MTL - Crossing Over to the Dragon Ball World-v32 Chapter 70 Interlocking

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Because of Nuwa's fate, Zi Xuan gave birth to Qing'er unexpectedly. As Qing'er grows, she will become more and more old and weak until she dies.

Therefore, Zi Xuan, who knew her fate for a long time, had the cheerfulness and generosity of the Miao people, and she did not dare to express her thoughts to Monkey King.

Now that there is no worries about her, she who dared to love and hate, immediately showed her own thoughts.

"Wow" Xue Jian was stunned by Zi Xuan's sudden bold move, and then pursed her mouth full of dissatisfaction.

The nightshade couldn't stand it, exploding the red spiritual power again, transformed into a red sunflower, and then walked angrily to separate the two arbitrarily: "You guys on the street, give me enough!"

Zi Xuan was not ashamed of this, but smiled slightly: "It seems someone is jealous."

"Who, who is jealous!" Xue Jian immediately retorted loudly as if someone stepped on his tail.

Monkey King looked at a few people with a smile on his face. Sister Xingxing’s voice suddenly sounded in his head: "Wukong, how are you recovering from your injury now?" The voice was a bit intermittent, and it seemed to be lack of breath.

Sun Wukong frowned slightly: "It's good enough, are you hurt?"

"There was an accident on my side. While I was persuading'Han', I suddenly ran into a multi-dimensional master named'Mo' in the middle. Her strength was very strong. I suffered a loss in the battle with her. "

When Sun Wukong heard this, he couldn't help being surprised: "There are still multiple world masters who can make you suffer?"

"I am also very surprised. That guy's strength is still higher than mine, and even holds some of the power of'unbounded'. I guess she may be the multiple world lord who survived the last dimensional world, because she is not me. Any known master of pluralism."

"It's incredible, she can hide so deeply. If you haven't erased the mark of my life before, with your blessing, I have the confidence to take her down. Now she is indeed better than me."

"It turned out to be a multi-dimensional world master who has mastered some of the power of'Unbounded'?" Monkey King frowned slightly, his face became extremely serious: "Is that guy a man or a woman?"

Hearing this, he was very angry immediately: "When is it, do you still want this?"

"Please, am I that serious? I'm asking you this question very seriously."

Piao immediately rolled his eyes, with an expression that I believe you are a ghost, and said angrily: "Girl, it's still very beautiful, very beautiful kind!"

"Women? That makes sense." Sun Wukong said with a serious face, "It seems that she has something to do with Yuansheng."

Pianji nodded in agreement: "I also think that she can control the power of'unbounded', which must be bestowed by Yuansheng, and it can only be explained by this. It is impossible for ordinary multi-dimensional masters to master the power of unbounded I have your blessings, but I can't do it."

"Unexpectedly, this Yuansheng still has a back hand." Sun Wukong's complexion became extremely ugly. This Yuansheng, who was obviously sealed by himself, brought him extremely headache troubles from time to time: "You and that 'Mo' clashes, is she also cooperating with other pluralistic world masters?"

"Yes, and that'cold' has been moved by her."

"Cut this old immortal!" Sun Wukong immediately cursed: "No wonder he can be sealed by me with peace of mind. Fuck, can this ring be safer?" "Big Brother Wukong, what's the matter?" Zi Xuan and the others suddenly heard Sun Wukong's ugly curses, both of them looked inexplicable. What happened? Why are you angry suddenly?

Monkey King looked at Zi Xuan and the others, with a serious expression: "I have to leave for a while to do something." He said, flipping a jade card with one hand and handing Zi Xuan a jade card: "This jade card can open the gods. After Ming Feng’s memorial service is over, go back to the God Realm. It’s safer there."

Xue Xue saw and said, "Ah? Brother Wukong is leaving? Can't you take us with you?"

"No, it's dangerous. It's safer for you to stay here." Monkey King looked serious.

"Will it take a long time?" Zi Xuan didn't ask much, but her face was full of worry, because she had faintly guessed that Sun Wukong had been healing in the God Realm before, and this hurried departure must be related to this matter.

"It won't take long, but because the time ratio between the two is different, I am afraid it will take a long time. So you'd better go to the God Realm. If you stay in the Human Realm, it might be decades or hundreds of years."

Zi Xuan nodded clearly, and asked with concern: "Is it dangerous?"

Monkey King shook his head with a smile.

Zi Xuan and the others finally felt relieved when they met: "Go early and return early."

Monkey King hugged them one by one and bid farewell, and with a wave of his hand, the door of the dimension flashed, stepped into it, and disappeared in a flash.

Zi Xuan and the others looked at the place where Monkey King had disappeared, and they were full of dismay, and they didn't know when Monkey King would come back.

In the luxurious pavilion, Piao was lying on the couch with a weak face, and her girlfriend's "yu" was continuously consuming her own source to heal her injuries.

Colorful rays of light flickered behind the two of them, and Monkey King walked out of the door of the dimension, looking at the pale and feeble face lying on the couch, hurriedly ran over, with a distressed look on his face: "All hurt. In this case, you said you just suffered a bit?"

Looking at the caring look of Monkey King, a smile on his face: "Don't look at me like this, that guy wouldn't be so good to take it. If it weren't for the end of the attack by her'unbounded source force', I Can't lose."

"Don't be aggressive, it's important to heal your injuries." Monkey King said, and a princess hugged him up.

"Heal the wound, why are you holding me? Is it because I am weak now and want to eat my tofu?"

"You think too much, it's purely just healing." Sun Wukong's seriousness: "But I think your injury is so serious, the general method is not feasible, so I will not use double repair to heal you. Right."

鈊 immediately rolled his eyes: "Do you want to nod your face? Put me down quickly."

"Just let it go, can you stop being so tight?"

"Who is tight? You have affected my old lady's injury. Be gentle with me."

"Yu" watched the two enter the house flirtingly, and then closed the door with a bang, and immediately screamed with contempt. She was a little unprepared to eat this sudden dog food.

Then it suddenly occurred that the good girlfriend who has been a good friend has now taken off her order. Will the dog food in the future feed her to death? Alas, the most painful thing in the world is this, full of depression, turned and left the pavilion.

(Ps: I'm a bit busy these days, I will make up for yesterday's interruption when I am not busy.)..