MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 63 Wronged

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Public opinion is in the limelight, and those who promote it will naturally not miss this opportunity to publicize. Mu Qing was no exception, she and Shan Bei kept a low profile, so low profile that even reporters thought they were missing. Regarding the relationship between Shan Bei and Mu Qing, there was also no response. For a while, no matter the new drama or the relationship between the two, there was a lot of trouble.

In this state, Shan Bei stays at home all the time, while Mu Qing goes out occasionally. On this day, when Mu Qing told Shan Bei early in the morning that he would come back late at night and asked Shan Bei to go to bed first, Shan Bei couldn't help it.

"Am I particularly shameless?"

Mu Qing was preparing to go out at that time and was arranging his bags. When she heard Shan Bei say this, she immediately stopped what she was doing and turned to look at Shan Bei.

"Why do you have such an idea?"

"You often go out to let the wind go, what about me? You stay at home every day, why don't you worry about me getting moldy?" Shan Bei would rather go out to face the media and admit their relationship with Mu Qing openly than to do it like this The underground lover is also dark. Has she been hiding from the media? I have never seen any so-called star like her.

"This time is too boring? It will be fine in a few days, can you bear with it?" Mu Qing walked to Shan Bei's side, brushing Shan Bei's long hair with his right hand, stroking Shan Bei's face with his left hand, comforting her. watching her emotions.

With a wave of her hand, Shan Bei opened Mu Qing's hand, and she turned to leave Mu Qing's room. She didn't want to say anything anymore, it seemed that Mu Qing didn't want the relationship between the two to be open to the world, so why should she force her to ask for it. It doesn't matter!

Mu Qing looked at Shan Bei's back and bit his lower lip. Shan Bei, can you wait a little longer? That's the only way to get it done once and for all, so that some people don't go out of their way to destroy both of us. It is a good intention for Mu Qing not to tell Dan Bei, she once vowed to use her own hands to hold Dan Bei up to the clouds, so naturally she didn't want to let Dan Bei have a little trouble. She didn't even want to tell Shan Bei that the person she informed through public opinion was her grandfather, and she didn't want to tell Shan Bei the existence of the shepherds at all.

Telling Shan Bei about such an indifferent family would dirty her ears. Mu Qing didn't want the Mu family to disturb them, but if the public opinion didn't let the matter magnify infinitely, she worried that one day Shan Bei would disappear for no reason. How could she not know how cruel her grandfather, the chairman of the Mu family was. Now under the eyes of the media and everyone, even if her grandfather has great abilities, how can he make moves!

It can only be said that Muqing thinks that Yi Danbei's feelings for her are naturally trusting her wholeheartedly. She also told Shan Bei clearly that the rain will pass after a while. But she forgot that most people in love worry about gains and losses, not to mention things that are directly related to themselves. Shan Bei is not a vexatious person, but she is not a person who is at the mercy of others. Now being treated by Mu Qing as an imbecile without any ability to handle things makes her really upset. However, Muqing is for her own good, she can bear it.

However, apart from being arrogant, Shan Bei also has a violent temper, which is why Fu Jieti forcibly made her into a cold and beautiful woman in the past few years. Therefore, no matter how much she can bear, her patience is actually limited, and a little bit of things related to Muqing can make her explode.

That night, when Shan Bei was surfing the Internet, she inexplicably received a text message, which opened to a video. She originally planned to delete it as a spam message, but then a message came, "Muqing's taste is really spicy"! The amount of information revealed in the text message made Shan Bei's face change, but she still couldn't help opening it. The video seems to be taken secretly, Mu Qing is talking and laughing with that Jiang Huaili. And when she saw the picture of Jiang Huaili's salty pig's arms around Mu Qing's shoulders, it made her even more furious!

Mu Qing's makeup is not as dignified as in the past, but rather gorgeous. Standing next to Jiang Huaili, who looks like a dog, really feels like a couple. Then the text message came again, saying it was Jiang's dinner party. Mu Qing was invited to participate, not as the copyright owner of the script "Immortals Are Not Immortals", but Jiang Huaili's rumored girlfriend.

Jiang Huaili's rumored girlfriends are flying all over the sky, and 90% of them have actual relations with him. Now that Muqing is dressed like this, talking and laughing with him, and the content of the text message, Dan Bei smashed his phone to the ground in an instant. Fortunately, the floor is carpeted, otherwise the phone would have been killed.

Shan Bei was very angry, no matter whether Mu Qing was real or acting, she was very angry! If Muqing really can't beat Jiang Huaili, she doesn't have to participate in the recording of the TV series "Immortals Are Not Immortals", she can give up such an opportunity. Even if she was allowed to leave this place with Mu Qing immediately, she would be willing, but she just didn't want to see Mu Qing like this. Shan Bei felt that her lungs were about to explode, but the sound of the video was still playing, so she got up and ran to the phone and stomped hard.

Fuck Jiang Huaili, don't let me see you, or I'll kick you until you're inhumane!

After kicking a few times, Shan Bei calmed down a little. This person took photos secretly and sent them to her anonymously, which is enough to see his "good and hard" intentions. If she was so gullible, her years in the entertainment industry would have been wasted. She bent down to pick up the phone and exited the video forcefully. At first I wanted to delete the video, but later I thought it was right for her to "question" Mu Qing, so I kept it instead of deleting it.

