MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 83 stupid

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The two of them didn't kiss in the end, but Mu Qing hugged Dan Bei in the car and kissed deeply. Although the posture is awkward, Shan Bei does not feel uncomfortable, after all, she often practices flexibility. Muqing is different, once the kiss is over, the waist feels so twisted that he can't go back. The two had kissed in the car before, but the time was not long, unlike this time they were hungry for 800 years.

Shan Bei blushed, rubbed Mu Qing's waist with a smile, ate tofu by the way, and didn't let her go: "I knew you were in good shape, but I didn't expect your body to be so stiff. From now on, no, start tonight , Do yoga with me to stretch your muscles."

Do yoga? Unlock new poses? This idea suddenly popped up in Muqing's mind. Cough cough, the old driver has been working for a long time, and his mind will always be crooked, especially when facing his lover, he can't blame her.

Mu Qing knew that Shan Bei was waiting for her to let go of her feelings towards the shepherds. She was not as eager as she said to be recognized by the shepherds, because she knew how the shepherds treated her. But she also hopes that Muqing can let go, and that when he redeems others, he also liberates himself. Now because of Mi Li's matter, Mu Qing directly put the matter on the agenda. On the one hand, it can calm those restless shepherds, and on the other hand, it can further promote the relationship between the two, so why not do it.

As for whether she really forgave the shepherds in her heart, that would depend on their future behavior. Going back this time, if those people still have an attitude, she will use her status as the person in charge of the Mu family to solve the problem. Given a chance, it is impossible for them to continue to be villains.

"Let's not go to the shepherd's house first, we have to go shopping." Shan Bei said, it was shameful to be so empty-handed for the first time.

"Do you know what my grandfather likes?" Muqing asked while driving.

Shan Bei was taken aback, then shook his head.

"Then what are you going to buy?" Muqing continued to ask.

"Go and have a look, ah, I'm searching the Internet now to see what gifts the elderly like." Shan Bei hurriedly took out her mobile phone and planned to search.

"Pfft", Mu Qing couldn't help laughing, she took the time to take Shan Bei's phone away and put it aside, and said, "With me here, what else do you worry about?"

A question mark flashed on Shan Bei's forehead, and when she understood it, she looked into the trunk, if Mu Qing was not driving now, she would have rushed over and beat Mu Qing hard, even shaking her.

"You've got guts, huh?"

"Hey, you're used to it." Mu Qing grinned, and blinked at Dan Bei.

"Driving your car, I hate it." Shan Bei wanted to slap her, but for her own safety, she endured it. Go back tonight and give you a good look!

Ahem, these two people are hoping to give each other a "good look" at night, so I don't know what the battle will be like then.

Mu Qing went to buy presents before going to Shan Bei's crew, and it was the first time Shan Bei came to the house, so the etiquette was naturally in place. As for the rest of the Mu family, Mu Qing doesn't care about them.

When the two arrived at Mu's house, Mu Qing greeted Mu Song, the housekeeper, and asked, "Where's grandpa?"

"Miss Qing, in the study." Mu Song was not surprised when he saw Shan Bei. He bowed and called "Miss Bei" and wanted to take the things in Shan Bei's hand, but was stopped by Mu Qing, who pointed in the direction of the study. . Mu Song understood, and led the two of them to Mr. Mu's study.

After all, it was the first time for Shan Bei to face the so-called "meeting the parents" scene. He was a little embarrassed to be greeted by the housekeeper, and the hand holding the gift tightly squeezed the bag. Mu Qing took Shan Bei's free hand and patted it, then led her to follow Mu Song to the study.

Mu Song knocked on the door, and after receiving a response, he said, "Miss Qing, Miss Bei is here." Then he opened the door and made a gesture of invitation. At the same time, a maid brought over the tea, and the timing was just right.

After the maid walked out of the room, Shan Bei and Mu Qing were already sitting on the sofa under the greeting of Mr. Mu. Shan Bei picked up the gift in his hand and handed it to Mr. Mu respectfully with both hands. Mr. Mu also saved face, opened it face to face, and then gave Shan Bei a meaningful look.

Shan Bei said directly: "Master Mu, this gift was chosen by Mu Qing, I will give you more in the future, because I came in a hurry, I didn't have time to choose, please forgive me." This sentence sold Mu Qing.

Old Man Mu showed a smile, looked at Mu Qing several times, and at the same time waved his hand and said, "Baby girl, you're going to call me grandpa. As for the gift", the smile in Old Man Mu's eyes deepened, he paused and said, " You don’t need to bother to choose any more, what Qing’er gave you is what you gave, I’m glad that you can come over often to accompany me, a bad old man.”

"Qing'er is the only one in this family who knows what I really want. How about coming back to play chess with me when you have time?" Mr. Mu looked back and forth between Mu Qing and Shan Bei.

The weakness of the aging old man in front of her made Shan Bei feel sad, she looked at Mu Qing and found that she was not talking to her, so she reached out and patted her on the back, nodded and said: "Grandpa, don't worry."

The light in Mr. Mu's eyes flashed away. It seems that his backer will be Pui Yatou in the future. He has to be prepared to rely on the mountains, so that he won't be afraid that Mu Qing will not come.

"Girl Bei, I see that you are a filial and good boy. Leave me a phone number. I will miss you in the future. I will call you to chat with you. Don't think I am a wordy old man."

