MTL - Daddy Fantasy World Restaurant (A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World)-Chapter 2395 Acting is a bad habit

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  The formidable barrel, glowing with black and gold luster.

  Irina felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, and felt that she was locked in her energy and could not escape.

"Irina, help Sally take good care of our forest! Also, we must protect the goddess, that is the reincarnation of the goddess of life." The queen's voice sounded in Irina's ears, and the next moment, her feet A golden teleportation array lit up.

   "Mother Queen!" Irina was shocked, but a golden light flashed before her eyes, and people had appeared outside the formation a kilometer away.

   "This time, let us guard our forest and people." The queen looked at Helena and smiled.

   "Okay, I'll accompany you." Helena shook her hand, just like they had agreed on the vast battlefield eight hundred years ago.

  The two looked at the monster and raised the wizard staff and crystal ball in their hands.

"go to hell!"

  The monster roared angrily.

  Countless fire tongues spewed out from the barrel, turning into blazing fireballs and bombing in all directions.

  The Queen and Helena, who were the first to bear the brunt, received preferential treatment from the fire.

   "Back then, the old lady was here to beat the Demon race to life, you, a collection of ugly monsters, dare to scream here, it is really noisy!" The queen's indifferent voice sounded.

  A black hole suddenly appeared in front of dozens of fireballs flying towards them. The fireball was swallowed by the black hole before it exploded.

  Other fireballs fell on the golden barrier, the barrier fluctuated violently, the light became much dimmed, and the ground was even more scorched.

  The queen’s mage rod was pounded heavily by her, and the green light instantly covered the mage rod. The lower end began to take root, and the upper end began to sprout and branch.


  Under the ground, countless branches of vines suddenly emerged, like a big net, suddenly tightening towards the monster.

   "Small carving skills!"

  The monster waved its five arms, and the entangled vines were snapped off, but they were superior to the large number of vines, from bottom to top, in all directions, blocking the water around it, and the entangled vines tied it up like a mummy.

   "Burn it, useless vines."

   The monster's low voice sounded, and the vines tied to him began to burn, turning to ashes in a blink of an eye.

   But just when the light in front of his eyes was restored, a bright red crystal ball appeared in front of him less than one meter at some time.

  "This is?" the monster said.

  The crystal ball suddenly accelerated and rushed into his mouth instantly.

   "Star core, burst!"

   Helena shouted sharply.


   With a loud and deafening noise, the monster's right head was directly exploded into scrap iron, and the figure was also bounced for hundreds of meters, hitting the formation, and the two spider legs were deformed and twisted.

   "Damn woman, you're done!" the monster shouted grimly, disappearing in place.

"Be careful!"

  The queen instantly teleports the formation, wanting to teleport Helena away.

  But in the next instant, the monster appeared in front of her, with a spider's leg raised, like a death sickle, and it fell towards her.

   "Unexpectedly, I killed you first!" The face of the monster's last head was full of sly grin, and she seemed to have seen this noble woman beheaded by him.

  The head of the Elf Queen, this is a very good collection. If it is put on the black market, it should be able to sell for a good price, right? Just used to repair this damage.

   "Your Majesty!"

  Helena, who had already made a defensive posture, saw this scene, her face changed drastically, persevering in one after another to use the starry sky magic to the limit, she was already at the end of the force, unable to support at all.

   "Mother Queen!" Luna exclaimed, the wizard rod in her hand was already lit up, but it might be too late.

   "Your Majesty the Queen!"

  The elves watched this scene in horror. Her Majesty has fought to the limit, but she still can’t defeat the monster, and... will she still be killed by it now?

   "That beautiful fairy queen, will she die?" Amy asked in a low voice.

   "No, it must be late." Shiryl clenched her fists, nervous, but inexplicably confident.

   At this moment, a phantom cut through the space, passing by the moment the claws touched the queen.


  The sharp claws broke at the sound, and fell straight to the ground from the Queen’s front.

  The sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and there was a white mark in the air that had not disappeared for a long time.


  The monster was startled and looked at his severed claws in disbelief.

  The queen was stunned, her feet lit up and she appeared hundreds of meters away.

