MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 91 Extra: Children + Ying Xuan Chapter

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On the fifteenth day of March in the fourth year of Qianwu, it was the reunion day set by the ancestors of the Qiao family. It was different from the usual meal that was full of food. Today, the Dongfu side is busy and busy early in the morning. Because their eldest family from the West Palace will leave Beijing at the end of the month, so this reunion day is the last time this year, and everyone pays special attention to it.

Due to the historical rules of the Hanlin Academy, the new Hanlin members have to travel for a year after one year in Beijing, and then return to the Hanlin Academy to be on duty. Depending on their performance, whether they stay in Beijing or go abroad, Gong Zhuoxiang always acted according to the rules. , Qiao Yingze is no exception, but it is different from the other Hanlins who mostly only bring followers, and even the poorer ones who only travel with a servant. Qiao Yingze went out this time, but the whole family of four went out...

"Liang Er, these two children are still so young, is it too hard for them to follow you two outside for a year? If you are at ease, keep them with your grandmother, and they will not be wronged. of."

The old lady was sitting on the couch with her left arm around Qiao Minyan and her right arm around Gong Jinxian. She was really reluctant to let them go. There was no way for her grandson. She had to abide by the rules of the court in front of the errand, but let the children follow along. The tossing is somewhat unnecessary, but it is Gong Zhuoliang's decision, and it is not easy for the old lady to directly oppose it.

Although Qiao Yingze is an official now, but the old lady knows that the real master of their family is actually this male granddaughter-in-law, and her attitude towards Gong Zhuoliang now is more like her grandson-in-law...

"Liang'er naturally trusts her grandmother, but she feels that the opportunity is rare and she wants to take the two of them out to meet the world. Boys, you can't be too spoiled."

Putting the tea cup in his hand on the table, Gong Zhuoliang respectfully replied to the old lady's words, and a gentle smile appeared on Jun's face, which had been fully opened.

Although Gong Zhuoliang was nominally the one he married, in February of this year, he was under the auspices of the master of the Gong family—that is, his current father. His height is already two inches smaller than Qiao Yingze's, and Qiao Yingze's face is tender and not old. When standing together, it's hard to say who is bigger.

"Yes, grandmother, the grandson only needs to go to the specified place when he goes out. There is no specific errand. It is more like a visit. With the two of them, I can teach them their homework in person."

Knowing that the old lady was reluctant to bear the child, Qiao Yingze also persuaded him a few words. In fact, it is an excuse to say that studying or something. The most important thing is that they are reluctant. Figured it out.

"That's true... You, the sons of the champions, are really afraid that they will spoil the teaching if you change the people next to you. It's just that the journey has been exhausted, but are they all arranged?"

Hearing Qiao Yingze saying that he was not tired from errands, the old lady felt a little more relaxed, and then listening to him mention the children's homework, her tone couldn't help but bring some pride in her tone. The champion is only born in three years. This is her own Great grandson.

"Don't worry, grandmother, there are bookstore branches wherever Yingze is going, and they will arrange everything, and they will also send someone to take care of the food, clothing, housing, and transportation along the way in advance, so they won't suffer."

What Gong Zhuoliang said about them naturally included both the big and the small. He is physically fit, so this kind of 'long-distance travel' doesn't matter, but the three are more delicate than the other. Gong Zhuoliang But don't dare to be sloppy, his goal this year is to let Qiao Yingze go out for a walk without losing the scale.

"Don't worry, grandmother, my dears, why are you so quiet today?"

Seeing that they were all arranged, the old lady didn't say anything more. She looked down at the two little brothers who were leaning on her arms. Seeing that they were all hugging her with tears in their eyes, the old lady couldn't help but feel distressed. They shook and coaxed.

"Ancestor, Min Yan can't bear you..."

The six-year-old Qiao Minyan's face is still very white and tender. He has thick eyebrows and big eyes and loves to laugh. Now he is a veritable sunny handsome guy, but at this time his face is not as cute as he used to be. The smile is full of reluctance, and the person is also stuck in the arms of his great-grandmother and is reluctant to get up.

Although I am very happy to be able to go out and play with Qiao Minyan with my fathers, but I think that I will not see their ancestors, second uncle, third uncle, Gong family grandmother, eldest uncle, aunt, uncle Lu, etc. There are also cousins ​​and sisters, he feels very reluctant, but the most reluctant thing is his father and second brother, and he must never be separated from them, so he can only feel sorry for the ancestors!

"Ancestor, Xian'er can't bear you."

Unlike Qiao Minyan's cute face, Gong Jinxian's appearance is still more delicate and beautiful than many girls. Although he does not like to be close to others by nature, in order to make his brother happy, he also imitates Qiao. Min Yan sticks to the old lady just like that.

