MTL - Demon God-Chapter 699 Soaring quality!

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() Fairyland!

Heaven is a door!

Dozens of high-level true immortals such as Junlinzi fell on the earth, which made the whole Tianyimen angry, and the large area where Tianyimen was completely shrouded in a haze.

Today, the Tianyi Monarch, an immortal emperor, does not hesitate to consume the immortal power, and must return the soul before Jun Linzi's broken soul Jade Jane!

Of course, this kind of rebirth is only a very short period of time. It's about 100 breaths. However, despite this, it also consumes immortal power very much. It is necessary to deeply persecute the immortal knowledge into Jiuyou Hell, and find the soul fragments of Junlinzi among the countless scattered souls that have not yet dispersed.

At this time, a back altar at Tianyimen opened an altar. The monarch of Tianyimen, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the altar, closed his eyes tightly, his whole body was up and down, and the immortal force was rippling like a wave, making a loud immortal sound.

In all directions, all the core disciples of Tianyimen are silent.


"Junlinzi! Return the soul!"

Tian Yimen, a loud roar broke out, eyes opened!

Extremely terrifying scenes emerged from the eyes of the Tianyi Monarch! It is the vicissitudes of samsara, destruction and creation, the Milky Way and the heavens and the earth ...

"咻 ~~~~~~~~~~"

The next moment, Tian Yimen, the forefinger of his right hand, and a beam of light that shot directly at Jun Linzi ’s broken soul jade is simple!

"Oh !!!!"

Jade Jane, the broken soul, burst out of fireworks, and then. A simmering cloud of mist. Sprayed out. Twisted in the clouds, a man's figure appeared, and the man was suffering from the fire of purgatory, suffering painfully, and he burst into screams of heartbreaking ... "Miserable! Miserable! I am good Terrible! "


"Brother Junlinzi!"

"The remnant soul of Master Linlin!"


At this time, Tianyimen suddenly stopped drinking. "Jun Linzi. Your remnant soul has a limited time to stay, and quickly tell the situation of Xiao Han! The emperor is planning, revenge!"

The lingering soul in the smoke, when he heard Xiao Han's name, immediately shuddered and trembled. "Xiao Han! Xiao Han! Mighty! I never thought I would die in Xiao Han's hands ... revenge? The lord must avenge me! I am not willing ~~~~~~"

"Don't talk so much nonsense!" Tian Yimen became furious and completely lost his manners and manners, because the immortal power he had just lost was too huge, making his face pale and papery and unstable.

"Yes ... Yes ... Xiao Han has the power to kill 6th-level true immortal ... and ... and he has close to 1,000 slaves of 7th-level true immortal ... Four treasures of Qiandi Xiandi, Qiankun bag. Pagoda, besieged sword. Tianmo clan avatar ... all in Xiao Han's hands ~~~~~~~~~ "

The voice just fell ...

"Oh !!!!"

The remnant soul of Junlinzi disappeared.


In the end, the whole sky was a master of Xiao Han's strength.


Houshan was silent.

A mortal person can kill level 6 true immortals, and has nearly 1,000 level 7 true immortals ...

This is too scary.

It's too abnormal.


"I can't think of it, I can't think of it, there are still such heavenly people in the human world ..." Tian Yimen, with his hands on his back, murmured like a nightmare. In his eyes, there was a venomous glow.

At this time, several other emperors who stood beside Tian Yimen's monarch like the sea, finally came out ... "Tian Yixiong, it seems that this secret controlled by Xiao Han is completely out. To our surprise ... Well, a level 7 true immortal close to 1,000, this force, enough to form a middle school, when it comes to fairyland ... Tianyi brother, now you want to forcibly eat with the strength of Tianyimen Xiao Han, I am afraid, will suffer heavy losses and lose both. "

"Well, Brother Tian, ​​if you want to go to the lower world, the energy you need is too scary. You need at least 10 middle-level immortals to join forces to open the tunnel of time and space for you. In addition, you also need some special artifacts to shield the breath. .Otherwise, if you are an immortal emperor, if your momentum is a little bit concealed, it will smash the space, causing you to fall into the debris of space, and your emperor ’s cultivation will also fall ... ”

Hearing that the Tianyi Monarch's gaze continued to flash, as if he was conspiring to conspiracy and poisoning. After a moment, the Tianyi Monarch was determined. "This matter must be dealt with by the Emperor Xiandi himself. Xiao Han not only has the treasure treasures of the sword, but also his own secrets. It is worthwhile to take risks ... this way, we will send a message immediately. , Contact the Emperor Xian who has made good friends with us, and everyone will join hands to open up a wormhole in space and time, and find a way to the lower bound! "

"Okay, contact, contact some more Emperors."


Mortal realm.

Monster tower.

In a very good quality room!

Xiao Han is hitting the realm of Qi!

Today, Xiao Han is going to rush through the 71st true hole and enter the real Qi Ba Duan realm.

This rune formation is to combine the runes into some formations after the enchanted runes. From the realm of real life, if the realm before Rune Realm is metaphorized as a casual soldier, then once you enter the realm of battle, you will be a free soldier, train, and become a division of iron and steel. Fighting power soared.

Generally speaking, take some eternal giants of this rank of monsters as an example ...

