MTL - Custom Made Demon King-Chapter 272 The secret of reversing death

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Although Arantier died, he left a mess for the coalition forces.

This ghost dragon named Rafalo, after losing the ruler of Alan Thiel, completely rebelled. After all, the memory in its soul has been recovered, out of jealousy for the living, and seeing the angel again After these former enemies, he turned around and started attacking the coalition forces, which immediately caused huge casualties to the coalition forces.

Although the undead creatures are much weaker than they were before they were alive, because the undead don't feel pain, they tend to take advantage in battles with the living, especially the breath of death they carry, which tends to Erosion and infection of the wounds of the living will lead to negative effects such as loss of vitality and so on.

Obviously, the breath of death on Rafalo was much stronger than that of most undead. When it swooped down from mid-air and smashed into the formation of the coalition's survivors, it immediately turned the coalition forces on their backs.

Rafalo directly resisted the fireballs and hailstones fired by the archmages. These low-level magic attacks cannot break through the death air defense on it. For the same reason, those The sharp sword that the Naga Snake Demon slashed at it was also ignored!

And it opened its big mouth in the crowd and bit it down, and it can kill dozens of archmages directly, and with a wave of its claws, it can catch a group of Naga snake monsters into dozens or hundreds of pieces.

Seeing this ghost dragon wreaking havoc in their formation, how could Eschael and the others let it go on like this? So they, a group of mage heroes, made a move, bolts of lightning kept falling, and a huge rock suddenly appeared in the sky and fell on his head. Rafalo's body was baptized by a large amount of attack magic in a short time again.

These magics naturally caused great damage to Rafalo. However, the strange thing is that although Rafalo roared again and again, he had no intention of rushing to fight Eschael and the others, even though his former enemy , those angel troops are not far in front of it, and it has no intention of rushing to hurt each other with the angels, but just keeps killing those archmages, naga snake demons and elf rangers.

Roy and the others also joined the battle at this time, but because the formation of the coalition forces had iron golems and gargoyles at the forefront, Roy and the others encountered these puppet creatures the first time they fought.

Julia Bainia and Giovanni were flying in mid-air, killing the flying gargoyles. Cassandra's undead army and Fat Tiger met the Iron Golem troop, and Fat Tiger rushed into the Iron Man The formation of golems scrambled around as the main attack, while Cassandra's undead assisted from the side. With the blessing of Roy's magic, these undead troops also displayed strong combat effectiveness.

For Roy, these lifeless puppet troops are boring to kill, but they have to be killed. The only good news is that because of the t-virus released by Roy, the goblins in the coalition forces are almost completely wiped out. Therefore, after these iron golems were destroyed on the battlefield, they were destroyed directly, and it was impossible to repair them and fight again.

Roy stretched out his palm, and a fork-shaped black lightning burst out from his palm, quickly turning into a black grid and blasting out, easily melting hundreds of iron golems in front of him, but this The trick is not very useful for those gargoyles, because of the material of the gargoyles, they are very weakly affected by lightning magic, almost none, so they can only rely on Julie and the others to kill them with physical attacks.

While killing the Iron Golem, Roy also released ice storms at the coalition troops in the distance from time to time, which can be regarded as helping Rafalo to share a little pressure. With such a useful meat shield to attract firepower, Roy can Can't let it hang too fast.

However, after a long time, Roy also felt a little confused, because that guy Rafalo seems to have persisted for too long!

Roy had fought against it before, and under the power of dragon slaying magic, Rafalo was beaten helplessly, but even after Arantier's death, Rafalo's suppression was lifted, and his strength increased again Some, it is impossible to be under the joint attack of many heroes for such a long time. It is impossible for the combined attacks of seven or eight heroes on the opposite side to be less powerful than Roy's fist attack, right?

Something was wrong, and Roy realized something was wrong, so he floated into the air to watch Rafalo's situation.

Seeing this, Roy immediately discovered the problem, because he saw that although Rafalo had a lot of scars from the magic all over his body, and his dark bones were full of cracks and fragments, it was strange. Yes, some... fascia appeared on its body! ?

