MTL - Darkness is Coming-Chapter 764 save us

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   By the time the news of the monster's appearance reached Nekhlova's parents, Kazakhstan had fallen.

   Even a big country with a developed economy, powerful strength, and a land area nearly 20 times that of Tanjikistan has fallen, not to mention Tajikistan, which is isolated and developing slowly?

   As a country boy who has never been to Dushanbe, Nehlova does not know how far his homeland Tajikistan is compared with Kazakhstan, the world's largest landlocked country. But from the solemn expressions of his parents, Nehlova could see that things were serious and the monsters were terrifying.

However, the day after hearing the news, Nekhlova, who stayed up all night and didn't dare to sleep, found that the chickens were still named, and the cows were still ploughing the fields. It's still the same as it used to be.

I don't know if it was a celebration or not, but Nehlova's father made an exception and brought his family to the only restaurant in the village - saying that it was a restaurant really flattered this place, it was just a simple shed, except for a few tables and chairs. There are also long, bed-like pieces of furniture on which diners can lie or eat with their legs crossed.

   Nekhlova will never forget that family dinner in his life, because it was his last family dinner.

That day, Nekhlova sat cross-legged beside his father, devoured the naan and vegetable platter on the table. The vegetable platter was mainly composed of tomatoes, cucumbers and radishes, without any seasoning sauce. It may be hard to swallow, but it is a rare delicacy for Nehlova.

  Vaguely, Nehlova heard his father talking with his uncle, and the uncle hoped that his father would take the monk Nehlova's younger brother, who was in the infant, and escape with him.

  Nekhlova could see that his father was a little shaken when his uncle described the cruelty and horror of the monster, but his uncle's unintentional advice made all his efforts in vain.

   "Let's go, God can't protect us, even Kazakhstan has fallen, and more people starved to death on the way to escape than you have ever seen in your life."

   These are my uncle's original words. He was too impatient and said something he shouldn't have said, but instead made his stubborn brother change his mind.

Nehlova's father was a devout Sunni believer. He never believed that God could not bless the believers of the Lord. He said that the fall of Kazakhstan was because their faith was not religious enough, while the Tajiks left the Russian Federation with faith. Be more devout than ever before and be sure to be blessed by God.

  The uncle who has read many books can no longer reason, because the object he is trying to persuade is a fanatic who is more stubborn than an ox, so the uncle left with a bag of naan and a pot of water.

Nehlova could not deeply understand the look in his uncle's eyes before he left, because Nehlova was drinking soup at the time, the hot soup that was scalding but not steaming, with a layer of oil and a layer of fat stars floating on the surface of the soup, The strong smell of mutton made Nehlova's mouth water.

After a full meal, Nekhlova went home with his father. The parents were in the house discussing how to get his uncle to change his mind. Several uncles on the street were still gathering in groups as usual to play the piano and sing. Everything was normal. , plus his stomach was stuffed with broth, Nehlova only thought that the doomsday rumor he heard yesterday was a joke.

   But the next moment, disaster struck suddenly.

Tajikistan, a small country, has not yet emerged from the shadow of seceding from Russia and the civil war, and its development is quite backward. The capital Dushanbe may be able to reach the level of an ordinary county and town in developed countries, but a mountainous village like Nehlova is located. , not even a color TV, not to mention high-tech products such as computers and smartphones.

The limited access to information means that the speed at which they receive information is far behind the normal level. When the village where Nehlova is located hears the news, in fact, the magic tide has invaded the territory of Tajikistan, and this small village is the first to be sent to the village. It is not the monster with claws and claws that brings disaster, but the demon with human skin.

Just when Nehlova was about to take a nap, a convoy broke into the village. Due to the poor road conditions in the village, these cars were all parked at the entrance of the village. Nehlova heard the roar of the car's engine and woke up suddenly, excitedly. Run to see the fun.

  It is rare to see a car in a small village, and now a group of people suddenly came, how can you not be curious?

However, it was not the friendly visitors who came here, but a group of vicious and deranged armed thugs, most of them men, but also two or three women, all of them carrying guns, not only knives on their waists, but also Hanging dried heads.

The children in the village have never even seen a movie, let alone special effects makeup and cosplay. When they saw what the group of people who got out of the car was dressed in, they immediately turned around and ran home. The one who fell to the ground even rolled. With crawling, crying father and mother.

  The parents heard the cries of their children and ran out of the house unprepared—of course, even if they were prepared, it would not have changed the outcome—to meet the armed thugs head-on.

The thugs opened fire without saying a word, and poured all the bullets that could not kill or hit the monsters on innocent villagers. Most of the villagers who had participated in the civil war when they were young stayed away from their hometowns and went to the Russian Federation or China to work abroad. These unarmed and inexperienced villagers are like targets of human flesh, let alone resistance, they can't even dodge!

After the    massacre, the thugs started to search from house to house, and if they saw an adult, they would shoot and kill them, leaving only children like Nekhlova.

Seeing his parents lying in a pool of blood, Nehlova's mind went blank. His father and mother, who had been sitting together for lunch more than an hour ago, became immobile corpses in a blink of an eye. Can not accept.

When he regained his sanity, Nekhlova found himself and the other children in the village gathered together and put on a truck, while the murderous demons scraped the ground three feet and loaded all the food in the village into a truck, even The bodies of the whole village were not spared either, they were all wrapped in bags or bedding and tied to the rear of the car.

Thinking of the sun-dried heads around the thugs' waists, Nehlova guessed that they might eat all the corpses, and suddenly his stomach stirred like a river, and he vomited out all the undigested lunch, making the closed There was a strange stench in the truck bed.

