MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 301 Greatest Summoning Altar

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Latest URL: People who live inside the barrier of the mind sometimes forget the wilderness, full of strange creatures and crazy kind.

It has to be said that the mental barrier is a successful plan.

When the Church of the Twelve Gods was expelled and the whole world was in chaos and desolation, the foundation united the administrative department and major financial groups to promote the spiritual barrier plan, creating countless super cities with a population of more than 10 million, and even some over 100 million , and then in these cities, through some hidden forces, use the

The spirit and will of countless people built this city wall that can resist the power of demons.

When the spiritual barrier is built, even some totem powers can no longer invade the spiritual barrier at will.

Because this level of spiritual power and strategic construction is itself built on the basis of fighting against real demons.

Before the demons really come to reality, the spiritual barrier itself means that there is no opponent.

It's just that this situation has lasted for so long that all the people inside the spiritual barrier have become accustomed to it, so when the accident happened, they were caught off guard.

Something weird is happening.

In the very beginning, there were super large farms that supplied food for more than a dozen cities in the two large regions. Suddenly, they were eroded by insect pests. Why did the farm suddenly suffer from this seemingly unreasonable pest infestation, and the technicians and researchers who managed the farm failed to come up with effective countermeasures in the first place.

— time, the red lights came on, the food stockpiles sounded the alarm.

Later, there was another river embankment that was built in a super big city with spiritual barriers. Suddenly, because of a sudden black rainstorm, the river flooded and poured into the city.

In some areas, earthquakes occurred in succession, and giant beasts turned over, shaking the cities built on it and destroying countless buildings.

When we were anxious, there was a volcano that had been quiet for a long time, and suddenly there was a monitoring warning. The two super cities that were very close to the volcano were seriously threatened. Disasters continued one after another, and finally a large-scale information explosion spread , the residents inside the spiritual barrier began to become anxious all day long.

The core of the spiritual barrier, the building of the super large domain, was built with countless painstaking efforts and money. It has a strong ability to deal with disasters. Too much impact, but now, successive disasters, coupled with a large number of uncontrollable factors, have finally led to the spread of incalculable panic.

So, naturally, it doesn't even look like there is any guidance.

In the defense lines of the three cities and in the major super cities, the phenomenon of preaching gods and leading believers appeared.

In the past, any act of preaching miracles inside the spiritual barrier was a felony, but now, when people are panicking, no one cares about it.

In the super city that can be said to have almost no believers, countless religious groups and believers have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and the number has exploded exponentially.

The twelve gods who were expelled and deliberately forgotten thirty years ago, at this moment, seem to be reborn and worshiped by people.



"What a great deal..."

And in the chaotic city where various disasters continued and believers appeared, an old man holding a book with a red cover in his arms walked slowly across the street.

At this moment, he did not use demon power to cover up his figure, or in other words, it was not necessary at all. Just a few months ago, a person like him with obvious clergy characteristics was walking in the city, still He will be questioned, but now, there are priests like him everywhere, and he will only get some awe when he walks on the street, and even the subconsciously friendly eyes of homeless children.

His eyes were full of appreciation, and he borrowed the red book in his hand with emotion: "This is what the devil should look like."

"It was disaster that caused all this


The red book exudes its own will, deep and mysterious, but faintly gives people a newborn curiosity: "Its authority is easy to do these things, but I still don't understand..."

"...why does it do this?"

"Even if it brings disaster to the mental barrier, it doesn't seem to be able to help that person..."


"You haven't learned to see the future."

Father An smiled softly, and said: "The Spiritual Barrier Project is a great plan, and it was even called perfect at one time. Unfortunately, the strength and perfection of the Spiritual Barrier does not represent the strength and perfection of the Foundation. After all, they are human beings, so they made a lot of mistakes. Before that, they were known as the biggest fools in the world. For this reason, they learned to shut up and not intervene in the consortium incident."

“But what they don’t realize is that sometimes doing nothing is just as wrong.”

"Calamity only needs an opportunity, an opportunity where the spiritual barrier is pure and not activated, and it can dilute its own power into the entire spiritual barrier."


As he spoke, he raised his head and looked forward. He could see two groups of people gathered in different places, and there were missionaries passionately promoting their ideas. However, they attracted more and more people. Gradually, conflicts emerged, and both sides became more and more angry.

"It just needs to influence the world with its own power, and disaster will come."

Father An smiled and said, "And this is just the beginning."

"The emergence of disasters creates panic in people's hearts. People always subconsciously want to grasp something, and always place their hopes on the unknown in the dark. Therefore, various missionary groups have soil, and they are in deep sleep. Awakened in the middle of the world, and the world of panic brings people a sense of insecurity, hatred and hatred, conflict and disease, life is lost, death begins to come uncontrollably, and war is stimulated... "


He was silent at first, and then announced in a low voice: "The spiritual barrier is being eroded by disaster, and it is even powerless to resist."

"I think the foundation must have never thought that the spiritual barriers that I have worked so **** will be broken in this way."

"They originally thought that the spiritual barrier ushered in a confrontation with the devil, but in the end, it started from the inside and could not be stopped."

"Look, in just one month, the strength of the mental barrier has been weakened by 30%..."


"The followers of the Twelve Gods are being awakened."

The book with a red cover also realized the seriousness of the problem, and said in a deep voice, "But, what is the purpose of Calamity doing this?"