Waiting until early morning, Mu Qing didn't come back. Now that she placed an order, Bei was not calm, no matter how much she trusted Mu Qing, she would still think about it after watching such a video. She dialed Mu Qing directly, but no one answered for a long time, and finally it was transferred to the artificial voice mailbox.

"Dead Muqing, what do you want to do?!" Shan Bei was in a hurry, if her temperament before entering the entertainment circle was used, she would have run away long ago and didn't bother to deal with Muqing. But now, her heart has been bound to Mu Qing, if she doesn't make it clear, she won't be able to leave, as if her feet are entangled by an invisible rope.

Just when Shan Bei was losing his temper, Mu Qing called. At first, Shan Bei wanted to refuse to listen, but later she thought it would be better to answer it so late, maybe she needed to pick someone up.

As soon as the connection was made, Mu Qing's gentle voice came: "I may not come back, you go to sleep."

"Are you in danger?"

"No, don't worry. Ah, I have to hang up, good night." Mu Qing hung up the phone after finishing speaking, she never did this before, she always waited for Shan Bei to hang up first.

Shan Bei stared blankly with her mobile phone, she seemed to hear Jiang Huaili's villain's voice, "Baby". Shan Bei had goosebumps, she called Mu Qing again, but it showed that the phone had been turned off. Shan Bei held the phone tightly with one hand, unwilling to believe what she heard. This is definitely not true! She believed in Muqing! Muqing loves her so much!

No, Muqing never said that she loved her, she always said "like". Only now did Shan Bei realize that the distance between "love" and "like" is still very far. Could it be that Mu Qing's attitude gave her this illusion?

Shan Bei shook her head violently. Shan Bei stayed here at this time, feeling that the whole room was filled with Mu Qing's body fragrance, which made her feel sore. She turned on the phone again with shaking hands and made a call.

"Dan Bei, what's the matter? It's so late?" Fu Jieti's voice came over with a heavy sleepiness, but there was a trace of tension in the voice, it seems that Fu Jieti also knew it.

"Did you know that Muqing is with Jiang Huaili?"

"How do you know?! Ah, bah! That video must be fake, don't believe it!" Fu Jieti had already scolded Mu Qing **** in her heart, but for Dan Bei, she had to comfort her!

"Heh, I heard Jiang Huaili call Muqing 'baby', and Muqing hung up on me in a hurry." Shan Bei narrated calmly, without the slightest ups and downs, and his trembling hands calmed down.

"Dan Bei..." Fu Jieti tried to persuade Shan Bei again, but was cut off by Shan Bei.

"Don't worry about me, I suddenly figured it out now, something must be wrong with Mu Qing, I'll wait for her to come back and explain clearly. If she really changes, I'll go back immediately!" Shan Bei said.

"Speak carefully, ask all you want to ask clearly, don't make wild guesses." Fu Jieti said quickly, many misunderstandings are caused by half hiding half.

"Don't worry, if she hides and tucks her in, I'll beat her up!" Shan Bei continued, her heart was very angry, but she calmed down suddenly after making the phone call. She doesn't like Mu Qing's way of trying to get everything done so that she doesn't have to worry about anything. She hopes that the two can go hand in hand and work together! However, for Mu Qing, maybe this is her way of pampering herself, Shan Bei comforted herself. She wants to listen to Mu Qing himself! About Jiang Huaili, about not letting her see her grandfather, about not admitting their relationship positively. Everything, she must figure it out!

It's a long night, when you don't know love, you can spend the night comfortably until dawn, and when you are accompanied by Mu Qing, you can snuggle warmly until dawn. Today, however, I was half asleep and half awake until dawn. One night, the ups and downs made Shan Bei's mind a little chaotic. When she was about to get up, she found that she was limp all over, as soft as noodles.

"Yeah", Shan Bei couldn't help snorting, her throat hurts too.

"Wake up, drink some water." Mu Qing's voice sounded, and then she helped Shan Bei up and gave him some warm water.

When Shan Bei lay back, she felt as if all the strength in her body had been pulled away, and her heart was clenched like clockwork. She closed her eyes, her eyes were sour. Mu Qing was sitting beside her, the fragrance on her body was faint, the same as before. Holding the single hand with both hands and caressing it, it was extremely gentle.

"When did you come back?" Shan Bei asked hoarsely, she seemed to have a fever, her head was so hot, and she was dizzy. It's really useless, she got sick just like that, no wonder Muqing doesn't want her to do anything.

"More than an hour ago. I'm sorry, I won't be staying overnight anymore." Mu Qing originally wanted to come back after finishing what was supposed to be done, but that Jiang Huaili was really difficult to deal with. In order to get rid of him in one fell swoop, she had no choice but to play tricks. Fortunately, the result was good. With Jiang Huaili's notorious reputation, coupled with her deliberate additions, Jiang Huaili will not be ruined. However, such a price is to make Shan Bei sick, Mu Qing blamed himself, and came back if he knew it earlier, Jiang Huaili will take care of it later! She feels extremely guilty towards Shan Bei in her heart, whether she didn't come home last night, hung up the phone in a hurry, or made Shan Bei sick, it made her feel uncomfortable.

Shan Bei turned around directly, with his back to Mu Qing. She felt so wronged, inexplicably wronged.