MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 61 public opinion

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After Mu Qing destroyed the entire album one after another, he spread his hands and said to Shan Bei, "It's gone."

"En." What else could Shan Bei say, he could only nod his head.

How sharp Mu Qing's mind is, she didn't pay attention to it at first, but now that she thinks about it, she feels something is wrong. She found that Shan Bei didn't pursue it after knowing that these paintings were all based on imagination, and quickly changed her attitude after being aggressive at the beginning. With Shanbei's temperament, it is impossible to pass the level so easily! Therefore, Shan Bei must know the existence of this album, and she has already been mentally prepared, otherwise she would not behave like this. Mu Qing thought about it carefully, and there seemed to be no other way but to search her house, but it must have taken some effort for Shan Bei to find the key she hid.

Mu Qing was overjoyed secretly, she was worried that she would be disgusted by Shan Bei, but now it seems that she has reaped greater benefits, and she is looking forward to Shan Bei's show in the future.

Shan Bei wandered around in Mu Qing's room, and was stopped by Mu Qing when he was about to evacuate.

"By the way, why did you come running over suddenly? I thought you were asleep."

"What? Are you still afraid that I will find out?"

Mu Qing smiled without saying a word.

"Let me ask you, were you really drunk when you were drunk a while ago?"


"you are lying!"

"How did you see that?"

"..." Shan Bei rushed forward with the idea of ​​laughing at Mu Qing, although the album incident buffered him, but at that time his mind was on the album and he didn't think too much. When Mu Qing mentioned it, she directly brought it up, and now she was refuted by Mu Qing, so she didn't know how to prove it.

"You're really annoying!" Shan Bei turned around and ran away.

Muqing looked at Shan Bei who was running like a whirlwind, and chased after her. When she reached the door of the guest room, she turned the doorknob but found it was locked.

"Single baby."

"I'm going to bed, see you tonight." Judging by this posture, she won't get up if she doesn't sleep all afternoon.

Muqing had no choice but to go with her, and finally had to come out for dinner at night. However, Shan Bei seemed to find that she was pretending to be drunk that day. When you find out, you will find out, anyway, she is already her own person now, don't be afraid! Mu Qing went back to his room and started to type.

That night, Mu Qing did not investigate why Shan Bei questioned her drunkenness, because the public opinion turmoil had taken effect in advance.

When Shan Bei was having a good dream, the phone rang, and she fumbled to answer it, and Fu Jieti's super loud voice was released at once, making Shan Bei hang up the phone subconsciously. When she woke up, Fu Jieti called again.

"What are you doing? You actually hung up on me! I'm still your manager!" Fu Jieti complained.


"My God, it's all turned upside down outside and you're sleeping. Can you have a snack?"

"What's wrong?" Shan Bei sat up and rubbed her temples with her long fingers. She seemed to have slept a little too much, and she felt dizzy.

"You move back tonight, don't live in that Muqing's house, don't sell you when the time comes, and you count the money for her." Fu Jieti said suddenly, making Shan Bei stunned.

"What's wrong?"

"I really didn't expect Mu Qing to be this kind of person, I really missed it."

"Let's get to the point!" Dan Bei got angry, always saying that Mu Qing was bad in front of her, but she didn't know what was going on, can you stop her from getting angry? !

"The point is that Muqing betrayed you!"

"I'll hang up first, I'll get back to you later." Shan Bei hung up the phone after finishing speaking. Hearing Fu Jieti's nagging, she was anxious because she couldn't get to the point, so she might as well hang up the phone and search online. Since Fu Jieti reacted so strongly, there should already be relevant information on the Internet.

Shan Bei watched it on his mobile phone, and sure enough, when he searched his name, the first one was "'Xianfeixian' TV drama investor is Shan Bei's gold master? Turning against each other!", and the second one was "'Xianfeixian' TV drama heroine Are you sure Wu Nana, Shan Bei is building a bridge for others?", the next step is to pick up all kinds of negative news about Shan Bei when she went to Xuezang, such as "Jade Girl Turns Desire | Girl", "Holding her body stiff and being rejected by the gold master ", "The gold master changed hands, Shan Bei's way out?".

Shan Bei frowned, the only one known as her benefactor so far is Jiang Huaili. Did Muqing vaccinate her in advance for this matter? But Fu Jieti also knew that the entertainment industry spread rumors like this, she couldn't say that she was betrayed by Mu Qing for no reason. Thinking of this, she called Fu Jieti again.


"Hmm. Why do you say that Muqing betrayed me?"

"It is reported that Mu Qing sold the copyright of the script of "Xian Fei Xian" to Jiang Huaili, and secretly reached an agreement with him to replace you as the original heroine."

"Where did you hear that?" Shan Bei felt that Fu Jieti's news this time was too inaccurate. Mu Qing was almost holding the whole world in front of her, how could she do such a thing.