Once the whole world was full of believers of the Twelve Gods, and after the church of the Twelve Gods was expelled and the spiritual barrier was established, these believers have been forced to give up their beliefs and become "people of the curse" living inside the spiritual barrier. However, everyone understands that the believers of the Twelve Gods have not disappeared, but have fallen asleep and want to wake up the huge number of believers. The method is surprisingly simple...

 … All it takes is a disaster.

However, the red-covered book borrowed the nascent will inside to understand this matter, but did not understand it.

Why wake up these believers?

"This is what I admire about Calamity..."

Father An sighed softly, and said: "When she is willing to stand with other gods, she will not hesitate to kill Scarlet herself."

"But when she decided to stand with Scarlet, she didn't hesitate to use this extreme method..."

"...Forcibly pulling the Eleven Gods into reality!"


"Forcibly pulled into reality?"

Hearing these words, even the will in the red book was taken aback. Only then did he finally understand what Calamity did.

"All believers are

The foundation of the gods, like the marionettes of the gods, has almost lost its own body.

Father An said in a deep voice: "However, when the believer's mind is strong enough, it can also affect the gods. The twelve gods were willing to give up the believer before and watched the spiritual barrier build, because they did not want to fight against Scarlet, because, Once their wills are erased, perhaps new corresponding gods will be born, but what will be born again is no longer their own will..."

"Not every **** has the ability to renew itself again and again like Scarlet."

"However, Calamity also clearly understands this. She knows that the Eleven Gods are not willing to return to reality until Scarlet is denied, so she used this method. With the hands of the consortium and the expectations of the Eleven Gods, she The first one came to reality, and then immediately polluted the spiritual barrier with her own power, and the next moment, what she will do is to wake up the frighteningly large number of **** believers in the spiritual barrier."

"At that time, the entire spiritual barrier became the most powerful summoning altar in history."

"At that time, whether it is a **** or a demon, they will be powerless to resist such a summoning power, and they will be forcibly brought into reality to meet Scarlet!"



The wills in the book were a little terrified because of this: "The consequences of doing this will be very serious..."

"Calamity doesn't even care about its own existence, so how can it care about the consequences?"

But Father An just sneered, and said, "Many times, I feel that calamity is actually crazier than scarlet!"

"What about the Foundation?"

The will in the book couldn't help asking: "Could the foundation just sit back and watch the spiritual barriers be eroded, and sit back and watch the real devil appear in reality?"

"The foundation has big ambitions."

Father An sighed lowly, and said: "At first I thought the Foundation was caught off guard and kept silent until the reality, but now I have changed my mind a bit. After this chaos, the Foundation seems not to focus on Focusing on cleaning up and chasing those sects, but secretly operating other things, every arrangement is to prevent the birth of the Scarlet Eighth Rank.”

"So short-sighted?"

"not necessarily."

Father An smiled and said: "I never want to underestimate the foundation that represents the most rational group in the world, and I prefer to believe that they also have other ideas. Over the years, if you look carefully, the foundation has not eliminated homelessness. The church did not expand its spiritual barriers, nor did it guide the Church of Order in the right direction, it just built countless useless churches of faceless people, just looking for me... ".

"They acted too stupidly, and every move was too easy to guess, which made me a little uneasy..."

"Where is that person?"

I don't know how to describe the will in the red book, but I asked carefully.

At this time, it seemed a little scared, and didn't even dare to call Wei Wei's name directly, as if he was worried that he would notice if he mentioned his name.

"His plan has already begun."

Father An sighed softly: "It's just that we can only see that he is using his power to influence those consortiums, making them use all their energy to help the disaster..."

"It's ridiculous to say that, the foundation is carrying out its own plan amidst continuous disasters, but the devil is saving people..."

"It's a pity, whether he did this simply because he didn't want to see the disaster happen, or whether he had other purposes, but even I can't understand it."


Father An sighed softly: "If it is said that every step of the foundation is because it is too predictable, it makes me feel a little uneasy.

"Then scarlet, every step, it's hard for me to guess."


"It shouldn't be!"

red seal

Pi's book questioned in a low voice: "He was cultivated by you, how could you let him lose control?"

"It's been doomed since I couldn't stop him from turning back."

Father An was very calm, and said with a smile: "He has brought humanity to the seventh level, and I can no longer predict it accurately. I can calculate every step Scarlet will take, but he retains humanity. It also retains a lot of unknowns, but the advantage is that the actions of the Foundation are predictable, and its goals are also very clear to us, which can ensure the smooth realization of all plans.”

"It doesn't matter which way you go and what form you take."

"Being able to meet at the end is the key."



"Are you coming back soon?"

At the same time in the Iron City, Wei Wei was standing on the balcony, drying the freshly washed underwear on the clothesline. UU Reading

There is no way, the manpower of my white ghost team is still too useless, Mr. Dong was sent to the consortium to help with disaster relief, and Sensen has already gone to the wilderness instead of him. Yuan Guaizi learned of his plan After that, he was so scared that he ran all night, and now he is being hanged up and beaten. As for some arrangements about the secret battlefield, a head pendant was sent to it, and the ghostly lady followed it to help deal with it.

As a result, I can only wash my underwear with my own hands now.

And as he hung up two grinning SpongeBob SquarePants on the clothesline, he glanced at the sky.

Overcast and cloudy, it seems that some roaring will can be seen vaguely.

He suddenly laughed, and laughed very happily: "Calamity is really a crazy monster, those guys are about to fall down reluctantly..."

In the room, the scarlet sickle was placed in front of the table covered with white cloth, and its bewitching edge seemed to carry a deep longing.

It's time, when the underwear is dry, it's time to kill God! Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.