MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 55 The so-called loaded 13

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"Eldest young master calm down! Eldest young master..."

When did Mr. Gong ever see such a battle, all of them were recruited at once, from their daughter's elopement to escape from marriage, to Mrs. Gong's murderous plan to marry, and then Gong Zhuoliang's severing relationship, until the recent palace Madam knew the truth and wanted to use his birthday to blackmail Gong Zhuoliang's husband again...

What Master Gong said was messy, but Gong Zhuoxiang combined his own investigation results, but it was not difficult to deduce the truth, so from common sense, Gong Zhuoliang confessed the truth to Qiao Yingze on the wedding night, And this young man couldn't help protecting Gong Zhuoliang, and helped him break away from the Gong family, and even gave up the family's inheritance rights for him, and the family was separated.

Of course, combined with the actual situation of Qiao Yingze in Qiao's family, it can be said that Qiao Yingze did these things for himself... But after all, this is not his only choice, so in any case, Qiao Yingze can achieve this step for Gong Zhuoliang, Gong Zhuo Xiang has great admiration for his character and mind.

It is no wonder that Gong Zhuoxiang would attribute all these things to Qiao Yingze. After all, he was familiar with Gong Zhuoliang when he was a child, and would never think that these plans were devised by Gong Zhuoliang, who was twelve years old at the time. The current Gong Zhuoliang is also smart and strong in front of him, but his childishness is not lost, so Gong Zhuoxiang is really wrong this time.

"Hmph, such a poisonous woman should have been expelled a long time ago. How could she have harmed the descendants of the palace family like this! She even dared to poison the ruler of the dynasty, because she wanted your family to be buried with her!"

After listening to Master Gong's cry, Gong Zhuoxiang frowned at his embarrassed appearance, called the guards to come in and take him to wash up first, and then asked the shopkeeper to bring in a table of food and put it in the hall, and at this time , The staff who hid behind the screen to record came out, and handed the record of the words of the master Gong and the organized confession to Gong Zhuoxiang.

"Uncle Tang, Xiao Tuo knows that he shouldn't be involved in the affairs of the elders, but since we are relatives of the same clan, Xiao Tuo can't bear to see Uncle Tang fall into this place. If Uncle Tang trusts Xiao Tuo, then he will hand over Can Xiao Tu handle it?"

When Master Gong cleaned up and walked out, Gong Zhuoxiang changed his tone of voice and asked him to sit with him, but Master Gong had already been fooled by him, how dare he act as an elder in front of him. , I just sat down half the chair in fear.

"It's all up to the eldest young master. The villain has nothing to ask for now. I only hope that my good son can recognize his ancestors and return to the clan, and live a peaceful life."

A little trembling, he took Gong Zhuoxiang's toast and drank it. Although Mr. Guan was not smart, he knew that when he said these words today, the family's life was already in Gong Zhuoxiang's hands. Gong Zhuoxiang can see the relationship between relatives and Gong Zhuoliang and help them get through this disaster.

"Uncle's love for his son, Xiao Tuo will definitely find a way to fulfill it, and even if it is for the future of Liang Er, Xiao Tuo will definitely keep his family safe."

Gong Zhuoxiang despised his weak and useless father's love in his heart, but his face was still lightly comforted, and then pushed the confession written by his staff to him, while the guard behind him was holding a pen and ink and red ink pad. tray.

"...Thank you, young master."

When Mr. Gong took the confession, he saw that the mask was to identify his wife as the mastermind, but he and his eldest son Zhuo Yu were relieved of their guilt. It's just that the death penalty can be avoided, but the crime cannot be escaped...

Master Gong read the confession coldly and stiffly, gritted his teeth, signed his name on it, and put his fingerprints on it.

"Since that's the case, Uncle Tang can rest assured and go back. That poisonous woman, Yu'er, will take care of it by herself, but if you want the family to prosper, Uncle Tang will have to show the majesty of being the head of the family."

After receiving the testimony of Master Gong, Gong Zhuoxiang reassured him a few more words, and then asked the guard to send him back to the mansion.

In fact, as far as Gong Zhuoxiang is concerned, as the eldest son and grandson, his heart is towards his wife, and he also knows that in this deep house compound, they will not have a good end without some means, so even if he knew that this uncle and aunt did not want to see Gong Zhuoliang, the concubine. , he just planned to take people away to take care of himself, but never thought about suppressing the prestige of uncle and aunt, but this woman is too cruel and stupid, if she doesn't teach her some lessons, it will be a disaster in the future, but the Gong family is incompetent The next generation, at least until Liang'er is free, this business has to let her support...


