MTL - Data Cultivation System-Chapter 779 : Sword Soul Enhancement

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Although the Zhuxian sword is inferior to the Dinghaishen needle in terms of attack power, the advantage of the Zhuxian sword is that it is light enough. If you hold the Zhuxian sword, Zhuge Xiang can still wear the bull demon armor. Besides, the Dinghaishen needle Although strong, among Zhuge Xiang's attack skills, those sword moves are the strongest.

Sure enough, seeing Zhuge Xiang abandoning the Dinghai Shenzhen Needle and taking out the fierce Zhuxian Sword, there was a touch of solemnity in the beautiful eyes of the Fox Emperor.

The powerful sword moves of Zhuge Xiang's Sword of Immortal Jade were clearly seen when Zhuge Xiang fought against Emperor Bai Bone before. Now, Zhuge Xiang took out the Sword of Immortal Jade again. Doesn't it mean that the current self has to face those Zhuge Xiang A magical and powerful sword move?

"Devil Demon Sword Art", once Zhuge Xiang made a move, it was the Demon Subjugate Sword Art specifically to deal with demons and heretics. The golden sword aura, full of sacred aura, shot towards the Fox Emperor. The majestic and sacred sword aura seemed to be able to All evil things are purified.

Fumo Swordsmanship (Perfect): Increases damage to evil attribute targets by 100%, and ignores defense, consumes mp200.

Although the Fox Emperor is one of the five emperors, he was born as a fox demon and is now the Asura Emperor of the Asura Dao. No matter from any point of view, he cannot be a decent person. This demon-subduing sword technique naturally makes the Fox Emperor feel She was frightened, she really didn't know why Zhuge Xiang was obviously a person in the Shura way, why he was able to use these bright powers that were so strong and so bright.

Zhuge Xiang's Heavenly Demon Zen Voice, Tianlong Town Evil Pagoda, and this demon-subduing swordsmanship, people who don't know about it, really want to regard him as a Buddhist disciple. Or is it a righteous strongman who slays demons and demons as his own responsibility? but. However, Zhuge Xiang is also a person in the way of Shura, and what radiates from his body is also the power of evil attributes.

The peach blossom branch in Fox Emperor's hand reappeared, and with a shake of his jade hand, countless pink peach petals appeared, turning into a solid shield, blocking in front of Fox Emperor. Resist this golden and sacred demon-subduing sword energy.

The sword energy of subduing demons full of sacred aura, without the slightest intention of sympathizing with the fragrance and cherishing jade, slashed fiercely at the shield made of countless peach petals, and for a while, fragments of the petals flew around, which was really beautiful.

However, under this beautiful scenery, there is definitely a crisis that makes everyone terrified. Although the fox emperor is strong. But her strength was restrained by Zhuge Xiang's sacred attribute sword energy.

Demon-subduing sword energy full of majestic and sacred aura. Finally, he was still blocked by the Fox Emperor, but the shield transformed by those peach petals of the Fox Emperor also shattered, the shield exploded, and the remaining sword energy scattered the Fox Emperor, his face was a little pale, obviously affected With some internal injuries, Zhuge Xiang could see that the Fox Emperor's nearly 3 million health points were about 100,000 less.

Although the sword technique of subduing demons is the best choice to deal with evil spirits and heretics, but the opponent is one of the five emperors who are famous in Shura Dao. Zhuge Xiang didn't expect any substantial effect from this move. For Zhuge Xiang, Just this trick of subduing demon swordsmanship can kill about 100,000 life points of Fox Emperor, which is already a big profit.

"It's not indecent to come and go, you can also try my Peach Blossom Curse." Although he suffered some minor internal injuries under Zhuge Xiang's attack, Fox Emperor, as one of the five emperors, although a woman, can fight The experience is also very rich, for some injuries in his body, he didn't take it to heart, took a deep breath, the peach blossom branch shook, and many petals flew in the air again.

As soon as the Peach Blossom Curse came out, Zhuge Xiang could feel a huge spiritual power rushing towards him. The magic was naturally driven by spiritual power. This incomparably powerful spiritual power really made Zhuge Xiang, I also felt an overwhelming feeling.

Speaking of illusion, Zhuge Xiang felt as if he had become a doctor after a long illness. Back then, Zhuge Xiang was deeply trapped in the illusion of the King of Illusion, his memory was sealed, and he stayed there for ten years. Later, he was in the dragon tomb. , and was deeply trapped in the illusion of the Dragon Tomb, Nanke Yimeng, but neither King Huandu nor the illusion in the Dragon Tomb were far inferior to Fox Emperor.

Fox Emperor, who was born as a fox demon herself, is best at charm. Coupled with her status as one of the five emperors, when this illusion is performed, even a strong person of the same level must be careful, so as not to accidentally get caught. Unable to extricate himself from the illusion, naturally Zhuge Xiang, the strength of King Shura, cannot resist it.

The thick and powerful spiritual power is indeed the only one Zhuge Xiang has seen in his life. Spiritual power is invisible and qualityless. However, the spiritual power of the fox emperor can be transformed into substance, which shows how far he has reached.

