MTL - Demon King’s Political Marriage-Chapter 37 Break through

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Night Broken Sky is still alive. When he was in trouble, he already thought about the various strategies that the Federation would follow.

The enemy must start with firepower strikes, then the sea and man tactics, these can not defeat him, but in the end, the Federation will definitely send its highest-ranking unit-Ghost Lock.

Ye Zhuangkong knew that he could not find such a lurking unit in the shadows, so he was not as quiet as he was. He had been waiting at Wu Xingyun's house. Even if the entire building was gone, he was still waiting and he made it immediately. To deal with the ghost lock soldiers.

He made a disguise around, and deliberately guided the progress of the ghost locker, so when the locker arrived, he could only see the back of the night broken sky.

There is no special protective measure for the night broken sky. The ghost locker's bullets are enough to penetrate the spacecraft's shield, and he cannot resist it.

So he could only concentrate all his mental power and strength on the heart behind him.

When the Ghost Locker comes, he will inevitably choose a place where the blow is fatal. If the shooting point is the heart, then in case of precautions, the night broken air will not be injured.

If you choose another place-the power of the night broken sky is not enough to protect the whole body, but other places will not be fatal, and you have a chance.

The plan for Night Break is simple. Once the ghost locker hits himself, he pretends to be dead.

Pretending to die this skill, he did not know how many times he had used it during the Nirvana period. He was very skilled enough to deceive any instrument.

He was killed, and the Ghost Locker will inevitably report to his superior. According to years of fighting experience, Shi Fei will shoot the armored troops. At that time, he only needs to control the Ghost Locker, and then grab an armored vehicle, then he can charge. Get out of the siege, find a fighter, and run away.

However, the only weakness of this plan is that it cannot cope with more than two ghost lockers at the same time.

So he deliberately forged four hiding spots. He thought that the Federation could only find at most two ghost lockers in a short time, so he placed his own signals in three other places. If the Ghost Locker is dispatched and arrives at the forgery hideout, he will know and be prepared for the first time.

Everything is ready, the rest is waiting.

But he did not expect that Wen Nuo found four ghost lockers, one at each hiding place.

He even did not expect that the person who came to ambush himself turned out to be-Wu Xingyun.

No, it should be said that Ye Suikong knows that there will definitely be Wu Xingyun among these people. Since he has not received a call, he knows that Wu Xingyun chose the Federation. As an excellent ghost locker, the Federation will do everything possible to mobilize Wu Xingyun to fight.

What he didn't expect was that Wu Xingyun happened to be so coincident that what he found was where he was actually hiding.

So, it was him, again, trying to kill himself.

In the eyes of Ye Shuikong, the disappointment was invisible, only the cold and violent remains.

And when Wu Xingyun saw the broken sky standing behind his back intact, he knew that everything was over.

At this moment, Wu Xingyun had no idea of ​​resistance and even gave up escape.

He watched Ye Suikong step into himself step by step, and stretched his hands around his neck, subconsciously trying to pull the bolt to defend himself, but his gun was easily captured, and he became Ye Suikong's captive and hostage.

Ye Shoukong tightened his arms slightly, and his strong arms almost choked Wu Xingyun.

"Don't think about it, I won't be killed by anyone!" Ye Sukong's voice was ruthless, and his eyes were as sharp as a blade. "You can't kill me just after you lurk, it is even more impossible now!"

After Ye Wukong dragged Wu Xingyun to his temporary defense, he decisively cut off Wu Xingyun's communication device.

The sun is extremely hot. Now that four suns can be seen in the sky, Wu Xingyun feels that he is sweating all over, without the protection of his helmet. In addition, he has only eaten one meal in the past few days and just used it again. With all his energy and ambush, I now only feel abnormally weak.

Killed by him, so be it! Wu Xingyun thought to himself that he had even lost his survival instinct. He closed his eyes slightly, leaning against Ye Shoukong's arms, feeling a burst of energy, only feeling that he could make himself a little more comfortable by relying on that wide chest.

Ye Shoukong didn't speak. He just waited patiently. After Wu Xingyun had reported his death, some troops would come to answer.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the armored vehicle to arrive, and it was better than expected in the night sky. A small fighter was also flying at low altitude, only fifty meters above the ground.

Several soldiers walked forward vigilantly with guns, Ye Yekong secretly looked out from behind obstacles. Unexpectedly, Wen Nuo also came.