Gong Jinxian will also be a little reluctant to his loved relatives, but in his heart, he is still more happy to be able to leave Beijing with his daddy, so that daddy won't be able to see him during the day because he is on duty , Brother's attention will not always be divided by others!

"Look at this painful little one."

The old lady was coaxed by the two sweet little guys, so she asked the maid to get the new shoes made for them and put them on by herself. Seeing that the size just fit, she put them in her arms again. , And at this time, Qiao Yingxuan, who came back from the next duty, also led Qiao Minren and Qiao Yiyue over. As for Qiao Minyi, because of the fever for the past two days, he stayed in the room to keep him and not bring them together.

"Second brother, congratulations, brother and sister are happy again, you can be more considerate to her."

When Qiao Yingxuan met the old lady, Qiao Yingze congratulated him with a smile. When they first came, they heard the old lady say that Yang Yingmo had been diagnosed with more than two months of pregnancy, but she was injured because of the last delivery. , This time it seems that the pregnancy is not stable. Now the whole family is very careful about her body. Today, everyone has been resting in the house and not letting them go out to work.

"Thank you, brother, brother understands."

Qiao Yingxuan responded with a quick smile when he heard the words, but when he turned around and sat down, the smile on his face was filled with embarrassment and helplessness, but he couldn't talk about some things on his mind even in front of his family... Yesterday, I asked the doctor to confirm the diagnosis, then People now think they already know it.


Yu Guang saw Qiao Yingxuan's uneasy expression, Gong Zhuoliang remembered his cheerfulness and ease a while ago, and he had some guesses in his heart. He knew that the relationship between Qiao Yingxuan and his wife had always been flat, just like most men and women who marry blindly and dumbly. It is only a combination of family interests, and has nothing to do with love at all, so Qiao Yingxuan can always insist on his oath not to take concubines, Gong Zhuoliang admires and admires him, and it is a pity for Qiao Yingxuan... I just hope that this time, he will, Find someone who truly loves him.

Just as Qiao Yingxuan sat down, Qiao Yingzi came back with his younger brother Qiao Yingran, followed by Qiao Yuanyin and his family, and everyone greeted them lively, and then invited Mrs. Qiao and the others to come out, and then they were placed in the hall across the screen. Two tables were officially opened. Among them, the men were in the outer room with a half-sized man, Qiao Yingzi, and in the inner room, the old lady, Madam Qiao and Qiao Yuanyin led a group of young people around the table.

She couldn't speak during the official meal. The old lady sat on the main seat and let the maids wait and eat slowly. Her eyes swept over the children on the table, and she couldn't help but sigh.

Not to mention the youngest grandson, since Qiao Yiyue and Qiao Minren, the two great-grandchildren, were sent to her for upbringing, she really put a lot of effort into teaching them the rules. At her age, she was able to comprehend the things she taught, which made her very old and comforted, but many things are not as good as ignorance. Now that several children are gathered together like this, Qiao Yiyue and her brother can easily Gong Jinxian really compared it.

The same rules and the same movements, Gong Jinxian, who is also young, is very natural and skilled, as if he has the style of everyone's children in his bones, but Qiao Yiyue and her sisters are somewhat restrained and deliberate, old man. People know that Gong Jinxian often learns the rules from the wife of the Gong family, and they think that the lady really lives up to her reputation...

After the meal, when the maids removed the screen and changed the tea products, the old lady let the children sit on the couch and play. Qiao Yuanyin came to sit beside her and cared a few words about her body.

After Qiao Yuanyin got married, her husband never took a concubine. Although she already had a direct son, she couldn't bear the loneliness under her husband's knees. This time, she was able to get pregnant with the second one, which really made her feel a lot better, and the old lady was also very happy for her.

The adults over there were talking, laughing and chatting happily, but the atmosphere of the steamed buns here was not very pleasant. There were six steamed buns in the room at this time. Jingwei made two piles of three or three points.

Among them, Qiao Yingran, the uncle, is of high seniority, but after all, he is only six years old. He is used to listening to Qiao Yiyue. At this time, he is sitting next to Qiao Yiyue with Qiao Minren, playing silently. with toys all around him. Beside them, Qiao Minyan and Gong Jinxian were putting four-year-old Zhang Lu and the others in the middle, one coaxing their younger brother to play and the other continuing to play with their younger brother...

"Lu Lu, come and give the second brother a smile."

Seeing that Zhang Lu was looking down at Qiao Minyan with a curious look on his face, Gong Jinxian hugged his small body like a dumpling, tilted his head and kissed him on the cheek with a sweet smile. He really liked Brother Lu very much. The dimples on the face.