Because Nehlova vomited in the car, the thugs in charge of them took Nehlova out of the car and shot him. Nehlova was so scared that he wet his pants and cried loudly for Mom and Dad to save me, But he forgot that his parents were now corpses, tied with ropes to the back of a car.

   The thugs discovered that Nehlova spoke Turkic, not the dialect used in the village, and suddenly changed his mind and brought Nehlova to the leader of the armed thugs.

   Later, Nekhlova learned that these armed thugs regarded themselves as a toy for entertainment. The reason why they chose him over other children was because he could speak Turkic and could communicate with the thugs.

  The thugs ate naan with water and wine, while laughing at Nekhlova, who had wet his crotch.

"There is not only fear in your eyes, but also anger and puzzlement. Is it difficult for you to understand why we want to kill them?" The leader of the mob asked with a smile, slapping the head on the waist when he asked the question. , The head has been dried, and it was patted with a pop, and no flesh and blood tissue fell down.

  Nekhlova felt as if the head was staring at him with empty eye sockets, so scared that he didn't dare to make a sound.

"I'll tell you why, because the magic tide is about to come here, these idiots stay here and won't go, when the magic tide comes, they will die just as well, and they will die worse! You have seen them taller than a house. Has it ever been a spider? I've seen it before! Its eight legs are sharper than a bayonet, and it spit out straw-like mouthparts, and it can **** a living person up in the blink of an eye!"

   The mob leader nervously began to ask himself questions.

"Compared to those strange ways of dying, it is so refreshing to be shot to death. Anyway, they are all mortals. Rather than let them die in pain at the hands of monsters, it is better to let them die happily, so say , I kill them, it is actually a kind of kindness, do you understand? We are helping them! You say, right?"

   "Yes!" The thugs who formed a circle for dinner laughed.

"You are bullshitting, you are only trying to rob our food! My uncle said that more people starved to death on the escape route than my father has ever seen in his life. You must be trying to rob our food." Nehlova He started crying again, "You are a bunch of heinous sinners, and God will punish you."

   Hearing the word God, the thugs were stunned for a moment, and then burst into more wild laughter after a moment of silence.

"God?" The mob leader laughed and stooped, "If God punished me, I should have been drinking boiling water and pus in hell. Do you know why we left you? Because you children have the best flesh. Tender, and eat less, and have no strength to resist, it is easier to kill than pigs, if we can’t get to the next stop before the water and food are exhausted, then we will drink your blood and eat your meat.”

"Also, do you know why we bring these corpses? We don't eat this kind of rough meat, but when we are chased by monsters, we can cut the ropes and feed these corpses to the monsters. You see, this kind of waste is used for Isn't the idea great?"

Speaking of which, the mob leader seemed to have suddenly remembered something. He stretched out his hand and squeezed a big spoon to fish twice in the boiling cauldron in front of him. He picked up a fleshy little foot. Three of the toes have fallen off, and the epidermis has begun to separate from the muscle.

   The thug stared at the foot in the spoon for a while, then looked up at Nekhlova and said, "This seems to be your brother's foot."


   Nekhlova vomited uncontrollably again, as if his entire stomach was about to be turned upside down and squeezed out of his throat.

   "Hahahaha, it turns out that you really have a younger brother, oh, I just said it casually, but the babies have used it to make soup, which is very nutritious, do you want to try it?"


  Nekhlova felt that part of his soul and humanity were all vomited out with his yellow bile. Can someone who has seen such a thing still be called a human? Still a complete person?

   As for the person who does this kind of thing, that is not a human being, but a demon in human skin.

   Nekhlova vomited until he fainted, and when he woke up in the murky air of the truck bed, he was determined to avenge the demons.

But Nekhlova didn't have the ability to take revenge. After several attempts, he was unable to leave the carriage. He didn't find the slightest chance. Throwing it out as cannon fodder and bait—Nehlova had a hunch that he might die at the hands of monsters like that soon.

  Nekhlova didn't want to die in vain, but wanted revenge but couldn't, so there was only one thing left to do.

When the motorcade stopped at the intersection of an unfamiliar village, Nehrowa shouted in his loudest voice in the carriage: "Flee! Run! They are murderous demons! The people of God are no longer under His protection! Hurry up! Run away!"

Shouting in the closed truck compartment may not reach the ears of others, and even if the warning is successfully given, they may not be able to escape from the armed thugs, but this is the only thing Nekhlova can do, So he did, and curled up in a ball, waiting to die.

   Intense gunfire came from outside, and it was continuous.

Nekhlova closed his eyes in pain, not daring to imagine the scene outside the car, but the scene of the tragic death of his parents was vivid in his mind, and together with the faint sound of screams and wailing from outside, there was a tragic scene of a massacre. comes to mind.

After a while, the gunfire stopped, and the locked compartment door from the outside was opened, and the harsh light came in, causing the other children to narrow their eyes. Only Nekhlova stared out with tearful eyes and saw a yellow-skinned, Uncle with dark hair and glasses.


   "That's all I've been through."

   Nekhlova stared at the camera, his eyes red.

"The tragedy that happened to me is not an exception, in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, similar things have happened thousands of times, our military cannot protect us or even refuse to protect us ."

   "In just half a month, there have been more coups, civil wars, and massacres in Central Asia than in the past 100 years combined, and countless victims have been killed."

  Nekhlova pointed behind him, and the camera turned around. A group of young children and a few old men with white hair and beard were cooking fire on the edge of the tent.

Beside the bonfire, the old people posed and prayed to the great God for help, while the children looked numb and confused, staring blankly at the throbbing flames, their empty gray pupils seemed to no longer reflect light. .

   "Save us."

   Nekhlova fell to her knees facing the camera.

   "For the sake of fellow human beings, save us!"