MTL - Dangerous Girls Drag Me Into Danger-Chapter 723

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Miss Cheng Jiebing enjoys such pleasures with a smile on her face (

"You are now Miss Ben.


Chapter Seven

The eldest lady has spoken like this, what else can I say, just follow along obediently.

Oh, but there is one more thing to explain before that.

I looked back at the ruins of the factory building.

The rich second-generation young master and his subordinates have also climbed out of the ruins.

Probably they have seen the whole process of Lianbing's use of powers just now.

There is another very thin man wearing a gentleman's hat, who also seems to be a killer. He probably brought Youyou out.

Noticing my sight, the man asked with a sneer.

"Hmph, won't you kill me?

It seems that he is a ruthless man who is not afraid of death. He is a professional.

But there's no need to kill them all. I'm not a murderous maniac. I just wanted to break through, but those people were too honest and didn't run away at all.

"It seems that there is no reason to kill you, and there are places where you need to be used. I will leave the funeral here to you, okay.

"Hire me as a cleaner? Or is it just a simple threat.

"It's considered a hire, and as for the remuneration, I'll ask the rich second generation over there.

The rich second generation dared not speak out, but there was still a smile on his face, looking very aggrieved.

"Oh, by the way, don't talk about what happened today. Well, if you talk about it, maybe your life will bloom as beautifully as this person."

Both of them nodded frantically, um, only the horror they saw with their own eyes can make people remember it deeply.

"Okay, let's go."

After the explanation, I was about to leave, but Lianbing turned around and looked at Fu Erdai.


Fu Erdai was stunned for a while before realizing that Lianbing was calling him, and he quickly stood up and straightened his posture to reply.


He really knows the occasion. I remember he wanted to pursue Lianbing before, but now I am afraid he has regarded Lianbing as a beast of a flood.

Because he also belongs to the one who 'can see', this is enough to make him feel the danger.

Speaking of which, I also saw the title of Lianbing at first, so I refused to approach her.

"What you did this time made me very unhappy, it's better not to have another time, and then also warn other people who have ideas, if something comes directly at me, if you bring my sister in again, you can .Can

The consequences have not been revealed, but the end of the hair turns white again, it already represents a warning of death.

"Yes! I promise not to trouble you again!

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and the rich second generation made the smartest choice.

After explaining what happened here, Lianbing and I left together.

I drove off the second-generation rich's sports car, and felt like I was a bit of a bully at the moment. Well, if you count Lianbing, we are a wicked couple.

Well, the eagle told that guy to have a bad idea first, and he also used such despicable means. If I hadn't been so skillful, what the final result would be is uncertain.

It's a pity that I chose the wrong stage. This is not the main stage of the domineering president, but the stage of the villainous young lady Lianbing.

Me? I'm just a passerby.

By the way, this time it was Lianbing who drove the car, not me.

So I don't know where she's going to drive the car.

The eldest lady said that I belonged to her, so naturally I didn't dare to say any unnecessary words.

But he still couldn't help but ask. o) PSEZ Xiaozhi

". The last time he took me to see my parents, this-

Second, take me to a light novel

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to do anything indoors while Li Nai's truce agreement is still in effect.

I patted my chest and exhaled, relaxing a lot.

I didn't expect Li Nai's truce agreement to be so powerful that even Lianbing would obediently abide by it.

At what price was it signed? What exactly is the treaty?

No time to think about it, Lianbing joked with a playful expression.

"Do you need to be so afraid? Even if I really take you there, will you still refuse me?".

"It's because I can't refuse that makes me feel relieved - sigh

I'm not really impotent, so I don't even have any idea.

If Lianbing really meant that, I would definitely not be able to refuse.

After all, it is a normal thing to have this kind of skin-to-skin kiss between lovers who adore each other.

I'm fascinated by her, so I can't refuse her.

Previously, it was only because everyone had that intention, and I instinctively felt the danger of not being able to end, so I avoided-

But if I just love ice, I might not be able to let my desires boil.

"Haha, I'm not so thirsty that I'm like your two fake sisters, as if I haven't eaten meat for hundreds of years.

"The fake sister is alright.

"Isn't it, haven't you become an orphan without a parent? Your parents don't recognize you anyway.

"Wow, just one sentence pierced into the depths of my heart, the poisonous tongue is still there, Miss Lianbing."

"Hehehe, I am the same now. I left the Ji family and cut off ties with the Ji family, so we are a pair of lonely men and widows.






"Or Mu Xiaowan

"I have a new understanding of this idiom.

Are you lonely?

I suddenly thought about whether Lianbing was trying to keep me from feeling lonely.

So she gave up her identity as a young lady and came to my side.

Lianbing, will she be so considerate?

Looking sideways at Lianbing's profile, I suddenly remembered the scene just now when Lianbing used her supernatural powers, the soul-morphing butterfly was flying beside her, and her expression at that time was so gentle

The once sharp-edged eldest also has the side of a good wife and mother.

I don't know if it was when I became a baby before that Lianbing awakened her motherhood.

"I originally wanted to have a good relationship with my sister-in-law, but it turned into a sister relationship. It's really hard to live.

"Don't say that, I'm embarrassed, should I repeat that sorry I don't know how many times?

"I'm tired of listening to the apology, I just want to say that you'd better take care of them as soon as possible, otherwise, I can't stand my husband hanging out all day without coming home.

I scratched my cheeks, and also felt that Lianbing's words made sense.

It is always comfortable to live in your own home.

If you always live in Lily's house, I'm afraid Lily and Sheng will not be able to sleep peacefully anymore.

"Well, Xinran and Jiuyuan are better. They are more obedient. The main reason is that she has only exploded because of her long-suppressed emotions and desires. It's normal that she can't control it. Everyone has that process. Seven or eight-year-old teenagers have a hard time controlling their desires, after all, she hasn't been through as many things as you and I have.'

"Ah, are you implying that I'm old?" Y.SE's novel

"Compared to me, you are still a sweet and delicious fruit, I am the old cow eating the tender grass.

"You just despise me for getting old."

Saying such coquettish words, Lianbing is not angry.

Staying elegant at all times, Lianbing continued with a meaningful smile.

"If not, can you prove it to me?"

A sudden brake, fortunately I was wearing a seat belt, or I would have been thrown out.

I naturally understood what she meant, she was making an invitation.

"Didn't you agree that it's not that?"

"The inside of the car is not indoors, hehehe~"

"Are you sure you are here? Youyou is also there.

"Tell her this knowledge earlier, and she will not be deceived by bad men in the future.

Why do I think it will leave a psychological shadow on her?


Since Lianbing has said so, why am I pretending to be a gentleman?

I put my face close.

Just when he was about to ask Lianbing personally, she was blocked by her hand.

"Hahaha that's alright." Hmm

"'She' woke up.


It took two seconds to realize who Lianbing was talking about, and I immediately turned my head to look at Youyou. At this time, Youyou has woken up, and she looks at us with a sad expression that is not something a child of this age can show.

"Ji Lian. This is the first time I've met face to face in reality."


Chapter Seven

It was a very familiar feeling.

Calm and quiet, the feeling of being able to accommodate everything, and the feeling that everything can be accommodated in it.

Sure enough, it's her, there's nothing wrong, Lianbing is right, and Youyou is right.

'No, I am not.

Shang Mo called her name and was denied.

She said she was not her.

Youyou was still sitting in my arms at this time, and the little hand that stretched out covered my mouth.

She tilted her head and said with a troubled smile.

"Please don't think of me as her, don't call out that 'nickname', or you'll only be disappointed and it's not fair to her.

When talking about her, 'Youyou' pressed against her chest.