MTL - Crimson Comes-Chapter 303 Both sides are cages

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The latest website: The chaos and natural disasters caused by disasters in the spiritual barrier are continuing. Every second, more power is brewing.

With the passage of time, a huge natural summoning circle has gradually taken shape.

And the coming date of the Eleven Gods is getting closer.

Under such circumstances, the only thing that can stop or delay this moment is the foundation. If the foundation is willing to do its best to play the role of a spiritual barrier and use all the resources it can use, there is hope that the power of disaster The influence brought about by it is eliminated, and the spiritual barrier is returned to the original stability and cleanliness. However, it is obvious that the foundation has not done this, and is even promoting this process.

Scarlet tried to do something, but was quickly stopped by the Foundation.

As if watching a building about to collapse, the Foundation, which is most capable of supporting the building, watched coldly, and even exerted strength elsewhere, while Scarlet tried to help, but the Foundation, out of fear that Scarlet would lose the building in the process of supporting it. According to his own thoughts, he spared no effort to snipe all of Scarlet's attempts. Therefore, no one can stop the arrival of this last moment, and it must have become a foregone conclusion.

Many absurd and ridiculous things are done out of this rational consideration.

So at this moment, no one tried to stop the arrival of the Eleven Gods, but began to count the time when the critical point arrived.

This world, which has feared the Twelve Devils for thirty years, has changed its attitude overnight, and everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the Twelve Devils.



And when the whole world is waiting for the critical point to come, there are also some more key figures, but they are looking at the scrap iron city.

Sensen returned to the scrap iron city. In the name of Wei Wei's envoy, she went to the wilderness, used the chaotic wilderness as a nourishing body, and built a powerful army. Stealing, facing such a huge setback, after Sensen came back, he just confessed to Wei Wei very plainly, and then Wei Wei just replied very calmly: "Oh."

Afterwards, Dong's grandparents also came back. They were extremely sad, and cried to Wei Wei: "I didn't get any good..."

"There is still a problem with the credit investigation, how can I get a loan in the future..."


Wei Wei reassured him a little, and suggested: "As far as the benefits you reaped before the consortium collapsed, opening a bank by yourself is more than enough, right?"

Dong's grandson suddenly realized: "That's right, what's the problem with opening a bank by yourself and borrowing money from your own bank?"

Afterwards, Yuan Guaizi, who was hanged and beaten, also showed his face. He sat in a wheelchair and worked diligently around the scrap iron city. He seemed to be very active in his work.

Through his intelligence network, he has indeed helped Wei Wei collect a large amount of information.

Of course, the value of this information is even less than what Wei Wei saw directly with a blink of an eye.

But Wei Wei didn't say clearly, you can't dispel people's enthusiasm for work, can you?

However, all these people came back, but the head pendant and the ghostly lady, who were closest to Wei Wei and valued by him the most, did not come back.

They were taken into custody by the Foundation.

Although it was contained in a box made of gold and a bottle inlaid with rubies, it was also captured.

"The Foundation is already provoking."

Sensen said this very directly: "There is nothing to discuss about this matter. If you capture your bishop and grand knight, you are already blatantly declaring war on you." "

"The foundation has always acted like a person who can only deal with things passively, but they are always calculating how to get the most benefit from an incident, and this time is the same, every step they take , Every word you say seems to be worrying about the world and saving the world, but in the end, they are the one step ahead, announcing the start of this war to you... "


Said, her eyes

Looking sharply at Wei Wei: "What are you going to do?"

It seems that in her heart, she is not as calm as she appears on the surface, and she is still very angry about the Foundation's backstab.

Wei Wei, on the other hand, acted very relaxed, and said with a smile: "It's okay if you get caught, I'll pick them up after the limelight is over."


Sensen was a little annoyed by Wei Wei's gentle, even weak attitude, and said directly: "You said before that you will fight with the Eleven Gods when they come, is it a lie?"

Wei Wei was a little puzzled immediately, and said with a smile: "Of course not, why do you say that?"

Sensen said: "But every step of your current plan has been blocked. The confrontation you can't even do the preparations. How can you fight?"

"No matter what the preparations are, now it seems that the coming of the Eleven Gods is inevitable, isn't it?"

Wei Weidao: "Since their arrival has become inevitable, no one can affect the arrival of this duel."