The true spell layout method, the top genius, can arrange 10 array methods in the body, increasing the attack power tenfold.

About some other genius geniuses can arrange a dozen or dozens of formations, but it is difficult to break a hundred.

And now Xiao Han ...

"Huh! The average martial artist, when transforming the rune, ten times to wash the true charm, which is about dozens of times, hundreds of times, and I washed the true charm, 117,000 times ... It is impossible to speak the same day. My destiny's rune. The quality is very arrogant! Now. I want to arrange the rune array. It's a shocking scene again! Okay, start! "

Xiao Han's extremely accurate induction reached the position of the 71st true acupoint on his body.

In fact, in terms of Xiao Han's mentality and accumulation, he could have rushed to open the 71st true hole, but he could not bear it anymore.

Now, let go of the **** completely!

Shock! !! !! !! !! !!

at this moment! Time seems to be still!

In Xiao Han's mind, some scenes like horses and horses appeared ...

Enter the second-tier adventure of the Extreme Blade Immortal Treasure!

In the qualifiers. Slaughtering immortals is like killing pigs and dogs!

In the battle for hegemony in Taiwan, the immortals in the lower world are elite, and they will not leave a piece of armor!

In the world of purple trials, practice well ...


All accumulations are definitely not conceivable by ordinary people, even if they are immortals, they may not have accumulated like Xiao Han!

Now, this accumulation has turned into a torrent and directly hit the position of the 71st true cave!

suddenly! There was silence all around!

The entire monster tower. It seems to be quiet!

This quietness is like the weird atmosphere before the disaster.

No wind around.

Around still.

After just a dozen breaths ...

"噗 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Light like the big sun. From Xiao Han's body, unbridled bloom came out!

Then, a terrible sound of thousands of planets disintegrating, thousands of dragons roaring, thousands of worlds annihilating, thousands of volcanoes erupting!



A giant light wrapped the entire Xiaxia Tower in an instant, making the sun eclipse!

It seems that only this kind of light is left in the sky!

In this light, there seems to be a **** coming!

This beam of light rushed for nine days, and then illuminated the entire plane! The whole plane is bathed in infinite light!

In the vast universe, other planes in the mortal realm have seen this light.

This is a miracle.

As a result, mortals of countless planes worshiped at Xiao Han's plane.


Monster tower.

"Xiao Han's impact on the realm of Qi has caused a vision of heaven and earth! Something big is about to happen!" Wu's scream growled ... "An unprecedented thing is about to happen!"


In the back room!

Xiao Han finally used the accumulation of his whole body to explode the 71st true hole.

Under the dazzling light, Xiao Han's whole body is truly symbolic, all of a sudden spread out, reorganized, and arranged 18 arrays in an instant! Makes Xiao Han's invigorating quality 18 times higher!

This is too scary!

You should know that the plane where Xiao Han is located has the best score in Rune Realm, which is 10 punches, and 10 matrix methods are accumulated, which improves the quality of Qi by 10 times.

Xiao Han rushed to open a real hole, and 18 arrays have already been arranged!

It's incredible!

In this way, Xiao Han ’s whole body's pure vitality power has reached several trillion trillion tripods!

Xiao Han's foundation for expanding the cave and transforming the runes is extremely strong. Therefore, the base is large. At this moment, the quality of true qi is multiplied, and the total strength of the qi in return will be too crazy and crashing!

"Hundreds of billions of tripods of pure energy, good ..." Xiao Han deeply felt the boundless horror of his power. He squeezed his fist a little, and a lot of space was wiped out.

At present, Xiao Han has the illusion that even if he exerts his true energy alone, he can destroy the fairy and sweep the world without using any other means.

"Now my true energy and pure power, if converted into fairy power ..."

Xiao Han calculated in his heart ...

You know, Xiao Han is a force of 18 trillion yuan, an increase of 18 times, reaching 324 trillion yuan.

And Xianli, taking dragon as a unit.

The strength of 10 trillion tripods is roughly equal to 1 dragon's fairy power.

The strength of 324 trillion tripods is equal to nearly 32 dragon fairy power.

What is the concept of 32 dragon's fairy power?

True immortal, is divided into 1 ~ 10 levels.

Level 1 true immortal is an immortal with 1 ~ 10 dragon immortal power.

Level 2 true immortal is an immortal with 11 ~ 20 dragon immortal power.

Level 3 true fairy, 21 ~ 30 dragon fairy power.

Level 4 true fairy, 31 ~ 40 dragon fairy power.

Level 5 true fairy, 41 ~ 50 dragon fairy power.

Level 6 true immortal. 51 ~ 60 Longxianli.

Level 7 true immortal. 61 ~ 70 Longxian force.

Level 8 true immortal ~ ~ Longxianli; Level 9 true immortal, 81 ~ 90 Longxianli; Level 10 true fairy, 91 ~ 100 Longxianli. "

Above the level 10 true immortal is the immortal.


In other words, Xiao Han's innocent Qi power today is also at the level of 4 true immortals!

Although there is no blessing from fairy magic, it is not trivial!


"Okay, keep pounding on the 72nd true hole!"

Xiao Han is now ambitious and confident!

"The stronger my strength is, the more I have to fight against the many ancestors in the fairy realm and the fairy emperor!"



…… (To be continued ...)