Gong Zhuoliang was checking the accounts in the small house, and suddenly heard Ruo Lan say that the birthday banquet of Master Gong was cancelled, and the reason was that Mrs. Gong had an emergency and is now bedridden.

"Well, I heard from the doctor that she was frightened. The high fever did not return the crying all day long. It is rumored that she did too many bad things and was punished. Now the eldest young master is all over the city asking people to suppress the shock."

Ruo Lan said that she was very surprised, with Mrs. Gong's stern personality, what could scare her like that?

"It's not too embarrassing to stab out this kind of thing with great fanfare."

Gong Zhuoliang can almost imagine what kind of chaos the Gong family is in now. Mrs. Gong used to be the housekeeper, but now she suddenly fell ill. I am afraid that there is no one in the family who can take care of it, and Gong Zhuoyu is a waste. .

"Also... Aunt Wu received the Ming disc and will be officially married by the master as the second wife."

Ruo Lan looked at Gong Zhuoliang hesitantly, and whispered more exciting news in his ear.

"Huh? My mother!?"

If the first news Gong Zhuoliang can still be seen as a joke, then the second one really shocked him. Gong Zhuoliang's conspiracy theory first thought of spoiling his concubine and destroying his wife. It overturned this idea. Although she didn't spend much time with Aunt Wu, Gong Zhuoliang knew her mother relatively well. According to her ability, if she really wanted to stand upright, she wouldn't be swayed by the tigress. It's been suppressed for so many years.

Actually, Concubine Wu chose Mr. Gong from a group of suitors because of his honesty and shyness. You want a handsome and handsome young man standing in front of you, blushing and nervous after a little teasing. Ordinary, everyone will think he is harmless.

And Aunt Wu was really wrong. This person was so harmless to the point of incompetence. After giving him the body of a clean official, he knew that he already had a direct wife and direct son in his family. He wanted to escape, but found that he already had Being pregnant, he swore that he was sincere to Aunt Wu, so Aunt Wu entered the palace door with a broken jar, but she didn't think about fighting for anything at all, and because of the guilt towards Mrs. Gong, she put away her temper and calmed down. To be a concubine, but unexpectedly the child was born with a handle, so she was directly carried away by Mrs. Gong. Aunt Wu cried and hurt her eyes. Can't count on it.

But even so, she never had the intention of harming Mrs. Gong, she just thought that she could endure it and see her children grow up healthy and healthy. Only after slowly regaining a bit of rigidity, he absolutely couldn't do anything that would harm people's lives.

"Well, Concubine Wu sent someone to ask you what you mean, young master, did you go over there and see for yourself?"

If Lan Xin wanted to use the name of visiting the palace to go to the palace, it was reasonable. If Concubine Wu was promoted to the second room in this storm, there would be a lot of people talking behind their backs.

"Fortunately, she still knows to ask me, let her not act rashly, prepare a gift list, and go to the palace tomorrow."

Gong Zhuoliang looked at the time, and asked Ruo Lan to go back there first to prepare, while he leaned on the back with a sullen face and thought, letting the chair lean back and only the legs of the stool were on the ground.

I don't know which idiot came up with the idea to let Aunt Wu be promoted to the second room at this time. In this way, if the tigress's illness is cured, she must be the unlucky one. If the tigress is really good or bad, her reputation will also be ruined. Now, even if you really straighten yourself up in the future, you will be stabbed in the spine...

"Liang Er, what are you thinking?"

Standing at the door and looking at the handsome young man who was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground, Gong Zhuoxiang's mouth couldn't help but smile, but he was immediately restrained and turned into a rather serious look.

"Cousin... What should I do if I fall stupid?"

Gong Zhuoliang took a breath while leaning on the table, patted his chest a little exaggeratedly and stared at Gong Zhuoxiang to hide the deep look on his face just now.

After getting along for the past few days, because Gong Zhuoxiang no longer confessed indiscriminately, he really treated himself like a brother, and got along very well with Qiao Yingze, so Gong Zhuoliang felt a lot at ease with him, and his words and behaviors were also very good. Feel free to get up.