"Uh, I heard about it by accident." Only now did Fu Jieti realize that she might have fallen for someone else's tricks. She was walking with "Hei Li Bai" when she "coincidentally" heard a man secretly calling her. The phone, that's the news. As soon as she was in a hurry, she hurriedly called.

"I really let you, the manager, be too idle, don't I?" Shan Bei couldn't help but roll his eyes, Fu Jieti's resting mind was almost rusted.

"But it can't be groundless, you'd better pay attention."

"I see."



"Oh, it shouldn't be true, let's not talk about it."

"Fu Jieti!" What do you mean by saying that? ! Is it appetizing?

"Okay, I said, it's just a matter of you paying attention."

"En." Shan Bei waited for Fu Jieti to say.

"When I heard the news, I also heard that you were indeed taken care of by Muqing, and that you were kissing in the car. I didn't take it for granted..."

"Really." Shan Bei didn't intend to hide from Fu Jieti, and admitted before her word "true" came out.

"You, you, you like women?!" Fu Jieti exclaimed, they have lived together for so many years, but she has never discovered Shan Bei's sexuality.

"I don't like you, don't worry."

"Hey, you hurt people like this, it's too much!"

"Okay, hang up first."



"Well, did you really kiss in the car?"


"You, me, I have to calm down and think about it, this is beyond my expectation."

"Think slowly, I'll hang up first."


"What's the matter?" Shan Bei wanted to hang up the phone directly.

"I don't know how Muqing treats you, but since we are together, you are still in the entertainment circle after all, so you should be careful. Muqing, I know that I shouldn't tell you bad things about her, but I think you still Pay attention to her. If she has bad intentions, she will be in trouble, and you can see if she has anything to do with that Jiang Huaili."

"I see, don't worry, I'll hang up first."

"Then... well, goodbye." Fu Jieti actually had something to ask, but she couldn't ask, the two of them kissed in the car, then... Thinking of this, Fu Jieti leaned her head on the sofa, Shake hard, can't think, can't think!

After dinner as usual, Muqing took Shan Bei to watch TV and eat fruit together as usual. Mu Qing didn't ask about Shan Bei's knowledge of the album, and Shan Bei didn't ask about the public opinion on the Internet. As far as Shan Bei is concerned, she plans to follow Mu Qing how to deal with it. If it was true what Fu Jieti said, she would disappear immediately. The entertainment industry can't tolerate her, so it's hard for her to survive. If it was fake, she wanted to see Mu Qing's ability. After all, Mu Qing had reminded her that there would be bad public opinion, so she should not pay too much attention to it, she was already lazy, so why bother with that.

This time, the two of them watched TV dramas instead of those messy entertainment news. Shan Bei became lazy just looking at it, Mu Qing simply put her head in his arms and hugged her. After a while, Shan Bei lay directly on Mu Qing's lap, and Mu Qing's hands rubbed her cheeks one after another, occasionally feeding Dan Bei a cherry tomato. They didn't care about what was on TV at all, but enjoyed the warmth of the moment.

It was almost half past nine, while stroking Shan Bei's long hair, Mu Qing said, "I'm going to a banquet tomorrow, and I'll be back late, are you okay by yourself?"

"It's okay, but you can't drink so much wine."

"Oh, I see."

"Be good, I will give you a reward, otherwise I will let you sleep on the sofa!" Shan Bei said seriously.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"If you don't make fun of me, I will die!" Shan Bei turned her head to Mu Qing's abdomen, wrapped her arms around her waist, and arched her waist and abdomen vigorously.

"If you don't let me go, I will die."


"Bleeding to death." During menstruation, Mu Qing bent his waist to get close to the bed sheet, which would definitely speed up the discharge of blood, so...

"..." Shan Bei was not as thick-skinned as Mu Qing, she was defeated and retreated.

Shan Bei got up and left Mu Qing's lap, and Mu Qing helped her with her hair. Then, Mu Qing buried her face in Shan Bei's long hair, absorbing the fragrance of Shan Bei, which fascinated her.

"Didn't you say that public opinion will be released tomorrow? What do I need to do?" Shan Bei asked with her back to Mu Qing, and she relaxed on Mu Qing's shoulder.

"No need to do anything, just go about it as usual."

"Okay." Shan Bei felt that she was about to become a useless person after shaking hands with the shopkeeper, but she was just happy to be useless.

"It's getting late, you go take a shower first."

Mu Qing pushed Shan Bei into the bathroom door of the master bedroom and stopped. Before entering, Shan Bei suddenly turned around and invited Mu Qing: "Do you want to wash together?"

After Shan Bei asked, she pretended to be enlightened and replied by herself: "Oh, I forgot that you are inconvenient. What a pity. I wanted to take a bath with you." out of the bathroom. After a while, the sound of Dan Bei humming a song came from the bathroom.

Mu Qing looked at Shan Bei's self-satisfied look, and couldn't stop laughing inwardly, Shan Bei is also a woman, did she forget: menstruation lasts up to 7 days, and she usually ends in 3 days. Mandarin duck bath, that's a good idea!