MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 738 Terrific progress (thanks to Muguang Kid Rudder

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   In the command center surrounded by heavy troops, Liu Zhong stared at the screen with his eyes fixed on the screen. In the real-time screen, a man dressed in white was flying in the direction of the silver giant.

   "The silver giant is 100 meters tall, and its weight is immeasurable. Just stepping on the asphalt concrete road will cause a large area of ​​the ground to collapse and sag. Even if it is composed of silver, I am afraid it will be difficult for Speaker Yu to control it."

   In the secret room, apart from one machine, there were only Liu Zhongqian and Liu Yuanzhou. Liu Zhongqian didn't expect to get an answer from his father, so he just whispered to himself.

   To his surprise, Liu Yuanzhou responded, "Yu Qian thinks he doesn't need to control the whole body of the silver giant, just his head."

"It's still too risky." Liu Zhongqian continued with a little excitement, "We still don't know the working principle of the automatically activated protective shield outside the silver giant's body. Judging from the silver-white color of the silver giant's body, this layer of defense It seems that the shield can not only block damage, but also prevent oxidation, and maybe it can also resist the ability of the Awakened. Speaker Yu wants to test, at least we should wait for us to do a few rounds of tests to see the energy absorption level, mode of action, defense of the shield. Range and other characteristics, and then make a precise battle plan, make sure nothing goes wrong, and then set off.”

"It's not him who can wait that long, and he has already confirmed the risk in his own way." Liu Yuanzhou, who was in a wheelchair, wore a helmet and had electrodes inserted into his head. Although his face was expressionless, he was clearly in a good mood. , uncharacteristically willing to waste time talking nonsense.

   Liu Zhongqian was quite puzzled and turned to look at Zero One.

   Zero One's sensor caught Liu Zhongqian's sight, then turned his head to turn the camera towards Liu Yuanzhou. Red light flashes twice

Afterwards, it opened his mouth to answer Liu Zhongqian's doubts: "Although Speaker Yu did not inform anyone before leaving the base and deliberately concealed his whereabouts, he did not evade monitoring. This is how Speaker Yu confirms the risks. He knows that we are all the time. Not paying attention to all the developments within the defense line, he also knew that with Commander Liu's ability, he would definitely be able to see his intentions and conduct a risk assessment of his intentions. If the risk reached a certain level, Commander Liu would immediately notify President Yang and give him a warning. The speaker took blocking measures. Since Commander Liu is indifferent, it means that the risk is under control. To sum up, it can be judged that the speaker has learned how to overcome his inner rejection and take advantage of the people and things he hates. It is an amazing progress...According to the known information, it is deduced that the main reason for this change in mental state is: the appearance of the ink ring."

   "Oh." Liu Zhongqian suddenly realized, and then became worried, "Will this make President Yang dissatisfied?"

"Since Yu Qian's second awakening, he has never experienced too much emotional fluctuations, nor has he experienced a hearty battle. Now he is stimulated and feels confused about his intricate life experience and doubts about his own existence, which in turn causes Violent mood swings need to be vented in the fierce battle. Perhaps, this will be an opportunity for him to open the third chain." Liu Yuanzhou explained the reason why he did not take measures, and then seemed to show a smile, "Yang Xiaoqian will Dissatisfaction, but only dissatisfaction, if he can come here to ask for guilt, it will be a great progress."

   "Really..." Liu Zhongqian has been trying to imitate maturity, and doesn't understand why such childish behavior can be a kind of progress.

   "Yes." Liu Yuanzhou's tone was beyond doubt.

   While the two were talking, in the far-flung sea area, the nuclear submarine in the deep sea was instructed to eject the launch tube for surface ignition, and send the intercontinental missile loaded with the nuclear warhead to Shanghai.

  In the territory of Huaxia Kingdom, in some missile launch bases located in remote rural areas and uninhabited mountainous areas, in the corridor connecting the missile launch silo and the underground command center, a few figures hurriedly passed by.

  The sharp sword that had been hidden in the box for a long time finally got the chance to unsheath it.


In the underground base, Yang Xiaoqian was still holding his mobile phone, his whole body froze. He wanted to call back, but almost as soon as he hung up the phone, Mo Huan pointed at the big screen covering the wall in front of him and exclaimed. Looking in the direction his finger was pointing, he saw a sword light stabbing at the silver giant.

   "Damn!" Yang Xiaoqian shouted violently, and a scorching black mist emerged around him, spreading like an explosion and then disappearing, causing the indoor air to rise a few degrees.

"Luo Yingnan! Sun Yiming! You two bastards! And the surrounding guards, are they all rice buckets? Are you blind or stupid! You are dereliction of duty!" The core executives of the Yuanjiao Society who were in the call channel were silent.

The elders of Yuanjiao Society who have often been in contact with Yang Xiaoqian know that President Yang has always regarded it as his creed that “if you lack knowledge, you will be more anxious, if you lack authority, you will be more angry, and if you lack trust, you will talk more”, so he rarely gets angry, and often gets angry inside. At the extreme, on the surface, it is also as calm as the Dead Sea. All the wind and waves are hidden in the bottom of my heart. Once the anger takes shape, it will be a huge wave, which is no trivial matter.

  Pity that Sun Yiming, he must be still trying to find his own speaker, but he doesn't know that because of his willful way, he will take the blame. As for Luo Yingnan, it was even more unfortunate. He was clearly in the emergency team that was on call 24 hours a day, but because of his status as the chief of the speaker's cabinet, he followed the blame.

Mo Huan, who was sitting next to Yang Xiaoqian, was also taken aback, his legs and knees reacted with stress, and he stood up subconsciously. Yang Xiaoqian in his eyes has always maintained a gentle image, even if it is a dangerous smile, it is subtle And polite, but I didn't expect him to be so terrifying when he was angry - people who always smile, once they don't smile, people feel heavy, and people who never get angry, when they get angry, people feel frightened.

   "Come back and settle accounts with you!"

   Now is not the time to be held accountable. Since the facts cannot be changed, it is useless to say more. After Yang Xiaoqian squeezed a reprimand from his teeth, he stepped towards the door.

The alloy door, which even rockets couldn't break through, shattered into four pieces under the black ghost's big knife, and then the black ghost showed the anger in the owner's heart with body movements that others could not see. Kick far away.

Mo Huan could not see the existence of the black ghost, but only saw Yang Xiaoqian walking towards the alloy gate, and then the gate shattered into four pieces and flew towards the front. The two guards at the gate were frightened and did not forget to salute, but Yang Xiaoqian, who always paid attention to etiquette, saw Without looking at them, he walked quickly in the corridor with a pale face. After a few steps, he turned into a black fog, turned into an arrow shape, and flew towards the exit of the base.