"You don't necessarily have to be so smart. Doing business is always inferior. If you have time, you might as well read more books. Anyway, if you have brother Qiao Xian to teach you, you can always win a serious background."

Gong Zhuoxiang snorted softly, walked to his side and sat down, flipping through the bookstore's books.

"I don't read books, why did my cousin suddenly mention this?"

Gong Zhuoliang pouted, thinking that it is enough for his family to have Qiao Yingze as a leader. If he also has fame, the two of them have equal identities, and the resistance to getting married will be too much... The upper class of this era can be male and female. It's too non-mainstream and will be watched by onlookers.

"Liang'er... I'm leaving and continue to travel."

Gong Zhuoxiang looked deeply into Gong Zhuoliang's eyes, but he still swallowed the words.

Do you want to ask him why he hides it from me and why he doesn't ask me for help?

I was worried that he had been investigating until now, but now that this is the result, even if I ask more, what's the use?

If not…

"Ah? Cousin, are you leaving?"

Gong Zhuoliang was startled again, thinking what day is today, why are you throwing landmines at me?

Gong Zhuoxiang rushed in so aggressively at the beginning, but now he wants to leave so calmly, what happened in the past few days?

"Well, Liang'er, cousin still said that, you are welcome to come to the capital to find me at any time... as a guest."

Gong Zhuoxiang looked at Gong Zhuoliang, who stared at him with wide eyes, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise slightly, and reached out and scratched the tip of his nose, just like he did when he was a child.

Gong Zhuoxiang did what he said, and actually invited the Qiao brothers and Lu Zijian to have dinner together that night, stating that he was going to leave, and until the end of the banquet Gong Zhuoxiang moved back to the inn to live, Gong Zhuoliang was still dizzy He couldn't grasp the point, and the feeling like he was being played made him a little crazy, so he also angrily went back to the small house to pack his things, ready to go back to the West Palace to live his normal life, but saw Ruo Lan took a letter to He said that it was left by Gong Zhuoxiang.

Inside, there were only two signed confessions, one from Mr. Gong and the other from Mrs. Gong.

"Brother Gong, you are really a gentleman..."

After Qiao Yingze carefully looked at the two confessions in his hand, he sighed with admiration in his expression, completely ignoring a certain Xiaogong who had already exploded beside him.

"Where is he a gentleman! This is purely..."

Gong Zhuoliang wanted to shout that this person was too pretentious, but thinking that Qiao Yingze didn't like this kind of 'expletive language', he just held back, but as long as he remembered that he had pretended to be a child in vain for so many days in front of Gong Zhuoxiang. Bai, but they figured out everything silently, and even killed the tigress that he could only outsmart at the moment. Gong Zhuoliang's glass heart was shattered, he was the second generation of an official! Especially the second generation of elite officials like Qiu Gong Zhuoxiang who is full of domineering aura!

"A gentleman has the beauty of an adult, Zhuo Zhuo, we must thank Gong Xiong well tomorrow."

Qiao Yingze collected the two confessions and handed them to Gong Zhuoliang. Since he was smiling lightly, but while admiring Gong Zhuoxiang, he couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If he was able to get to Jinbang High School, why would he need his daughter-in-law to suffer? After a lot of oppression... But if he and Gong Zhuoliang can't be open and honest for a day, he can't participate in the spring festival for a day, otherwise, if he really becomes an official, it will be a crime of deceiving the king.

"Ying Ze... Xianggong, you did it on purpose!"

Qiao Yingze's attitude was even more exciting to Gong Zhuoliang. When his wife praised other men in front of him, Gong Zhuoliang felt that his husband's dignity was being challenged, so Gong Zhuoliang, who turned his anger into lust, flew directly and pressed him. The husband is going to roll the sheets.

"Zhuzhuo, wait, you will see Brother Gong off tomorrow, so don't mess around."

Qiao Yingze put his hand on Gong Zhuoliang's shoulder, who was pressing on his body, holding back a smile to see his cute look burning with jealousy.

"Hmph, don't worry, I know how to do it."

Gong Zhuoliang impatiently grabbed Qiao Yingze's wrist and pressed it to the side of his head, then lowered his head and kissed on his neck.

"Zhuozhuo...haha...I was wrong...don't bite...ah...not there...don't..."


Turn off the lights…