MTL - Cultivation Chat Group-Chapter 18 His hometown knows

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At the other end of the phone, a man pressed the phone, his face was indifferent, but the hand holding the phone was faintly trembling.

Sixty years later, he also knows that the original owner of the Ghost Lamp Temple is tyrannical and certainly will not die so easily. However, for sixty years, he felt that the original owner of Ghost Temple did not care about this place?

So he began to arrange, and tried to quietly break the seal on the side of the ‘Ghost Temple, and take away the things inside.

But I did not expect that, after all, someone came over.

"Damn!" The man gritted his teeth.


After coming out of the hotel, Shuhang and Yurouzi strolled around the Luoxin neighborhood.

The old people who got together and chatted did not meet, but they encountered something more interesting - five drunkards.

He did not encounter the plot of 'Beauty and Dangerous Waters' on the train. He did not expect to encounter a group of drunkards who had seen the sights after arriving at the Luoxin District.

It was a sparsely populated path. Five drunks swayed the road of Song Shuhang and Yurouzi. Five pairs of eyes were red and greedily stared at Yukoko.

The wine is brave and heroic, and it can also strengthen the courage. Under the stimulation of alcohol, it is not uncommon for people to do anything. Whether it's kissing a sow, biting a dog, or a dog rack, it's possible to do it.

The five drunks have never seen such a beautiful girl in their lifetime. Once they see Yukoko, their eyes can no longer be moved.

"Mom, this woman is beautiful like a fairy. If you let me get it, I will be willing to live for ten years!" This is their idea, so they are surrounded by drunkenness.

What are you afraid of? I can't go in and sit for a few years.

This is the pity that does not understand the law. They just vaguely listened to people when they brag, and forced the girl to go in and sit for a few years. But do they think it is still a few years ago? Or do you think it is India?

This year, the strong girl went in without a period of time, and the plot was a bit of peanuts.

Song Shuhang saw this scene crying and laughing. He moved to the lower bones and was ready to appear.

His fighting ability is good... Usually he can play three easily, not to mention the five thin drunks in front of him? Because of this, no one on the side of the school will beat his idea.

This kind of opponent, he can play ten alone!

Just as Song Shuhang was preparing to show his fists, there was a whistling wind in his ear.

Then he saw a pair of slender legs kicking out like lightning. When the legs were kicked in the air, they were like butterflies flying through the flowers. It was very beautiful. And it's not just good-looking, but power is even more terrifying. When the legs are pumped in the air, even a whistling whip sounds.

The five drunks screamed and flew out, madly snoring on the ground, and spit on the ground, and they were unconscious.

Fighting the streets? how long? One second? Or is it shorter!

Song Shuhang turned his head and saw the movement of Yurouzi to recover the long legs - cool and good!

Compared with Yukoko, his fist is really a three-legged cat.

Looking at the unseen drunks, Shuai’s mind remembered the bad guys in the street outside the school.

If, he said, suppose that if the fighting power that Yukoko had just demonstrated, it seems that it is possible to let the seven or eighty bad guys gather in the street in a short time.

However, at that time, Yukozi was still on the plane.

Is it really the Sujia A-16 in the group? Is it true that people in the group will really have the explosive power of the explosive watch?

"Don't kill people?" Song Shuhang was worried.

"Reassure the predecessors, I have a sense of proportion. Most of them let them stun for two days, they can wake up. This time is just right, three days, if you don't drink or eat, it is easy to have problems." Yu Rouzi replied.

This answer gives Song Shuhang a feeling of openness and sorrow - those stunned bad people have not woken up for a long time, will it not because of the ‘two days’ deadline?

"Let's go, seniors." Yurouzi smiled.

Song Shuhang nodded stiffly, a kind of chaos in his mind, and left the scene with Yukoko...


After the book sails and Yurouzi stay away, in the corner behind the path, a man walks to the five drunkards in a steady footstep.

"The drunkard is still too weak, and even the other party can't do it." The man sighed.