Zhang Lu was obviously used to being kissed, and he laughed out of his experience. Hearing that, he raised his head towards Gong Jinxian and bent his mouth twice, and after showing two small dimples for him to see, he took the opportunity to sit in his beautiful second place. The brother kissed back.

"Lulu, my brothers are going away, and I won't be able to see Lulu for a while. These toys are for Lulu. Lulu should remember to think of his brothers."

Qiao Minyan smiled and looked at the two of them, and beckoned the maid next to her to take a cloth bag and put it beside Zhang Lu.

He and the second brother really like this cute and cute little brother, so they will remember to keep a copy for him if they get any good things.

"How long is a period of time? Are there five days?"

Zhang Lu looked at the toys but didn't touch them. Instead, he wrapped Gong Jinxian's arm against him with one hand and held Qiao Minyan's hand with the other. If he would not see his brothers for five days, Zhang Lu would Lu felt uncomfortable just thinking about it.

"It takes a year, which is much longer than five days..."

Qiao Minyan already knew the concept of time. He knew that a year was a long time, but before he could finish his words, Gong Jinxian pulled his sleeves. He habitually stopped and let him Gong Jinxian went to answer.

"Lu Lu is good, it won't be long. When Lu Lu wears the cotton coat and takes it off, the brothers will come back."

Seeing that Zhang Lu was already pouting his little mouth and looking unhappy, Gong Jinxian hurriedly patted his head to comfort him. His heart was also sour, and he really wanted to take brother Lu away with him, but Gong Jinxian thought about himself. So he was reluctant to be separated from his father and father, and younger brother Lu was definitely not willing to be separated from his uncle and aunt, so he didn't say anything about letting Zhang Lu go with them.


As soon as Zhang Lu heard this, he thought that he would go home and put on the cotton-padded coat, and then take it off tomorrow, and he will be able to see his brothers. This turned his sadness into joy, and happily asked Qiao Minyan to teach him how to play with new things. Got a toy.

"Aunt, aunt, after we leave, we will bring gifts to brother Lu. You have to mention us more to brother Lu, so that he can't forget us."

Seeing Zhang Lu happy again, Gong Jinxian rolled his eyes, got up and trotted to Qiao Yuanyin, who was sitting on the couch, put his mouth on her ear, and whispered.

He remembered that little daddy said that children are forgetful, but don't let the brothers leave for a year, and when they come back, brother Lu won't remember them.

"Aunt remembers, she will not let Xiaolu forget his brothers, and you can't forget Xiaolu'er."

Her ears were tickled by the heat of Gong Jinxian's exhalation. Qiao Yuanyin couldn't help but covered her mouth with a handkerchief and laughed softly, and then touched Gong Jinxian's pretty little face, she really liked it tightly.

"No, don't worry, aunt!"

After receiving Qiao Yuanyin's promise, Gong Jinxian was convinced, turned his head and saw Qiao Yiyue and the three of them had come to Qiao Minyan's side. He hurriedly trotted back into Qiao Minyan's arms, and hugged him His other arm looked at Qiao Yiyue alertly.

Although children don't hold grudges, but Mian always wants to "grab his brother" with his cousin, Gong Jinxian really can't like it!


Qiao Yiyue was chatting and laughing with Qiao Minyan, but when she saw Gong Jinxian back, she looked at herself with a disgusting expression, her little face couldn't help but be stern, but thinking about her grandmother, she always let herself and this second brother get along well , she pouted her mouth and played with her toys without saying a word, with a look of grievance on her little face. If it wasn't for seeing that my brother likes you, I wouldn't be with you.

The big brother is better. This second brother, how can he look like a big brother? Every time we see us, we don't look good, and he looks better than me... In short, the second brother hates the most!


Qiao Minren, who was shyly playing games with Zhang Lu, saw that his sister and second brother were unhappy again. After hesitating, he put down the toys and sat back to Qiao Yiyue's side. Sitting next to her was a comfort.


Seeing this, Qiao Minyan comfortably touched Gong Jinxian's back, and asked the maid to bring the other two packs of toys, signaling him to go over to coax the eldest sister, after all, she was at someone else's house.

"Big sister, these are for you and the third brother."

Gong Jinxian was reluctant in his heart, but he also knew that he could not lose his etiquette, so he pushed a burden to Qiao Yiyue's sister and brother, smiled and begged for peace, and then pushed another burden to Qiao Yingran. His seniority is uncle, so things should be given separately.

"Thank you big brother...Second brother."

Qiao Yiyue looked at the package of toys and blinked, and gave them all to her brother to play with first, then thanked Qiao Minyan with a smile, took a look at Gong Jinxian, and stopped the smile. Turn around and continue to play with my brother.

And probably from this day, Gong Jinxian and Qiao Yiyue started a ten-year 'civil war', which made the fighting power of the two rise steadily. After that, let's skip it for the time being...