Although the peach blossom branch looked no different from ordinary peach branches, Zhuge Xiang could sense that the peach blossom branch seemed to be the fox emperor himself, or in other words, the peach blossom branch was the spiritual force of the fox emperor. Concretely, the peach petals swaying piece by piece are the manifestation of Fox Emperor's spiritual power.

The Peach Blossom Curse, this is also the famous stunt of the Fox Emperor in the Shura Dao. Once cast, the mighty spiritual power is as if Mount Tai is overwhelming. In Zhuge Xiang's eyes, every peach petal seems to become extremely huge, overwhelming, and even able to Clearly seeing the lines on the peach petals, Zhuge Xiang also felt that his consciousness was slowly sinking into an illusion...

"No way! How can I stop here!?" Although the fox emperor's spiritual strength was beyond Zhuge Xiang's imagination, Zhuge Xiang's belief was also very firm.

Although his spiritual power was about to fall into an illusion, Zhuge Xiang flashed such firmness in his heart.

In Zhuge Xiang's Zifu Lingtai, the sword soul suspended in the Zifu Lingtai seemed to have sensed Zhuge Xiang's belief, and it bloomed with incomparable brilliance. With the brilliance of the sword soul blooming, Zhuge Xiang seemed to be able to feel it. The mental pressure from the Fox Emperor seemed to relax a little bit.

"By the way, the sword soul is transformed by the sword intent. Mind is like a sword. It can cut off empty thoughts. If the power of my sword soul is strong enough, can it also cut off the mental pressure from the Fox Emperor?", Feeling the power of the sword soul, which relieved his pressure a little, Zhuge Xiang's heart moved, and he murmured to himself.

Sword Soul, which claims to be able to cut off empty thoughts, is the nemesis of all illusions. This is why illusion attacks have little effect on sword monks. However, Zhuge Xiang has endured the plight of the illusion of the King of Illusion and the Tomb of the Ancient Dragon , it's not because the power of the sword soul is vain, it's because the power of the illusion that Zhuge Xiang is facing is just too strong.

At this moment, the Fox Emperor's illusion power is a thousand times greater than that of the Illusion King. If Zhuge Xiang's own strength had not been improved a lot, coupled with the blessing of the effects of the Yin-Yang Lord of the Rings and the Dark Night Emblem, Zhuge Xiang would have been under the Peach Blossom Curse. When it was just unfolded, it sank into it, but even so, Zhuge Xiang was like a dangerous egg under an overturned nest.

Spiritual power, sword soul, since the sword intent can be transformed into a sword soul, then naturally it can be transformed into a stronger existence, then, what are the sword immortals above the heavens?

The sword soul is transformed by the sword intent. To a certain extent, the sword soul is also Zhuge Xiang's soul power, but this soul power endows the will of the sword, so it is more aggressive and can cut off the spirit of others. In this way, is it feasible to increase the willpower of the sword in the soul?

During the battle, everything changed in an instant, and these thoughts in Zhuge Xiang's mind also changed in an instant. When he thought of this, Zhuge Xiang boldly began to practice even though he did not have a master in the way of swordsmanship.

With Zhuge Xiang's cultivation, he has already broken through to the sixth level of the Tribulation Realm. Zhuge Xiang's spiritual power is naturally not comparable to that in the stage of transforming gods. , All the spiritual power rushed towards the sword soul hanging on the Lingtai of the Purple Mansion.

The Lingtai of the Zifu can be said to be Zhuge Xiang's spiritual world. The sword soul hangs on the Lingtai of the Zifu. Spiritual power is pouring into the sword soul, and the Lingtai of the Purple Mansion can be described as a change of scenery.

The first level of power in the Void Return is the Nascent Soul Realm, the golden core is shattered, and the Nascent Soul is born. In the Lingtai of Zifu, Zhuge Xiang’s Nascent Soul is already very huge, Only a few steps away, after passing through the catastrophe of immortals and demons, the Nascent Soul can shed its mortal body and turn into an immortal body. Following Zhuge Xiang's movements, Zhuge Xiang's Nascent Soul in the Lingtai of the Purple Mansion opened its doors. With both eyes, he grabbed the sword soul with one hand.

Yuanying is no different from Zhuge Xiang's deity, holding the sword soul in his hand, and holding it up high, in the world of the Lingtai of the Purple Mansion, countless radiant lights poured into the sword soul like swallows returning to their nests. The sword soul, with the infusion of spiritual power, also burst into dazzling light, and the sword soul also seemed to become extremely solid, as if it were an entity.

"Break it!", regardless of the turbulent scene in Zhuge Xiang's Zifu Lingtai, at this time, Zhuge Xiang, who was suppressed by the fox emperor's illusion and was about to fall, was on Duzun Mountain. , In the eyes, a sharp sword light suddenly shot out, and he exhaled and shouted loudly.

Suddenly, a ray of light appeared between Zhuge Xiang's eyebrows, as if a hole had been split, and an incomparably bright divine sword appeared, sweeping fiercely in front of Zhuge Xiang...

The sharp sword edge swept across, and the sword seemed to be not a sword, but a fan, surrounded by Zhuge Xiang's peach blossom petals, all of which were swept away, Zhuge Xiang, the strengthened sword soul swept away, and the peach blossom curse of the Fox Emperor was swept away. cut off directly. (To be continued..)