There was a black man behind the man who was half-squatting on the ground. Shen Sheng said: "The altar, do we need to send a few people to try it?"

"No, the five drunks are just ordinary people, so the other party will have a measure. If our people go up... the other party will not be merciful." The altar said, his people are not easy to cultivate, even if it is cultivated. It is a most common newcomer to train, and it costs more than one million dollars. It is not a casual consumable.

The woman just took the lesson to teach the five drunks, and she can already see her strength in the vague. The kind of broken whip legs and the strength of sending and receiving freely are definitely not the martial arts that can be done at the same level.

The other party is already a strong person who has gathered infuriating!

This is not the existence of his subordinates that can be countered.

And there is a ‘predecessor’ next to the woman who can’t even see the deep dive and the unpredictable strength.

The other party can easily use the various postures to destroy the elites he has cultivated. Even if he has more of his subordinates, it is not so wasteful.

To be honest, he was a little scared.

"Only waiting for an opportunity to act." The altar muttered.

In his heart, he has been desperate for more than half of the treasures in the Ghost Lamp Temple, but he still has a little bit of heart.

Yukoko and Song Shuhang also turned around in Luoxin Street for a long time, and also met the elderly in their fifties, but no one knows the Ghost Temple.

Song Shuhang felt a headache. He didn't expect to find a temple. He was so troublesome: "Yukoko, can you confirm that Ghosting Temple is in the Luoxin District of J City?"

"Absolutely here, and the name I have absolutely no mistakes, ghosts, lanterns!" Yukoko firmly said: "My mother brought me here when I was pregnant, but at that time I could only rely on The father's spells use the mind to observe the outside world, only remember the wooden Ghost Lamp Temple plaque."

In her words, the first half of the song, Song Shuhang, understood that the latter part of the sentence did not know where to go. My own and her thinking are not in a dimension.

"What special place is there near? Is it at the top of the mountain? The mountainside? Or is there a small river?" asked the book.

"It's not on the mountain, it should be flat. I can't remember the other ones." Yukoko is embarrassed.

"Is there any news from the Beihe seniors?"

Yukoko took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He said: "The Beihe seniors came up."

Jiuzhou No.1 group.

Beihe scattered people: "Yurouzi, have we found Ghost Temple?"

"Not yet, have the predecessors already had news?" Yukoko was delighted to enter the message.

"Sorry, I asked some of my fellow people here. Unfortunately, the people I know are in the eastern part of China. No one knows the news of the city of J." Beihe scattered people made another smile: "And, it just came a very tricky Guy, I am still entangled with me until now. I am afraid I will not be able to help."

"Nothing, you can only be busy with your predecessors." Yukozi laughed back.

When Shuhang saw the news, he suddenly felt that the Beihe was scattered... It was a man who could not rely on it. When he is not needed, he is online every second. When he really needs him, he will have an accident right away!

"Song predecessors, we rely on ourselves!" Yukozi held a small fist and made a refueling posture.

so cute! Song Shuhang did not know why, feeling that this woman who seems to be older than herself, but unexpectedly feels good.

During the talk, the glaring lights in front are lit up in rows. A row of colorful locomotives made a roar of 呜呜~~, and flew toward the book. Listening to this huge roar, you know that these locomotives have been remodeled.

"The car family? What age is this?" Song Shuhang muttered, pulling Yuzizi to the side of the street.

When I heard the words of the car owner, Yukoko’s eyes were bright: “Would you like to kill them?”

"Hey?" Song Shuhang did not understand.

"Isn't the car family supposed to be sent to prison? Stun them and send them to the prison!" Yu Rouge was screaming and eager to try.

"..." Girl, what I said is justified, I am speechless.

However, Yukoko did not shoot after all.

When the seven or eight locomotives passed by the book and others, one of them suddenly braked suddenly, and a beautiful rotation stopped back to the book carrier.

The motorcycle safety helmet opened, revealing a handsome face of the sword eyebrow star: "Book Air! How do you run here!"