MTL - Decadent Beauty, Rely on Gou Became Popular-Chapter 15 015

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The anti-Japanese crew changed into the designated costumes, a set of dark school uniforms.

But when the designated male makeup artist saw her, he showed some contempt.

As soon as the bag was soft and sat down, the makeup artist took out the powder—Dark's wheat color.

Placed on the side of the soft, white and flawless clear skin, it is like a dark concealer from snow to mud.

"Our entire crew is in a simple Anti-Japanese War style. Your face looks like a petty bourgeois lady and will be knocked down."

Package is soft: "?"

Her radar rang.

Looking along the makeup table, I saw the mobile phone that the makeup artist brother placed on the table, and the screen just turned on.

A screensaver showing a photo of Tang Yuxin's poster.


Makeup artist is fast.

She not only painted her face black, but also freckled her.

Bao Ruanruan saw his face in the mirror, a little dirty.

It was like an egg rolled to the ground.

Covered with a layer of mud and a little ink.

"You wouldn't mind, would you?" The makeup artist smiled with two nasolabial lines.

Bao winked softly, "It's over?"

The makeup artist groaned, "What do you think I'm not good at, you can ask the director to say—"

"Well, it's not very good." Bao looked softly at the mirror.

The makeup artist sneers.

Bao softly pointed to the dirty face, "Is there a darker shade?"

Makeup artist: "?"

"The lips are also painted white, and the freckles are a dozen more."

Makeup artist: "???"

Bao looked at the mirror softly, only disgusted that he was not black enough, and his natural foundation was too white, and he painted three or four shades of black, which was still too conspicuous in the crowd.

Shootout Escape for later!

In the street shooting area of ​​the Republic of China style, the director and the main actors are already in place.

Talking about a play.

"This pursuit, we will take a shot to the end, until you shoot."

Halfway through, the director frowned.

"You recommend this bag Ruan Ruan, really... She doesn't look like a low-key schoolgirl, and has nothing to do with the role. Her face is whiter than the reflector, she knows she is going to act, and she still paints it like this How many fans, have you read the script?"

People are born white.

Lilac, the actress in front of him, smiled awkwardly, "Just try it. It takes tens of seconds of footage, if it doesn't work, change the person."

She didn't know why her brother Han Mo asked her to recommend Bao Ruanruan.

She also saw the rumored Bao Ruanruan entering the crew just now, her skin was really white to glowing, and her lips were pink and red.

Her role is not a lady who falls down when the wind blows, but an ordinary girl who is still studying and needs a down-to-earth Chen Kendu.

This character really doesn't fit.

"Don't be angry, the makeup artist is right next to you, and the makeup is done quickly." Lilac also has no confidence.

Some newcomers are very concerned about their appearance, and would rather be sprayed with their acting skills than act ugly in the crew.

Showing the mirror is a must.

The director is not angry, "It's okay to find me a thorn!"

But he was about to say that he had a fifteen-minute rest on the spot to give the bag time to recycle, when he saw a girl in a student uniform walking towards the camera from a distance.

Her complexion was not fair, and she was even a little tanned and oily, like a poor child who helped the family do a lot of farm work.

The lips also look a little too dull.

As I got closer, I could see some freckles on her nose.

She seemed a little timid, took two steps cautiously, and bowed to the director, "Hello everyone, I'm Bao Ruanruan, who came to guest-star as a female student."


The director who just disliked the white man, rubbed his eyes hard.

Look at her coal makeup…

"Which makeup artist did it! I have nothing to do when I'm full? Am I shooting an African student!"


The male makeup artist who was scolded: "...Director, she said to be darker..."

Actresses ask to be painted black?

Never seen!

The director glared at him, "My machine is turned on, I'm here waiting for you to tell the story! Don't do it if you don't want to!"

The makeup artist almost cried.

Bao blinked softly and looked at the mirror in disbelief.

She feels pretty good.

For a while, the black-faced male makeup artist painted her white again.

Bao Ruan's face is a pity, "Next time I play African, I will ask you to do makeup. This color is actually quite good, hey."

The makeup artist was so **** she couldn't say anything.

