MTL - Death Notice-v11 Chapter 86 Heavy drain

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"Hey, now knowing that exploring the dark areas is not a fun thing to do?" When camping, Gilliam unceremoniously ridiculed Qin Lun and others. "However, now there is no way, they have already arrived here." ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 www www www www www www www

"I really don't know the dark elves of prehistoric times. How did they adapt when they were expelled from the surface into the dark areas!" Mastasia said with a wry smile. "Change to me in this environment, do not need a In the month, it will be insane."

"Do you think that the current drow has no mental disorders and psychological distortions?" Idrija rolled her eyes and couldn't help but say.

"However, I still tell you a good news. According to several prospecting experts in the team, we should have been not far from the Mi Yinfang mining area." Lorraine said before the campfire, God said mysteriously.

"That's good!" The words of the dwarfs let everyone, including the apostles, breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, the surprise was expected to come faster than everyone expected. On the afternoon of the next day, several prospecting experts exploring the front came to the good news, and the expedition team reached the periphery of the Mi Yinwan mining area!

"It's really hard to go here!" The female apostle of the Weiss team supported her staff and bent and gasped. Among all of them, her physical condition is the worst, even the black robe mage is not as good.

As for the other women in the team, Ilistin is a druid, don't look soft and weak, but each druid is very tall, they are close to nature, used to living alone in the forest, how is the body possible? It’s got worse.

Marstad is a highland elf. The place where she was born is an alpine rock, and her body is comparable to a female barbarian. Otherwise, other elves will not call them a pretty elf.

Needless to say, Idrija, the profession is the knight, or the believer of Lauvita, any painful experience will be regarded as a tempering of her own beliefs.

"Do you need a handle, Miss Lolita!" Qin Lun looked back at her and smiled very gentlely.

After the common battle of the Rats and Tribes, the apostles of the two teams got a lot of relationships in the relationship, and everyone got to know each other again. The female apostle of the Weiss team is called Lolita, the black robe mage is called Romon, the shield is called Newton, and the thief of the nicknamed monkey is called Biba.

The female pastor shook her head and refused. As a second-order apostle, she had her own pride and didn't want to be a burden to the team.

However, this can not blame the female priest's physical fitness is too bad, it is really the path of the expedition team is too rugged.

They are now walking a winding "mountain road", saying that it is a mountain road, in fact, there is no road at all, just a little better than climbing the cliff. Everyone is using both hands and feet, stepping on the bumpy rock below the foot, and some of them even have the size of the palm, and some corners even hang in the air.

If it is not the members of the expedition team are professional, and there are legendary strongmen and Druids to look after, it is estimated that they have already fallen a few times.

The terrain of the dark area is much more complicated than the surface. Qin Lun has long lost his sense of direction. On the whole, the feeling of this dark terrain gives them the feeling that they are huge bubbles formed between the rock formations.

Some of these bubbles are even as broad as plains, while others are like the stomata in the cheese, like the cave of the mouse they have seen. These bubbles and the tunnel connecting them form the landscape of this dark area.

They are now climbing up the edge of a large bubble rock. Fortunately, this rock formation is not a ninety degree cliff, or a concave arch, otherwise the difficulty is even greater.

According to Lorraine, after climbing this rock formation, you should be able to find some mining area in the secret silver hall. With the materials currently provided by the expedition team, they will probably find a future camp in the mining area.

This camp will play a major role in defeating the Shadow Dragon and the Grey Dwarf and occupying the Secret Bank. In the apostle's side, as long as one of Gilliam and Lorraine confirmed the Mithril Hall mining area and safely returned to the previous camp, their mission was successfully completed.

Unexpectedly, the rock formation in front of them did not climb to the top. The dwarf ore-mining expert who led the way, when he was about to see the top of the rock, actually took the team into a deep tunnel.

This tunnel was twisted and narrow, and the members of the expedition team could only kneel on the ground. This time, even Qin Lun began to secretly complain.

The two elf beauty in the team was even more blue and began to talk nonsense. They only felt that the narrow rock walls around them seemed to collapse and buried everyone in the same way.

Qin Lun sighed and gave a look to the rand behind. They each stunned Marstad and Ilistin. These two beautiful women are obviously a little sign of claustrophobia. If they let them continue to climb in the tunnel, they will leave a big psychological shadow after they fail.

The tunnel in this rock formation was a bit wet, and Qin Lun climbed for a while, only to feel the uncomfortable feeling of wetness. Fortunately, this section of the road is not too long. After climbing up nearly a few hundred meters, the tunnel finally began to expand, and a huge stalactite cave appeared in front.

