat on the couch in silence, but his expression was different from the tightness and heaviness in the past. Instead, he seemed to be in a state of absentmindedness, as if he was not thinking about anything, and seemed to be waiting. what…

Han Shu and Ruo Lan glanced at each other, and both stood on both sides with their heads lowered, silently accompanying Qiao Yingze. This waited for more than half an hour, until Qiao Ming came in to inform them that they were back, and the two of them hadn't Before he had time to do anything, Qiao Yingze stood up and walked out quickly with a flick of his sleeves. The two girls were so startled that they hurriedly trotted after them, but it was inconvenient for them to leave the courtyard, so they could only watch Qiao Ming chasing after him. Go up and support Qiao Yingze.

"Master, Master, please slow down."

Qiao Ming kept up with Qiao Yingze, who rushed out with a cold face, secretly screaming in his heart that he was going to suffer, the young master didn't want to teach the second master a lesson. What is it!

As soon as Qiao Yingze arrived in front of the gate, he saw a group of servants gathered outside the village, and Gong Zhuoliang and Qiao Yingxuan were walking slowly on horseback. Obviously, the servants ran back first to report the letter.


Qiao Yingze looked at the two people sitting high on the horse, and his swift footsteps abruptly stopped in front of the threshold, but before his heart sank, he saw Gong Zhuoliang jump off the horse despite Qiao Yingxuan's obstruction, and then called. Brother-in-law rushed towards him, Qiao Yingze's feet moved, but out of some emotion he didn't know, he stopped again and didn't move forward.

It wasn't until Gong Zhuoliang jumped over and put his arms around his waist and whispered in his ear, Qiao Yingze took his eyes away from Qiao Yingxuan's surprised face, and the corners of his tightly pursed lips raised a shallow arc. .