These fascias, which appear on its wings and leg bones, are white, and it looks like spider webs are stuck to its body. If you don't observe carefully, you may not be able to find it.

Then contacting the scene where it kept attacking those archmages and Naga snake demons, Roy recalled it, summoned Cassandra, and asked her in a low voice: "Look carefully, look at Rafa Did the life force of the dead people around Luo be absorbed by Rafalo?"

Roy can't see the vitality, but Cassandra can. After all, Cassandra cultivates magic power by absorbing the vitality of the living. After receiving Roy's prompt, Cassandra observed it and nodded immediately: " Master, you are right, those who were killed, their remaining vitality is flowing towards Rafalo...very slowly, but continuously!"

"I see!" Roy narrowed his eyes and nodded slightly.

No wonder, when Rafalo proposed to join forces just now, he felt a little strange. He didn't expect that Rafalo actually came up with this idea secretly!

How strong was Rafalo during his lifetime? Roy doesn't know, but he does know that a black dragon who claims to be the son of Malasa and has lived for an unknown number of years, its original strength may not be inferior to that of a real demon lord. Possibly, but the problem is that it was found by Arantier after a long time after death, and it was resurrected. After becoming an undead dragon, even if he still has a soul, his strength must have dropped greatly.

Therefore, after its memory returned, the first thing Rafalo thought of was not revenge, but to find a way to restore his original strength.

If you want to restore your original strength, the best way is to find your own dragon body, so that you can carry its original huge power!

In the past, Rafalo may have been just a giant dragon that possessed the power of darkness, but after so many years in the dragon tomb, the breath of death condensed on it allowed it to master the power of death again, and now, it seems to be passing through these The power of death is used to deprive the living of the power of life and use it to transform one's own body!

Needless to say, this kind of secret method of living dead human bones must require a large number of living people to sacrifice. No wonder it ignores the attacks of those heroes and just concentrates on slaughtering those archmages and Naga snake demons, because this The two arms can be said to be the largest number of survivors in the current coalition army...

What appears now is just some fascia. Maybe after a while, blood vessels, muscles, and finally skin dragon scales will appear on its body. Until then, Rafalo will be able to reverse death and achieve the true meaning of death. Completely revived!

No one can say how powerful Rafalo will be after he actually obtains the body of the dragon...

"Master, do you want to stop it?" Cassandra asked a little worriedly: "Don't forget, you beat it hard before, the black dragon has always held grudges, and now we are working together to kill the enemy. But when it really recovers, it may have other thoughts..."

Of course, Roy understood what Cassandra meant. In fact, when Rafalo proposed to cooperate, Roy once thought that Rafalo was afraid of being beaten, so he was afraid. After all, under the blessing of Dragon Slayer Magic , Roy's attack was indeed quite powerful for Rafalo, but only when he realized Rafalo's real intention at this time, Roy realized that this guy joined forces with himself at the time, except he wanted someone who could take advantage of the opportunity In addition to the excuse of plundering the life force of the living, it may also be because the number of living people on Roy's side is too small, even if they rob the life force, they can't take much away.

In this way, it is better to attack the coalition forces with Roy and the others. With Roy and his group of demons, fallen angels and undead troops helping to share the firepower, Rafalo will not be wiped out as soon as he comes up...

"Hey, the abacus is really good..." After Roy figured it out, he couldn't help grinning sneer, and said to Cassandra: "No, let's continue to attack. If it wants to plunder vitality, let it plunder." , I believe not only we have seen it, but there are no fools on the coalition side. Besides, don’t you also need vitality to increase your magic power? You also **** as much as you can, take as much as you can from its mouth, I'd like to see how much it can steal under the watchful eyes of everyone..."

The number of coalition troops is actually not much. The group of goblins with the largest number has already been killed by Roy's t-virus. Puppet creatures cannot absorb vitality. That is to say, after absorbing the Archmage and Naga Snake Demon, Rafalo can only fight those Angel Titans and Green Dragons if he wants to gain more vitality. idea...

These high-level mythical creatures are the most powerful force of the coalition forces. Although they haven't moved yet, just looking at their numbers, even Roy finds it troublesome. Why don't we let Rafalo go and fight them first? …