That night, after the family dispersed, Qiao Yingxuan returned to the study that had been upgraded to his bedroom, but was upset and not sleepy at all. It was eye-catching when he saw it, but if he didn't go, he was really worried.

Since they exchanged jade at Prince Zhong’s Mansion last year, although the two have only been able to communicate in secret this year, they haven’t spent much time together, and they both like this kind of intimate feeling, so they haven’t reached the final step yet, but their mutual affection But they all understood, and although the man said that he would not affect each other's family, but now that the filial piety has not only not mentioned the matter of marrying a concubine, but even the people who have served around him are scattered, which makes Qiao Yingxuan I'm really moved and deeply regretful...

"Come on, prepare a carriage, I want to go out."

Qiao Yingxuan sat in the chair for a long time and could not rest in his heart, and finally decided to go to the palace to see Si Shao. If that person was really angry, he would hurry up to coax him, and at most admit the punishment.

Only then did Qiao Yingxuan knock on the side door where he was used to walking, and he saw the door slide open silently, revealing the resentful face of the little eunuch, which surprised Qiao Yingxuan.

"My lord, you are finally here."

The little **** motioned to the people behind him to report to the lord quickly, and then he led Qiao Yingxuan to go inside, but his expression had returned to normal, and he refused to say a word to Qiao Yingxuan, so he wanted to leave him. After getting some news, Qiao Yingxuan just touched his nose and closed his mouth, and followed him to Si Shao's yard with trepidation.

This time, Qiao Yingxuan was not led to Si Shao's study, but turned directly to the bedroom. Qiao Yingxuan paused, but followed in without hesitation, and saw the man sitting on the couch outside. Drinking tea, looking at himself with the same gentle eyes as always, Qiao Yingxuan couldn't help but put down his snacks slightly.

"Ying Xuan is here, you all go down."

With a kind smile on Si Shao's face, he waved his hand to signal the two confidant eunuchs serving in the room to go down first, then got up and walked to Qiao Yingxuan's side.

And the two eunuchs withdrew in response, but they couldn't help but stare at each other with a wry smile when they went out the door, thinking that the broken porcelain in your study, my master, hasn't been cleaned yet by the maids.

" know what?"

Qiao Yingxuan stood there a little nervously, watching Si Shao walk up to him, and murmured a question.


Turning Qiao Yingxuan around with his back to his arms, Si Shao pressed his chin on his shoulder and responded lightly, his drooping eyes blocking his thoughts.

"Sorry, I…"

Si Shao's quiet reaction made Qiao Yingxuan feel more at ease, but being hugged like this, Qiao Yingxuan couldn't see his expression, and for a while he didn't know how to answer.

"You are husband and wife."

Si Shao responded lightly, expressing that he understood, but did not say that he was not to blame.

Because of their mutual status, it is obviously unrealistic to want to communicate as openly as others. Si Shao doesn't want others to pour dirty water on Qiao Yingxuan because of his royal status, so he tolerates him having a family. cover is a must.

In fact, Si Shao knows that Qiao Yingxuan can't stay in his wife's house for three nights a month now, but Rao can create children like this. This really makes the dignified loyal prince jealous, and it contains extremely complex jealousy. .

Speaking of which, Si Shao himself was given a marriage by the late emperor when he was young, but the woman died before she even got home. In order to appease the emotions of the official family, the late emperor did not refer to the marriage for Si Shao for the next two years. The first emperor was seriously ill and continued to delay until the emperor succeeded, and Si Shao kept his filial piety again, so he did not marry a concubine until he was in his twenties, and then he fell in love with Qiao Yingxuan...

"Since you're here today, don't leave."

Perceiving Qiao Yingxuan's apprehension, Si Shao sighed silently in his heart, and whispered something against Qiao Yingxuan's earlobe.


The gentle touch from his ears made Qiao Yingxuan tremble. He only felt that there were bursts of heat flowing from the parts of his body that were close to him, and finally converged to his lower abdomen.

"After a while, I want to live in Zhuangzi outside the city for a few days, just in time to catch up with you, so let's go together."

With his left hand, he gently stroked Qiao Yingxuan's Adam's apple that was sliding up and down, and the corner of Si Shao's mouth raised slightly, and his voice couldn't help but become more magnetic.

"it is good…"

After Si Shao finished speaking, Qiao Yingxuan turned around and put his arms around his waist. He couldn't bear to take the initiative to kiss him, and let the body clinging to him directly tell each other his desire.

His eyes widened slightly because of Qiao Yingxuan's initiative. After the initial surprise passed, Si Shao smiled and hugged the back of Qiao Yingxuan's neck and kissed her back...