A belly is burning in my heart.

The bag is soft and soft and ready to sit.

Thinking that this character was destined to be killed by devils, she felt sadness in her heart, and the anti-Japanese divine song blurted out.

"The big knife slashes the devils' heads!"

Male. Substitute automatically. Makeup artist: "…"


I'm having a stroke.

Every unit of the shooting team is ready, no matter how bold the makeup artist is, he will not dare to delay the shooting progress.

He wants to stand next to him, watching this soft bag, who can't act at all and relies on pulling and stepping on her Yuxin female goose's upper position, will make a fool of himself and be scolded by the director to cry!

"You, come out of this Decheng Restaurant later and look around."

"It didn't take long for the enemy to find something abnormal, you fled in front of the camera, and you were hit when you passed this jade shop."

This character is too small, without a line, he was shot.

So I didn't audition before.

The director probably told her once and asked her to move again, and the shooting was about to start.

The one who shot her was Lilac who played the Japanese team leader.

Two women with different identities, one good and the other evil, chase one after another, and one mirror to the end.

In addition, there are more than a dozen group performers who play ordinary people and serve as the background in the camera.


Lilac was instantly captured.

Bao Ruanruan also acted immediately, she had already observed the whole shooting situation on the street.

From Decheng Restaurant to the jade shop, there are four storefronts, nine melon and fruit, repairing and other stalls.

The storefronts along the way, some gates have billboards, and some stalls fly flags.

And several passers-by performed, their clothes were dark blue, black and gray, white or dark brown.

It is somewhat similar to the school uniform in black and blue.

She just has to run with the camera.

It's really simple.

But with a click—

Lilac pulled the trigger of the pistol from behind.

The bag was soft and the back was tight and the back of the head was numb.

In the game, she has experienced many pursuits and escapes.

The reactions engraved in the muscles and blood are faster than the brain.


For a moment, her face turned pale and mixed into the crowd!

Like a swimming fish, it accurately shuttled through the crowd of passers-by with the same color as her school uniform!

When she passed the jade shop, she took a small step to merge with the billboard of the same color on the storefront!

The director who looked at the monitor saw the figure of Lilac chasing after him, and the nervous and flustered expressions of the female students at the entrance of the restaurant, very realistic and natural.

He nodded with satisfaction, but soon, he couldn't nod.

The gunshot that should have sounded was delayed.



"Shoot! What are you doing, Lilac, don't get distracted!"

Lilac is sweating profusely.

She wasn't distracted.

But... looking at the dozen or so groups in front of me, what about the soft package? !

She wants to shoot too!

But in the jade shop, the place where the gun was fired, no one with a soft bag was found at all!

Where are you raising your gun?

"Card! What's up, Lilac?"


"Do it again, you shoot right away when she's in the jade shop, you know?"


Is she in the jade shop?

Cloves are hard to describe.

Is it because I was so distracted just now that I didn't realize that Bao Ruan Ruan was in front of the jade shop?

This is a dynamic one shot to the end.

It is impossible for Bao Ruanruan to stop at the door of the store and let her shoot and pose.

She needs to shoot in the direction of the fleeing bag in the dynamic.

"Phew, do it again." Lilac lifted her spirits.

Bao Ruanruan stood next to her, and saw actress Li Xiang's exploratory, puzzled, and helpless eyes constantly falling on her.

She touched her face embarrassedly.

After the acting lessons that Xue Jing arranged for her in the past few days, she knows the duty of an actor, and the first thing is to act according to the role.

But just now, the fear of death in her bones broke out in an instant, and she fled...a bit too much.


This time, she wants to control how much she sends!

When the gun rang, the monitor successfully captured Bao's soft, tragic and dedicated expression!

She fell unyieldingly, stretched out her hand, and faced the rising sun in the east, as if she was welcoming the light of national victory!


The director who looked at the monitor wanted to stand up.

"Stop the camera!"

The audience: "!?"

Male makeup artist: "?"

Originally, the character of Bao Ruanruan was just a small person, and there were not many shots.

The director doesn't like to be soft and soft. Although she agrees to play the role, the design compresses the appearance time of the character.