  Helena mentioned the heart of her throat, and it took a long time before she swallowed it back.

  People can see clearly that there is a black long sword floating in the sky. The epee has no edge, but it makes people feel that it is sharp!

   "Sword of Heaven!"

   "Alex is here!"

  Someone exclaimed, surprised and delighted.

   "I said, old lady, leave it to me here, you can rest."

  A man wearing a mask did not know when he appeared outside the barrier, his voice was a little lazy.

  "Who do you say is the old woman?!" Helena was sulky.

   "If it killed you just now, then I will wait until it finishes killing. What a pity, what a pity." McGonagall stepped into the formation and walked like a stroll in the courtyard, but his voice was serious.

  This is the truth, McGonagall can actually shoot long ago.

  But watching Helena and this cheap mother-in-law get madly beaten, it feels pretty good?

  He was uncomfortable that year, but these two were one of the instigators, or at least deep participants.

   Just watched Irina’s mother get killed, he couldn’t do this kind of thing.

   "Little guy, you are arrogant!" The monster stared at McGonagall, but there was a little caution in his eyes that he hadn't been before.

"You are in this state, and you still use this tone to talk to me. It is really arrogant." McGonagall looked up at the 100-meter-high monster and shook his head. "I don't like raising my head and talking to people. , Or you should come down."

  As soon as the voice fell, the Tiandu Sword hovering in the air suddenly accelerated, turning into an afterimage, slashing towards the monster from top to bottom.

  The monster's reaction was not slow. The black iron rod held in both hands moved up and tried to stop the sharp sword.

  However, an iron rod with a diameter of more than three meters did not even produce any blocking effect in front of the Tiandu Sword.

  The iron rod broke at the sound, and the long sword continued to slash down.

  The monster's face changed, and the remaining three hands patted toward the center, trying to take the sword with his bare hands.


The    sword fell into the three hands and caught it, but the terrifying power carried on the sword caused the monster's remaining three spider legs to bend instantly, losing his balance, twisting and rushing forward.


   There was a muffled sound, and countless smoke and dust splashed out.

  The monster with a height of more than a hundred meters and an arrogant pedantry crawled in front of McGonagall humiliatingly.

   "Look, it will make you more comfortable." McGonagall nodded in satisfaction, and when he stretched out his hand, the Heavenly Sword appeared in his hand.

  All the people present saw this scene with their mouths open.

  The monster that was able to work with the high priest, the queen, Irina, and all tenth-level powerhouses of the elves, was directly chopped to the ground with two swords by Alex. What terrifying strength is this? !

  The whole continent is spreading, and Alex may have entered the legendary **** realm and became the unique **** on the Nolan continent.

  But no one knows how strong God is.

  Just now they felt despair in the monster, but at this moment they felt an unattainable gap from Alex.

   "This guy, how did he become so strong..." Helena's eyes were also shocked. Although this monster had been hit hard by their joint attack, how could he use all his strength after just a casual blow?

  "Is this the realm of God?" The queen looked at McGonagall, her eyes a little complicated.

   "This guy, still can't change that bad habit." Irina held her forehead with her hand, so why didn't she feel a sense of honor?

   "The monster was defeated! So amazing! Uncle Alex is so amazing!" Amy jumped up in surprise.

   "Baba is amazing." Xiaoguai also clapped hands.

  Jina quickly reached out and covered the little guy’s mouth, but she was a little surprised in her heart, how did Xiaoguai see it.

   "He is still getting stronger." Elizabeth looked at McGonagall with some fanaticism. How shocking, he was already standing at the top of Nolan Continent, but he was still getting stronger.

   is stronger than when she first saw it, stronger than when she was rescued from Frost Dragon Island, and stronger than last time in the Arctic Ice Field.

  Every time I see him, I can feel his power.

  This is her pursuit!

"Sure enough." Shiryl looked at McGonagall in surprise. Although no one can see through his costume and his identity is even more difficult to associate, the only flaw is that between the restaurant owner and the savior, he These two identities cannot be maintained at the same time.

