MTL - Dashan Makes a Living 1984-Chapter 18 018: Deterrence

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  Chapter 18 018: Deterrence

  The clothes made in this era are not very good. Basically, they buy cloth and go home to the tailors in the village. They can be tailored according to the person's body, and the clothes made are more suitable.

  There are relatively few types of fabrics. The available fabrics are pretty good, but the worst is linen, which is very uncomfortable to wear. It is cold in winter and hot in summer, and belongs to the poor.

  When Wang Tianxiao passed the shoe store, he thought that the fifth child would go to the army in the spring, so he bought him a pair of leather shoes so that he could go out in style.

   I bought "How Steel Is Tempered" for the sixth child. That guy simply didn't read too much, so he didn't understand the basic truth. He is still young now, if he can save it, he will save it, if it is impossible, then let him go.

   Let him give up the thinking of his previous life, and regard the sixth and fifth children as equally important. He can't do it yet, and he is not a saint.

   It is the greatest mercy not to beat the sixth child.

  He also thought about buying something for his mother-in-law and father-in-law, but after thinking about it, he still had to discuss with his wife when to visit his father-in-law and mother-in-law. As for what to buy, his wife must know better than himself.

  After buying everything, Wang Tianxiao walked home satisfied. When he was about to reach the town, he went to the town brick and tile factory to ask about the prices of red bricks and gray tiles.

   They are all about the same, one yuan and five cents.

Wang Tianxiao calculated the amount of bricks needed for the yard behind the separation of the family. One side needs 65 bricks. The site of the village here is about one mu, so the courtyard wall and the house need a total of 50,000 bricks and 15,000 pieces of ash. Watts, it costs more than 3,000 yuan in total.

  Including labor, food, and other expenses, at least 5,000 yuan must be prepared for the construction of a new home.

   It is indeed a huge sum of money.

  People in this era rarely used red bricks to build houses, and most of the courtyard walls were built with soil and adobe.

  The courtyard wall is made of wooden boards to build the wall formwork, and then the soil is repeatedly smashed inward layer by layer, continuously compacted, and the wall is slowly built up, and then the formwork is removed, which is a bit like cement prefabrication or concrete pouring in later generations.

  The house is made of adobe.

  Adobe is made by using a mold about 40 to 50 centimeters long and more than ten centimeters wide. Put the sticky loess into it, tamp it with feet and stone hammers, and then remove the mold to dry in the sun, also known as "base".

  If this kind of base is of good quality, it is no less firm than red bricks, and it is the main material for building houses.

   What rural people lack most is labor, and what they lack the most is money. Therefore, unless there are very rich families, most families build their own foundation instead of using red bricks.

  Anyway, when it comes to a certain season, there are not many jobs in the village where people can earn work points, so they simply build homes by themselves.

In his previous life, Wang Tianxiao’s old house was not renovated until 2010. He has lived in the adobe house for more than 20 years. In this life, he has been reborn. He will definitely not let his wife and children live in this place. Let them live well and live first. Start in an enlarged room with bright red brick and gray tiles.

  Anyway, it will still grow throughout the winter. After finishing the work outside the mountain, he will go to the mountain to do it. Based on his own understanding of the mountains, he thinks it will be no problem to make ten thousand yuan.

   Besides, he doesn't just trouble wild animals.

  After the beginning of spring, he has other plans.

   Along the way, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He was full of energy and felt that a bright future was in front of him, and he could almost touch it with his hand.

  But as soon as he got home, he was still on the pit yard when he heard the noise in the yard again. Standing on the cliff and looking down, his face was immediately livid with anger.

   It turned out that Yu Xiaofeng, the hanged ghost, had returned with three men, her two older brothers and one younger brother.

   This is bringing her natal family back to make trouble.

   It is still very difficult to slowly transition out of this most difficult initial stage.

  Shu wants to be quiet but not windy. He wants to have nothing to do with these people who have grievances and grievances in the past life, but the other party just likes to provoke him.

  Worried about his wife's suffering, he didn't think much about it. He rushed down the alley on his bike, pushed the door open, and threw the car under a nearby tree.

Yu Xiaofeng and the three brothers of the Yu family, mother Zhang Meifeng, the third eldest Wang Tianren, the fourth eldest Wang Tianyi, the fifth, the sixth, and several children were all standing on the ground outside the cave dwelling. His face turned pale.

  The fifth and the sixth blocked Wang Tianxiao's door, preventing the three members of Yu's family from entering, while Wang Tianyi and his wife stood beside their mother, dissuading them, but they didn't take any action, as if they were watching the tiger from afar.

  If you hold two flags in your hand, you are a cheerleader, and if you give them a camera, you are a tourist.

  Mother Zhang Meifeng was so angry that her face was flushed and her hands were shaking.

  Wang Tianren squatted at the door of his cave with his head in his arms, not farting a single fart, and played normally.

  The wife was not seen in the crowd, probably in the cave.

  Wang Tianxiao deliberately made his voice loud when he entered the door, and everyone looked at him in unison, those who cared, those who watched the jokes, and those who were angry rushed over.

  The three brothers of the Yu family are not very tall, but their bodies seem to be quite strong. Their appearance is the same as Yu Xiaofeng's, with the corners of their eyes drooping down, which makes them look very sinister.

The three of them immediately stood in front of Wang Tianxiao, and Yu Da, the leader, pointed at Wang Tianxiao and cursed: "Wang Tianxiao, are you **** bullying my sister? After eating the bear's heart and leopard's guts, you dare to bully our Yu family. Ask around, is our Yu family easy to bully?"

   "Brother, I think it's better to give him a good beating. Look at him as a coward. I'll get angry when I see him."

   "That's right, he doesn't seem to care."

  Over there, Wang Tiancheng watched the three of them leave, so he asked Wang Tianxin to stay at the door, and then he came over to stand with his second brother, and said angrily, "There are people in your Yu family, but there is no one in our Wang family?"

  Wang Tianxiao was not in a hurry, he pulled his younger brother and kept him behind him. The younger brother will be a soldier next year, and he will be a high-ranking official in the future, so he can't drag his younger brother into the water.

  He looked at Yu Da's angry eyes, and said lightly: "So, what are you going to do today?"

   "Huh? What do you mean?" Yu Day was taken aback.

"It means, what are you mobilizing people to do today? Do you want to reason with me, or are you planning to fight? If it's reasoning, then let's sit down and explain the truth clearly. If you want to fight, then Move your position, do you guys come together, or should I single out one by one?"

  Wang Tianxiao's tone was very calm. The few people in front of him looked fierce, but he didn't have the slightest timidity.

  Those who have experienced life and death, what are these things?

  His momentum temporarily overwhelmed the three of them, and he pushed the third brother Yu away casually, went to untie the bag from the bicycle, and carried it towards his cave.

  (end of this chapter)