His words made everyone present fall into silence.

Old Dong, who was immersed in the joy of opening a bank, finally came to his senses, and said blankly: "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Tell you, we don't want to open a bank in a world without people..."

Wei Wei didn't answer, just looked at Dong Yaya with a smile, and said, "You are the devil of fate, have you seen what will happen in the future?"

Dong Yaya was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "I can't see it."

"Maybe it's because my rank is too low..."

She tried to explain: "Anyway, it has been going on for a long time. I tried to look into the future, but all I saw was blood red."

Wei Wei was very satisfied with the result, and said with a smile: "Then just wait!"



"Maybe it's because I'm in too deep. I haven't seen the future for a long time."

At the same time, Father An, who has been wandering among the broken spiritual barriers, observing and calculating the arrival of the critical point, also shook his head slightly when faced with the question from the Scarlet Book, and replied: "The devil of fate can only stay away from fate." , Only then can we see our destiny clearly. But I have fallen too deep in this matter, occasionally looking up to the future, all I can see is the blood red falling from the sky..."

"You who watched the plan from beginning to end, and in the end, let the plan completely get out of control?"

The Scarlet Book asked somewhat incomprehensibly: "I really don't understand, if you can't see anything now, as a demon of fate, how can you make fate come to a definite end.

"I can't help it. If the fate is as clear as the palm prints, then the fate demon has already become the only one."

Father An sighed: "For example, now, I can't guess what that child did. Now if I were to bet according to realistic conditions, I would also bet on the Foundation to win the final battle."

"Now, the arrival of the critical point is getting closer."

He looked up at the gloomy sky, and his voice was a little low: "The most disturbing thing now is the Kingdom of Heaven where the Foundation and the Wandering Church have retreated. Neither of them will let go of this opportunity, and the biggest factor that may affect the result in the end is the child who came down from the garbage mountain, and his choice is the key to everything.”

"However, neither the Foundation nor the Kingdom of Heaven want to see his choice."

"If he chooses one, the Foundation will stop him at all costs. If he chooses zero, Heaven will stop him at all costs."



His gaze seemed to have passed through layers of cities and chaotic crowds at this moment, and looked towards the edge of the distant spiritual barrier, the dilapidated small town on the edge.

"The Foundation's Soaring Snake Team has set off and is about to reach the edge of the Iron City."

"And the kingdom of heaven,

The last condition threatened the White Ghost Knights. "

"It should be admitted that both of them were intelligent, and both chose to target Scarlet's humanity as a final offensive weakness."

"It's a pity..."

I couldn't help shaking my head and sighing: "If Scarlet listened to me and didn't choose to turn back, but became a symbol of the desperate, then his advantage now should be much greater than it is now."

The red book couldn't help asking: "Then do you think he will choose one or zero?"

"Leaving aside his essence..."

Father An laughed softly, shook his head and said, "Either he needs to kill his classmates, or kill the white ghost."

"Both left and right are cages. If it's you, how should you choose?"



Even Father An couldn't guess how Wei Wei would choose, and the instructors and students who were ordered to come to the scrap iron city obviously didn't know what the result would be.

When their team arrived at the edge of the scrap iron city, they all looked up at the city at the same time. Instructor Teng Snake wore a black top hat on his head, but his body transformed into a fierce man in camouflage. After lighting up the cigar, he squinted his eyes to look at the dilapidated streets of the scrap iron city, and the tall mine machinery in the distance. He clicked his tongue and said, "This kid has been living here for several years?

"It stands to reason that you should be the first to know about this."

Compared to it, the black cat, the old crow, the spider and others all knew about it a long time ago. They glanced at it and said, "Didn't you send him back then?"

“The more I thought about it, the more problematic I was.”

Instructor Teng Snake said: "At first, I felt that the Foundation promised him to come back. I was still wondering if the Foundation would send someone to kill him halfway, so I came here to **** him all the way, but I didn't get to the place. He ran away in anger, now..." He shook his head, couldn't help but said: "I knew it would be like this, maybe, I shouldn't have accompanied him for such a trip... ..."

"Or in other words, just sneak him out halfway, and just go into the grass next to it."


All the students listened, stunned for a long time, and nodded at the same time: "Yes, yes, yes..."

"You did this at the time, we don't have to be so entangled now, we just need to kill you to avenge him..."


