MTL - Cthulhu Gonfalon-Chapter 920 ·Blood war (on)

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In the face of the orc's onslaught, humans could not help but suffer.

Although they have the upper hand in terms of strength, training, and equipment, the orcs have a lot of gods and blessings that are madly sprinkled by the gods. Almost everyone has at least one or two auxiliary spells in effect, and will immediately These advantages have been smoothed out.

When the hardware level is equal to each other, it is morale and command to decide the outcome of the war.

As for the "magic machine", there is really no room for play on the battlefield where millions of people are fighting for death.

It is the normal state of war that the narrow road meets the brave. Most of the so-called magical calculations are just the imagination of the writers.

For example, at this moment of the battle, in addition to all the strength and courage to fight the end, where is there any other way?

"Stop! Give me a hold!"

"With Lao Tzu, we have to fight the momentum of the beasts!"

"Is the man of the country of Thousand Springs still afraid of fighting? Come with me!"

"All kinds of things are used to the fullest! After you finish this, you won't need it anyway!"

"Mage try to disperse, don't let them accumulate too many auxiliary spells!"

In these roars, many people are shouting "priests" or "priests."

The priesthood has always been an important pillar of the battlefield casting system. Unlike the spells that need to consume their own mana, the gods are as long as the gods behind them, and the ability to cast spells is almost endless. Even if the total amount of spells exceeds the "safety value" that his own mana can support, it can still continue to "overload." As for the way of casting beyond the limit, will it cause damage to itself? If you don’t win, people will die. Do you think so much?

And there are many large-scale auxiliary spells in the magic spells. On the battlefield, this wide range of auxiliary spells is far more powerful than those of killing spells.

The spell is not invincible, and a killing spell is cast out and may be intercepted by the archers in the air. Especially in the case of these two races, unless they don’t care about their own casualties, they can directly use the "earthquake" and other large-scale killing spells, otherwise they will be like "chaos magic flame", "big collapse", " A powerful spell like a rock stone is almost impossible to hit an enemy position.

So in this kind of war, the confrontation between gain and dispersal is the most important stage for the casters.

This kind of confrontation, the magic is more advantageous than the spell.

So in general, in this type of assembly war, the spellcasters will be very active - just like the orcs, priests, shamans, priests... their magical spellcasters are desperately praying, Turn yourself into a channel connecting the gods and the human world, and continue to draw endless powers into a wide range of auxiliary spells, so that the orc warriors in front of the charge are colorful, just like wearing brilliance Armor in general.

But the situation on the human side is quite different. The casters of the spell system are doing their best to fight the spells of the orcs, but the casters of the gods are stunned and confused.

Of course they are also trying to pray, hoping to take power into spells. However, the sleek channel of divine power has become blurred at the moment. Although it can feel the existence of the gods, there is no way to draw the power of God.

This made them panic and didn't know what to do. In panic, they also had to continue to pray. It is not that they can rely on the power of prayer in the district to change the strange situation in front of them. Instead, they find that they can't do anything but pray.

This is the case with the magical spellcaster. Once there is a problem with the connection with the god, it will be immediately returned to its original shape and lose its ability to cast spells.

Seeing all this, the legendary powerhouses of the human side can't sit still.

They also have magical spellcasters, and naturally they know what is going on. Legendary powerhouses are not ordinary mortals. They often have some sources of intelligence outside the main plane. At this moment, many people know the big news of the orc gods. They face each other and they are also sultry to the orcs. I am deeply impressed.

When you start a war, you will collide with the kingdom of God. This kind of thing is crazy!

However, crazy people are often very powerful...

The battle between the gods, they can't help, the battle between the people, but at the moment it is suitable for them to shoot.

Then they greeted each other, and the legendary powerhouses rushed out and rushed forward.

The power of the legendary strongman is far beyond the ordinary people. They swing out of a sword, and the sword is at least a dozen meters away. No matter how many layers of defensive spells are covered by the enemy, no matter how heavy the armor is worn by the enemy, as long as Their own strength is not strong enough, they are directly on the spot, even the rescue is too late.

More than fifty legendary powers took the shot together, and suddenly they set off a hurricane. In just a few seconds, at least one or two thousand orc warriors died under their hands.

But the advantage they can break out is the first round.

The legendary powerhouses on the orc side saw the legendary strong man of humanity appear, and of course they immediately debuted and stopped them.

In terms of quantity, the legendary power of the orc side is indeed much less than the human side. Even with the reinforcements from other ethnic groups, there are only more than 30 people. More than 30 pairs of more than 50, obviously suffered losses.

However, if the battle mode is changed to try to defend and delay as much as possible, and drag the opponent as much as possible, then more than 30 to 50, but it is barely enough.

Anyway, as long as the legendary powers are dragged, the soldiers on the human side are completely unable to withstand the orc army with auxiliary spells.

In this way, the balance of victory will inevitably tilt toward the side of the orcs, and finally let them win a total victory.

At the rear of the human position, the "Brave Goddess" who personally fought as a commander watched the battlefield, silenced for a moment, and issued an order.

"Invest in the reserve team and stabilize the front."

This order is not brilliant, but for now, at least it is enough.

Humans of course immediately executed the order, and one after another reserve team rushed to the battlefield to replace the frontline troops that had suffered heavy morale declining.

Once these new forces entered the war, they immediately stabilized the battle. Even though the orcs have the help of spells, they can consume a lot of physical strength and body spells after fierce battles. In the face of the human reserve team, they no longer have the advantage.

The retreating human frontline troops were transferred to the rear military camp to repair, receive treatment and cultivate the body. Because of the adequacy of treatment items, they estimate that they can fully recover and re-enter the battle as long as they take another hour or two to rest.

Of course, during this time, they need to reorganize and restore the organizational structure. The troops that suffered heavy losses will be temporarily revoked and reorganized into a new army and returned to the battlefield.

At that time, they will use the sword in their hands to vent the anger that has just been crushed, and wash away the shame of defeating and retreating!