No one noticed that, dozens of miles away, on a battleship half hidden in the void, Xi released his fingers on the heavy trigger, curled his lips and said, "This guy, let me come. Did he pretend to be forced?"

  However, she looked at the monster in the virtual screen, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the system had begun to quickly analyze that this guy wrapped in the appearance of a monster was indeed not a creature, to be precise, it was an alien mecha.

  Neither the materials used on this mech nor the high-level manufacturing techniques are owned by Nolan Continent.

  This is indeed a product from the underground city, and the technology is even higher than that of any fighter armor currently in the military.

  She hasn’t heard of anyone who can lean on the mech and enter the transcendent level, even if it's only half-footed in.

  "Which power is it? What is the purpose of breaking through the barrier to come here?" Xi frowned, opened the emergency contact interface, hesitated for a while, or chose to close it.

  She needs more information, and then she reports directly to the marshal, which is probably not that simple.


   "You guy, who the **** are you!" The monster's voice was shaking. At this moment, he finally felt the fear.

  The strength of this guy is far beyond the level ten.

  But all the information he collected said that no one on the Nolan Continent has been able to break through the tenth level and become an extraordinary person for thousands of years.

  What is the strength of this guy?

   "I, it's just an unknown person." McGonagall grinned, but his voice suddenly became much colder, "However, you just beat my wife. This is very bad. You can choose a way of death."

   "Then you too underestimate the uncle!"

  The monster sneered, supported his five hands, and stood upside down directly, replacing the feet with his hands. The three sharp claws instantly transformed into sharp weapons, drawing the afterimages towards McGonagall.

   "There is also this kind of gameplay, which is a bit interesting." McGonagall moved slightly under his feet, moving only between square inches, but accurately dodge all the monster's attacks.

  The design of this mecha also made him quite interested. The mecha that had thrown away Vicky’s girl for hundreds of blocks, the strength matched the demigod state completely.

  If it hadn’t been for the queen and Helena to do their best to hit him hard, he might not be so easy to deal with now.

  Just don’t know where the controller is hiding? Or is it a drone that is directly controlled remotely?

   "This guy knows space magic, you save the baby first, don't let him run." Irina's voice sounded in his ears.

   "According to my wife." McGonagall smiled slightly and his eyes became sharp.

  "Okay, the game is over, remember, don't mess with the mainlanders of Nolan." McGonagall said coldly, and his figure suddenly rose.

  The three black claws stabbed like a spear with lightning, the blue light drifted away, and it should be smeared with poison.

  Meg holds the sword in one hand, crosses his chest, and cuts it with one sword.

  Three sharp claws were cut with a sword, turned into three pieces of scrap iron, and fell on the ground.

  The monster uses two hands to support its body, and the other three hands think of McGonagall’s grabbing.

  Meg stepped lightly on his giant hand, and took advantage of his strength to climb upwards.

  The larger the volume, the slower the speed, which is in line with Newton’s third law.

  So McGonagall is much faster than him, a lot.

   McGonagall reached the position of his chest, drew a sword flower with the long sword in his hand, and then kicked it.


  A metal bin was kicked out from the other end.

   "Damn it!"

  The monster was shocked, and grabbed one hand towards the metal bin.

  However, McGonagall also appeared in the rear, and before the giant hand touched the metal warehouse, the long sword in his hand was already cut off.

  The huge hand, which was several meters wide, broke at the wrist.

   McGonagall kicked the metal bin again, changed its direction, and flew towards the observatory.

"Do not!"

  The monster roared, turning its body and chasing it towards the metal warehouse.

   "Today, I want to see how many bowls of noodles you have eaten." McGonagall laughed, and the long sword in his hand suddenly pierced the monster's chest, and then there was a sudden uproar.

  This sword pierced the monster's body directly, and then cut it into two pieces.

  There are no internal organs, no powder, only a belly of parts and lines.

   "I'm gone, you guys don't live anymore." The monster made the last sound, and a red light suddenly lit up at the heart of it.

   "If you die, you die, there is still so much shit."

   McGonagall walked over, one foot, two feet, three feet.

  The red light went out.

  Nothing happened.

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