Amidst the sighs, the white bat walked towards the scrap iron city first, and said: "It's too late to regret it now, let's go in and meet first before we talk!"

"Although it is possible for us to kill him this time, or be killed by him, but..."


He hesitated for a moment, and was a little uncertain: "For the sake of so many years of relationship, he will treat us to dinner anyway, right?"



At the same time, on the east side of the scrap iron city, on the side that is close to the vast wilderness, the figures of captain Ouyang and others have also appeared before the checkpoint entering the scrap iron city. The gap in the barbed wire fence on the side of the iron city entered the city, but unexpectedly, Captain Ouyang waved his hand this time, looked at the checkpoint in front of him, and said: "There is no need to detour, this time you can directly register in!"


Everyone suddenly found it difficult to understand: "We used to be upright and upright magistrates, and every time we took the path."

"This time we came back with the order of the Wandering Church, so we have betrayed the Foundation, and you are going to go the right way instead?"


"If you have been sneaking around for a lifetime, if you don't try to walk through the front door, who knows if you will have a chance in the future?"

Captain Ouyang's expression couldn't tell whether it was serious or sighing, he twisted the accelerator and walked towards the checkpoint, saying: "Let's go, since we have no choice, we should meet or meet."



When the two parties entered each other from the other end of the city, they walked towards Fifteenth Street.

I don't know if their hearts are too heavy, or the scrap iron city has sensed some kind of entangled emotions, even the weather is gloomy and terrible. After they entered the scrap iron city, they found that compared to the chaos in other places, the scrap iron city Tiecheng was unexpectedly quiet, but some kind of demon power condensed to the essence, cutting the air layer by layer, making everything here seem somewhat unreal.

One side is very familiar with this place, and the other side has a clear goal, and their progress is not slow.

But when they were about to approach Fifteenth Street, they couldn't help but feel a strong pressure, which made everyone feel heavy.

"It seems that he is also in a complicated mood."

The spider sensed the painful and heavy emotion, and he was smiling, but his expression was even more gloomy, and said: "It shows that he still has a little conscience."

"But the hostility is also obvious."

White Bat whispered: "It is certain, he does not intend to back down."

Everyone knew that if Wei Wei did not choose to give in, what would be the final result.

But at this point, they can only bite the bullet and move forward.

Finally, no matter how slow the footsteps were at the last moment, the 15th block still appeared in front of them. Looking at the city in front of them with thick fog rising at some time, they felt that the first step was extremely heavy. It was so quiet that they could hear each other's heartbeats, but on the other side of the thick fog, the strong sense of vigilance and danger was already extremely strong and clear, which also made them nervous.

Not only was someone holding the handle of the gun, but even Captain Soaring Snake's body was slowly twisted and elongated, revealing a ferocious snake body.

Until, the distance between the two sides was extremely close, and they suddenly saw each other's faces, and their expressions froze immediately.

They did see the tense and dangerous existence, and also felt the entanglement and heavy breath emanating from each other.

But, not Wei Wei.

The Teng Snake Team saw Captain Ouyang riding a sidecar motorcycle, and the first thing the White Ghost Knights saw was a black python with a black top hat on its head.

A group of big eyes stared at each other, and no one spoke for a long time.

The white ghost riders and the Teng Snake team met in front of the dilapidated apartment building in the 15th block. Many people on both sides had met each other and guessed the purpose of the other party's visit, so they couldn't help but feel embarrassed.



Just as the two of them were embarrassed by this misunderstanding, and UU Reading was hesitating whether to speak, suddenly there was a flute sound.

I saw another alley, Wei Wei rode an electric scooter, and drove Ye Feifei over. Ye Feifei was still holding a bag of vegetables in his arms, and his feet dangled.


Seeing the two groups of people who met in front of the fifteenth block gate, Wei Wei stopped the car with a smile, pulled out his legs from the front, and stood on the ground. Ye Feifei in the back seat also collapsed, holding her dog worth a few dollars. The 100,000 bag, and all kinds of meat and vegetables in the bag, she was a little happy when she saw Captain Ouyang and others, but she felt the chilling atmosphere in the field, but swallowed the words that came to her lips down.

"It's almost time for you to arrive."

Wei Wei raised his head to greet everyone with a smile, and said, "Let's go, we just got back from shopping, let's go up to eat together." Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.