"Ghost Locker, where are you? Please answer when you hear it!" The soldiers shouted.

However, Wen Nuo waved his hand to signal that everyone should stop shouting. He knows that Wu Xingyun is probably sad and dead now. I am afraid that this soldier who killed Ye Shuikong could not hear the call of others, let alone, he is now in a painful coma.

With a wave of his hand, Wen Nuo pointed at the obstacles hiding in the night broken sky: "Should be there, go and see, the fighter is stepping up patrol."

The soldiers proceeded carefully towards the obstacles, but did everyone see clearly that a huge black shadow suddenly jumped out from behind the obstacles, the speed was very fast, and the force erupted was also extremely large.

Wen Nuo quickly lay down, but the target of that shadow was not the soldiers on the ground, but fighters only 50 meters high from the ground.

Night Broken Sky As Wen Nuo expected, he did not recover. During the consecutive days of battles, his physical strength was severe, and he just used all his power to resist the ambush of Wu Xingyun, which was almost completely collapsed.

But he has been supporting with a resilience. The belief in his heart is firm, but that is-he will not die, he will live! This is the belief he has held since Nirvana, which has never changed.

He would not be as good as usual, and would have to carry Wu Xingyun, and would be more strenuous. This jump almost exhausted all his strength.

But this jump, also successfully touched the fighter's cabin, he turned over and jumped on the glass cover.

Ye Zhekong didn't talk much. He gave a punch and broke the glass cover of the fighter. After pulling out the faceless driver and tossing it to the ground, Wu Xingyun was thrown in. Then he jumped in himself. .

This is a series of actions, very fast, almost faster than blinking.

When Night Broken Sky had already flown the fighter jet to the atmosphere of Liumangxing, the pilot had not yet landed.

Wen Nuo stared at it all in dismay, he couldn't believe it. Enemies that have been weakened and have been besieged by ghosts for several days have been able to erupt such power and grab a fighter at the last minute.

The speed of the fighter was very fast. Before he could order it, the fighter had become a small black dot, disappearing in the sky, leaving only traces of white clouds in the air, showing that the aircraft had just run at a very fast speed.

After hesitated for half a second, Wen Nuo immediately ordered: "Night Broken Air ran! Driving a B231 fighter, which does not support space navigation, he should-seriously injured, can not run far, mobilize large troops, and block him! "

The fighter plane flew very fast, and the protective cover was broken by a punch in the night sky. When the ground only felt windy, but as it flew higher and higher, Wu Xingyun felt cold and the atmosphere was thin.

He thought--probably it would die like that, that's fine, too.

He didn't say a word from the beginning to the present, only the sound of wind in his ears, and getting colder, and the suffocation caused by the thin air.

"Bangdang", a helmet was thrown into Wu Xingyun's arms, and the tone of the night broken air was still cold: "No death! If you dare to die here, I will kill all your relatives and friends!"

Wu Xingyun put on the helmet he had taken off almost mechanically, and two thoughts in his head kept repeating: Ye Suikong is still alive; he is finished.

Soon, the fighter jet broke through the atmosphere and flew into the universe.

On the ground, other fighters also took off one after another, and came to catch up with the night sky.

This fighter was originally fired for ground combat. It was very small, energy-consuming, and fast, but it could not fly too far.

This type of fighter was used as a carrier of the aircraft carrier in the space war. It was clear that the performance of this fighter was clear at night. When he was out of the atmosphere, he looked around. Soon, he found a nearby six-pointed star. Asteroid.

Ye Shoukong's mouth twitched slightly. He heard Wu Xingyun and Wen Nuo mention it there, which is the Federal Military Museum.

Although some old antiques, among them, there are weapons more suitable for themselves.

This time, he will definitely be able to go back safely, and ... he will never again take care of Wu Xingyun's personal wishes.

Ye Shoukong turned his head slightly, and saw Wu Xingyun sitting beside him without a word of silence, without even resisting, as if he had become a puppet man who had lost his soul.

divorce? peaceful breakup? Last good memories?

Ye Sukong sneered in his heart, yes, he intended to do so, because he didn't want to destroy the fond memories in his heart, because he wanted to give the person he loved the due respect.

But—the reason why the night demon was turned into a demon was not a kind and kind person. People do n’t offend me, I do n’t offend; if anyone offends me, I will let them die, better than life!