MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 13 dead specimen

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Looking at this enthusiastic little intern, Wei Wei was a little surprised.

I couldn't help thinking of the three taboos that Uncle Gun told me at dinner yesterday.

On the first day of work, you disobeyed the instructions given by your seniors, isn't it bad?

Seeing that Wei Wei seemed hesitant, Ye Feifei blinked his eyes in confusion, and whispered, "Inconvenient?"


Wei Wei thought for a while, then nodded with a smile, and said, "Okay."

Ye Feifei immediately became happy, and hurried back to the room to get his coat, while Piglet, who was holding a bowl next to him, heard Wei Wei's agreement, and was stunned for a while. Wei Wei showed a sympathetic expression.

After asking about the address, Wei Wei took Ye Fei into the jeep and drove out.

On the way, I was thinking about whether to continue discussing the previous topic with her.

He is now in a delicate state of mind.

First, from the bottom of my heart, I don't want to mention that old thing to others over and over again, and open up the scars over and over again.

But whenever I meet someone who might know about it, I can't help but want to ask carefully, so as not to miss the clue.

Although, he knew in his heart that the information he saw in the training camp was probably the most complete.

However, Wei Wei soon realized that he was thinking too much. This little intern was talking a lot at the dinner table, but after getting in the car, he seemed to be a different person. Put your hands together and worship something.

Wei Wei was a little curious: "What are you doing?"

After asking twice, Ye Feifei finally came to his senses and replied earnestly, "I pray that the tire won't blow out on the road."


Wei Wei didn't understand this logic.

Ye Feifei's face was slightly red, he pressed his lower abdomen, and said, "I have been uncomfortable for a few days recently."


Wei Wei's logic was even more chaotic, but he silently slowed down the speed of the car.

And kindly reminded: "Drink more hot water."

Although I still don't understand, what does it have to do with whether the car will blow out these days.

More than ten minutes later, the jeep tires drove across the potholed road that had not been repaired for many years, splashing a lot of sewage.

They came to the north of the scrap iron city, where there are dilapidated and low-rise communities, the tangled wires and dumped garbage cans block the originally wide road into a narrow and crowded place, and all kinds of small carts are selling the world. of fireworks.

No need to ask, Wei Wei and Ye Feifei decided where they were going.

Just next to this crowded and lively street, the entrance of a community was crowded with people carrying plastic bags and stretching their heads to watch the excitement.

One by one, they squeezed around, and some people even climbed onto the wall.

At the gate of the community, there was a team of police officers maintaining order, holding sticks to stab the people on the wall.

Amidst the noise, women's cries and men's roars could be heard from time to time.

"It's really incompetent..."

Seeing all kinds of cars parked on the street in a mess, Wei Wei headed in and opened the door to get out of the car.

He and Ye Feifei squeezed into the crowd, thinking about how to explain their identity to the police officers who maintained law and order at the gate of the community.

The official members of the executive team will have a secret certificate, stamped with the seal of the Guard Office.

The purpose is to facilitate access to some places with special security during the investigation, and to act cheaply.

But now Wei Wei is still in the internship stage and does not have this certificate.

As for Ye Feifei, she's even more out of line...

She only had a certificate from the Environmental Protection Bureau of Scrap Iron City, which Captain Ouyang found casually on the street.

According to Captain Ouyang, this is to make girls feel more belonging to their work...

However, it was no use Wei Weiduo's sloppy talk. Just squeezed in between a group of uncles and aunts who were shopping for vegetables and children who were late for school, and saw Uncle Gun standing in the community smoking. After seeing them, he immediately grinned. Mouth waved to them.

When the police officers at the gate of the community saw this, they raised the cordon and let Wei Wei and Ye Feifei come in.

Not only did he not mean to block, he even took a serious look at Wei Wei's appearance, as if he wanted to remember and let him go directly next time.

"What happened?"

Arriving in front of Uncle Gun, Wei Wei was a little puzzled when he saw the chaotic scene around him.

In what he usually experiences, there are rarely such scenes of crying and shouting, crowded and lively.

Normally, shouldn't the handling of extraordinary events disperse the crowd immediately?

"It's not certain yet."