The area of ​​this cave is huge. Qin Lun looked at it. It is estimated that there is a football field. The surrounding rock wall is connected with more than ten large and small tunnels.

"My head hurts!" Ilistin, who was caught by Qin Lun, woke up with a sullen head and looked around with a blank look.

However, the elf druid quickly woke up and stood up with a red face.

"Hey, there seems to be wind in the vicinity!" the female elf, who was very sensitive to the wind, cried in surprise.

"Well, it seems that the destination of the dwarves is not far away!" Looking at the front, an excited dwarf, Qin Lun felt something, smiled and said.

"Ferrar, we found it!" It turns out that Qin Lun’s hunch was right, and Lorraine quickly ran over with excitement.

“Is it found to connect the mines?” The apostles including Qin Lun were relieved.

"Well, although it has not yet been confirmed, there are traces of ‘heavy water’ burning in two of the caves!” Lorraine grinned.

"Heavy water?" Qin Lun has some doubts, the professional vocabulary of the dwarfs, even the broken starry sky can not translate the specific meaning, he certainly does not understand.

"Oh, heavy water is the ore solvent that we used for initial processing after we collected the ore." Lorraine didn't care, explaining it to Qin Lun and other companions who listened to their ears.

"Some of the ore that has just been dug out are too big, but when they can't be broken with miners, we use heavy water to melt the impurities." Lorraine shrugged and continued, "However, the heavy water is very corrosive. Strong, the channels that usually drain heavy water will leave indelible traces, and the traces appear here."

“Is there any danger?” Weiss, who was a steady, quickly asked.

"No, although the heavy water will volatilize, there will be some poisonous gas, but our ancestors paid attention to the ventilation conditions." Lorraine said confidently, "I will say that the two tunnels have been abandoned for hundreds of years, and there will be Heavy water remains."

"Ferrar!" After discussions with the prospecting experts, Gillim walked away from a distance with ease. "Moralin is on, thank you for your help all the way, we are finally going to succeed!"

"This is what we should do!" Qin Lun responded modestly.

"Ferrar, I apologize to you for the original misunderstanding. Your efforts along the way make all the dwarves look in your eyes." The old dwarf looked very happy and shouted with a beard. "Although you guys are like all the elves." They all love to be artificial, but when friends really need you, they are sincere!"

"Gilliam, should I apologize for this?" Qin Lun smiled and touched his nose. The dwarfs sounded like this, and they dig more than praise.

"Call me Gilliam, all the shield dwarves are your friends, Ferrar!" The old dwarf looked like a beard and blinked for the first time.

"Well, Gilliam!" Qin Lun nodded with a smile and asked, "When you find the Miyin Hall mine, when are you going to attack the Chamber of Secrets?"

"This depends on Bruno's arrangement, but, according to my estimation, it won't be so fast." The old dwarf pondered a bit, but decided to be honest. "The secret silver hall has more than a shadow dragon, and the gray dwarf king and a whole The Grey Dwarf tribe may be a war that lasts for months."

The old dwarf shook his head, as if to open his worries, and said with a smile, "The next thing, you better not to participate. Your friendship with the shield dwarf is enough for the dwarf king to consider an alliance with the Anker Elf. After all, it is the dwarves who have fought against evil allies in ancient times. We have never forgotten this."

"Gilliam, have you forgotten it? You just said that I treat my friends sincerely." Qin Lun said with a sullen face. "If you think that I have done so many things just to form an alliance, I am too light." No matter what purpose I have, at least in helping my friends, I will stick to it, even if I need to give my life."

joke! Qin Lun has worked hard not only for the predecessor branch of an epic He also hopes to get the world's tokens again, and then come back to complete the secret story of the secret silver hall!

Despite the breakthrough results of the expedition team, the dwarves did not let the joy stunned. Today's exploration has drained everyone's energy. They plan to spend a day in the cave and then explore the tunnel full of heavy water corrosion.

Twelve hours passed by, and the expedition team reorganized the line and entered the tunnel that was considered to be a heavy drain.

On the surface of the tunnel, Qin Lun discovered a lot of slumps and holes in the pits, which is very similar to the traces of corrosive liquids flowing. The tunnel called the heavy water channel by the dwarves was not long, but at the edge of the exit of the tunnel, several dwarves in front of the road suddenly rushed back.

Glim, who received the report, quickly became dignified and walked toward Qin Lun.

"Glimm, what's wrong?" Qin Lun sinks in his heart and faintly feels that something he worried about a few days ago happened.

"Ferrar, I need your help!" said the old dwarf, looking at an apostle behind him. I527

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