"Uh, grandpa, you are serious. We will come back to accompany you often."

"Why don't you move back to live?" Mr. Mu's eyes showed anticipation.

"Grandpa!" Mu Qing stopped him.

"Well, I'm joking, I know you young people like the world of two people. Qing'er, go and ask Mu Song if there are any dishes that Bei girl likes. You must know the best."

Of course Mu Qing was unwilling to leave, she was worried that her grandfather would say bad things to Shan Bei, but she didn't know that her grandfather wanted to get close to Shan Bei. Shan Bei La pulls Mu Qing's hand and winks to let her go out. Since Mr. Mu deliberately wanted to send Mu Qing away, he must have something to say to her, and she couldn't run away when it was time to come.

Seeing the little actions of the two, Mr. Mu was even more determined in his heart.

As soon as Mu Qing went out, Mr. Mu sighed, "Hey, I'm the only old man who doesn't care."

"Grandpa, don't say that." Shan Bei thought that Mr. Mu would also follow the example on TV and dump her tens of millions of checks to drive her away from Mu Qing, who would have thought it was a complaint.

"Girl Bei, you promise grandpa that you will come back often in the future. If you can, you can persuade Qing'er to come back and live here. The sound insulation here is very good, no one will talk to you no matter how you make trouble."

"Grandpa", Shan Bei blushed when Old Man Mu said that, but she could only bite the bullet and continue, "We will come back often."

Shan Bei saw the anticipation in Mr. Mu's eyes, so he thought for a while and said, "Why don't we definitely come back once a month."

Mr. Mu's expression was still sour, Shan Bei couldn't bear it, and continued: "How about once every two weeks."

Mr. Mu's old face turned into a bitter face.

Shan Bei gritted her teeth and said cruelly, "Once a week."

When Mu Qing came in again, the scene he saw was particularly miraculous. Shan Bei looked at her with a guilty conscience, while Mr. Mu looked at her as if he had succeeded in his scheme.

Seeing Mu Qing coming in, Mr. Mu waved his hand and said: "There is still a while before dinner, you can take Bei girl for a stroll, and familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment as soon as possible."

Mu Qing dragged Shan Bei out of the study inexplicably, just for a while, what happened? !

As soon as he came out, Shan Bei looked at Mu Qing with tears in his eyes, and said, "I did something wrong to you, can you forgive me?"

Mu Qing frowned, her heart sank, she did not believe that Shan Bei would give up on her. She wanted to hug Shan Bei, but Shan Bei pushed her away.

"You promise me first."

"I won't let you go." This conversation was really bloody, and Mu Qing's heart, which had been so hard to soften to Mr. Mu, was about to harden again.

"Huh? I didn't say I'm leaving." Shan Bei was taken aback, her eyes still moist and energetic.

"What's going on?"

So, Shan Bei told the conversation with Mr. Mu just now, and Mu Qing couldn't help putting his hand on his forehead. Shan Bei has always been very smart, and he didn't expect to be so stupid and cute, so I like it! ! Take the opportunity to ask for benefits! !

"You just sold me out like this? You should know how much I hate shepherds."

"I'm sorry, Muqing, I didn't know what happened then, so I agreed to grandpa."

"Do you want me to forgive you?"

Shan Bei nodded fiercely, Mu Qing held her smile, hugged Shan Bei who hadn't recovered, and whispered a few words in her ear, which made Shan Bei's face turn red. But instead of shaking her head, she chose to nod.

Muqing was ecstatic in his heart, and his hands became unrestrained, one hand wrapped around Shan Bei's waist, and the other hand stroked her buttocks.

"Hey, you said go back, in case someone comes here."

"Let me taste the sweetness first."

"Tsk tsk, who did I think it was? To do such a disrespectful thing in broad daylight, it really is..." A mocking voice came, and Mu Qing knew it was the eldest aunt without looking back. She was mean, But this kind of person is provocative.

"Shan Bei, this is the eldest aunt. First aunt, my wife Shan Bei." Mu Qing let go of Dan Bei, put one hand in his pocket, and put his arm around Shan Bei, introducing the two without any embarrassment at all. Panicked with shame.

"Auntie." Shan Bei behaved very well.

"Hehe, you have to look like a shepherd in the shepherd's family. Don't always be so shameless."

"Kissing is called immoral and shameless?"

"If I don't show up, will you just kiss?"

"Auntie, there is no proof, it's better not to talk nonsense."

"Hehe, what kind of **** can two women make?" The eldest aunt sneered, she was taken aback when she heard Mu Qing say "wife" at first, and then ridiculed her face.

Mu Qing frowned, and there was a hint of a smile on her lips, but her eyes were extremely cold: "You can wait and see if two women can make eggs, but at least I know that a man and a woman can't make eggs. Don't you think so?"

"You, miscellaneous, woo woo woo." The eldest aunt jumped angrily. She was the only one in the Mu family who had never had a child. Her husband still had children. If she hadn't been looking for death and refusing to leave, she would have left eight hundred years ago. Hearing what Mu Qing said at this moment, he was naturally enraged, and immediately began to curse. However, before he could curse out, he was covered by Mu Qing's slap.

"Let me hear you scolding those two words again, believe it or not, I will make you never enter the door of Mu's house? Uncle should be very happy." Mu Qing whispered, but it was like lightning and thunder in the ears of the aunt. Bombing, she couldn't help shivering.