Uncle Gun flicked the soot and gave Ye Feifei a strange look, as if he didn't expect her to come, he said:

"Looking at it now, it can only be said that someone is crazy."

"In the past, cats, dogs, rabbits and parrots were often lost in this community, but the incident was relatively small and did not attract many people's attention. Until yesterday, a young couple in this community suddenly reported the case, saying that a two-year-old was lost. Child."

"Originally, the matter of missing persons has nothing to do with us."

"But when the guards came to investigate, they didn't find the lost child, but they didn't expect that a large number of animal carcasses were found in a family's house in Building B, all of which were lost by the neighbors. on the wall..."

"Some people suspected that it might have something to do with the lost child, which caused panic all of a sudden."


Wei Wei couldn't help frowning: "Is there a supernatural factor?"

"Not sure yet."

Uncle Gun shook his head: "The captain is investigating. You can see it when you go over there. I'll take a breath first."

"it is good."

Wei Wei agreed and walked towards a low building inside, and Ye Feifei immediately followed behind him.

Uncle Gun stopped Ye Feifei: "Are you going up too?"

"what's wrong?"

Ye Feifei immediately gave Uncle Gun a vigilant look. He was also an intern. Why could Wei Wei go and not go by himself?

"Haha, it's alright, let's go!"

Uncle Gun blinked his eyes and laughed with half a cigarette in his mouth.

Wei Wei and Ye Feifei walked towards the apartment one after the other, and heard a young mother crying exhaustedly: "My baby, he is only two years old, why are you so cruel, How could you bear to hurt him..."

The man in a gray suit wanted to rush into the apartment several times, but when he was stopped, he angrily yelled at the police officers:

"Arrest that bastard, why don't you go and arrest him?"

"Why don't you arrest people and stop us here?"


Wei Wei shook his head slightly, bypassed the angry family members, and walked straight into this apartment building with a dilapidated iron gate.

I don't know if it was due to psychological reasons, but I immediately felt a dark aura coming towards my face.

In the heavy flowing air, there was a faint smell of rancidity.

After calming down slightly, Wei Wei walked in through the open apartment door.

The living room of the apartment is surprisingly clean, everything is neatly arranged, and the floor is spotless.

However, when Wei Wei and Ye Feifei came to the door of the bedroom, they were immediately excited by the sight that caught their eyes.

The strong rancid smell penetrated into the nostrils roughly.

The whole small bedroom was a little dim due to the heavy curtains being drawn.

But Wei Wei still saw a spectacular pair of specimens on the wall of this bedroom.

The wooden frames were neatly nailed to the wall.

In these frames, there are animals one by one, large and small.

They were all nailed directly to the frame by a long nail, whether it was a parrot, a cat, a half-sized border shepherd, or a white-haired rabbit with red eyes. Thirty specimens were made by him and hung on the four walls of the bedroom.

However, it can be seen that what he did was rough.

It was a nail that went into the body of the action, then nailed it into the specimen frame, and then hung it on the wall.

Although they were neatly arranged, the wounds and some scratches on the specimen frame showed that these animals were probably still alive when they were nailed to the specimen frame.

Probably it was not completely dead when it was hung up, and the blood of the movement flowed down from the specimen frame, forming bright red blood bands.

Now they are completely quiet.

There are only dull and dry eyes, looking strangely at this upside-down world.


Ye Feifei stood blankly for a while, then turned around and covered his mouth.

Wei Wei calmed down, held his breath, and walked in at a slower pace.

Inside the room, Captain Ouyang was squatting in front of the bed full of animal carcasses in the bedroom, pondering while sketching on the paper.

"A serious man is so handsome..."

Wei Wei couldn't help thinking in his heart. He didn't dare to disturb loudly. He deliberately cleared his throat and said softly:

"Captain, we're here."


"Huh? Oh oh."

Captain Ouyang hurriedly stood up, stuffed the lottery newspaper full of marks into his arms, and smoothed his hair.

Her hair was straightened out, and her whole person immediately looked stable and serious, with a great leadership style.

It was the mark he saw in that glance that made Wei Wei a little confused.

I couldn't help but praise: the captain is the captain, in such a dark and terrifying place, there is still a lottery to study...