Because, a person with poor acting skills can easily become a rat **** with a bad pot of porridge.

It's better not to give her key shots.

I didn't expect her to perform so well!

The director regrets it now!

The whole audience looked at Bao Ruanruan's performance because of the director's shout.

And Bao Ruan Ruan didn't think she was acting at all, but when blood burst out from her body and blood filled her eyes, she felt a pain in her heart.

The pain of death in the past is rolling over and over.

Her slightly raised eyes were full of sad tears.

She clutched her 'wound' reluctantly and struggled to crawl towards the hospital not far away.

Dying again...

No, she thinks she can save her.

The poignant blood crawled all over the place.

Her hand almost touched the door of the hospital.

Director: "!"

Lilac: "!"

Everyone: "!"

The director woke up from a dream, "Card!"

The package is soft and soft.

Dazed, but awake quickly.

touched his sticky chest, blood...sweet.

Red syrup mixed with cough syrup.

Fake, not dead.

It's acting.

Ah, that's fine.

She's doing it again!

No need to go to the hospital!

Bao grinned softly and rose from the ground radiant.

The director was stunned looking through the monitor.

I didn't expect it.

Now a young rookie, so deeply into the play!

He didn't call card, she was always immersed in the character.

Is this her own added character story?

Unexpectedly, she, a young actress in her early twenties, had such a profound understanding of the revolutionary spirit of underground party members!

I want to protect my comrades even to death!

Fifty-six years old this year, Lin Zhengbing, the director of anti-Japanese dramas, couldn't help giving her a thumbs up.

"You girl has a good understanding! There are similar characters in the next drama, I'm still looking for you, Xiao Ding recommends it well!"

Package is soft: "?"

Lilac: "??"

Male makeup artist: "???"

Filming is over for the day.

Ten crews, nine said the bag was not soft, and one wanted to return it.

He recommended this time a little guilty.

But in a blink of an eye, I received a WeChat message.

[Junior Sister Lilac: Senior Brother, I almost died. 】

Han Mo: “…”

The chat is dead today.

He coughed and made a phone call, "If you cause trouble, return it if it doesn't work."

"Hey, it's almost impossible. I NG 6 times, and I was almost replaced by a dizzy director."

Han Mo: "...?"

Lilac is the female supporting role of Lin Dao Kang's Japanese drama.

"Are you implicated by her?"

"Isn't it! Brother, you don't remind me that Bao Ruanruan is so good at acting. In comparison, I was disgusted by the director to death."


This...he knew it too.

Anti-Japanese dramas have specific performances.

It's not the same as a court drama.

Is she acting well too?

Lilac snorted, "The director added a close-up shot to her! I made an appointment for her in advance for the female partner in the next drama."


After hanging up, Han Mo felt absurd.

But somewhat reasonable.

Thinking of the pear blossom's desire to survive in front of him that day, it really deserves a close-up picture.

He put down the phone in a subtle mood.

Bronze is competitive, can seize the opportunity to score, the king's face is also bright.

So this is the happiness of cultivation?

Pack up and go back.

As soon as the nanny's car door opened, she saw Xue Jing, who was rarely seen today, wearing a tailored suit and gold-rimmed glasses.

He glanced at him with a pair of peach blossom eyes and temporarily put down the PAD in his hand.

Look at the watch.

Looks like there will be an urgent matter.

"Ten minutes to finish. Only the last episode of the restaurant recording."

“The number of page views of the mascot on Weibo has reached 700 million.”

His tone was still lazy.

But because of the hairspray, the black hair on the forehead was completely pulled back, revealing a broad forehead.

Looking lazy, there is a little more scumbag.

Bao Ruanruan was distracted for a while, and magically thought of the little brother who helped him clear the game.

I don't know if he is in this world or not.

I don't know what he looks like.

If Xue Jing was like this...

Hey hey hey.

She is reluctant, so-so, and she can follow.

Xue Jing raised her peach eyes and squinted at the 'greasy' smile that suddenly appeared on her pink face.


"Looks like you're mentally prepared."

"Take off your hood before leaving the show."

The package is soft: "!?"

She does a sit-up.