MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 896

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This is what Yuxiong said, and the gods nodded, especially the **** of war. They were even frowning and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, He sighed and said, "I really don't understand, this jellyfish, where did you come from this kind of knowledge? I have studied it for so many years, it is better to think about it for a while... What did you do before in the sea? Ah?"

His words are laughter, some playful, and the jokes are more than the complaints.

Therefore, Xiongxiong also jokingly replied: "I used to be in the sea? I concentrated on retreating. The door is not two doors, except cultivation or cultivation: one hundred push-ups per day, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred deep squats. Long-distance running for ten kilometers... Finally, as you have seen, I am bald and stronger."

Unfortunately, there is no comic in this world, and the gods cannot understand his jokes.

Yan Xiong didn't mind, and laughed at it twice, and gave himself a secret to bypass the topic. Then he talked about business again – about which side of the war should be supported in the war between humans and orcs.

"Since the war itself does not promote development, then of course it should stop the war." The goddess of joy said.

Yan Xiong nodded, this thing is basically plain and clear, there is nothing to consider.

But at this moment, Vieira, the **** of pleasure, suddenly said: "I want to say something...not to be my identity, but to tell a friend. You don't have to ask which friend, I will not tell. general, it’s just a retelling."

When he was a little bit savvy, he guessed the identity of the "friend". He suddenly looked at him and looked at him seriously.

Ville naturally knows that the identity of the "friend" is actually not enough for everyone, but since he insists on not saying, others are not good at punctuating - between gods and gods, as long as it is not an enemy, always pay attention to a polite .

"My friend said that the best way to stop the war is not to force two aggressive populations to live in peace, but to separate them and block them in distant space, no longer bordering each other, to truly achieve peace."

The gods thought for a while and nodded.

Although the position of this "friend" is a bit problematic, his statement is not wrong. If you want to live in peace between the two overbearing powers, the most reliable way is to separate them and only meet them occasionally.

If it is a gentle personality, such as the void mask, he certainly does not mind being friendly with other powerful people. But if it is the habit that prevails, it is always necessary for others to move to his type. If the two meet together, it may be better in a short time. If the time is long, it must be played.

Before Yuxiong crossed, he read a famous saying on the Internet: a mountain can not accommodate two tigers, except one male and one female.

Humans and orcs are equivalent to two tigers. The main plane is a mountain that is not big enough. If the two tigers are male and female, they may still be safe, but the two tigers are all public, but also Very violent.

The results are naturally imaginable, they will definitely fight.

Yuxiong was silent for a while and asked: "If I have to stop this war?"

"That is nothing more than letting both sides prepare for a longer period of time and prepare more fully. It will be even more fierce when it is played." Vier probably got the answer from the "friend" and did not hesitate to answer.

Yan Xiong frowned. This time, after a little longer, he asked: "So I continue to stop it?"

"You always have a lot of time, no time and no energy to stop it." Vier replied.

"Maybe I will always have time." Yan Xiong said.

"There is nothing more than to let the war look like a different battle. It is not a big battle of two races. It is a piecemeal and constant small-scale war, accompanied by economic struggles." This time Viye was silent for a while, so he answered. "Perhaps at first glance, it will not flow through the wild blood like a biennial battle, but if it is actually calculated, I am afraid that the number of people who die, and therefore the innocent victims will be more."

Viyer paused and continued: "The friend asked the **** of war to make an estimate. If humans and orcs are now decisive, how many people will die? And over the years, the two sides have been fighting and killing, and they are dead. how many people?"

He said that he looked to the **** of war, Winner.

The **** of war naturally knows who the "friend" is. He nods and uses the power of the priesthood to read the information from the world's source and interpret it.

Then, his face showed a little shock.

"I think, the **** of war should have reached a conclusion? The specific figures need not be said, tell us which one is more," said Vier.

Winner sighed: "The latter is more, and much more, overwhelming."

He thought about it and added: "In fact, as long as humans and orcs continue to fight for three hundred years, the deaths and injuries will exceed the current battle. If you continue to fight for a thousand years, the number will be this big. The battle is nearly four times. And this is still deducting the kind of war that may happen on the day of 'sun extinguishing'. If there is only one such war in this millennium, the final number will exceed four times."

The gods are all silent, do not know what to say.

"This is actually the same as a person who has been injured and the wound is purulent. Is it chosen to cut the wound and pus? Or choose to cover up the wound?" Viyer continued. "Of course, with the ability of a false mask, maybe Cover the wound well, no one can see it, but in any case, you can't cure the wound. Isn't it?"

"Since you can't cure it, why not change it? If it is painful, this method is at least effective."

Xiongxiong was silent and did not speak for a long time.

Of course, he can stubbornly say, "As long as you don't fight, how can you be good?" But what does that mean?

The dispute between humans and orcs must be divided into high and low. Not to mention that humans and orcs are different in appearance and social form. Even if the neighbors of the same kind on the earth do not always have to fail, can they be truly peaceful?

The attitude of this "friend" is plain and clear. Even if he does this war, he will fight next time. Even if he has stopped the war, he will have to change his way to defeat the orcs.

Yan Xiong really couldn't think of any good way to convince this person. The most important thing is that even if he can convince the other party this time, he can't guarantee that the two sides will no longer have conflicts.

Perhaps... As the "friend" said, instead of letting the two sides have long-term hostility and continually stifling, it is better to let them have a good time and win the game. The winner stayed, the loser went far, and it was a hundred.

Long pain is worse than short pain!